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Rate the Unit: Day 39 - Titania

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Dat Rules (borrowed/stolen from Integrity)

- Ratings are assumed to be on Hard Mode (JP Maniac). And only hard mode!

- Votes need some explanation regarding their gameplay performance to be counted. If somebody else said what you want to already, quote them explicitly.

+/- ≤1 point extra regarding personality/appearance is encouraged, but no more. If you exercise your bias privileges, please do so explicitly.

- Numerical votes out of 10, or something proportional to it. Make it easy to calculate for my sake.

- Every ranking phase ends when the next RTU thread is posted (at this point, it's hard to tell).

- I will insist you do not use the "Not X" reason on any character, where X is another unit. If you do, your vote will be thrown out.

- "Recruits X" or "takes you to X chapter" or "Gives you Bronze Sword" arguments are explicitly banned. C'mon, people, this shouldn't need to be a rule. That's not gameplay performance.

- Assume that the character in question is being recruited.

- Similar to the "Recruits X" rule, do not use "she brings a Savior to the team" as an argument.

- BEXP is free to be used in any quantity on any character.

- Skills can be reassigned freely.

- No transfers.

- Anyone that has done a RD RTU withholds the privilege to tell you your rating is bogus and demand you revise it if it breaks any of the above. I will not throw out votes anonymously, you will be informed and given a chance to revise.


Fiona: 1.20

Meg: 1.34

Astrid: 2.10

Lethe: 2.21

Vika: 2.40

Leonardo: 2.53

Lucia: 3.06

Danved: 3.11

Tormod: 3.28

Brom: 3.56

Ilyana: 3.75

Makalov: 4.00

Nealuchi: 4.41

Tauroneo: 4.50

Geoffery: 4.50

Black Knight: 4.60

Maurim: 4.72

Kieran: 4.82

Aran: 4.92

Laura: 5.13

Heather: 5.29

Edward: 6.31

Micaiah: 6.50

Calill: 6.59

Mordecai: 7.17

Marcia: 7.31

Zihark: 7.44

Nephenee: 7.74

Elincia: 8.21

Leanne: 8.38

Rafiel: 8.45

Jill: 8.46

Volug: 8.87

Sothe: 8.93

Nailah: 9.00

Nolan: 9.06

Ike: 9.28

Haar: 9.91

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-Use Axe

-Good offense

-Good defend(at lease for a while)


-Not overlevel


-Not too important in her chapter, she is just another good unit among many good units

8.5 + 0.5 bias for many screen time in story.



Edited by Jimmy_Smith
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Great Bases

Great Growths

Great Availability




Not to much

9/10 +.5 bias for being such a great person from PoR til RD. I always loved her.


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Titania, deputy commander of the Greil Mercenaries.



Good bases.

Good growths.

Highest base level of the GMs.




HP is a little on the low side.

Titania (aka Tits McGee) is not too different from her PoR self. But now shes not a prepromote. (in a manner of speaking.) Shes at a higher level than everyone else on the team though. Her bases are nice and her strength is great. Her growths are pretty nice too. Shes only a few levels away from third tier and she doesnt really even need BEXP. Titania is gonna axe junk in the face a lot. Her defense isnt totally spectacular to begin with but she can grow. Shes got a horsie and in a lot of the GM chapters, horsie is good. Theres only like two chapters in part 3 that go "lol horses.." like 3-7 and 3-4. Oh well. Her HP isnt all that gr9 however, so she might see some close calls. Counter is a shitty skill..omg...Once she promotes and gets Sol, her HP problems arent a big deal anymore. Her part 4 is pretty good too. Shes just...really solid.

8.5/10. 9/10 bias because i always liked her.

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Awesome bases, 9 move and high availability. Good growths spread, canto, can quickly get to the promotion bonuses etc. Just an awesome unit. Her only flaw is that she is not Haar.

9.5 + 0.5 bias, 10/10

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Once she promotes and gets Sol, her HP problems arent a big deal anymore.

Sol's activation rate is Skill/2, which is, to say the least, not that reliable.

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Haar on a horse, which means she's awesome. Starts incredibly high-leveled, promotes early, has the game's best weapon and uses it well, and she's Titania. Enough said.


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I see no flaws in Titania. She starts amazing, high leveled, and doesn't slow down.

10/10 best original GM unit.

Edited by Folgore Blue
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-The gold knight with crimson hair

-She comes into battle, and in a flash she defeats any opponent who gets in her way

-Titania, probably my favorite female character in all of FE (barring Eirika of course) and in my top 5 characters period.

