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I... I feel so discouraged ;~;

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Some people here may already know (but most of you probably forgot) that I'm a Geology major and that I want to become a Volcanologist because studying parts of the earth are pretty much the only things that interest me =o

I tried looking it up on the internet and hope that what I read is correct x3 But it takes many many years of studying for me to become a Volcanologist. It said that to reach that I would have to get a PhD degree, and that some even go one or two years beyond that in order to become a volcanologist... But I'm willing to commit all my time into this because that's how badly I want this =D

And here comes the:


I've got huuuuuuge problems of horrible memory, procrastination, and laziness, all bred into me!!! =[ It's not a very good combination, I'm sure you know...

Not only that, but the family I'm in is poor. I would definitely need lots of money to keep this up for that long.

But my family keeps trying to give me alternative studies/jobs... Mostly my dad. They're trying to convince me to take one that is a super fast growing industry, pays really really well, and takes as few years of college as possible. But all the ones they suggest are not at all interesting to me and I just think that if I go to all the ones they suggest, I'll be just another one of those workers that is like "Uuuuuuggghhhhhhh I have to go to work todaaayyyy" and hate my job... While all the ones they suggest pay well, I still think I'd just be miserable.

The thing is, I can't help but think that I'll just fail at college too much. I'm too stupid and get confused by all these science theories or words or methods and not only that but I forget them easily. Because even in the geology classes there were some cases where I'd struggle. My grades from my freshman year sucked horribly and so even financial aid will become hard to come by. So... maybe I need more dumbed-down careers that only need an associates degree... It'd lighten the load money-wise as well. Maybe I have to spend my life being those miserable people that drag themselves to work...

I'd love to strive for doing otherwise and get something I'd enjoy, but I'm just way too picky in what I am interested in and I'm horrible at picking myself up from the things I struggle in...

I'm sad that I think I'm finally accepting defeat and not doing what I dreamt of doing........ ;~;

tl;dr: Don't read. All there is to read is that I am sadface

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Well, I don't really know what to say, Freohr. But anyway, plans don't always go according to ... well, plan. Sometimes, something you wanted to do just doesn't work out for whatever reason. I originally wanted to go into climate change and study that, but instead I ended up studying something that is rather ... unrelated. :lol:

I guess what I'm saying is, go where the "winds of change" take you, but make sure you still enjoy what you're doing.

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Hmm...I don't know what to say to this but this; never give up on your dream. No matter how difficult things may seem, try your hardest, and you're bound to succeed.

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I guess what I'm saying is, go where the "winds of change" take you, but make sure you still enjoy what you're doing.

Unfortunately, change is one of the things I deal with worst x3

My stepdad is geology prof...i could get some stuff to help you out maybe?

Uhh idk maybe...?

Hmm...I don't know what to say to this but this; never give up on your dream. No matter how difficult things may seem, try your hardest, and you're bound to succeed.

procrastination, and laziness

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Just suck it up and do it. It's not hard, and if you're really interested in the field, then that's all the more motivation for you.

I'm a vet medicine major who would really rather do art, but if I can get through this shit, then so can you - especially if you actually REALLY want to be in your field.

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If this is something you want to do just look up any and all possible outlets to fund your education. Student loans and financial aid will help alleviate the cost or perhaps even cover everything.

It's a lot of work but if this is something you really want to do it is reasonable that you'd do everything to make it a reality.

Even if you feel discouraged just remember that there are people who care about and love you who would love nothing more than to see that you are happy.

So chin up Freohr! Things may seem bleak from your perspective but there is so much that can help. I highly recommend that you speak with a counselor and talk to him/her about what you have on your mind and help you with your troubles.

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Just suck it up and do it. It's not hard, and if you're really interested in the field, then that's all the more motivation for you.

I'm a vet medicine major who would really rather do art, but if I can get through this shit, then so can you - especially if you actually REALLY want to be in your field.

I can't really suck it up and do it if it lands me in a bunch of funds that I can't cover...

