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DLC (6/21) Light Vs Dark 2


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The reason why Celica looking 14 instead of her actual age of 16 is a problem because. . .?

She doesn't look like she's 14 in this artwork. She looks like she's 11 or 12. Which is why I said what I said.
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Gamefaqs people looked into the artist and came to some interesting conclusions at the end of this thread.

Interesting. I also came across that saitom twitter and pixiv account last night from kymg's twitter. The style was very similar though I see a bit of difference which is why I was hesitant to make a conclusion, but maybe he altered it a bit for various reasons? I know I change my shading style about every month or so, so it's not out of the question.

Huh. Nintendo, why would you hire that kind of artist? X'D

Not the first time. Shirou Masamune (FE11) apparently was a ero-artist as well, even though he's more known for Ghost in the Shell. At this this guy can draw unlike Masamune. Does it really matter what they've done in the past as long as they have artistic skills?

Edited by Fat Bunny
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Gogo. I think I saw a few relevant posts in there by the Kanji, but I can't read anything written in Kana.

He's got a good number of Twitters that read "Sorry, I'm busy with work".

A search of Japan's Google brought up this page, where the author states "This artist is probably some unknown dude". Seems like we've got a newbie artist on our hands; if so, he did a damn good job of it.

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I'm all for Nintendo hiring people off pixiv. God knows new artists without so much fame need a way of making money.

Now Ninty give me Agahari!Sigurd

I think it's refreshing, as long as it's not some of the more, um, interesting artists I've seen. Also, YA2!Eliwood, even if no one knows who that artist is.

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I think his point is that Hector's weapon set is represented by Hero, aka sword/axes. Though, Lyn's sword/bows is represented by Assassin, if we're just talking about weapons and not how well the class actually fits the character.

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I have a theory.

Everyone who makes an incorrect prediction about FE13 will be drawn and quartered.

Just be sure to bury me with my money.

I realized I forgot to comment, but I like Celica's design. I guess I should be saying I like her illustration since she's literally just a Sage.

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That's why I think Ike with Paris' class will be the final DLC. It'd be the only DLC character to have a class that no one else could (potentially) Class Change to aside from the only other character with the class.

i also think that ike will come with a class unique to him(and maybe paris),to mirror marths star lord class.

Either something like vanguard or maybe even something like legend^^

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This is an interesting thought. I could see it happening, but I don't think we'll get a villain. The exclusion of Ike in the DLC sets would just be...odd. Not as odd as Sigurd given the "Pass the torch" nature of FE4's story. But if we assume that Valencia and Magvel are being counted as part of Elibe and Akanea, then what we currently have is:

Akanea: Marth, Alm, Celica

Judgral: Celice, Leaf

Elibe: Roy, Eirika, Ephraim

Tellius: Elincia, Micaiah

which looks pretty strange if they were going for a set number of characters per continent? FE7 has to get someone at some point and that'd boost Elibe up to 4 where as the only group that could potentially combat this is Akanea were it to get someone else added (but who's left? Camus?)


Alternatively, if Camus is supposed to take the spot of LvD3, then Ike could potentially take the FE7 reps spot. That would just be strange to exclude an entire game fro the DLC however. I don't see this happening in any scenario. It'd mean we either lose a game from the series, or lose the major player of another (Ike).

- -

As for what Celica means for the pattern, I believe I mentioned it in the last thread that Sigurd was the only spot up for contention and what do you know, here's Celica taking Sigurd's proposed spot. I can now see the reasoning behind Dark Mage Micaiah considering Celica was planned to take the Sage spot. This makes me think, as others have said, that there isn't another DLC Class. If such a class exists, I'm not sure where it could show up outside of a stand-alone map. Also, if Sigurd will eventually appear, the idea of Overlord Sigurd isn't completely unreasonable, but due to the nature of the class it's unlikely.

According to the "Each Set's Map get's a character" then RvB3 must be an FE7 character and LvD3 must be Ike (considering he's the only Tellius Lord left). As has been pointed out, Celice is a Swordmaster so Lyn is redundant, Hector barely has any presence in any DLC maps, so Eliwood should get the spot as the main character.

- -

What's left that could happen is instead of Ike and Eliwood, we get Camus and Eliwood to give the villains team some DLC.

At any rate, in 2 weeks RvB3 will be announced.

