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"That one boss..."

Gold Vanguard

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I'm surpised no one mention Sephiorth from Kingdom Hearts 1. You have to be on full guard all the time. He has more HP than the final boss, he can kill you in 5 hits(And thats at max level!!) plus he powers up half way through the fight and all his attacks increase in both range,speed, and power.

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I'm surpised no one mention Sephiorth from Kingdom Hearts 1. You have to be on full guard all the time. He has more HP than the final boss, he can kill you in 5 hits(And thats at max level!!) plus he powers up half way through the fight and all his attacks increase in both range,speed, and power.

I'd say Kingdom Hearts 2's Sephiroth is even worse. He has this one attack that, if it isn't blocked, will annihilate you in no time flat. And he has 3000 HP.

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Never had serious trouble with Megaman bosses, but that may be because that style of gameplay very well suits my own.

I can't think of any bosses off-hand that I've never beaten, but I can think of two that I haven't beaten on the highest difficulty available.

First would be Hanekoma in TWEWY's Another Day on Ultimate. He does such a freaking ton of damage and takes so little himself, I just can't endure his attacks long enough to win. And that's with Joshua... I honestly want to see someone beat him on Ultimate with a different partner, haha.

Second would be Distorted Travesty's Shroud Lord on Distorted. I think the most accurate way to describe him would be to call him a Bullet Hell boss in a Platform Hell game. The arena is tame, but he kills you in six hits (that's with max level and all upgrades), has four health bars, three super attacks for every health bar you successfully take down... Brutal doesn't even begin to describe it. I know of no-one who has beaten this guy on Distorted other than the creator himself, and even he had serious trouble.

In fact, have a screenshot.

[spoiler=This is on Normal. Distorted is another two steps above that.]980f8a6febccb5ddab115tdr0d.png

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that guy...


EDIT-Also ever since my second run of SoM, I've made sure not to die against the mantis ant XD

You can die against the Mantis Ant? lawl. :P:

I knew that one would be mentioned eventually, with the fact that he likes going to the sides, where you can only get at him with ranged weapons.

Yeah. Plus you have no healing magic yet, so if you didnt stock up on candies and chocolates, you might be in a world of hurt. Even the whip doesnt hit him right. Only the bow and javelin which both have accuracy issues.

Then theres his big brother, the Blue Spikey. That guy is a shit. Hes just like the other one only buffed up and nigh immune to magic. D:<

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You can die against the Mantis Ant? lawl. :P:

Yeah. Plus you have no healing magic yet, so if you didnt stock up on candies and chocolates, you might be in a world of hurt. Even the whip doesnt hit him right. Only the bow and javelin which both have accuracy issues.

Then theres his big brother, the Blue Spikey. That guy is a shit. Hes just like the other one only buffed up and nigh immune to magic. D:<

That reminds me of Secret of Mana Theater.

Good point.

For some reason Blue Spike never came off to me as all that annoying.

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I'd say Kingdom Hearts 2's Sephiroth is even worse. He has this one attack that, if it isn't blocked, will annihilate you in no time flat. And he has 3000 HP.

Well KH2 Sephoirth isn' that hard because theres more room for you to avoid his attacks plus he only uses that OHKO attack at the begining and somewhere in the middle of the battle.(Plus the QTE shows up just in time to save you.) Also you have moves like Refecltga to block some of his attacks and a limit break.

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Well KH2 Sephoirth isn' that hard because theres more room for you to avoid his attacks plus he only uses that OHKO attack at the begining and somewhere in the middle of the battle.(Plus the QTE shows up just in time to save you.) Also you have moves like Refecltga to block some of his attacks and a limit break.

I find that hard to swallow, since limits are impractical in KH2 (and Trinity Limit's no exception), and the reaction command only shows up for about a second before the aforementioned attack, which means if you're not on the ground when he's about to do it, you're likely screwed.

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You can die against the Mantis Ant? lawl. :P:

Ya. If your HP is reduced to 0, Jemma/Gemma/(you know that knight dude) will revive you. As many times as necessary. You could warm up some popcorn and just press the attack button every 30 seconds and you might win before you were done with the bag.

Yeah. Plus you have no healing magic yet, so if you didnt stock up on candies and chocolates, you might be in a world of hurt. Even the whip doesnt hit him right. Only the bow and javelin which both have accuracy issues.

Then theres his big brother, the Blue Spikey. That guy is a shit. Hes just like the other one only buffed up and nigh immune to magic. D:<

I actually don't remember having much trouble with this guy. The clone boss who I think gave me the most difficulty was the frost gigas who is actually Santa..because I went to the frost area before the sand area, and I also rushed through his dungeon without fighting a lot of the guys for some reason I don't remember.

One of my favorite bosses is that big toothy ball with legs thing that Sheex turns into.

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Hmm. Does anyone else find Zodiark from FFXII a complete assfuck of a boss, or just me?

