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Etrian Odyssey Mafia signups


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The Labyrinth swallowed all…
Innocents were stranded; sinners drowned in the depths; the damned vanished there.
The great power was lost to Man, the Mother Earth turned her back on the new world.
Only the cursed king on his throne in the abyss knows the truth…

Well hello there, and welcome to Etrian Odyssey Mafia! This game is for twelve people. Here, have some rules:

[spoiler=rules in here]1. This game is No Outside Contact (NOC), meaning there will be no talk outside of the thread.

2. There will be no talking at night, unless your role allows you to. There is also no mafia daytalking in their PM. (ie: mafia can only talk at night in their PM)

3. No quoting role PM’s or anything in them (including communications with me) in any way, shape or form, which includes the character image I provide. Paraphrase if you must. Screenshotting is worse, and will result in a modkill the moment I see it. If you want to quote something that I’ve said, then please ask me first.

4. You can ask any question of me regarding the game. I reserve the right to not always give a straight answer if it pertains to information that you shouldn’t know.

5. The game will start on N0, with no kills on N0.

6. If you have more than one ability, you may only use one on any given night. No exceptions. If you don’t want to use your role on a given night, reply to your Role PM with Night X – Idle. Need to make sure you’re paying attention. Any players without an action submitted by deadline will automatically idle and will be warned.

7. Dead people are dead, but it is not necessarily the end. But, that still means no talking at all, in any way, shape or form if you are dead. Except for one last non-informative post. In addition; no communicating with other deceased players or other external people until the game is over (or until I give a clear to)

8. No requests for IO’s when you’re dead.

9. Vote using the ##Vote: (player) system. Makes it so much easier on everyone.

10. Players with one half of the total possible votes will be lynched immediately. Maybe.

11. Current majority will determine who is lynched at deadline if the simple majority (as per rule 9 above) isn’t reached. Maybe.

12. Players must have a minimum of one third of the possible votes to actually be lynched in the first place. Maybe.
a) If no one has one-third of all possible votes by deadline, there will be no lynch, no matter what.

13. Should there be a lynch tie, there will be a random lynch. Maybe.

14. I will not confirm in thread if the town has reached LYLO or a variant thereof.

15. Days will be roughly 72 hours, and nights roughly 24 hours. This is not barring extreme personal circumstances. Extensions may be granted if needed. THIS IS NOT AN EXCUSE TO BE LAZY.

16. Players that are AWOL for a day and night phase will likely to auto-subbed or modkilled, depending.

17. Requests for subs need to either be in the game thread or role PM.

18. Priority list is already generated. There are no roles that mess with the priority list in any way.

19. No hidden players. Because fuck them.

20. Role PM’s beat these rules. Follow the role PM over these rules if there is a clash.

21. Some players may not know all parts of their role, however they will be made aware of the conditions that will reveal the hidden parts.

22. Please don’t be lame in general. Seriously, this has to be a rule.

23. Some things in these rules might be altered by some role PM’s that may not be your own. Keep your eyes peeled.

24. Any redirects you will be told about in the nightflavor. Specifically who you were redirected to, may not be revealed.

25. Similarly; any roleblocks will also be told through nightflavor.

26. Investigation results are not guaranteed to be accurate.

27. I have been a bit creative with character flavour (what little of it there is), because there really isn’t much to build on. (also not really a rule, but yeah)

28. No items in this game. Items are lame.

29. The town’s wincon is as follows: “You are aligned with The Guild. You win when all threats have been eliminated.” This exists to prevent some of the possible lame.

30. Role PM's will be flipped on death. Just in case someone else asks.

31. And if there is something I’ve missed, it will be placed above and posted in thread.

Do note: This is a slightly experimental game, keep that in mind.

Game will start after Jester Mafia is finished sometime. It's first in first served, anyone past the initial 12 players can be choose to be a sub. IO's are also possible, but note rule 7.
Another note to IO's: I will add you to the mafia PM, so you can see that discussion, but none of the others. I will make a special IO PM with all the role PM's and stuff.

Game checked by Prims.

ALSO: one other thing. When you sign up, pick a name (doesn't have to be your own, and be creative!) and gender for your character.
This also applies to subs, btw.
And subs are whoever is available from the list that contacts me.

Lovely people who are willing to challenge the Labyrinth:

1. Shinori (Shinori, Male)
2. Paperblade (Izlude, Male)
3. eclipse (Konbu, Female)
4. scorri (Edana, Female)
5. Delirium (Dirk, Male)
6. Elieson (Halsh, Male)
7. Rapier (Rine, Male)
8. Aere (Taeros, Male)
9. Helios (Cole, Male)
10. Cam (Simro, Male)
11. Rein (Mercury, Female)
12. Iris (Ulrich, Male)

Bluedoom/Marth (Aphrodite, Female)
Xin Li (Sangyul, Male)
BBM (Zarius, Male)

Le Levedad/Levity/Bizz
L1049 Edited by Manix
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the fuck do you mean "finally" time it hasn't even been two and a half months since you put this up


I couldn't think of anything better at the moment

edit: k fixed

Edited by Manix
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I couldn't think of anything better at the moment

yes you could have it could have been something not misleading

EDIT: see that was so easy

Edited by Strider
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Er, I'd rather be a sub, but maybe I should sign up as a full player anyway. Since I have a better idea of how to play mafia now.

Sangyul, male

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Two things: Rein has confirmed /in (hence; one slot left!) (but I won't close signups for a bit, because some people may want to change stuff)

and added rule 12a because someone asked about that

Edited by Manix
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Hmm. Might make a female character if that has any reference to the game instead of a male since we are grossly overpopulated with males at the moment.

It's mostly a flavor thing, gender balance doesn't really matter to any actual game mechanics.

But if you want to anyway, go ahead

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