The whole point of this was that I will be leaving what I really really want to do.

I honestly can't tell which you're telling me to go for.

If this is something you want to do just look up any and all possible outlets to fund your education. Student loans and financial aid will help alleviate the cost or perhaps even cover everything.

It's a lot of work but if this is something you really want to do it is reasonable that you'd do everything to make it a reality.

Even if you feel discouraged just remember that there are people who care about and love you who would love nothing more than to see that you are happy.

So chin up Freohr! Things may seem bleak from your perspective but there is so much that can help. I highly recommend that you speak with a counselor and talk to him/her about what you have on your mind and help you with your troubles.

I kinda already went over how those financial stuffs are gonna become really really limited.

I don't wanna requote what I just requoted

Well that helps me feel happier I guess but that doesn't really help me get over any of the obstacles...


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The thought pattern your parents probably have is along the lines of "It's easy, it's there and even though she might not like the work she'll come to like it because she's doing it and because of the money"

However they're making some very seriously stupid assumptions here

1. They assume they have enough knowledge about the job market to pinpoint the markets with high demand but no one willing to fill the spots

2. They assume the college courses associated with these working fields are easy

3. They assume you'll care enough about money to try and forget about how unpleasant working your job is, I mean it's what they did and they still ended up happy, right?

My question to you

Can you do something you don't put your heart, soul and brain behind? Especially on the college level? If you're struggling in the course you like, then you can bet your ass it's gonna be a lot harder on the course you don't like

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Hi Freohr. I know nothing about anything, but here is my opinion on this.

I've got huuuuuuge problems of horrible memory, procrastination, and laziness, all bred into me!!! =[

Looks like we have 3 things in common Freohr. laugh.gif You can pretty much fix/improve these things yourself if you're determined.

Not only that, but the family I'm in is poor. I would definitely need lots of money to keep this up for that long.

Work a year or so and try to save enough money to attend college.

But my family keeps trying to give me alternative studies/jobs... Mostly my dad. They're trying to convince me to take one that is a super fast growing industry, pays really really well, and takes as few years of college as possible.

Well, it sounds like you have options, which is good.

So... maybe I need more dumbed-down careers that only need an associates degree... It'd lighten the load money-wise as well. Maybe I have to spend my life being those miserable people that drag themselves to work...

You know, there are some jobs out there that only require a high-school diploma, and pay well, and aren't too much work. You just have to keep your chin up! :)

I'd love to strive for doing otherwise and get something I'd enjoy, but I'm just way too picky in what I am interested in and I'm horrible at picking myself up from the things I struggle in... I'm sad that I think I'm finally accepting defeat and not doing what I dreamt of doing........ ;~;

Umm.. If it makes you feel better I have no work experience as of now and no idea whatsoever of what career I want, or what I want to do with my life once I finish high school. :P

When it comes to different jobs or college, the least you can do is try.

Edited by Xmas
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Geology is actually a very versatile field, at least thats what I learned in my two geology classes I took for Gen Ed credits. I almost decided to be a Geo major lol.

Anyways, I'm sure there is a more "practical" job you could go for as a geologist that you might like and would also be making a lot of money and then after doing that for however long get to a place where you could have the resources to become a vulcanologist.

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I'm pretty lazy as well. Doing work is just beyond me and accomplishing anything would require lots of time for me, just from pure laziness.

However, trying to overcome them for the greater good is what pushes me to do it. I always complain and curse with what I have to put up with, but eventually it ends being fun and a fulfilling experience to look back on.

Money's money, even if you have to put up with a boring job. Try making the best out of it and think more about the future you desire.

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If you can't afford the education, there's always the option of putting it off, finding a job and saving money until you can, right?

I am also terrible at anything resembling motivation or a good attitude to work. Everything feels so far away, and a five minute chore can ruin a good mood. Shoot me a PM if you like, I'll be happy to share my perspective if it helps.

Don't give up on it no matter what anyone says, or how you might feel. Pursuing your choice of career is within your reach.

