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Are you a perfectionist?

Gold Vanguard


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  1. 1. Are you a perfectionist?

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Are you? I know am because of all the things I do. I will take nothing but 100%. Weather its playing games or my life I strive for 100%. When I playing a game I try to unlock everything(EX. All weapons,Items,characters,etc), or in life where I try to get nothing but A's on my shcool work or keep my room clean every day by checking every little detail.

Edited by Defender of the light
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Are you? I know am because of all the things I do. I will take nothing but 100%. Weather its playing games or my life I strive for 100%. When I playing a game I try to unlock everything(EX. All weapons,Items,characters,etc), or in life where I try to get nothing but A's on my shcool work or keep my room clean every day by checking every little detail.

It would seem that you're not much of a perfectionist when it comes to spelling...

Anyway, I'm not much of a perfectionist, but I do try to be perfect in some things, at least...

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I'm not sure which of the lines in my sig answers this question more clearly.

I'm leaning towards the third, though.

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Nah. Good enough is good enough for me!

this, all though if I were to talk about stage performance, I'd want the best for my audience.

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What do you get when you combine a perfectionist attitude along with laziness?

A knack for tolerating the unkempt until it reaches a boiling point, then it all washes over the basin.

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It depends on whether or not I actually enjoy doing whatever it is.

Examples of things I've perfected (game-wise):

Gran Turismo 2 - got all gold in every event and race, got all licenses, all that jazz.

Pokemon Yellow - Got all 150 Pokemon legitimately.

Sonic Adventure 2 Battle - Got all 180 emblems.

And probably much more.

However those were done during my youth, where all I did was play nothing but games. I probably perfected a lot of old games as much as I could, even if that did just include unlocking every car, character, item or whatnot.

I get pissed at tedious things, however. If something is unenjoyable and repetitive, I will more than likely do the bare minimum needed then call it quits.

When I'm drawing, I will accept nothing less than near perfect proportions within my drawing compared to what I can see. I hate it when I can't quite get the size and shape of an object right. Perseverance and my good observational skills are what make me a reasonable artist, however I haven't held a pencil or paintbrush to do anything remotely artistic for well over 4 years. doodles of random objects and stuff in my notepads don't count.

I also think perfectionism and competitiveness are somewhat related. Because I'm hella competitive, even if I know I'm not so good at whatever it is I'm doing.

Edited by Raven
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Well, sort off. I definitely always try to do everything 100% right. Heck, I often spend hours on posts I make and afterwards I edit them like a dozen times (I wish there was a counter for that). But all of this seems to be more the result of my ridiculous insecurities then anything else.

Pretty much everything I do makes me feel like I screwed up. And on this forum every post I make feels like a mistake before I send it off, making it impossible to tell whether it's actually bad or not. It's like I am afraid I get struck down by lightning if what I do is not objectively perfect.

Edited by BrightBow
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I think I am. At least, when I am to do something, be it to obtain a good result or for something good, not for something mediocre or average. Yet, I'm not so strict with myself and tend to be somewhat flexible having clear my limits and my reality. Regarding games, I tend to get everything I can in the game and having the lead on enemies, like being 8 or 10 levels higher in Pokemon, or worrying so much about levels in FE games, or spending hours scouting maps and getting locations/landmarks/secret areas on Xenoblade Chronicles. But again, the best within my world and reality.

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Where's the "depends" option? =3

I really don't like perfectionists, but that means that I don't like myself ^~^ With some things I will be very perfectionisticalz about it while with other things I could really care less. It's mostly the creative things that I care about =o

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Where's the "depends" option? =3

I really don't like perfectionists, but that means that I don't like myself ^~^ With some things I will be very perfectionisticalz about it while with other things I could really care less. It's mostly the creative things that I care about =o

This pretty much goes for me as well

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I wouldn't necessarily call myself a full-blown perfectionist, but there a couple of occasions where I prefer things be perfect.

One of them is in terms of organization: I like everything to be put together well, with not a pickle out of place.

