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June 7th DLC - Eirika


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Please don't kill me when I say the only staff guy I can think of is one of the only dudes in Queen's Blade. I only saw gameplay videos of the SRPG. >.<

I just think that we need more guys with staves. I think that there's still a bit of an attitude amongst some people that women should be back-line support units like healers or medics, whereas guys should be the tough fighter leader types. I wish that the lord of the next FE would be a guy who can wield staves.

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What about Hector? He has a weapon and hasn't shown up as a spotpass candidate.(I think)

We haven't seen the full SpotPass teams for FE7 or FE8 yet, and Hector is a safe bet as a regular character on FE7's team. We've seen the rest, though, so we know Othin isn't on FE5's team.

In a week, we'll see the full FE7 and FE8 teams as enemies in RvB2, which should confirm their teams and implicitly confirm the Villain team. If both Ursula and Selena are absent from RvB2, as I suspect they will be, then we'll be able to confirm all 11 possible characters seen in LvD as missing from the regular teams, which means we'll be able to understand Eltoshen as being not on the regular Villains team and instead just available in IDW.

From that pattern, I think they'll release a fifth set for Lyn, Hector and Celica to include all of the lord/main characters. If anyone else is named in the weapons, they'll get Spotpass or Monster DLC versions.

Not likely. As I've been saying, there just isn't far to go with entire new map sets after LvD. The cast of the map set is LV20 characters, the heroes and villains of the entire FE series, packed with the best weapons and the best skills. I don't think there's much that could follow that.

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Not likely. As I've been saying, there just isn't far to go with entire new map sets after LvD. The cast of the map set is LV20 characters, the heroes and villains of the entire FE series, packed with the best weapons and the best skills. I don't think there's much that could follow that.

Well, they could pull something like what they did with Eltshan and Infinite Divine Weapons for Hector and Celicia.

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Well, they could pull something like what they did with Eltshan and Infinite Divine Weapons for Hector and Celicia.

Not quite. Those use the original art, rather than redesigns: specifically, the art that would be for a SpotPass version, but for characters that don't have actual SpotPass versions. Seems like Eltshan didn't make it into either the FE4 team or the Villain team. On the other hand, Cellica's appearance in KvK2 confirms her as being on the FE2 team, and Hector is almost a certainty for the FE7 team, although we won't be able to confirm this until a week from now.

I'm sure we'll see two more characters released in that way, but the purpose of those characters is a completely different one than that of the regular DLC characters. As I noted earlier, I suspect one will be Othin, as he's absent from the FE5 team, yet other characters referenced in weapon names all seem to appear somehow. Not sure about the last, but we might get a clue at some point.

I mean, we have an axe for Hector and we don't know he's on the FE7 team, but there's really no chance of his absence. Then there's Chris, who's absent despite having an item, but being an MU, any implementation would be rather awkward.

Edited by Othin
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That's the promotion

If so, can she have kids? Or a special "Cook and Clean" ability (Restores HP, adds a random stat up buff)? Cause that would kick ass (unless say, a warrior got +4 magic)

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Damn, Othin, that analysis was fantastic stuff. I would be really happy with a Paladin Eliwood, and my OCD would prefer for there not to be repeating DLC classes. Your proposal seems the most likely by far.

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Not likely. As I've been saying, there just isn't far to go with entire new map sets after LvD. The cast of the map set is LV20 characters, the heroes and villains of the entire FE series, packed with the best weapons and the best skills. I don't think there's much that could follow that.

I still think they could pull something special for a level 5 scenario... Especially now that we're seeing two characters from FE8, it'll be odd if FE7's DLC representation is just a single lord. Also, FE9 was one of the worst selling FEs in Japan and even so it's seemingly going to get two DLC units. I can understand FE 1/3 getting only one DLC unit, because it had only one Lord character, but if other games seem to be getting full representation for their lords, it'll be odd if FE7 is the one game that gets represented by only one lord in spite of having more.

If your guess about Eltshan is correct and he was added just by that DLC and is a character beyond the 120 spotpass ones, I think it opens more possibilities for something beyond LvsD. They could make the last DLC map set battles against god-like beings like Dark Dragon Medeus and Ashera as final bosses of sorts for the DLC campaign, different from the usual pattern of facing a bunch of spotpass units.

Edited by NeonZ
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Consider, though, that Ike and Elincia double for FE10 characters too, so it's more like 3 DLC characters for Tellius, 2 for Magvel, 2 for Elibe, 3 for Jugdral, and 2 for Archanea.

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I support the combination of lances and staves for Lord variety.

Edit: @ Othin: Every. Single. Final. Boss. Yes, Medeus twice.

Or thrice, I hear?