This is all so confusing. Cellica, you're adorable and all, but you messed with everything. A second Akanea character would make things super confusing as to who would get the spot, so it's probably best to leave untouched. If we go with the four major continents getting three reps, then no one from FE7 gets a spot. It's probably safer to assume that Eliwood gets a spot because leaving out one of the best selling games in the series is just... wrong.

KvK had Archanea and Jungral as the two main forces, with Valensia appearing as something like a sidestory. We've got five characters from these teams (Marth, Alm, Cellica, Celice and Leaf).

RvB had Elibe and Tellius as the two big guys with Magvel as a side. So far, we've got five here as well (Roy, Eirika, Ephraim, Elincia and Micaiah).

Looking at the DLC names, KvK is Marth vs Celice, not Marth vs Sigurd.

Hero King Marth--the kind King of Archanea. Celice the Earl of Light--the noble King of Jugdral. These two kings continue their battles in the Other-world and Krom decides to lend a hand to Celice to defeat Marth's army.".

No mention of Sigurd' date=' just Marth and Celice.

And here's one from RvB:

The red-haired lion, Roy--Elibe's young hero. The Hero of the Blue Flames, Ike--Tellius's infamous mercenary. These two heroes' armies are locked in a never-ending war in the Other-world. Krom decides to lend a hand to Ike to defeat Roy's army

Roy vs Ike. This seems to imply that Ike gets a spot as DLC since he is one of the four continent leaders.

But this is something that bugs me:

Light--It protects people' date=' guiding them towards peace. Darkness--It opposses light and enters conflict with it. These two forces continue their never-ending war in the Other-world. Krom decides to lend a hand to the agents of darkness to defeat the warriors of light.[/quote']

What is there for there to be a third chapter with? We've got Krom siding with the Light, and now the darkness. There isn't a third side to draw things from.

But, if there is a chance for there to be a third DLC class, Eirika has shown that you aren't required to use the weapons that you used in your first game (Bows/Tome Ike would be odd, but given what happened to Eirika, it is possible).

Eliwood/Lyn and Ike seem like the two biggest choices for any remaining DLC spots. KvK had a DLC for each of the three continents involved. RvB would require a DLC for an Elibe character, which means that Eliwood/Lyn would get the spot, and I've already touched on Ike.

The reason I'm still saying that Lyn has a chance though is because Eirika showed us that your unique DLC class doesn't require you to use the weapons you use in your old game. Bows/Tomes would look awkward with any of the three characters, but it is certainly possible given Eirika's situation.

One thing I just realized about this DLC: Mila's Divine Protection as the map theme! Make it happen.

Edited by Lucina
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The problem with the idea of a new class is that it doesn't fit with the remaining maps. So far, new classes are second iteration-only; all we have left are third iterations, which have skills instead.

Speaking of third iterations, the third iterations so far have always involved fighting both sides at once. So no reason why that wouldn't be the case in LvD. The only question is, how much of both sides? We didn't fight the 60 enemies in KvK1/2 in KvK3; they left out the Valencia team from KvK2. RvB3 will probably be the same story without Magvel.

And yeah, the fact that KvK names Celice does seem significant now. Sigurd is depicted as the actual Jugdral leader due to appearing as an ally in KvK2, but they name Celice as the leader instead because Celice joins and Sigurd doesn't.

Edited by Othin
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Looking at the DLC names, KvK is Marth vs Celice, not Marth vs Sigurd.

In the chapters themselves, Sigurd generally receives more focus though. In the KvsK 2, when you side with his forces, there's not even any Celice at all facing Marth. Sigurd also is the character with the most dialogue in LvsD 1. Still, there's also the possibility that this in game focus is there exactly to make up for him not getting a DLC version, like a - "well, he doesn't have a DLC version, but look at all the screentime and dialogue he got in various maps!" scenario.

What is there for there to be a third chapter with? We've got Krom siding with the Light, and now the darkness. There isn't a third side to draw things from.

Third chapter is always the player facing the two forces that were fighting against each other before. In King s King, you've got Jugdral and Archanea teaming up against Krom, in Spirit Talisman 3, both the male and female heroes face the player. In Light vs Darkness 3, we'll see both heroes and villains fighting as one army against Krom. Magvel and Valencia weren't forces of their own, they just joined the forces of the bigger games in the KvsK and RvsB second chapters. In KvsK 2, Valencia's troops are part of Marth's army, while in RvsB 2, Magvel's troops join Elibe's forces.