The other is in gaming--rarely am I satisfied unless I've managed to do something like "collect all bonus items to get this ending" or, in the case of Fire Emblem, keep all player characters alive (even ones I won't ever use or need).

In the end, though, I'd say I'm more of a person that likes to do everything in earnest--to complete everything. I don't like doing things in bits; rarely am I satisfied with that, although that gets in the way of bigger projects such as research papers.

Although, if I'm writing a story that's longer than about... 10,000 words, I have to accept that I won't get it done in one sitting.

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Does admitting you're a perfectionist imply/involve/require admitting you're not perfect?

I'd say admitting you're not a perfectionist would have that implication.

That said, I don't consider myself perfect... yet. All things in due time.

Edited by Othin
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Although, if I'm writing a story that's longer than about... 10,000 words, I have to accept that I won't get it done in one sitting.

How often do you write stories over 10,000 words? That's like 30 pages.

Also, Othin, if you say you're a perfectionist, that means you don't stop working at something until it's perfect. Now if you have to put in additional effort, beyond just what's necessary to complete it, that means it's not perfect on your first attempt. Since your first attempt isn't perfect that means you wouldn't be perfect. Just my two cents on that idea.

Edited by bottlegnomes
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Eh, if its something i don't care about i'll just do whats barely necessary. If its something i care about I'll put a little more effort, but not to the point of perfect.

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It varies, but I put yes. With grammar , pronunciation, and lyrics to songs, yes times infinity. In school I was a perfectionist as well, but to a lesser extent. I got straight A's and never excepted B's (While I was on the standard grading system, but after grammar school I wasn't) but I didn't always study nearly as much as I could've. In other things, sometimes.

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Not in the slightest. Like Raven, it mostly depends how much I enjoy an activity; in the case of education, I'm a C student, and I'm content with that.

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It varies, but I put yes. With grammar , pronunciation, and lyrics to songs, yes times infinity. In school I was a perfectionist as well, but to a lesser extent. I got straight A's and never excepted B's (While I was on the standard grading system, but after grammar school I wasn't) but I didn't always study nearly as much as I could've. In other things, sometimes.

But NOT for low turns!!!

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I said it depends. It depends on whether I am interested in what I am doing or not. If I'm not I'll just do what is necessary but if I'm interested I'll be doing my best. At school it also depends, when I start doing something I must do it well but since I'm lazy I sometimes don't xD I don't know which grade I would get in the american system though ;): ( 15/20 where I live ). As for games I like to be involved in them , I like having pokemons several levels ahead to and in Fire Emblem I hardly let any unit die only when it's someone I know I won't use.

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How often do you write stories over 10,000 words? That's like 30 pages.

10,000 words is approximately 20 pages in my font. And, I finished one story that ended up being about 35,000 words (69 pages). The other one I'm writing is about 20,000 words so far.

I don't write >10,000 word pieces often. Usually one-chapter works (one-shots or helpful things) that are about 5,000 words on average.

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I used to be a perfectionist, but I think now I've found an acceptable middle ground between pushing myself too hard and being totally sloppy.

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I'm pretty meticulous when it comes to art and I get really annoyed if my proportions are off and will spend forever looking at it/getting friends who know their shit to help me look at it to find any mistakes I need to correct. And I see even small anatomical mistakes fairly easily too, so if it's wrong it'll bother me forever until it's fixed.

Everywhere else I'm kinda sloppy, or else I'd rarely get below 100 in math. Seriously, my mistakes always ends up being missing negative signs.

Edited by Fat Bunny
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10,000 words is approximately 20 pages in my font. And, I finished one story that ended up being about 35,000 words (69 pages). The other one I'm writing is about 20,000 words so far.

I don't write >10,000 word pieces often. Usually one-chapter works (one-shots or helpful things) that are about 5,000 words on average.

Ah. The way you said it, it seemed like it was common.

Everywhere else I'm kinda sloppy, or else I'd rarely get below 100 in math. Seriously, my mistakes always ends up being missing negative signs.

I know what you mean. Fuck math's shit.

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