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Your favorite units to draft


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FE8: Franz - I ended up with Franz a lot of times, but he's fun to use since he just destroys everything he touches.

Tana - I love using Tana. She turns into an offensive monster and I can warp her to the other end of the map and watch her destroy bosses. FranzxTana is my favorite FE8 draft duo, since it works very well together. I'd easily take it over FranzxVanessa, since they get in the way of each other with the early EXP spread. Meanwhile, Tana comes when Franz is already a monster and can catch up from there.

FE10: Jill - I like her because you can do so many things with her (haha). She can stay with the DBs or go to the GMs, like I always have her do, and destroy everything in her way. JillxZihark or JillxLeo are probably my favorite FE10 draft unit pairings, even though the former is pretty unlikely to get.

Nealuchi - S strike is so much fun <: And he was rather underrated until like the last few months. He's so fun to use :D

Leonardo - I loooove drafting him. He doesn't usually suck for me, and is crucial to low turning the first few chapters and 3-13 considering who I usually end up with.

FE11: Shiida - She's amazing.

Edited by CR-S01
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Tana, Artur and Ross from FE8. Tana is gr8mazing, Artur is a great warper and I've never seen him turn out badly. Ross is a monster once he gets out of his rut too.

Also Franz+Tana shouldn't happen.

Edited by Serious Bananas
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Tana, Artur and Ross from FE8. Tana is gr8mazing, Artur is a great warper and I've never seen him turn out badly. Ross is a monster once he gets out of his rut too.

Also Franz+Tana shouldn't happen.

I've gotten Franz+Tana 3 times, lol. One of the drafts weren't on this site though, so eh... And the other was a RNG draft. Yeah, it's not very likely to happen, but it might.

Also, FE11: Shiida. She's amazing.

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Pent and Saleh: They are so reliable for Warping People. They require the least effort for the A in staff rank (In pent's case, no effort whatsoever).

Ross: Has a bad start but when he gets good, Boy, he can just go into a hoard of enemies and murder most of the enemies.

Tana: To me, She will always be better than Vanessa (Vanessa is good for Ferrying but she can't really get the combat utility she has). She especially gets going when promoted.

Canas: Luna FTW!

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FE7: Fiora- she usually turns goddamn amazing for me unlike Florina, who just sucks ass for me. I also love Fiora <3 and shes so fun to use.

Lucius: because shes amazing at warping stuff around. And because shes so sexy...

FE8: Vanessa: WyvernKnight is an awesome class and she tends to be better than Franz for me.

Ross: Destruction EVERYWHERE once he gets going

FE9: Tormod: very fun to use. Can actually be made to take hits with a seraph robe lol.

FE10: Edward- Wrath Resolve shenanigans are so fun and hes also one of my faves due to his third tier awesome outfit.

Jill- godess on wings and she can go to GM and wreck things.

Marcia- duh

Rolf- fun to use and is actually very useful in some maps.

FE11: Shiida- shes amaze.

Barst- ^

FE12: Ryan- my Ryans always end up really damn good thanks to Pirate class growths.

Caeda- same as FE11.

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fe4 - Fin - so sexy

- Aideen - I usually get a dancer anyway so she's great anyway

fe7 - oswin - he's always been my favourite

fe8 - saleh - i totally was the first to pick saleh high

- gilliam - ^ he's actually great if you don't have franz

fe11- matthis - just hahahah

- wryssssss

Edited by General Horace
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Fury, Delmud.

Considering that I always seem to get 4th place, this isn't bad.

And I've done LexXFury so many times now and LexXLachesis is probobly the best for Delmud.



Bosskilling made easier



When you get Miledy+THese two and Noah, then it's rape train.





You shoulda seen that coming.

Also, Fiora.



So much more fun to use


So fun to use when blessed, and Pirate!Ross is pretty good.

Lute-I enjoy MK Lute's Warp Range.



Garcia-My love of Axemen. Add to the fact that he loves to get 13 spd by Tirado.


Haven't had him in awhile, but he's pretty good with a wing. Like DUessel w/o the brick wall durability or decent luck.


Relient on RNG, but at least he's good.


GK Gilliam with 16 speed.

Bitch please.


S Swords, 17 strength and landing the killing blow on the DK.

ahhahahha. WOnderful



I'll never get this combo again.




Also, so bro


So many drafts with her, but she's pretty good.


CRK's best unit.


CRK's 2nd best unit


My man, since I don't get TIts often, and he's solid.


Fliers and good combat.


So many times.


GG Hawk


Better than Kieran after a bexp dump


Helps alot in Silver.


Doesn't die in One or Two hits in final chapters.


Rape ass Abs for the DB, or Rape Ass boobs for helping out.

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I am a masochist, so any of my Skittles in FE11. I also like drafting Ellerean in FE12, because he's fast, durable, and hilarious.

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Everyone who's drafted with me in FE7 knows who I always end up picking (Rath). I also like to get Guy, for early game support, and Heath if I can. (I usually don't get Heath.) Lucius for Warp as well, but I suppose any non-primary staff magic user will do. As long as you're not Renault.

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