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Rate the Unit, Day 24: Nealuchi


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Dat Rules (borrowed/stolen from Integrity)

- Ratings are assumed to be on Hard Mode (JP Maniac). And only hard mode!

- Votes need some explanation regarding their gameplay performance to be counted. If somebody else said what you want to already, quote them explicitly.

+/- ≤1 point extra regarding personality/appearance is encouraged, but no more. If you exercise your bias privileges, please do so explicitly.

- Numerical votes out of 10, or something proportional to it. Make it easy to calculate for my sake.

- Every ranking phase ends when the next RTU thread is posted (at this point, it's hard to tell).

- I will insist you do not use the "Not X" reason on any character, where X is another unit. If you do, your vote will be thrown out.

- "Recruits X" or "takes you to X chapter" or "Gives you Bronze Sword" arguments are explicitly banned. C'mon, people, this shouldn't need to be a rule. That's not gameplay performance.

- Assume that the character in question is being recruited.

- Similar to the "Recruits X" rule, do not use "she brings a Savior to the team" as an argument.

- BEXP is free to be used in any quantity on any character.

- Skills can be reassigned freely.

- No transfers.

- Anyone that has done a RD RTU withholds the privilege to tell you your rating is bogus and demand you revise it if it breaks any of the above. I will not throw out votes anonymously, you will be informed and given a chance to revise.


Fiona: 1.20

Meg: 1.34

Vika: 2.40

Leonardo: 2.53

Tormod: 3.28

Ilyana: 3.75

Tauroneo: 4.50

Black Knight: 4.60

Maurim: 4.72

Aran: 4.92

Laura: 5.13

Edward: 6.31

Micaiah: 6.50

Marcia: 7.31

Zihark: 7.44

Elincia: 8.21

Leanne: 8.38

Rafiel: 8.45

Jill: 8.46

Volug: 8.87

Sothe: 8.93

Nailah: 9.00

Nolan: 9.06

Leanne got a 8.375 but I rounded it 8.38.

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Nealuchi, Chamberlain to Leanne and old coot of Kilvas.



Really freaking dodgy.

Decent base level.


Strength is pretty low.

Availability is poop.

Strike level is hard to raise.

Nealuchi! RAHH! Hes that old coot you saw in PoR and were going "lol if this guy was playable, hilarity would ensue!" Well, now he's playable. Did hilarity ensue? Sorta. But not in the way i hoped for. I hoped for Old Coot Terror Of The Skies. He isnt bad but not good either. He flies and so hes got canto for hit and run shenaniganry. But his low strength means he's never really ORKOing junk. His growths arent amazing either. Hes super fast though so hes rarely getting hit and thats a plus, but yeah. He can help cripple junk in the chapters in part 2 hes in. His gauge is slow to raise so he may not murder much. (in LTC scenarios, he may not murder at all!) Luckily his gauge is slow to deplete too. So once he IS transformed, he could do a lot of ferrying around. But after part 2, hes gone until part 4. Whats up with that? So many people just disappear! So theres not a lot of time for him to get levels and raise that strike level. Hes at an ok level when we first see him which is good but then when he comes back, hes a bit underleveled. Hes not really useless, just...tough to use.

3/10. 4/10 bias because i <3 Nealuchi! Hes so cute and old!

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He's decent in Part 2, with 36 speed and 27 attack. When he comes back in Part 4, he's terrible, unless you get him to S-Strike in Part 2, then he's just Sub-Par. He can fly in the desert chapter though, and he has canto. He also has innate wrath, for whatever that's worth. He's actually quite durable. He shows up 5 levels lower than Ulki, with 6 less HP, 1 less Def, Same Speed, 1 less Luck and the same Res. They share a Spd and Res growth and Nealuchi has a higher Def and Luk growth. Sure he doesn'y have vigilance, but he still has a very low chance of dying, unless it's against crossbows. But he has terrible availabilty.