Speaking of optional bosses, the Bee Queen or whatever it's called from the Chrysler Bldg in Parasite Eve. I could never complete floor 77 of that damn building, but I quit trying when I was 15, so I probably was just missing some obv trick :/

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One of my favorite bosses is that big toothy ball with legs thing that Sheex turns into.

Hahhaa yeah. That one is fun because spam. It uses Wall but if you have a high enough level in Shade (for magic dispell), you can use that and spam him with magic and its just...a funny looking boss! The "mwahahah" just seals it.

Frost Gigas can be a bitch if you dont have high Fire magic levels.

That One Level in SoM: Pure Land. Be sure to get armed with the best equipment. Otherwise....

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First would be Hanekoma in TWEWY's Another Day on Ultimate. He does such a freaking ton of damage and takes so little himself, I just can't endure his attacks long enough to win. And that's with Joshua... I honestly want to see someone beat him on Ultimate with a different partner, haha.

Yeah, he's pretty hard, not gonna lie. Although there are certain pinsets that make life so much easier (tip: it's not the Darklit Planets set (although one of the pins is from this fight >_>)). Velocity Attack and Velocity Rush (?)(it's been a while) pins make life actually quite easy on the bottom screen. Add in Her Royal Highness as well, and probably a healing pin (Splish Splash Barrier works wonders).

And beating him with Shiki is possible (but annoying), you just have to actually time your attacks right so you get that little frame of not taking damage. Don't even bother with Beat, the cards will be your undoing.

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Hmm. Does anyone else find Zodiark from FFXII a complete assfuck of a boss, or just me?

Speaking of optional bosses, the Bee Queen or whatever it's called from the Chrysler Bldg in Parasite Eve. I could never complete floor 77 of that damn building, but I quit trying when I was 15, so I probably was just missing some obv trick :/

Yea. His special does alot of damage. But a real pain in the ass is Yiazmat. That son of a bitch has a to much health, does way to much damage, and he heals!!!

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Satan from Shin Megami Tensei II. Motherfucker has an attack that that insta-kills without question and he can spam it like it's running out of style. And since someone brought a bonus boss then say hello to the Demi Fiend.

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Satan from Shin Megami Tensei II. Motherfucker has an attack that that insta-kills without question and he can spam it like it's running out of style. And since someone brought a bonus boss then say hello to the Demi Fiend.

Demi-Fiend is a dick. His Mara mount and clay idol thing just make the entire ordeal a horribly luck based pain in bum.

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I'm surpised no one mention Sephiorth from Kingdom Hearts 1. You have to be on full guard all the time. He has more HP than the final boss, he can kill you in 5 hits(And thats at max level!!) plus he powers up half way through the fight and all his attacks increase in both range,speed, and power.

Sephiroth is a boss that's tough until you find the trick, at which point it's a formulaic cakewalk (I grinded on him from like level 60 to 100) that you can beat with near-100% certainty every time.

Whenever I think of "That One Boss," I always think of the Boost Guardian from Metroid Prime 2.

Edited by Red Fox of Fire
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Just found it. I'm just picked up Skyrim again after putting it down for a while, and I messed up somewhere and ended up in a prison near a party with no weapons and lack of magical ability, and I have to beat a few people or find one key or something and I don't know what to do. I've tried it many times and lost.

Edited by I don't play for turns
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Sephiroth is a boss that's tough until you find the trick, at which point it's a formulaic cakewalk (I grinded on him from like level 60 to 100) that you can beat with near-100% certainty every time.

Whaddya think of KH2 Sephiroth then?

Back on topic; I'll mention Dolan from SD3 because Spiral Moon is a dick move. And because he takes a long time to go down.

Edited by Golden Cucco
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Whenever I think of "That One Boss," I always think of the Boost Guardian from Metroid Prime 2.

Ack...I didn't exactly get stuck on this thing, but its definitely an ass.

And no way SD3 should have any bosses on here, unless it's the black rabite, who I don't even know how to fight, so I can't say he's not hard. Regular battles in god beast areas tend to be harder than the god beasts! (in the case of enemies who use lvl 3 hit-all techs).

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And no way SD3 should have any bosses on here, unless it's the black rabite, who I don't even know how to fight, so I can't say he's not hard. Regular battles in god beast areas tend to be harder than the god beasts! (in the case of enemies who use lvl 3 hit-all techs).

Well, as I can remember, there's the Forest of Wonder, Valley of Flames, Labyrinth of Ice Walls, and the Moonreading Tower (which I'm not very fond of) where those are a concern. Though if you really wanted to complain about that, I'd expect the Glass Desert to be mentioned (HATE Guardian/Nightblade combos). And I still maintain that Dolan's a jerk.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Salabog from Secret of Evermore is a complete jerk. Most of the time it's out of range, and it's only when it dives in to attack that you can attack it, which means it's a hit on your part if you mess up. You probably don't have enough ingredients for alchemy either. The kicker? The darn thing has 2000 HP, and this is the second boss in the game we're talking about here (for the record, 2000 is over triple what Thraxx, the first boss, had [600]). Verminator also counts for the same reasons, more-or-less.

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