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What endings would you have made possible in Radiant Dawn?

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But Mia/Soren makes more sense than Micaiah/Soren. (but not that much lol.) Some crazies like to think of Mia's badgering of Soren in the FMV to be a playful jibe. It made me wanna backhand her. He takes out like FIVE GUYS with his magic and she takes out one and then has the gall? The Others take her!

Also Soren has reasons to be antisocial. Dude was an outcast growing up in Gallia. Everyone including his caretakers treated him like dogshit on a dead hedge knight's boot. He basically learned junk on his own taking what little he learned from that old sage. Gallia was particularly harsh because of the laguz. Since he was a branded, they scorned him and ignored him. "Hate...that was something I could understand. This...This was denial. It sat in my heart like a cold glacier." Yeah. Ike was the only guy to really offer out his hand in friendship. Ike didnt know about discrimination. Apparently, Greil and his wife were kind enough to spare Ike and Mist the uglier side of Gallia and the rest of the world. Greil most likely took Soren in at Ike's urging. While it is true not everyone in Tellius hates the branded, it isnt exactly common for the people of the continent to take kindly to them. The laguz hate them because of the fact that when a laguz couples with a beorc and they beget a child, the laguz loses their rights and powers as a laguz and becomes something...else. (See Almedha) The beorc hate them because the teachings of Ashera deem it an extreme taboo. So naturally, Soren is all "eeehhhhh" about people in general.Did you even read Soren's supports and story junk?

He gets along with MOST of the GMs, but not all. Shinon hates him because Soren ends up in a higher rank. (Greil depends a bit on Soren's information network and junk.) Titania's Lawful Good views conflict with Soren's views and they argue a lot. While they seem to have some mutual respect for one another, they dont always get along. Its somewhat unclear how Soren's dynamics work with some of the other GMs. We can assume that they get along for the most part. Soren seems to not have any real beef with guys like Boyd and Oscar and Rhys. He seems moderately kosher with Mist too.

Firstly, ignore Kora Wa Sho. I'm not like that. Second, yeah, I understand all that, but I still can't help but dislike him for his personality. That's just me, I guess.

And Geoffrey is okay looking. But Ike is way hotter, imo. One of the reasons I love him.

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Sho, Fanfaire isn't exactly the best person to be quoting. Not just about Ike/Elincia or Elincia/Geoffrey or Ike/Soren, but at the moment I think he's just trolling all of SF.


The flames demand more fuel, not sea creatures

*crushes Sho with dolphins and orcas* -_-

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lol. Seoyeon, you really know how to make my day.

Let's talk about Kieran and Marcia now! They're my second favorite pairing after IkexElincia. I think these two are just cute together, mainly because of their supports in PoR. Then Marcia goes to the Royal Knights sometime after PoR. I like to write that she went so she could be closer to Kieran. :P:

I know nothing actually says this or even really implies it though. It's just how I chose to develop their relationship, haha.

So yeah, I'd have loved to see them have a romantic ending where they're married and all.

Edited by Anacybele
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Geoffrey looks okay in FE9 but he took a major level in hotness in FE10 while Ike took a major level in steroids. Soren looks a teensy bit "cuter" in FE10 and is a lot more lighthearted than before. He still cuts like a hot knife through butter when it comes to war strategy; It's his job. But he still humours Aimee and I think he enjoyed covering for "Ikey-poo" a heck of a lot. He also stops provoking the laguz in FE10 after Ike steps in defend both parties in FE9. Soren was totally abused in his childhood and has so much trauma, it's amazing how much he's recovered by FE10. He's still reserved and can say mean-spirited things, but that was the environment he grew up in. For that reason, I think Soren is one of the best characters in the whole series, how he overcomes his trauma. He's mean, but I think he's well-written and fully realized, moreso than many other characters in the whole series.

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I thought Geoffrey looked good enough in his RD artwork, but everywhere else, he was rather meh.

I think Kieran is pretty damn handsome though. Not as hot as Ike, but still. And I don't think Ike in RD looks like he's on steroids. Imo, his muscles look just fine. In fact, I think they made him even hotter. I admit, I'm quite attracted to muscles. But I've got a limit, of course, and Ike has pretty much reached it, admittedly.

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Geoffrey looks okay in FE9 but he took a major level in hotness in FE10 while Ike took a major level in steroids. Soren looks a teensy bit "cuter" in FE10 and is a lot more lighthearted than before. He still cuts like a hot knife through butter when it comes to war strategy; It's his job. But he still humours Aimee and I think he enjoyed covering for "Ikey-poo" a heck of a lot. He also stops provoking the laguz in FE10 after Ike steps in defend both parties in FE9. Soren was totally abused in his childhood and has so much trauma, it's amazing how much he's recovered by FE10. He's still reserved and can say mean-spirited things, but that was the environment he grew up in. For that reason, I think Soren is one of the best characters in the whole series, how he overcomes his trauma. He's mean, but I think he's well-written and fully realized, moreso than many other characters in the whole series.


And here...i thought i was all alone! You summed it up really well! Plus his convos with Aimee are a scream! Its not like he doesnt know how to flirt! He sure does, but he just chooses not to unless it benefits him and his in some way. "You are a jewel, Miss Aimee, all other women are glass beads!"

I imagine him growing up to look a lot like Rajaion. Who is....well this image speaks for itself. heysexy.001.gif

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Sho, Fanfaire isn't exactly the best person to be quoting. Not just about Ike/Elincia or Elincia/Geoffrey or Ike/Soren, but at the moment I think he's just trolling all of SF.

But Boron, that is a perfect reason to quote him!


I find your suggestion of ignoring me most amusing considering I suggested ignoring you.

