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"I just want to know one thing!" - FE13 Edition


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Probably not. A single correct breaker skill on any player character would completely neuter your team and leave it with no effective skills whatsoever.

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So, trying to figure out a good father for Inigo. The only availabilities left are:

Kellam - Knight and Priest class sets

Virion - Not sure if he's any good at all, but I've seen people suggest him

Ricken - Cavalier, Archer, and Mage class sets

I was originally going to go with Kellam for Luna and Dual Guard+, but then realized Ricken grants those too. I think I've read that Paladin and Sniper are really good support classes, and outside of Berserker I don't think he'd have the stuff to not be a support/paired unit. Then again, not sure if a red-haired Inigo would look good or not, given his blue outfit.

Any suggestions based on experience/statistics?

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On a similar note, who gets the bonus from dual guard+ and dual strike+? If Chrom has both and is paired with the Avatar, would the skills apply on his turns or on Avatar's?

Edited by Alg
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On a similar note, who gets the bonus from dual guard+ and dual strike+? If Chrom has both and is paired with the Avatar, would the skills apply on his turns or on Avatar's?

What exactly are you asking? For the bolded part, wouldn't his turn be the same as the Avatar's if they are paired?

Anyway, what I wanna ask is... how feasible would it be to solo Priam's map (whatever number paralogue it is) with a maxed out Sorcerer Avatar with Limit Breaker and a Chrom pair-up (S-rank) on Hard mode?

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What exactly are you asking? For the bolded part, wouldn't his turn be the same as the Avatar's if they are paired?

Anyway, what I wanna ask is... how feasible would it be to solo Priam's map (whatever number paralogue it is) with a maxed out Sorcerer Avatar with Limit Breaker and a Chrom pair-up (S-rank) on Hard mode?

I'd imagine it would be pretty easy with Sol + Armsthrift + either a forged nosferatu or Aversa's night.

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You only need Nosferatu, maybe not even because Limit Breaker is silly.

My Sage Morgan w/ Vantage + Sol solo'd the map on Lunatic without Limit Breaker, so Nosferatu would be even easier.

Edited by PKLucas531
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What exactly are you asking? For the bolded part, wouldn't his turn be the same as the Avatar's if they are paired?

I think they meant would it raise Avatar's chances of dual support if Chrom is in the lead, or would it raise Chrom's chances of dual support if Chrom is in the back?

I'm pretty sure it's only the latter, but I actually wondered about this myself.

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On a similar note, who gets the bonus from dual guard+ and dual strike+? If Chrom has both and is paired with the Avatar, would the skills apply on his turns or on Avatar's?

I'm pretty sure it's irrelevant whether the unit with dual guard/strike/support is in the lead or back - the bonus always seems to apply.

However, it doesn't stack if both the lead and the back unit have it.

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Which is a better idea? Marrying my avatar to Nowi or to Lucina? I want to marry Nowi so I'm able to get Nah (and I can't find any suitors for her that I want to use or aren't already married) but I also want Morgan to have Aether from Lucina.

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Which is a better idea? Marrying my avatar to Nowi or to Lucina? I want to marry Nowi so I'm able to get Nah (and I can't find any suitors for her that I want to use or aren't already married) but I also want Morgan to have Aether from Lucina.

Well marrying Lucina will get you a tearjerking scene at Chapter 21... but only one child. Marrying Nowi will get you a super Nah (second "Morgan") + Manakete Morgan... It's still up to you though, I mean, I don't think there's any "better" idea for either.

Edited by Teddy Bear
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If an Avatar name is considered offensive by the game, how does it appear to others in Streetpass?

Probably a randomly generated name just like it would be in the randomly generated teams.

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Does liefsteal trough Nosferatu and Aversa's Night trigger with Astra?


It works with any other skill. It even works in the back of a pair-up during dual attack.

And even works with Sol for 100% HP absorb.

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Yeah, I knew the other stuff but just wanted to make sure(I also have no sorc with Astra to test it with ^^). Thanks.

Now I wonder does It show as two different healing numbers or will it summed up?

Edited by Danaos
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Nosferatu stacked with Sol?

It's just one number. Although, and I don't remember the specifics, due to rounding, you'll steal twice the normal HP minus 1 half the time.

Edited by VincentASM
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Yeah, I knew the other stuff but just wanted to make sure(I also have no sorc with Astra to test it with ^^). Thanks.

Now I wonder does It show as two different healing numbers or will it summed up?

Here's the Astra:


Sol gets 100% HP gain on the damage you do but only on even numbers:

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I'm just curious since it'll be a while before I can actually test this out myself... You know how if you marry Lucina and Owain, the NA game says they are "companions" than husband/wife. What if you marry Chrom-fathered Cynthia to Owain? Will it also say "companions" or will it say husband/wife? Again, I'm talking about the NA version.... and EU if it's different?

Also, I'm not sure if someone mentioned it or not yet, but what does the EU version say for Lucina/Owain's marriage? "Companions"?

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I'm just curious since it'll be a while before I can actually test this out myself... You know how if you marry Lucina and Owain, the NA game says they are "companions" than husband/wife. What if you marry Chrom-fathered Cynthia to Owain? Will it also say "companions" or will it say husband/wife? Again, I'm talking about the NA version.... and EU if it's different?

I believe it will say companions, as if a Chrom fathered Inigo gets a S ranks support with Morgan if Lissa is her mother it will say companions.

Edited by Kamina
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I believe it will say companions, as if a Chrom fathered Inigo gets a S ranks support with Morgan if Lissa is her mother it will say companions.

Ooh, thanks. I guess they do take that into consideration... and I presume you have the NA version? I mean it's probably the same in NA and EU...

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I'm just curious since it'll be a while before I can actually test this out myself... You know how if you marry Lucina and Owain, the NA game says they are "companions" than husband/wife. What if you marry Chrom-fathered Cynthia to Owain? Will it also say "companions" or will it say husband/wife? Again, I'm talking about the NA version.... and EU if it's different?

Also, I'm not sure if someone mentioned it or not yet, but what does the EU version say for Lucina/Owain's marriage? "Companions"?

Chrom!Cynthia who gets S with Owain will have it say companions. I have my file where I did that.

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