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"I just want to know one thing!" - FE13 Edition


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not really a question, but it's a shame this game doesn't have online multiplayer like FE11

it would have been fun watching all the skills and dual guards and everything, you could even make a no pairup mode!

OTOH, it's probably BECAUSE SD's multiplayer was laughably bad that they didn't bother.

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not really a question, but it's a shame this game doesn't have online multiplayer like FE11

it would have been fun watching all the skills and dual guards and everything, you could even make a no pairup mode!

I figured it was because FE11/12's multiplayer was kind of rubbish, plus the potential lack of players to play against.

Chances are, IS thought StreetPass battles would be a viable alternative, since you can battle real teams in your time. 'Course, there's still the issue of predictable AI and no pairing up.

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OTOH, it's probably BECAUSE SD's multiplayer was laughably bad that they didn't bother.

I don't think it was "laughable bad"...It could be improved, yes, but it was a bit fun.

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I figured it was because FE11/12's multiplayer was kind of rubbish, plus the potential lack of players to play against.

Chances are, IS thought StreetPass battles would be a viable alternative, since you can battle real teams in your time. 'Course, there's still the issue of predictable AI and no pairing up.

that's because the game was rubbish (FE11 at least)

lolAI+no pairup makes streetpass boring

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well that got nerfed here, clearly

Indeed. The thing with multiplayer in FE, as I see it, is that it's doomed to suck for one reason or another.

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It's kind of sad because, as I've mentioned in a few places, I think that with a few rules changes* (possibly community imposed as far as possible), the multiplayer aspect could have been actually quite interesting. When you're playing versus other players who notice and adapt to common threats, you start getting some interesting skill sets coming out. Okay, it's always going to be fairly random, but that hasn't stopped games like Magic, Pokemon, Netrunner etc. from being competitive at a high level - and this wouldn't even need to reach a 'high level'. Lots of skills and strategies that are largely redundant or useless in single player might become useful or important, and I feel like a variety of characters and skills, and counters to them, and counter-counters and the like would be prevalent, leading to games which play like the above mentioned games where the skill and strategy involved is both in the setup and the play itsef.

*I can't remember all the things I thought would be important, but I think key ones were, no rescue staff and no brave weapons. Brave weapons get broken with dual strike (assuming it works as it does now) and so are the obvious weapon on almost everything. Rescue stave allows for some rather unreasonable shenanigans, notably e.g. turn 1 - Falcoknight 1 flies out, rescues Falcoknight 2, who flies out and rescues your paired up GF users, who smash three enemy units before they even get a turn. And that's assuming the two players start far enough apart that you need to rescue twice. Whatever the things are, they can be dealt with, possibly.

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....Now to ask a question.

OK, so I'm on Hard Classic and I happen to have 2 characters on level 10 before Chap. 5 (I wish I'd spread out experience better as it's Lord and Avvy, but it's not as easy to get a good spread if keeping people alive in classic (i.e. ragequitting) is a factor) as well as a second seal and master seal (i.e. Anna's so in the team if she's getting these in that early.)

So I have to ask: who should be reclassed and who should be promoted?

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....Now to ask a question.

OK, so I'm on Hard Classic and I happen to have 2 characters on level 10 before Chap. 5 (I wish I'd spread out experience better as it's Lord and Avvy, but it's not as easy to get a good spread if keeping people alive in classic (i.e. ragequitting) is a factor) as well as a second seal and master seal (i.e. Anna's so in the team if she's getting these in that early.)

So I have to ask: who should be reclassed and who should be promoted?

Don't use the master seal yet you're going to be gimped on experience

If you're going to second seal anyone do it on the Avatar. That way he/she can fit into whatever role you want. Popular choices are mercenary and dark mage. Former for sol and armsthrist, latter for lifetaker or nosferatu tanking

Edited by DodgeDusk
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Silly question of the day...

Some characters start with good weapons. Lon'qu has a Killing Edge, Cordelia has a Steel Lance (good for that point in the game), Tharja has a Nosferatu tome and Henry has a Ruin tome. In a no-grind run, is it more rational to use these weapons right away or save them for later? Lon'qu kinda needs the Killing Edge to do any significant damage when he starts, and in later missions you can get other Killing Edges for him, so I imagine this would be a yes...?

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Lucina mentioned in chapter 4 that her father taught her to use a sword. But how would that be possible? She must have been still an infant when he died.

Now I did do some searches through this thread since this point must have come up a few times and I did see it mentioned that the war supposedly dragged on. But if that's true, where was it mentioned?

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Lucina mentioned in chapter 4 that her father taught her to use a sword. But how would that be possible? She must have been still an infant when he died.

The war started later in her timeline. IIRC, it's mentioned the war with Plegia went on longer due to emm not killing herself. (Instead she is assassinated) The only reason Plegia abandons Gangrel is because of Emms sacrifice and all dat

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The war started later in her timeline. IIRC, it's mentioned the war with Plegia went on longer due to emm not killing herself. (Instead she is assassinated) The only reason Plegia abandons Gangrel is because of Emms sacrifice and all dat

Yes, but I wonder where it is mentioned.

Because it doesn't make any sense to me that it was the war against Plegia that dragged on.

I mean, if the war with Plegia would have continued, Wallhart would still have showed up after merely two years with an invasion force that couldn't have been stopped without the Plegian fleet.

Which would have resulted in an easy victory for Wallhart long before Lucina could hold a sword. Especially with Ylisse being weakened through two years of warfare.

Unless of course Ylisse defeated Plegia just in time and claimed there fleet. But if that was the case, events should have unfolded pretty much the same way, with Lucina still being way too young.

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The way the war went, I'm actually surprised Plegia didn't mop the floor with Ylisse in Lucina's timeline. Unless, of course, Chrom took it upon himself to charge Ylisse's counterattack and made the Ylissean people rally around him. But the way the game played, it really seemed that Plegia had the stronger army.

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