Also until you start to act rationally I have no reason to stop thinking of you that way. In all honesty it seems to me that you indeed do hate anything that might harm your dear pairing. Whatever you are aware of your actions or just not able to realize that you are in fact hating on everything that opposes that pairing because of that exact reason. Please note that this is not me saying you are crazy Ike fangirl, but human being with strong passion. So same thing expect the crazy part is medically incorrect.

...aaaaaand before you pull the "you don't know me" card, I am fully aware that might be the case but as long as you keep showing exactly one dimension in you "character", ^ seems far more logical.

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Okay then. You're free to think as you wish. I can't stop you. And yes, I do dislike things that could harm IkexElincia since I love the pairing so much. But that doesn't mean I don't also dislike those same things for other reasons or haven't disliked them since before I knew they could harm the pairing.

Edited by Anacybele
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There's a quote going around that says "They call it 'canon' because it blows holes in everyone's ship."

I believe that this thread is the living embodiment of this quote.


Edited by Jotaro Kujo
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Soren might as well be the main character of the Tellius series tbh.

And even though I make fun of Ikey-poo, I don't think his muscles are to the point where it's roid-lookin'. It just looks liks--how many years was it...3 or so...? Considering he was 17 in PoR, it's not hard to believe at all. My friends have gotten quite muscular over the years since high school.

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There's a quote going around that says "They call it 'canon' because it blows holes in everyone's ship."

I've never heard that saying before, but god does it fit well.

Ike and Soren being buddies doesn't harm IkexElincia, no. But Ike and Soren being lovers or Geoffrey and Elincia being lovers would.

Edited by Anacybele
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Never heard of a threesome?

Ike and anyone else being lovers would disrupt Ike/Elincia, and has the same canonicity. So logically, you should hate everyone in RD except Ike and Elincia.

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There's a quote going around that says "They call it 'canon' because it blows holes in everyone's ship."

I believe that this thread is the living embodiment of this quote.


Best. Post. Ever.

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Never heard of a threesome?

Ike and anyone else being lovers would disrupt Ike/Elincia, and has the same canonicity. So logically, you should hate everyone in RD except Ike and Elincia.

Yeah, but clearly, Ike would never be lovers with a lot of characters. xP

And I wouldn't hate the characters themselves just because they could get with Ike if it were possible. I'd just hate that it would be possible.

Edited by Anacybele
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That goes for Elincia, Ike and her made it clear that there was nothing romantic between them and what feelings that they may have had in PoR had long since passed.

Please don't bash me and act like I'm a total bitch. Because I'm not and everything you have said here is blatantly false. I already said that I dislike Soren for other reasons. In fact, I honestly don't mind that he has an A support ending with Ike. I'm just glad it isn't romantic.

Your words not mine, perhaps you should do a little less bashing of Soren to try and make your pairing seem more relevant despite all facts to the contrary and accept that you aren't going to convince anyone here no matter how much you bash Soren. And it's more romantic than anything Ike x Elincia got.

You need to face reality that Elincia moved on to Geoffrey who at least is descent enough to take her situation into account and doesn't just go on random journey's and abandons all his friends once the fighting is done.

Edited by Fanfaire
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Ike x Mist, what do I win?

The vibe I got from Soren's character is that he doesn't trust easily, but once he does, it's a very deep bond. I like to imagine that he hangs out with Ike as friends until Ike passes away, then takes up Stefan's offer to move to the Branded village.

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Your words not mine, perhaps you should do a little less bashing of Soren to try and make your pairing seem more relevant despite all facts to the contrary and accept that you aren't going to convince anyone here no matter how much you bash Soren. And it's more romantic than anything Ike x Elincia got.

You need to face reality that Elincia moved on to Geoffrey who at least is descent enough to take her situation into account and doesn't just go on random journey's and abandons all his friends once the fighting is done.

You need to just leave me the hell alone. I will believe what I want to believe, and you will not force me to do otherwise.

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I'm just going to add homosexual pairings in here.

Mist X Jill

Lethe X Jill

Lucia X Elincia

Leanne X Vika

Heather X Nephenee

Heather X Ilyana

Ilyana X Mia

Oscar X Kieran

Neasala X Prison Inmates

Sothe X Tormod

Rolf X Shinon

Kiean X His Silver Axe/

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What part of "Not intended to be a debate thread." Did the majority last couple pages [including the thread maker herself] miss?

Edited by Jedi
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Tell that to the OP who has been arguing far longer than anyone else in this topic.

You need to just leave me the hell alone. I will believe what I want to believe, and you will not force me to do otherwise.

If you wanted to be left alone you wouldn't be responding when someone calls you out for your own comments.

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Im probably the biggest Soren fangirl on this forum. And Micaiah is just a really terrible character and i dont want him paired with her. Id rather see Soren/Mia (and i fucking hate Mia) than Micaiah. Soren outright detests Micaiah. I ship things that make sense. :):

Fair enough, I think it's a dumb pairing too (honestly, I find anything other than MicaiahXSSothe unworkable for either of them, but I'll get to that in a minute.

I know what romantic endings I'd like to add! IkeXSoren AND IkeXElincia both! There, compromise!

Also, I have another thing. People seem to be sugesting new ones for Callil, Sothe and Micaiah... Fine, but you DO know they'd have to divorce/break up first, right?

Also, I'd add these:

Mist X Jill

Lethe X Jill

Lucia X Elincia

Leanne X Vika

Heather X Nephenee

Heather X Ilyana

Ilyana X Mia

Except maybe VikaXLeanne, but might even include that one.

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Not much of a compromise, poor Geoffrey should be included in that. If Ike is jumping beds with his woman that Geoffrey should get back at them and jump in bed with Soren just to spite Ike. It will make for some awkward moments ween they switch back the next day.

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