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I like Nealuchi ^^' he's very useful in NM but in HM he can't fight very well, getting him S-strike in 2-P is harder too ^^'. I find useful anyway, good chipper in Part 2 and I like saving wildheart so he can ferry Sothe around in 4-3 :^_^:. Other than that his combat is hard to fix, unless it's a draft he'll only need 8 bexp levels to get tear.


Edited by Queen_Emelina
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Nealuchi, Chamberlain to Leanne and old coot of Kilvas.



Really freaking dodgy.

Decent base level.


Strength is pretty low.

Availability is poop.

Strike level is hard to raise.

Nealuchi! RAHH! Hes that old coot you saw in PoR and were going "lol if this guy was playable, hilarity would ensue!" Well, now he's playable. Did hilarity ensue? Sorta. But not in the way i hoped for. I hoped for Old Coot Terror Of The Skies. He isnt bad but not good either. He flies and so hes got canto for hit and run shenaniganry. But his low strength means he's never really ORKOing junk. His growths arent amazing either. Hes super fast though so hes rarely getting hit and thats a plus, but yeah. He can help cripple junk in the chapters in part 2 hes in. His gauge is slow to raise so he may not murder much. (in LTC scenarios, he may not murder at all!) Luckily his gauge is slow to deplete too. So once he IS transformed, he could do a lot of ferrying around. But after part 2, hes gone until part 4. Whats up with that? So many people just disappear! So theres not a lot of time for him to get levels and raise that strike level. Hes at an ok level when we first see him which is good but then when he comes back, hes a bit underleveled. Hes not really useless, just...tough to use.

This, including the stuff about the old coot of the skies, especially that, though 5/10, including bias.

Also, he makes me laugh/be sad because he is almost universally better than Vika at max level, better health, strength, luck, and defense, and the same skill and speed, and yet no one is on his dick as being amazing.

Edited by bottlegnomes
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He's the geezer of the game, and it's always fun to play as an old ass person and kill things, but on the downside...he can't really kill things that well.

For the first few chapters he is in he serves as a decent filler. So it's not like you get him and bench him.

3/10 +1 for being a geezer

So 4/10

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This, including the stuff about the old coot of the skies, especially that, though 5/10, including bias.

Also, he makes me laugh/be sad because he is almost universally better than Vika at max level, better health, strength, luck, and defense, and the same skill and speed, and yet no one is on his dick as being amazing.

Nealuchi doesn't have breasts

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Also, he makes me laugh/be sad because he is almost universally better than Vika at max level, better health, strength, luck, and defense, and the same skill and speed, and yet no one is on his dick as being amazing.

Really? I never got him to really high levels before. I should try that to see if he is more awesome for Endgame. Im sure his strength is better in the long run than Vika.

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Really? I never got him to really high levels before. I should try that to see if he is more awesome for Endgame. Im sure his strength is better in the long run than Vika.

Haven't done it myself, but from the averages on the main site, Nealuchi caps health, strength, speed, luck, and defense, and has 5.8 magic, 16.2 skill (so I was wrong about that one, but it's skill), and 14.5 resistance. Vika caps magic ( :facepalm: ), skill, speed, and resistance, with 54.2 health, 15.75 strength, 31.55 luck, and 11.05 resistance. So Nealuchi is stronger, just as fast, has more avoid, and more durable against physical attacks. Vika has better hit and is slightly more durable magically, 28 or 30 res and 60 health vs 54 health and 36 res.

So the moral of the story, kids, is that Vika isn't good even when she's maxed out :awesome: (<-- greatest emoticon ever, btw, or this :smug: one, not sure)

Edited by bottlegnomes
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Nealuchi is frail, has little availiability, and he can never really do that much damage. He can dodge a lot of things, and his movement helps him with utility, but his strength prevents him from being a tough offensive unit.

So, for a thief-of-the-skies bird laguz... 4/10. There's some bias in there for being able to fight at like 900 years old, and not having the longevity of a dragon.