Also, Celica DLC just reminded me of the team that helps the player in Spirit Talisman 2 -> Celica, Eirika and Lyn. Lyn is the only character out of that party missing a DLC version now. For comparison, the male allies in Spirit Talisman 1 were Marth, Alm and Ike. Assuming there isn't a 5 stars map set, we might get Lyn rather than Eliwood in Red vs Blue 3 (there's also how every character who joined in RvsB is female...).

Edited by NeonZ
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That point about the allies in ST2 is rather compelling... I could just say it's because they needed a third and didn't want Micaiah for two mages or Elincia for flying and being less significant, though.

All of the sub bosses get cut out of 3? I don't know what the actual LVD teams are besides heroes and villains, but it's an educated guess.

Well, it looks to me like each team is comprised of three sets of 10:

D1: Main villains of each game (Gharnef, Alvis, etc.)

D2: Villains SpotPass team (Camus, Ishtar, etc.)

D3: Assorted other "dark" characters (Navarre, Eltshan, etc.)

L1: Male heroes from each game (Marth, Sigurd, etc.)

L2: Female heroes from each game (Cellica, Eirika, etc.)

L3: ??? (Assorted other "light" characters?)

KvK3 has five teams of 10, while RvB looks like it'll have four teams of 10, both excluding the added side team in the second iteration. It may be worth noting that L1 is the allies in LvD1 and D1 is the allies in LvD2. That puts them as particularly important, but L2 and D2 seem just as key. Fitting the pattern, it seems like we'd lose L3 and keep D3, but LvD isn't keeping strictly to those patterns; it already lacks the unique class associated with that very discarded team, so we might see both or neither of L3 and D3, for an enemy total possibly as low as 40 or as high as 60.

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I'd kinda prefer Celica as a Grandmaster, since I think her using swords like in FE2 is much more representative, considering she has only like one healing spell.

Also, I don't think we'll get an FE7 person. I mean, it would make sense. It was the first game in America, and probably they are going with that it's the one most well known. If they don't include it in DLC, NoA will likely release the other ones, to show America the other games.

Though I think I'm rambling in trying to get my point across that it makes sense FE7 won't be included.

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Also, Celica DLC just reminded me of the team that helps the player in Spirit Talisman 2 -> Celica, Eirika and Lyn. Lyn is the only character out of that party missing a DLC version now... For comparison, the male allies in Spirit Talisman 1 were Marth, Alm and Ike.

Good find. I'd say that could kind of balance things out in Lyn's favor. Going further into this, Sigurd and Ike are the only non-Camus bosses to be in a DLC map. Seems like all we do is come back to Lyn, Eliwood, Sigurd and Ike.

Also, if we want to avoid repetition, Eltshan is a Paladin, and he's still a DLC character. More importantly, I don't think we can discount characters appearing in Monster maps like Eltshan did.

Also, my idea for LvD3 would be the ST units (all 20 of them, alongside the 10 villains spotpass team). Only thirty units, but it would still be pretty tough. Alternately it could be Krom vs Archanea, Elibe, Jungral and Tellius for Krom vs 40 units.

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Also, if we want to avoid repetition, Eltshan is a Paladin, and he's still a DLC character. More importantly, I don't think we can discount characters appearing in Monster maps like Eltshan did.

Yes we can... Eltshan wasn't redesigned , they want to avoid repetition in redesigned characters not everyone else.

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Good find. I'd say that could kind of balance things out in Lyn's favor. Going further into this, Sigurd and Ike are the only non-Camus bosses to be in a DLC map. Seems like all we do is come back to Lyn, Eliwood, Sigurd and Ike.


And yeah, Eltshan doesn't count. The lack of redesign is enough reason, since two characters redesigned into one class would look so similar, but Eltshan doesn't impact that.

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I that seems to point to Camus also being a monster DLC character (Celice being a sub-leader on a main DLC), but also contradicts itself with Camus also being a Paladin. If that happens, Camus would have to switch to either Dark Knight or a new class due to Great Knight and Paladin already being taken. The new class isn't likely because he's not a lord, but hey.

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