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"I just want to know one thing!" - FE13 Edition


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A LV20 Falcon Knight? No, in that case she'd be counted as a LV40 unit before reclassing, so after reclassing to a Tier 1 class, she'd gain Exp as a LV20 unit. At LV1, with her promotion gains gone. So yeah that sort of thing is a bit inconvenient.

Meanwhile if she reclassed to another promoted class, or even back to Falcon Knight to keep gaining levels in that class, she'd start gaining Exp as a LV40 unit. Which is where she was already, so you really just keep going as you were, Exp-wise.

My mistake. Example above updated.

"Visible Level" was especially confusing in Nocturnal YL's example.

If anyone needs more clarification here's his post:

Class                  Visible level     Invisible level        Internal level
-------------------    ---------------   --------------------   --------------
8 Lodestar                   8                            0      8 +  0 =  8
10 Lodestar                  10                            0     10 +  0 = 10
1 Mercenary                  1            0 + (10-1)/2 =  4      1 +  4 =  5
10 Mercenary                 10                            4     10 +  4 = 14
1 Hero                      21                            4     21 +  4 = 25
15 Hero                      35                            4     35 +  4 = 39
1 Griffon Knight            21            4 + (35-1)/2 = 21     21 + 21 = 42
15 Griffon Knight            35                           21     35 + 21 = 56
1 Lodestar                   1           21 + (35-1)/2 = 38      1 + 38 = 39

As a level 1 Lodestar, DLC Marth after following your route will be treated as a level 39 unit on Lunatic, level 31 on Hard and level 21 on Normal.

Edited by shadowofchaos
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What happens if you equip Limit Break on a character, train him past his original caps, and then unequip the skill? Does he lose the extra stats permanently, or do they come back if I re-equip the skill?

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Can I still play Future of Despair even if I don't have all the children recruited?



The children have "default" hair colors. Usually the hair color of their mother. Just like in the Knights of Iris official artbook.


As you can see from the map, I'm at that point in the game that I don't even have enough units to fill the slots.

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The children have "default" hair colors. Usually the hair color of their mother. Just like in the Knights of Iris official artbook.


As you can see from the map, I'm at that point in the game that I don't even have enough units to fill the slots.

In other words, Kjelle would have black hair, and Inigo would have light brown hair (the only instances I know of the child's hair color being different from that of their mother).

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In other words, Kjelle would have black hair, and Inigo would have light brown hair (the only instances I know of the child's hair color being different from that of their mother).

also the children would fall over once a small breeze passes by

unless for whatever reason the single parent is maxed out w/ Limit Break

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Why does book of naga increase dual guard rate?

The Book of Naga increases Defense and Resistance, which determine Dual Guard chance.

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So, is there any way to recruit some of the unique villains that appeared in Rogues and Redeemers? I really want to recruit Camus cuz I think he's cool (and so I can forever pair him up with Nyna).

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So, is there any way to recruit some of the unique villains that appeared in Rogues and Redeemers? I really want to recruit Camus cuz I think he's cool (and so I can forever pair him up with Nyna).

The SpotPass for them will be coming out next week (or at least it SHOULD).

Edited by Levant Fortner
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What's a better girlfriend for a +Speed MU!Gerome that heals himself with Renewal, flies, and has 12 movement with Boots and no support bonuses? Dark Knight Libra!Noire or Bow Knight some father!Kjelle? I guess it's more of whether going magic or going physical is more important and Lucina should be with Yarne so she can't be it. :|

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My mistake. Example above updated.

"Visible Level" was especially confusing in Nocturnal YL's example.

If anyone needs more clarification here's his post:

it would maybe be clearer to make it like this

Level = Visible level + Promotion bonus + internal level

so using the previous example i'll see if i can straighten it out, hopefully you won't mind

You have a Level 10 Lord Chrom from the beginning of the game. Never reclassed. Has a Master Seal. Internal Level is zero.

When he promotes to a Great Lord using a master seal, this happens:

Internal Level: 0 (It's untouched. There's no change because it wasn't a second seal)

Level You are treated as: Visible level = 21. And he's promoted, so +20. Therefore level he is treated as = Level 21 unit when he gains experience.

Visible level 1 + promoted bonus 20 + internal level 0 = 21 actual level, so yes correct but it's worded a bit confusing.

He gains Levels until he's Level 10 Great Lord.

Internal Level: 0

Level You are treated as: Visible Level = 30(10 + Promoted 20) = Level 30 Unit when gaining experience. This is normal.

Visible Level: 30

Here's where it splits.

He reclasses to a Paladin via Second Seal:

Internal Level: 15 (Visible Level is 30/2 when he reclasses)

Level you are treated as: 15 (Internal Level) + 1 = Level 16 Unit when he gains experience.

Level 10 great lord second seals to paladin

visible level 10 + promoted bonus 20 + internal level 0 = 30

second seal use

(30 -1) /2 = 14.5 rounded down it's 14.

So after the second seal calculations we got

visible level 1 + promoted bonus 20 + internal level 14 = 35

He levels like a level 35 character.

So you did almost correct, just forgot the promotion bonus for being a promoted class.