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[spoiler=irrelevant shit]Heh. Actually, at my college, our commencement speaker for my year was one of our college's geo profs (what a ripoff! I thought I'd get someone famous!), admittedly probably not a vulcanologist (I dunno much about him) who basically talked about, between college and a "dream career," finding something to fill the gap that gets you through, and actually being willing to commit yourself to it even though it's not a great job. And we're not even necessarily talking lucrative but boring jobs, we're talking about scrape-by and boring/hard or boring+hard jobs. His main example was an ant exterminator who was extremely enthusiastic about ant behavior, and how to get them out of the building this prof and his colleagues were in. Actually, at the time this was not this college prof's dream job either, and his point was that while he was being kind of mopey as he went through the daily grind, this guy with a comparatively menial job was ridiculously enthusiastic.

Some people go to school, work, go back to school, then find what they want. Or they keep going to school again and again. Pretty sure there's someone in my mom's side of the fam (I really can't keep track of them all, sorry) who just earned one of his many doctorates in his old age (admittedly, he might have had some parent or spouse money to fund this?). And I think they're mostly/all in the sciences too.

It seems like your fam chose something you found particularly boring. Maybe there is another job out there that has a relatively good employment rate, ok salary, fairly inexpensive entry requirements, and you don't hate? I dunno, just askin'. The other thing is, do you really enjoy going to college and getting terriible grades? Maybe you need a break from school. I felt pretty burnt out after high school and didn't really want college, but did it anyway ("it's expected") and did pretty awful first sem then banked up. And two years later started doing bad again, and went batshit crazy.

Some people here may already know (but most of you probably forgot) that I'm a Geology major and that I want to become a Volcanologist because studying parts of the earth are pretty much the only things that interest me =o

Again, I don't know you well, but is this actually true? As far as I can tell, you are also interested in:

-Monster Hunter

-Food (yes, this is actually a legit interest, especially since you have said your family has limited cuisine do to funding and you could expand your horizons with more monah)


-Fire Emblem (including spriting, and you're actually involved in a hacking project)



-Possibly other games, I don't have a clue?

-I think you read Eragon? And maybe other books?


-Your family (not just in pleasing them, which is at stake in terms of the geo/ultrasound tech/whatever debate, but in being with them because you like and love them...I think???)

-Your dog (ok also your family but kinda different. more dependent, doesn't talk, does bark, guaranteed adorable)

-Last and least, SF userbase, including FE4 thread, IRC, and I think Folgore Rangers

Ya I know some of these things are things you might get bored with in a few years, either because they become tedious or because you genuinely exhaust their possibilities, but if you can enjoy games and books there are probably lots of things you can continue to fill your time with (even for free). Not even speaking of extended fam, since you have siblings, there seems to be a decent chance family nwill be a part of your life for a good chunk or all of your lifetime.

I mean, when I compare how often you talk about most of these things to how often you talk about geology, I wonder if geo is really "the only thing you're interested in" or even the ting you're interested in most.

Yes, I understand that these are baiscally none employable. My point is that maybe a job in geo isn't actually the beest, and that even if you don't have one you'll still find the time to be into things?

I can't speak on having a job I dislike since I've liked all, what, 4 jobs I've held?

Edited by Hawkeye Hank Hatfield
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This is a time of convergence and synchronicity.

I've seen many things in many places. There was a woman I thought of devoting everything to, and I had precious friends. I was living for true meaning and promises.

But young lady, with the passing of time, everything will pass as the clouds pass. Even if you think there's nothing else now, you don't have to be trapped by that. You shouldn't be held back by feelings of obligation, young lady, you must follow the path you feel is right.

It's better to get going soon. We don't have time to sit and have a long talk, now do we?

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If this is something you want to do just look up any and all possible outlets to fund your education. Student loans and financial aid will help alleviate the cost or perhaps even cover everything.

It's a lot of work but if this is something you really want to do it is reasonable that you'd do everything to make it a reality.