She's awesome... just plain awesome. She joins at a high lvl with great bases and has sexy growths. Seriously, I like how IS wasn't sexist with her growths this time, have you SEEN her Atk growth, which is mucho impressive. She's one of your point fighters in hard mode, and never misses a beat. You have her solo entire sections of certain maps because she doesn't have blindpoints. (fair defense and excellent Res for a fighter) She's awesome in hard mode, and overkill in anything else. It's a pity she's nerfed in 2 chapters. She's useful in every point of the game and she only gets better when she promotes. Beautiful in every way, I wish more units were like her. Glad IS didn't go "lol low atk growth high skill and speed growths." Instead they made her good at everything and it WORKS.

Perfect 10/10

PS: Haar on a horse doesn't do her justice :P

Edited by Starwave
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+That strength base + growth + axes

+Generally grows pretty well across the board


+Will likely be your first 3rd tier without a master seal

+Probably my favourite female character in Fire Emblem from a story/design perspective


+The game is occasionally horse-unfriendly

+HP base is a little on the low side

+33 speed cap

Titania is the best paladin, no doubt about it. Solid growths, has a good chance of capping a lot of stats without even using bexp, and is no slouch with axes. She's just so good. Her only real problem is that her speed is capped at 33. There's a lot of competition over who gets to use the Urvan and I think Boyd wins out most of the time for that one, though Titania is no slouch either. I still like to take Titania along to endgame for her contributions in the early floors before her speed becomes a problem. For all the chapters before that, Titania is an elite.

If only gold paladin caps were higher, Titania would be rocking just as hard as anyone could ask of her in endgame. But before that, Titania is an exemplary unit on a team of other exemplary units who don't need her Jeigan status too much anymore. Not that I'm complaining. Still, by comparison, even though Titania is awesome, she's not as stand-out as Sothe in the DB chapters, or Haar. If only Titania had wings, really.

I'll give her a 9/10, with a +1 bias for 10/10. She's not Haar-fly-across-the-map-potshots-good or Ike-essential, but she's CLOSE, and her personality rocks. I don't think she's worth a 10/10 on application alone, but she's so close.

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+That strength base + growth + axes

+Generally grows pretty well across the board


+Will likely be your first 3rd tier without a master seal

+Probably my favourite female character in Fire Emblem from a story/design perspective


+The game is occasionally horse-unfriendly

+HP base is a little on the low side

+33 speed cap

Titania is the best paladin, no doubt about it. Solid growths, has a good chance of capping a lot of stats without even using bexp, and is no slouch with axes. She's just so good. Her only real problem is that her speed is capped at 33. There's a lot of competition over who gets to use the Urvan and I think Boyd wins out most of the time for that one, though Titania is no slouch either. I still like to take Titania along to endgame for her contributions in the early floors before her speed becomes a problem. For all the chapters before that, Titania is an elite.

If only gold paladin caps were higher, Titania would be rocking just as hard as anyone could ask of her in endgame. But before that, Titania is an exemplary unit on a team of other exemplary units who don't need her Jeigan status too much anymore. Not that I'm complaining. Still, by comparison, even though Titania is awesome, she's not as stand-out as Sothe in the DB chapters, or Haar. If only Titania had wings, really.

I'll give her a 9/10, with a +1 bias for 10/10. She's not Haar-fly-across-the-map-potshots-good or Ike-essential, but she's CLOSE, and her personality rocks. I don't think she's worth a 10/10 on application alone, but she's so close.


Except I'd give her a 10/10 without the bias. =)

And after promotion having Sol gets her to absorb health everytime it activates making her an even better frontliner. Godsend.

Edited by アイネ
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Pretty awesome unit for the Mercs. Haar sans Wings is a pretty solid description of her. Her durability is kinda meh though. If Haar gets a Speedwings, then Titania ends up getting the 3-1 Seraph Robe. Otherwise, she'll take the Speedwing. She's basically rocking the whole game, although 3-7 and 3-8 aren't too kind to her.

10/10 with bias.

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Titania is... is... she is greatest gold knight in all the game!!! ( I think xD )

She is great and doesn't have any letdown... a pretty good unit, with great bases, good growths and has a super pony

Score 10/10

Edited by Enex
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<3 Titania, pretty much one of the few characters in Radiant dawn not to have an axed personality/ stats


- great offensive

- great defense

- strong movement

- Kinda hot wink.gif (i kinda have a thing for older women)

-great female character (and especially good for Radiant dawns cardboard cast)


- horse rider? (well there is a lot of levels that are made to weaken horses)

rating- 10/10 a fantastic unit who pretty much destroys the opposition

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She's like >.15 away from beating Haar.

Gonna give her the Ike treatment and give her an extended day, and then Soren's will go back to the normal schedule of ~7pm PST.

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I'm gonna laugh my ass off if Titania somehow beats Haar.

No way.

She can't fly.

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