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Mystery of Paris.

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Seems like the important missing pieces are probably going to be solved in the supports. Do we have people on that yet?

EDIT: Never mind; I guess we do. And those MU supports are very disappointing.

Edited by Westbrick
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Might be a bit slow, but holy hell, this is all epic. SO epic.

Not only is Paris a total badass, but he's Ike's descendant. Marth and Ike are, in my opinion, the two coolest Lords.. so now this means that they are canonically intertwined to some degree.

So we have Krom, Marth's descendant, and Paris, Ike's descendant, both new badasses, mingling together. I love it!!

Oh, plus his stats are awesome.

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Seems like the important missing pieces are probably going to be solved in the supports. Do we have people on that yet?

EDIT: Never mind; I guess we do. And those MU supports are very disappointing.

Male MU is different, so maybe we can put hope in that.

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Does anybody know the skills that Paris contains. Does he have aether?

As a boss and as a playable character, he has Sword Slayer, Lance Slayer, Axe Slayer, Sol, and Luna.

He cannot learn Aether.

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Same rugged features, same unique style, same expression... definitely Ike's great great great great great great great great great *takes a deep breath* greaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat grandson! I wonder if they have the same appetite?

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It's worth noting that Magvel is now the only continent that has only been featured in one FE game.

Hopefully this trend of revisiting continents to continue their stories instead of tossing out a bunch of new ones will continue.

Edited by Othin
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Well to me, Paris just confirms it. FE14 will be a Tellius game for Wii U (or 3DS, hoping for Wii U).

It's already been hinted at the very end of Radiant Dawn that a thousand years after Ike's time, war is about to break out once again. I'm guessing Paris will be the main character, and that his powered up appearance in this game takes place after his game.

Edited by SilvueWolf
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Well to me, Paris just confirms it. FE14 will be a Tellius game for Wii U (or 3DS, hoping for Wii U).

It's already been hinted at the very end of Radiant Dawn that a thousand years after Ike's time, war is about to break out once again. I'm guessing Paris will be the main character, and that his powered up appearance in this game takes place after his game.

It would just be so fucking awesome because Tellius is such a magnifecent continent , I do like Jugdral to wish they make a Remake for Jugdral games into one game....

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It would just be so fucking awesome because Tellius is such a magnifecent continent , I do like Jugdral to wish they make a Remake for Jugdral games into one game....

Maybe it will show were the taugels came from.

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Well to me, Paris just confirms it. FE14 will be a Tellius game for Wii U (or 3DS, hoping for Wii U).

It's already been hinted at the very end of Radiant Dawn that a thousand years after Ike's time, war is about to break out once again. I'm guessing Paris will be the main character, and that his powered up appearance in this game takes place after his game.

Probably 3DS. FE in handhelds seem to sell better these days than in console.

I was a bit meh about Tellius, so if they are revisiting continents then I prefer Magvel or Jugdral. Paris is wanderer, he can probably show in Magvel/Jugdral/anywhere else just as well as in Tellius.

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Probably 3DS. FE in handhelds seem to sell better these days than in console.

I was a bit meh about Tellius, so if they are revisiting continents then I prefer Magvel or Jugdral. Paris is wanderer, he can probably show in Magvel/Jugdral/anywhere else just as well as in Tellius.

Something tells me they'll keep the Tellius games on consoles. Sort of tradition at this point.

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I do want to see more of Paris, for sure. I wonder if the whole tactician trend will continue. I hope it will, because character creation is fun. Magvel kind of intrested me the least oit of the games I played (which says something since it was the first FE I played) geographically, but if they give the land the same treatment this game has I'll be happy. Though I do hope Innes got with L'arachel and Ephraim with Tana so all 3 countries that had power could be together. Too bad Jehenna won't have as much power, but I guess it'll be cool since Joshua was ruling it (with Natasha, I hope) and it was a desert nation.

Edited by Only My Unit
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Something tells me they'll keep the Tellius games on consoles. Sort of tradition at this point.

No more than it was tradition to have Archanea and Valencia games on consoles.

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