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rom hacking forum: the dimwit saga

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This kid can't be much older than 10...

Cam joined SF at 10, or so I've heard.

Oh wait, Cams a ****ing genius, this guy is to Klokler as Hawk King is to Drafters

Trying to imagine what would happen if mr bladehero found this thread.

We all get popcorn and a lawn chair, and enjoy the ranting, before he gets warned.

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You're too biased, too close to the subject. We are currently aquisitioning data about the subject and require you to refrain from fornicating with the subject until further notice.

Best regards, Spiderman.

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I have to agree with Ein here, guys. That guy, Bladehero, got on a lot of people's bad sides (including mine), and he really screwed up when he blasted CrashGordon for (pretty much) no reason. But that withstanding that, a lot of you guys have a tendency to be needlessly harsh and judgmental. It is possible to get your point across without being such a jerk about it. Honestly, I don't know why I'm even bothering with this post ... I doubt anyone's going to listen to me. But Ein has a point, even if I don't agree with his choice of words. Some people do really stupid things. Some people may be really difficult to sympathize with. But there is no need to respond with such hostility and condensation either.

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While it's funny and a good read (moreso the image are great), I don't find it cool that people fly off the handle at what may or may not be a trolling attempt. Chill, kids. Kick back and drink a beer. Let morons be morons. They'll learn one day - and while they are learning, enjoy the spectacle. Don't get annoyed.

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While it's funny and a good read (moreso the image are great), I don't find it cool that people fly off the handle at what may or may not be a trolling attempt. Chill, kids. Kick back and drink a beer. Let morons be morons. They'll learn one day - and while they are learning, enjoy the spectacle. Don't get annoyed.

If it's about the spectacle, why begrudge those who join in? When you've joined in something that has nothing to do with you before, and been more vehement about a situation than those directly concerned, why begrudge those who do so now? "Let morons be morons."

Is there something bad about being annoyed? If there is, the person might be better off just closing the tab that's annoying them, than trying to acquire a taste for it. Seems like people often get annoyed enough at unavoidable incidents that they don't need to subject themselves to more stuff they find unpleasant until they acquire a resistance. The other thing...if you've been sad about something, has anyone ever told you "don't be sad about it, be happy instead" and did that work for you?

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Ok I just woke up so don't taze me if I sound more retarded than usual.

If it's about the spectacle, why begrudge those who join in? When you've joined in something that has nothing to do with you before, and been more vehement about a situation than those directly concerned, why begrudge those who do so now? "Let morons be morons."

I agree with you for the most part. What I mean is, people should enjoy the initial spectacle - the apparent troll/total nub trying to do their stuff. My opinion is to not let this, or things like it, get to you so you don't react in a negative manner, because if you do, the troll is being fed, thus is winning. While a ragepost against such a troll/noob is entertaining to read, I don't think it's the right way to act regardless of who it is or what they are saying or doing. You're never going to get rid of trolls/noobs. The best way to go about it is to either ignore or try to be genuinely helpful, without becoming annoyed, I reckon.

Is there something bad about being annoyed? If there is, the person might be better off just closing the tab that's annoying them, than trying to acquire a taste for it. Seems like people often get annoyed enough at unavoidable incidents that they don't need to subject themselves to more stuff they find unpleasant until they acquire a resistance. The other thing...if you've been sad about something, has anyone ever told you "don't be sad about it, be happy instead" and did that work for you?

Nothing bad about becoming annoyed per se, it just looks uncool, as stated in my previous post. If something's annoying, just humour it. Or ignore it. Anything but get angry and retaliate in such an angry, unfriendly manner.

If I've been sad about something, I ask myself "Can I change this so it doesn't make me sad?" If yes, then I try to change it. If no, I try not to let it get me down and block it from my thoughts - que sera, sera.

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While it's funny and a good read (moreso the image are great), I don't find it cool that people fly off the handle at what may or may not be a trolling attempt. Chill, kids. Kick back and drink a beer. Let morons be morons. They'll learn one day - and while they are learning, enjoy the spectacle. Don't get annoyed.

Bladehero is almost definitely not a troll; I've seen some of his Skypechats about being a 'hacking student', dating from months back.

If he IS a troll, then I salute him.

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something else that made me laugh was when seph said something about his Elphin sprite.

and then he posted it. I was rolling with that one.

but OH THOU ILLITERATE LOITERER got quite the chuckle from me as well. Excellent job sir furetchen.

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//post dissing amazing furetchen rant//

//dislike button//

I wasn't pointing fingers at anyone or anything, but yeah Furet's methods - despite being funny - are not how I'd go about confronting a person. No disrespect intended.

Bladehero is almost definitely not a troll; I've seen some of his Skypechats about being a 'hacking student', dating from months back.

If he IS a troll, then I salute him.

Oh, I know he's not trolling.

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I wasn't pointing fingers at anyone or anything, but yeah Furet's methods - despite being funny - are not how I'd go about confronting a person. No disrespect intended.

None taken. if people went around confronting people like this in real life face-to-face things would get interesting pretty quickly

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I wasn't pointing fingers at anyone or anything, but yeah Furet's methods - despite being funny - are not how I'd go about confronting a person. No disrespect intended.

Hahaha. Oh man. That's rich.

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