Medeus comes back after you kill him, much like Ashnard on hard in FE9.

Honestly, I'm not sure this would be that fun in practice, but I suppose with all this out of FE13 dlc it's to be expected.

Now, what does this mean for the future of DLC? Well, let's take a look. In the two vs. sets, both have had their second map involve a character in a new class emphasizing some three-weapon combination featuring a previously absent two-weapon combination. We have Alm with swords/axes/tomes, and we have Eirika with swords/bows/staffs. The obvious final combination as a gender-neutral class to secure the final two two-weapon combinations is lance/bow/tome.

Hmm, but if the whole point of the three weapon sets was to introduce hitherto unseen weapon combinations, why would it need to be three classes? Or more specifically, to avoid a weapon availability breakdown that shows three classes would be required, why did they make two of the classes use swords, when there's already a class combining sword with every other weapon, and they could have used Ephraim, Micaiah and Elincia who aren't stuck on swords? Without demon fighter or bride, the weapon combos missing, not counting stone, are Bow/lance, bow/tome, bow/staff and axe/tome. They could have eliminated all of those with just two classes. Or made one of the aforementioned lords who doesn't specialize in swords be a special class - Elincia would work especially well since, even though she does normally use swords, doesn't have the amiti in the sword list.

BTW, I can't think of any other FE game where there's been an instance of every single possible weapon combination being accessible. Maybe FE2, I haven't played it. I'm pretty sure FE4 lacks most or all combinations of melee and dark magic - not to mention players not being able to use dark magic - otherwise coming closest thanks to master knight (also baron I guess).

Now, who are the candidates? Well, we have three character DLC maps remaining. They will contain Ike, Sigurd, and an FE7 rep: there is no question of this. Now, who could plausibly take on this final DLC class? Only two possible characters actually use lances: Sigurd and Eliwood. Then there's the question of which of the two would give up their specialty in swords for the class. The evidence lies in the weapons Eliwood's Steelsword and Sigurd's Steellance. I would not expect Eliwood to give up the sword bearing his name, while Sigurd could keep his lance. So I suspect we will see Sigurd taking on this final DLC class for LvD2, a mounted gender-neutral lance/bow/tome class. While not a perfect transcription of the original, I think that until we get more information, we can call this class Master Knight.

Considering how much trouble people here had believing that Lyn would abandon the Sol Katti, it seems strange that Sigurd would abandon the Tyrfing. The two player controlled master knights exclusively use swords as an offensive weapon prior to promotion, and Lachesis also loses staves, so it also seems strange to have a Master Knight that abandons the weapons of its root class (admittedly, I recognize that FE10 dragon riders main axes).

Ephraim would have made a perfect "master knight" according to this weapon set, considering he uses lances and doesn't specialize in swords. Why didn't they use him?

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Medeus comes back after you kill him, much like Ashnard on hard in FE9.

Honestly, I'm not sure this would be that fun in practice, but I suppose with all this out of FE13 dlc it's to be expected.

Hmm, but if the whole point of the three weapon sets was to introduce hitherto unseen weapon combinations, why would it need to be three classes? Or more specifically, to avoid a weapon availability breakdown that shows three classes would be required, why did they make two of the classes use swords, when there's already a class combining sword with every other weapon, and they could have used Ephraim, Micaiah and Elincia who aren't stuck on swords? Without demon fighter or bride, the weapon combos missing, not counting stone, are Bow/lance, bow/tome, bow/staff and axe/tome. They could have eliminated all of those with just two classes. Or made one of the aforementioned lords who doesn't specialize in swords be a special class - Elincia would work especially well since, even though she does normally use swords, doesn't have the amiti in the sword list.

BTW, I can't think of any other FE game where there's been an instance of every single possible weapon combination being accessible. Maybe FE2, I haven't played it. I'm pretty sure FE4 lacks most or all combinations of melee and dark magic - not to mention players not being able to use dark magic - otherwise coming closest thanks to master knight (also baron I guess).

Considering how much trouble people here had believing that Lyn would abandon the Sol Katti, it seems strange that Sigurd would abandon the Tyrfing. The two player controlled master knights exclusively use swords as an offensive weapon prior to promotion, and Lachesis also loses staves, so it also seems strange to have a Master Knight that abandons the weapons of its root class (admittedly, I recognize that FE10 dragon riders main axes).

Ephraim would have made a perfect "master knight" according to this weapon set, considering he uses lances and doesn't specialize in swords. Why didn't they use him?

He wouldn't be able to use his own weapon; whether it's Ephraim's Steel Sword or the Rapier.

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hey guys










best class ever

on par with the legendary CALCULATOR and FARMER

Eirika is also pretty cool and frivolous with her new outfit.