Even if you feel discouraged just remember that there are people who care about and love you who would love nothing more than to see that you are happy.

So chin up Freohr! Things may seem bleak from your perspective but there is so much that can help. I highly recommend that you speak with a counselor and talk to him/her about what you have on your mind and help you with your troubles.

Ein, that was beautiful. Thanks! :):

Now, then, as long as you tell yourself that you are a lazy procrastinator, you will be one. If you well and truly want to see the wonders of volcanoes, then don't be afraid to turn yourself into a hard-working student. You may not be Super Genius Max, but you can get very far if you're willing to put in the time and effort to make your dreams come true. This is your life to live; do your best, no matter what.

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mate it's not that hard to hit the streets and turn tricks for $300 an hour

But in all seriousness, if procrastination and laziness are among your problems, you need to work harder. Those aren't reasons for being denied your dream. You're basically contradicting yourself by using them as an excuse. "Oh, being on Broadway is my dream, but I can't be bothered learning to dance" sounds ridiculous, right? Because that's basically what you're saying. So what if Geology is hard? Work harder. Study harder. Pour all of your time into that shit so that you learn it and relearn it. If geology isn't the very essence of your being by the time you've left school then you haven't tried hard enough.

Your financial issues, however, are another problem entirely, and as much as I would enjoy patronising you on those, I won't, because it genuinely sucks. But there are ways that you can do things. If you turn your grades around now I'm sure that someone would look on your case lightly and allow you financial aid. It doesn't end at "money" and it shouldn't.

Just suck it up and do it. It's not hard, and if you're really interested in the field, then that's all the more motivation for you.

I'm a vet medicine major who would really rather do art, but if I can get through this shit, then so can you - especially if you actually REALLY want to be in your field.

respect+100 jelly :( fuck i hate my course

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Being a volcanologist is your dream job. You may have bad memory, you may have procrastination issues and are lazy, but so am I. I did four years at university learning about stuff I might not even use in the future, and I only did such a degree because I had no clue what else to do with my life at the time. But I still passed it despite having the same problems as you. Now if you truly want to do this, there is nothing to stop you. When it comes to the crunch, I'm positive you will do whatever you must to see yourself through. Money is nothing compared to general happiness, satisfaction and knowledge. Even if you do end up owing a lot of money and it takes you years to repay it(I owe about £9,000 (about $14,000) as a result of my degree), nobody can take from you the knowledge you have gained, and the rewards will far outweigh any costs.

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I've been trying to work over in my head for the past many many hours on how I can improve my procrastination and whatnot~

Basically the biggest problem that keeps me from doing what I need is SF. So if I can learn self-restraint, then I'll try hacking down my time here. My old strategy was to "just do both at once" but it's so much easier to get distracted by SF and forget work/study completely x3

Studying's pretty much what drags my grades down I think... In high school I didn't need to study for my subjects except physics class, I just excelled in them. If I get myself to study all the time, then perhaps I can get the grades up and everyone can quit telling me to aim for a different area of study.

The thought pattern your parents probably have is along the lines of "It's easy, it's there and even though she might not like the work she'll come to like it because she's doing it and because of the money"

However they're making some very seriously stupid assumptions here

1. They assume they have enough knowledge about the job market to pinpoint the markets with high demand but no one willing to fill the spots

2. They assume the college courses associated with these working fields are easy

3. They assume you'll care enough about money to try and forget about how unpleasant working your job is, I mean it's what they did and they still ended up happy, right?

My question to you

Can you do something you don't put your heart, soul and brain behind? Especially on the college level? If you're struggling in the course you like, then you can bet your ass it's gonna be a lot harder on the course you don't like

@bold and underline: Now who's the one assuming here? xb

@#1: I think it's that my grandfather heard maybe on tv or the news, looked it up, or was told by someone he knew, about jobs that are best to aim for...

@#2: Well compared to him (my dad), all of his kids are way smarter and so in his mind he thinks that we can handle any subject XD

And it's only my dad. I don't live with my mom. My dad is saying I should turn geology into a minor/side career and major in something else.

