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What video game has the worst fanbase?

Gold Vanguard

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Sonic fans are probably the most likely to have some sort of sanity issues. Every fanbase has its sour grapes but Sonic is one of those games that has developed a truly disturbed fanbase that has a scary amount of visibility. However, as a whole, most people who are part of fanbases tend to become rabid and it doesn't matter what kind of fanbase it is. Hatebases in video games are also so annoying. Why bother telling anyone what they should or should not like? Why wish a game company that still produces good games into ruin? "THEY DON'T MAKE GAMES I LIKE FUCKING CASUALS AND FAMILIES THEY SHOULD BE MAKING MORE GAMES FOR 20-SOMETHING MALE ADULTS LIKE ME" is probably the worst thing to ever happen.

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I have had absolutely no real experience with the Sonic fandom. What is it about that fandom that makes it so insane?

I played maybe three games in the Sonic series in my whole life. Ive always been a Mario person.

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I have had absolutely no real experience with the Sonic fandom. What is it about that fandom that makes it so insane?

I played maybe three games in the Sonic series in my whole life. Ive always been a Mario person.

I being one of the rarer bits of the sane Sonic fandom may be able to explain it.

The fans from the classic days hate 3-D sonic for the most part [except the people who like both] and then there are those on the complete opposite side of the coin.

and then you get people nitpicking things from OMG HIS EYE COLOR IS GREEEEEEN IT WASN'T LIKE THAT IN THE OLD DAYS, to THIS STAGE WASN'T THIS YELLOW IN THE ORIGINAL, SONIC'S FRIENDS RUIN THIS GAME BECAUSE OF THEIR DIFFERENCE IN GAMEPLAY I honestly have no idea why. I like most of the sonic games I dno why people complain about the characters the themes, Voice acting, anything.

I Could go on for HOOOOOOOOOURS about how many morons in this fandumb I've debated with

The only thing us Sonic fans can agree on is the fact that the music is spectacular in each game

Edited by Jedi
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And here i thought i was all alone....

No way, man. I originally played IV, which is nearest and dearest to my heart, but aside from V which I thought was a failed if interesting experiment all of them are incredibly nostalgic and amazing, in my opinion.

Although subsequent playthroughs of III are really grating to me, far moreso than I or II. If only II's dragon system didn't suck, then I'd go through that one again all the time.

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Try this hack out dude. It makes the Dragons not sap all your AP, making them veritably useful. He also rebalances characters and stats. My brother and I recently played his rebalancing of Final Fantasy I, and it was pretty amazing early on--you actually had to play strategically or else face death. Maybe this BoF II rebalance will have that same staying-edge worth another playthrough :)

(or if that fails, at least give the retranslation of BoF II a try--it's really nift)

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Worst fanbase?

Hmm....I won't say worst but one of the more frustrating ones is the total war fanbase.

Anything on the forums usually boils down to CoD-type players who want game mechanics to be the servant of multiplayer (fast, rock paper scissors, etc.) vs. the history buffs who wish for realistic battles (slow, unit types aren't clear cut, unit design follows history textbooks). The company seems to be catering more to multiplayer though in an attempt to garner more sales, so the threads get uglier and uglier.

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No way, man. I originally played IV, which is nearest and dearest to my heart, but aside from V which I thought was a failed if interesting experiment all of them are incredibly nostalgic and amazing, in my opinion.

Although subsequent playthroughs of III are really grating to me, far moreso than I or II. If only II's dragon system didn't suck, then I'd go through that one again all the time.


BoFIV is the best game in the series in my opinion. III is pretty good yeah, grating. I never played V.

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Hatebases in video games are also so annoying. Why bother telling anyone what they should or should not like? Why wish a game company that still produces good games into ruin?

Sometimes you have to use hyperbole if you want people to listen.

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Sometimes you have to use hyperbole if you want people to listen.

I think hatedoms go beyond hyperbole. Watching people argue that all Mario games are the same because they feature the same main character is facepalm worthy. I'm talking about the people who complain about games they've never even played and hate them for the reason that "It's popular and I'm a gamer hipster and everything should involve 'mature' themes". Or god forbid someone suggests there should be a female option in games that offer character customization and how much vitrol gets flung about how "so and so feminazi should get back in the kitchen and stop butting into my hobby". Hatedoms frequently devolve into harassment, either launching flamewars between fans and anti-fans, or any sort of other arbitrary distinction that could be made between groups of people.