If he had reclassed to a Cavalier instead:

Internal Level: 15 (Visible Level is 30/2 when he reclasses)

Level you are treated as: 15 (Internal Level) + 1 (Visible Level) = Level 16 Unit when he gains experience.

Correct except he is level 15 for exp purposes not 16. You forgot the -1 to level before dividing. The game always rounds down.

visible level 1 + promoted bonus 0 + internal level 14 = 15

Let's say we went the Paladin Route.

He's now a Level 15 Paladin.

He reclasses to a Great Knight.

Internal Level: 15 (from previous) + 17 (Visible Level 35/2 rounded DOWN) = 32

Level You are treated as: 32 (Internal Level) + 21 (Visible Level) = Level 53 unit when he gains experience.

So he went great lord to paladin then great knight? and at levels 10, 15?

Great lord to Paladin

Visible level 10 + promotion bonus 20 + internal level 0 = 30

Second seal (30 -1) / 2 = 14

As paladin level 1

Visible level 1 + promotion bonus 20 + internal level 14 = 35

Levels to 15 before class changing to Great knight

Before second seal

Visible level 15 + Promotion bonus 20 + internal level 14 = 49

After Second sealing to Great knight . This is where things get confusing for me, im not sure if you add the already gained internal levels or not? Im guessing not so here is the case without using thoose. Also I think someone said you don't so....

(1-35) /2 = 17 so internal level is now 17 + 14 = 31

Great knight level 1

Visible level 1 + Promotion bonus 20 + internal level 31 = 52

Gaining experience as a level 52 character. So yepp you be correct.

If you got any issue with me using your post as a way to hopefully clarify let me know and i'll change it

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If I have Astra and at the same time I have Armsthrift, will the weapon, if Astra activates, take one weapon use? Or because of Armsthrift it won't?

Armsthrift can stack with Astra, unlike the other related skills like Luna. So it really just comes down to whether or not Armsthrift activates. If you have 50+ Luck, it definitely will, and you won't use up any weapon uses; if you somehow have 0 Luck, it definitely won't, and you'll use up a weapon use; if you have somewhere in between, you may or may not use up a weapon use.

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What's up with the "super soldier" in Est's DLC? It seems strange that they'd create a new battle model just for some generic shmuck when they can't even bother to assign colors to playable units. Does this guy ever come back or is this model reused at all?

BTW has Paralogue 22 come out in NA yet because I can't seem to find it?

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What's up with the "super soldier" in Est's DLC? It seems strange that they'd create a new battle model just for some generic shmuck when they can't even bother to assign colors to playable units. Does this guy ever come back or is this model reused at all?

BTW has Paralogue 22 come out in NA yet because I can't seem to find it?

As to the first part, I dunno. Though that is a unique model.

And Paralogue 22 is out in NA.

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I wonder if supports build at different speeds for certain characters? Like, I remember I had to have Lon'qu and Cordelia clear two maps before they got a C support, whereas Gaius and Tharja got the C support just after a half-dozen or so fights. It took Inigo and Lucina about a dozen fights to get a C support, whereas Inigo and Severa needed to clear two maps.

I dunno how it works, besides "Gaius is very well-versed in the arts of love and Lon'qu isn't."

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Hm... This is kind of weird.

Generic quote when Legacy characters find an item in a shinning tile:


(DLC) Prince Marth's quote when he finds an item in a shinning tile:


I haven't tried the other Marth variations yet though. Has anyone seen anything else like that? A spotpass or DLC character getting some random unique quote for something?


Spotpass Pr. Marth seems to be the same as DLC Pr. Marth


I guess King Marth will be the same too.

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So I have a level 30 Bride Olivia.. say I use a Second Seal on her to some other class, would I need another Wedding Bouquet on her to get her back to a Bride class later on or can I use a Second Seal again? (or you can say that for any other character.)

And can you get multiple Wedding Bouquets if you replay the map? I'm assuming you get Eirika once but I don't know about the item. I'll assume you can since you can get multiple Limit Breakers, but... yeah.

I wonder if supports build at different speeds for certain characters? Like, I remember I had to have Lon'qu and Cordelia clear two maps before they got a C support, whereas Gaius and Tharja got the C support just after a half-dozen or so fights. It took Inigo and Lucina about a dozen fights to get a C support, whereas Inigo and Severa needed to clear two maps.

I dunno how it works, besides "Gaius is very well-versed in the arts of love and Lon'qu isn't."

I wonder the same thing too. Maybe some characters have preset amounts of support points with another one as opposed to someone else?

Edited by Cordelia
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So I have a level 30 Bride Olivia.. say I use a Second Seal on her to some other class, would I need another Wedding Bouquet on her to get her back to a Bride class later on or can I use a Second Seal again? (or you can say that for any other character.)

And can you get multiple Wedding Bouquets if you replay the map? I'm assuming you get Eirika once but I don't know about the item. I'll assume you can since you can get multiple Limit Breakers, but... yeah.

You have to use the Wedding Buoquet again, it sucks but SB2 is easy and could be good for grinding so you could occasionally beat 2 birds with one stone.

As for your second question, yes you can.

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