Edited by Refa
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It doesn't matter because:

Especially since Dark tomes are numerous enough to count as it's own magic type.

But it would allow Lyn to be put into the Assassin/Bow Knight/whatever class and retain her Bow usage and still use her signature weapon. Sounds pretty good to me, I still don't still the big massive issue, and yes, I heard you and the others try to explain it, I just don't buy it.

Plus what Lumi said.

By the way Othin, Dark Blessing IS exclusive to SpotPass/DLC because as far as I know Inverse's recruitment is from a SpotPass Gaiden. Not to mention Demon Fighter class skills! And besides it's not like they couldn't break an arbitrary pattern anyway.

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And no, a special skill is not a possibility. There are currently no skills that are restricted to only DLC characters, or even to SpotPass and DLC characters. All the skills are available in some form to permanent characters. And no, don't say Dark Blessing. Inverse has been confirmed as playable, so while it's not restricted yet, it is clear that it will not be restricted in the long term.

Even though I agree with your analysis I don't really see the problem here.Why?Because they can simply make that skill a reward for beating lyns chapter,like the paragon skill.

But I agree,that it wouldn't be very useful,so maybe it could have some other effect like critical+10 or so,with the solkatti-granting effect as a side effect.

Granted there isn't any skill that grants 2 different effects and it isn't even sure if Lyn appears as a downloadable character at all,but it is still a possibility.

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Hmm, but if the whole point of the three weapon sets was to introduce hitherto unseen weapon combinations, why would it need to be three classes? Or more specifically, to avoid a weapon availability breakdown that shows three classes would be required, why did they make two of the classes use swords, when there's already a class combining sword with every other weapon, and they could have used Ephraim, Micaiah and Elincia who aren't stuck on swords? Without demon fighter or bride, the weapon combos missing, not counting stone, are Bow/lance, bow/tome, bow/staff and axe/tome. They could have eliminated all of those with just two classes. Or made one of the aforementioned lords who doesn't specialize in swords be a special class - Elincia would work especially well since, even though she does normally use swords, doesn't have the amiti in the sword list.

BTW, I can't think of any other FE game where there's been an instance of every single possible weapon combination being accessible. Maybe FE2, I haven't played it. I'm pretty sure FE4 lacks most or all combinations of melee and dark magic - not to mention players not being able to use dark magic - otherwise coming closest thanks to master knight (also baron I guess).

They could have gone with the combinations with just two classes, but that would require packing lance/bow, axe/tome, bow/tome, and bow/staff into those classes. That would pretty much entail one being lance/bow/staff and the other being axe/bow/tome. And maybe they just didn't want those combinations; they were more interested in making three classes with more flexibility and combinations that might suit the characters better?

Especially because they wanted three DLC vs. map sets and their pattern was to make the second map of each set have a new class. They've been holding religiously to patterns, and it makes sense, because it gives people a reason to buy each new DLC. Consider how the last DLC set had KvK3, with the Paragon skill. Then they drop back to a two-week pattern, but then they offer a new class with Eirika in RvB2, the next release, then the next release two weeks later has another new skill... and then we wait two more weeks for LvD2 and just get a character with no special class, no special skill. Would be kind of disappointing, wouldn't it?

I can't think of another FE game that had every weapon combination, either. But I also can't think of another FE game with the Battle Cleric and Dark Pegasus classes, then expanding on the list with Demon Fighter, Bride, and likely a third new class. FE13 is coming very close to that in what seems to be a deliberate effort: it makes sense as a way of differentiating the new DLC classes, and only two weapon combinations now remain. If they make a third class, as makes sense with their pattern, and add just one more weapon combination, then only one more will remain. That sounds odd, doesn't it? To have all but one?

Considering how much trouble people here had believing that Lyn would abandon the Sol Katti, it seems strange that Sigurd would abandon the Tyrfing. The two player controlled master knights exclusively use swords as an offensive weapon prior to promotion, and Lachesis also loses staves, so it also seems strange to have a Master Knight that abandons the weapons of its root class (admittedly, I recognize that FE10 dragon riders main axes).

Ephraim would have made a perfect "master knight" according to this weapon set, considering he uses lances and doesn't specialize in swords. Why didn't they use him?

I'm not so sure Tyrfing is a personal weapon so much as something that got brought over with the FE4 holy weapons. Consider that in SpotPass and DLC so far, Sigurd has been using Sigurd's Steellance and lances in general at least as much as the Tyrfing and swords. Meanwhile, the real issue with Lyn is that if they really did want to make her into an Assassin, the sensible thing would have been to make the Sol Katti not class-locked enough to prevent that in the first place.