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Try this hack out dude. It makes the Dragons not sap all your AP, making them veritably useful. He also rebalances characters and stats. My brother and I recently played his rebalancing of Final Fantasy I, and it was pretty amazing early on--you actually had to play strategically or else face death. Maybe this BoF II rebalance will have that same staying-edge worth another playthrough :)

(or if that fails, at least give the retranslation of BoF II a try--it's really nift)

Oh man. That sounds awesome, though I'd still be peeved that the dragons are summons rather than forms like in the other titles. Still, better than nothing.

Also, making it harder scares me as I am a filthy casual as a result of being violated by unforgivingly difficult games throughout my life.


BoFIV is the best game in the series in my opinion. III is pretty good yeah, grating. I never played V.

V was...different in every way. It contained no thematic links to the earlier titles, nor any visual appearances, or gameplay quirks. The only similarities were that there are dragons in the game and there is a Ryu and Nina. It was novel because it had a mechanic that would allow you to restart the game with your items and various other things intact, but it was ridiculously difficult and so required you to restart several times before being able to have a snowball's chance in hell of getting to the end. This is because the way the game ends is from Ryu merging with the dragon that inhabits him in a grotesque explosion of fleshy bits, which is represented by a percentile. Using any dragon abilities at all makes it go up very quickly, and even walking around slowly increases it. It had an alright story, but even then the plot was a bit choked because of the setting. It was a supreme disappointment for me, as a huge fan of the series.

Also it totally gets in the way of established canon. It was always cool to try and place the chronology of each title, particularly IV, since it seemed to introduce dimension-changes. But V was impossible to put in with the rest of the bunch, since it carried no links whatsoever. Fittingly, I think it was stated officially that it was its own canon.

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Sonic of course but Zelda has a bad fanbase too especially with 3D episodes.

Majora's Mask : "too weird. OoT is the best."

Wind Waker : "too childish. MM was more mature."

Twilight Princess : "too realistic. WW was more creative."

Skyward Sword : "Motion gaming. That game sucks"


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To the comment that all fanbases are terrible, I think that Gene Wolfe's fanbase tends to be pretty amazing from what little I've seen of their forums; that is, I have no awareness of them as people, but I love considering their thoughts on the works of his that I've read. I also think Stephen R Donaldson fans are by and large amazing people; like with Wolfe, their opinions are wonderful to consider, and even those whose thoughts I don't find particularly intriguing appear to be wonderful people all the same. And I'm not sure if an Earthbound fan has ever done me wrong, even if I'm pretty horrible and an Earthbound fan.

I don't really think FE fans are that bad.

Honestly I'm having trouble of thinking of what the answer is.

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The Tales series is threatening to earn this title. The whole Team Destiny vs. Team Symphonia stuff was bad enough, but the Vesperia PS3 debacle is making things a lot worse. Not to mention the endless Xillia bashing even though it isn't THAT bad and the fate of the series in America/Europe depends on that game selling well.

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Well, I can only really talk about fandoms in terms of shipping. And there, Fire Emblem is the worst, as unfortunate as it is. It's full of idiot fanboys who automatically think "OMG GAY/LESBIAN COUPLE!" when they see two men or two women who are close friends or even just partners in their line of work. Even when some of those characters are officially said to be straight! Really, just because two men or two women are close friends doesn't mean they have to be gay/lesbian for each other. I've seen it happen for Sain and Kent, Eliwood and Hector, Lyn and Florina, Elincia and Lucia, and the most heavily hit pair of same-gender friends of all, Ike and Soren. God I hate Ike and Soren fanboys. They tend to be blind, stuck up, and arrogant and can't accept the fact that Ike (and even Soren, whom I actually think could be gay for Ike) could be straight or even bi. They also seem to not want to accept that due to Ike being given a descendant in the form of Paris, he most likely married a woman and had kids with her.

I've also been bitched, bashed, and trolled at by them for my preference of IkexElincia. One even spammed Ike and Soren crap on my wiki. Because of all this, I can't even legitimately say "IkexSoren" anymore.

I'll admit that I'm a pretty rabid IkexElincia fan, but I don't go trolling and bashing others for preferring other pairings. Not even if they prefer Elincia with Geoffrey, which is pretty much my most hated pairing of all. I even hate it more than yaoi/yuri and that's saying something.

EDIT: Oh, I also hate how Ike and Soren fanboys always say the pairing is canon just because an A support between Ike and Soren results in them leaving to explore new lands together. That doesn't say they're a couple at all.

Edited by Anacybele
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Well, I can only really talk about fandoms in terms of shipping.

... why? This ... seems pretty much just like your excuse to bash other pairings around :p

(That said, SainxKent? ElixHector? That's pretty damn implausible...)

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