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Hearts Mafia (Experimental)


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Can there be a rule that if an alive player has less posts than a dead player, then that person can be yelled at horribly in postgame?

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i think she meant during the card game

Didn't the last cycle get held up because BBM was dead and the commands had to come from an alive player? (For the card game.)

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I mean Cam can come in second place or something....

Also I thought this game was pretty cool how it was set up. A hearts game along with a normal mafia game is a cool idea. Also Psych, don't forget that role we created for next game haha

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Also, why did someone getting lynched result in more points than them getting nightkilled.

I dunno. Suddenly, the entire yellow team dropping dead on C1 doesn't seem so terrible, eh? XD

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[spoiler=hearts game]

<Yongsoo> Okay

<scorri> and it's my turn

<scorri> i play the ace of diamonds

<Yongsoo> Okay, I'm pretty sure I know my deck now

<scorri> cool

<BBM> scorri has jack confirmed

* Kay (Mibbit@q-33-308-835-283.hsd3.dc.comcast.net) has joined #HeartsMafia

<BBM> okk

<scorri> Elieson: your turn

<scorri> currently played: 3, 5, ace of diamonds

<Elieson> Q diamonds

<scorri> ok

<scorri> i take the hand with the ace, no points

<scorri> i lead the 10 of spades

<Yongsoo> Who's next?

<BBM> elie

<Elieson> Uhh

<scorri> it goes me, elie, bbm, yongsoo

<Yongsoo> Okay

<Elieson> 4Sp.

<BBM> hmm

* Manix is keeping track with a whiteboard

<BBM> 5

<BBM> of spades

<Yongsoo> Uhh, 8 of spades

<Elieson> (is cooking too

<Manix> scorri wins that hand

<Manix> takes no points

<scorri> uhm... hang on a second

<Yongsoo> ?

<scorri> hold on

* Manix waits

<scorri> elie

<scorri> you plaed the 4 of spades last turn

<scorri> played*

<Elieson> Dammit mybad

<Yongsoo> We should all have 8 cards left, right, after this?

<Elieson> Quees Sp.

<scorri> yes

<scorri> ok

<BBM> are you sure

<BBM> queen?

<scorri> elie takes the hand, with 13 points

<Elieson> ya

<scorri> elie's lead

<Elieson> 4 clu.

<scorri> (current totals for the game are east: 13, everyone else 0)

<scorri> BBM: your turn

<BBM> uhh

<BBM> A of hearts

<Manix> there we go, hearts have been broken

<Elieson> Bbmwins

<scorri> Yongsoo: your turn, you need to play a club

<Yongsoo> Ace of clubs

<Manix> bbm doesn't win

<scorri> Elieson: not so fast

<scorri> ok

<scorri> i play the 6 of clubs

<scorri> Yongsoo: your lead

<Yongsoo> Okay

<Elieson> didn't ace trump all?

<BBM> no

<scorri> wrong suit

<Manix> Boron takes 1 point from that last hand

<Elieson> O

<Yongsoo> I play 7 of spades

<scorri> (east: 13 points, west: 1 point)

<scorri> i play the 6 of spades

<Yongsoo> I took a point from the ace, right?

<scorri> yeah

<Elieson> J.hearts

<BBM> my turn?

<Yongsoo> BBM's ace?

<scorri> BBM: yup

<scorri> Yongsoo: yup, cause it was a heart

<Yongsoo> All right, got it

<BBM> K of hearts

<scorri> you don't have any spades?

<BBM> no

<Yongsoo> Oh

<BBM> wait sorry

<BBM> ugh

<BBM> yes i do

<BBM> my mistake

<BBM> i play uhh

<BBM> 2

<scorri> ok

<scorri> Yongsoo takes it with the 7 of spades, 1 point

<scorri> Yongsoo: your lead again

<Yongsoo> Wait, what did I take the point from this time?

<scorri> jack of hearts from elie

<BBM> elie played J of hearts

<Yongsoo> Oh

<Yongsoo> 6 of diamonds

<scorri> J of diamonds

<scorri> (east: 13 points, west: 2 points)

<scorri> Elieson: your turn

<scorri> diamonds led

<BBM> ughh scorri has this

<Elieson> 8 <3s

<BBM> better hand

<BBM> i play K of hearts

<scorri> ok, i take -9 points

<BBM> -8

<Manix> *-8

<scorri> oh

<scorri> yeah

<scorri> i read that as a spade whoops

<scorri> ok

<Yongsoo> For playing J of diamonds?