You know, there are some jobs out there that only require a high-school diploma, and pay well, and aren't too much work. You just have to keep your chin up! :)

I don't think anything in geology that I'm interested in will only require high school...

Geology is actually a very versatile field, at least thats what I learned in my two geology classes I took for Gen Ed credits. I almost decided to be a Geo major lol.

Anyways, I'm sure there is a more "practical" job you could go for as a geologist that you might like and would also be making a lot of money and then after doing that for however long get to a place where you could have the resources to become a vulcanologist.

I'm not interested in geology in general. Mostly the thing I'm into most is mountains, and the only things that could probably relate best to that would be seismology or some tiny branch in geomorphology or volcanology. Volcanoes relate best though and I always seem to get the best grades when I do things related to that subject XD So I went with that

But there are many other subjects in geology that bore me as well.

Money's money, even if you have to put up with a boring job. Try making the best out of it and think more about the future you desire.

I don't think I care enough about money, or not as much as I should since I am still a very dependent person. XD

If you can't afford the education, there's always the option of putting it off, finding a job and saving money until you can, right?

Some people go to school, work, go back to school, then find what they want.

Maybe you need a break from school.

My dad won't let me. I tried and he was like "Nope"

He's afraid that if we take a break we'll lose any enthusiasm for school at all and end up stuck with low-paying jobs... Just like he is. I really would love to avoid that though but he thinks that my enthusiasm for geology isn't good enough.

[spoiler=irrelevant shit]It seems like your fam chose something you found particularly boring. Maybe there is another job out there that has a relatively good employment rate, ok salary, fairly inexpensive entry requirements, and you don't hate? I dunno, just askin'.

Don't think so. The only other stuff I'm into is creative stuff.

Again, I don't know you well, but is this actually true? As far as I can tell, you are also interested in:

-Monster Hunter

-Food (yes, this is actually a legit interest, especially since you have said your family has limited cuisine do to funding and you could expand your horizons with more monah)


-Fire Emblem (including spriting, and you're actually involved in a hacking project)



-Possibly other games, I don't have a clue?

-I think you read Eragon? And maybe other books?


-Your family (not just in pleasing them, which is at stake in terms of the geo/ultrasound tech/whatever debate, but in being with them because you like and love them...I think???)

-Your dog (ok also your family but kinda different. more dependent, doesn't talk, does bark, guaranteed adorable)

-Last and least, SF userbase, including FE4 thread, IRC, and I think Folgore Rangers

Sooo basically... video games, creative stuff, and working with people.

I have no interest in coding or creating video games.

I'm a slow worker when it comes to creativity even though I enjoy it. Not only that but it's super hard to get huge when it comes to creating artistic stuff.

I really... really don't like the jobs that are related to dealing with/studying people. I only wish to study the earth!

But in all seriousness, if procrastination and laziness are among your problems, you need to work harder. Those aren't reasons for being denied your dream. You're basically contradicting yourself by using them as an excuse. "Oh, being on Broadway is my dream, but I can't be bothered learning to dance" sounds ridiculous, right? Because that's basically what you're saying.

I am well aware of this. Being lazy gets in the way of my trying to not become lazy. "I can't stop being lazy, I'm too lazy!!" x3

Even if you do end up owing a lot of money and it takes you years to repay it(I owe about £9,000 (about $14,000) as a result of my degree), nobody can take from you the knowledge you have gained, and the rewards will far outweigh any costs.

Yeah at least I can repay over time. Loans don't care about grades do they?

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This is horrible and made me sad Freohr.

Grinding and hating it at school, or grinding and hating it at work? I'd normally say work, you've got it your whole life. But

But the money issues are nothing to look the other way to. Getting more money at worse job + not having huge loans. I don't know... If you know you could make it in your dream job, and I mean KNOW you can. Go for it. You may not have a correct option though, and that's fuckin life. Bottom line, do what's best for you, not your parents.

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