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:awesome: (<-- greatest emoticon ever, btw, or this :smug: one, not sure)

KnollRoll.gifTangerineemoteNO.gif or any about tangerine


If I ever play through this again I am maxing out Nealuchi just for the fun of it.

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Haven't done it myself, but from the averages on the main site, Nealuchi caps health, strength, speed, luck, and defense, and has 5.8 magic, 16.2 skill (so I was wrong about that one, but it's skill), and 14.5 resistance. Vika caps magic ( :facepalm: ), skill, speed, and resistance, with 54.2 health, 15.75 strength, 31.55 luck, and 11.05 resistance. So Nealuchi is stronger, just as fast, has more avoid, and more durable against physical attacks. Vika has better hit and is slightly more durable magically, 28 or 30 res and 60 health vs 54 health and 36 res.

So the moral of the story, kids, is that Vika isn't good even when she's maxed out :awesome: (<-- greatest emoticon ever, btw, or this :smug: one, not sure)

Hmmm...im gonna test it out on my next run just for the shits and giggles. Ive always wanted to try to max out Nealuchi.

How is nealuchi...weak defensively? When has has great Avo and decent defense + huge HP.

i know right? I think Nealuchi only got hit a couple of times during my whole stint of owning that game and it was never so bad he got crippled. Dude's all speed and avoid.

KnollRoll.gifTangerineemoteNO.gif or any about tangerine


If I ever play through this again I am maxing out Nealuchi just for the fun of it.


Also :smug: is the best one we got so far. (we do need this one though: emot-aaaaa.gif and this one: emot-damn.gif

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Just a quick reminder to everyone who says that nealuchis part two atk is sub par, even in hm he can reach s strike in 2p, he doesnt get as much exp, but his damage output goes up by ten. Snce he kinda always doubles...

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Eh, I never really liked Nealuchi, to be quite honest. He's not all that available, and his Strength is pure crap. Even during Part 2's Prologue, you would expect him to be able to hold his own against a few Dragonknights, but he can barely do that. So I never really bothered with him, and I probably never will.


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Eh, I never really liked Nealuchi, to be quite honest. He's not all that available, and his Strength is pure crap. Even during Part 2's Prologue, you would expect him to be able to hold his own against a few Dragonknights, but he can barely do that. So I never really bothered with him, and I probably never will.

uh, nealuchi pretty much can't get hit in 2-P

no generic dracoknight has more than 31 hit on him assuming neutral bio

i feel like nealuchi is very slightly underrated in general because you can get him a lot of strike rank in part 2 alone, which actually makes his offense usable later (though it still pales in comparison to ulki or janaff

Edited by dondon151
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Id say he is a cool unit to lvl marcia/lincy up. I mean i use him most of time to get others to low hp so marcia/lincy can finish them. I'd say he was so awesome in PoR and now he could be as awesome if we could actually play him more. Having canto and that nice avoid is all good but not beeing able to be used @ all is just meh. Id give him a 4/10 cause with him i can lvl lincy up and i <3 lincy x)

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I like Nealuchi ^^' he's very useful in NM but in HM he can't fight very well, getting him S-strike in 2-P is harder too ^^'. I find useful anyway, good chipper in Part 2 and I like saving wildheart so he can ferry Sothe around in 4-3 :^_^:. Other than that his combat is hard to fix, unless it's a draft he'll only need 8 bexp levels to get tear.


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How is nealuchi...weak defensively? When has has great Avo and decent defense + huge HP.

And having Wrath to make good for this statment's reasoning.


Meanie. x.x


I like Nealuchi ^^' he's very useful in NM but in HM he can't fight very well, getting him S-strike in 2-P is harder too ^^'. I find useful anyway, good chipper in Part 2 and I like saving wildheart so he can ferry Sothe around in 4-3 :^_^:. Other than that his combat is hard to fix, unless it's a draft he'll only need 8 bexp levels to get tear.



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