I believe I addressed Ephraim earlier. Having two characters from FE8 with the special classes would be rather strange, especially if the classes were not balanced by being the male/female counterparts, but instead being the female and gender-neutral counterparts. Furthermore, if they wanted to avoid tow Paladins, then perhaps they decided Ephraim would make the most sensible Great Knight of himself, Eliwood, and Sigurd.

As for the Master Knight class, the name was more of a hypothesis rather than a statement that they would use that name. However, if they did, then Sigurd would have to be the one to get it, as an FE4 character.

By the way Othin, Dark Blessing IS exclusive to SpotPass/DLC because as far as I know Inverse's recruitment is from a SpotPass Gaiden. Not to mention Demon Fighter class skills! And besides it's not like they couldn't break an arbitrary pattern anyway.

Not the same thing. Inverse is an FE13 character who has lines and supports and joins permanently. You use SpotPass to download her map, but afterwards, she's treated as a regular character. Lyn is a past-game character who has no lines and joins only through dimension weirdness. She is furthermore not necessarily a permanent character, as she is counted as one of the bonus characters, and you can only keep up to 20 of them.

I explicitly addressed Demon Fighter. Its two skills are available to all male characters: I've taught them to MU, Sol, and others. In contrast, such a skill as you propose would have to be restricted to Lyn and never under any conditions be available to other characters.

Could they break a pattern? I'm not so sure. IS is holding very carefully to certain patterns here, and this seems like a sensible one. Consider how RvB2 is mirroring KvK2 precisely, with an outsider character showing up with their unrelated team and their own gender-based class. I don't buy that they could set up all of this so perfectly without great concern for their patterns.

Even though I agree with your analysis I don't really see the problem here.Why?Because they can simply make that skill a reward for beating lyns chapter,like the paragon skill.

But I agree,that it wouldn't be very useful,so maybe it could have some other effect like critical+10 or so,with the solkatti-granting effect as a side effect.

Granted there isn't any skill that grants 2 different effects and it isn't even sure if Lyn appears as a downloadable character at all,but it is still a possibility.

Don't think so. The others so far have dramatic, stand-alone effects, and are available only through the scroll: the character doesn't join with it.

Edited by Othin
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Blast it, Othin! You beat me to the same conclusion yet again. Excellent analysis as always, but just for my own peace of mind I'll add my small 2 cents anyway.

There is most assuredly a pattern and everything thus far fits into.

Spirit Talisman

Marth - Star Lord [Emblem]

Roy - Mercenary [Elibe Lord]

Micaiah - Dark Mage [Tellius]

King vs King

Leaf - Trickster [Judgral Side]

Alm - Demon Fighter [Outsider]

Celice - Swordmaster [2nd Lord Judgral/Judgral Side]

For this set, we already had Marth so he wasn't an issue as far as being recruited. They needed a place to stick Alm and he fit perfectly here while Leaf and Celice add two of the three Judgral Lord's. Because of "Sigurd's Steel Lance" it makes sense that they're leaving Tyrfing to Celice and letting Sigurd use Lances primarily for later on.

Red vs Blue

Elincia - Falcon Knight [blue Side]

Eirika - Bride [Outsider]

Eliwood - Paladin [2nd Lord Elibe/Red Side]

This set, again Roy is already covered so we don't have to worry about him. We were curious as to what to do with Eirika were she to fit in our pattern and here she is, complete with the new class. For the final spot, we'd need someone from FE7 to get one rep from each of the GBA titles. Eliwood as the Paladin ensures that we won't end up with a duplicate class and everything works out nicely.

Light vs Dark

Ephraim - Great Knight

Sigurd - Master Knight

Ike - Paris' Class

Now here's where I differ slightly from Othin. The characters themselves are the same, but it's the classes that are different. The only difference? Assuming this "Paris" has another class, I think Ike will share it. My reasoning? To avoid doubles. Ike being a Hero makes perfect sense, but he and Roy would essentially be the same class. I don't think they intend to do two characters in the same class tree, thus Ike will use Paris' class. The reasons against it would be that, compared to Marth, no other Lord comes close to warranting the use of a special non-DLC only class. It'd be easy to make Ike a Hero and give him Aether, as Ephraim has Valhart's Conqueror skill it isn't un-warranted. This is the only part of my own deduction that I'm not 100% confident in.

Edited by Shun One
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I just realized a few interesting things about Eliwood if he's the 3rd recruitable in RvB:

- All three characters will have names starting with an 'E': Erincia/Elincia, Eirik/Eirika, and Eliwod/Eliwood

- Red and blue will both be represented by hair colors: Eliwood has red hair while Eirika has blue.

Maybe minor, but I think they're extra fuel that Eliwood will be the FE7 rep instead of Lyn somehow sneaking in.

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