<Yongsoo> And getting 2 hearts?

<Manix> yep

<Yongsoo> Okay

<scorri> (east:13, west:2, south:-8)

<scorri> i lead the 3 of hearts

<Yongsoo> (Is it my turn?)

<scorri> Yongsoo: your play

<scorri> err

<scorri> no

<Manix> no

<scorri> i lied

<Manix> Elie

<scorri> Elieson: your play

<Elieson> Ok

<scorri> (thanks Manix)

<Elieson> 5 C

<scorri> hearts lead?

<scorri> you have no hearts?

<Elieson> Fuckdammit

<Elieson> 7 h

<BBM> 4h

<BBM> wait no

<BBM> actually yes

<BBM> 4h

<scorri> 3,4,7H

<Yongsoo> Urgh ...

<Manix> make up your mind :P

<Yongsoo> 9 of hearts

<BBM> +4

<scorri> Yongsoo takes 4 points

<Yongsoo> Fuckdammit

<Yongsoo> We only got one heart card in our entire deck

<scorri> (east:13, west:6, south:-8)

<scorri> Yongsoo: well, lead your next card

<Yongsoo> 3 of spades

<scorri> K of diamonds

<Elieson> J H


<scorri> BBM: no spades left?

<BBM> wait ugh

<BBM> i keep forgetting


<scorri> ok, BBM takes that with one point

<Yongsoo> What do we do if we have no cards of a certain suite left?

<BBM> then you can paly any suit

<scorri> (east:13, west:6, south:-8, north:1)

<Yongsoo> Okay

<Elieson> Why 1 point

<scorri> Yongsoo: play the highest cards you have

<BBM> ughhhhh

<scorri> Elieson: you played the jack of hearts?

<Yongsoo> All right

<Elieson> When jack and queen of hearts

<Elieson> Yea

<Elieson> J

<BBM> not Q

<Elieson> Jack

<scorri> he misplayed

<Elieson> Ohnvm

<scorri> ok

<BBM> ughhhhh

<scorri> BBM: your lead

<BBM> 6 H

<scorri> Yongsoo: your play

<Yongsoo> 10 of diamonds

<Yongsoo> (No hearts)

<scorri> 10 of clubs

<Elieson> 5H

<BBM> fuck i knew i should have changed from 4 to 6

<scorri> BBM takes 2 points, your lead

<BBM> but whatever

<BBM> elie would have played 2 of h

<scorri> (east: 13, west:6, south:-8, north:3)

<BBM> hearts got divided horribly

<Elieson> Yup

<Yongsoo> We only had one heart

<scorri> BBM: your lead is?

<Elieson> I did have 6

<Elieson> bbm

<Elieson> lol

<BBM> i take rest of the hands

<scorri> (i purposly passed off my hearts)

<scorri> ok, and take... how many points?

<Yongsoo> Well, I don't remember what Cam passed off

<BBM> i have 10h and qh

<BBM> we werent evne allowed to pass our hearts

<scorri> you take two more points?

<Yongsoo> Uh

<Yongsoo> Do we just reveal the rest of our hands?

<scorri> basically

<scorri> BBM has the lead

<scorri> and he has high hearts

<Yongsoo> Okay, so BBM has those

<Manix> any more hearts?

<scorri> nope

<BBM> psych told furet to give 1 club, 1 spade, and 1 diamond

<Yongsoo> No

<Yongsoo> But should I tell you what mine is anyway?

<scorri> BBM: i uh

<Yongsoo> They're not hearts, but they are high

<BBM> doesnt matter

<Manix> doesn't matter, can't win off them

<scorri> think that was meant to be for the positions that he picked people for?

<scorri> >_>

<Yongsoo> Hmm

<scorri> anyways

<BBM> >_>

<scorri> final score:

<BBM> seriously

<Elieson> What scorri said

<BBM> what hearts did elie have

<Elieson> yes

<BBM> damnit furet

<BBM> y u no hearts

<Yongsoo> Lol, BBM

<scorri> east: 13, west: 6, south: -8, north: 5

Final score from the hearts card game was East: 13 points, West: 6 points, South: -8 points, North: 5 points.

With my control of the lynch, that means that South wins as do Kay and Anouleth.

Edited by scorri
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