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Your favorite game outside of Fire Emblem?


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None of the FE games were my overall favorites to begin with.







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I LOVE the Tales series but I mostly play rpg's so its definitely on top but not better than FE imo but I love them both to death! I like Final Fantasy and I play it when I want a nice casual play of an rpg or if I play to much Tales games I play to get away from all the action, still gotta get farther in FFXIII-2, only played about an hour of it maybe.

I love the Tales series so much that I beat Tales of the Abyss(got it release day) three times in 2 1/2 months! These three games are my top three but can't decide which one is higher than another.

Here are some other titles I've played:

Golden Sun 1-3

Radiant Historia

Chrono Trigger

Valkyrie Profile: Covenant of the Plume

Mario rpgs

Legend of Zelda

I want to play Disgaea DS. . .

I think there are a few others but I can't remember them at the top of my head.

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Yep FE isn't really nearing my favorite either. You'd think people on a dedicated FE forum like this would love the hell out of it but I'm kinda just in it for the sprites. It can't beat out Disgaea/Nippon Ichi games for me, or Tactics Ogre.

Otherwise, dat Suikoden, Silent Hill 2, The Witcher, and I guess SMT games that aren't Persona :V

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If it counts, Berwick Saga. If not, Pikmin 2.

Between Berwick Saga and Fire Emblem: Awakening, I'm not sure which I'd call my favorite game. The other FE games don't come close, though.

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Some games that I really like:

Chrono Cross

Persona series

Luminous Arc

Arc Rise Fantasia

Eternal Sonata

Final Fantasy (V is my favorite! :D)

Animal Crossing

Kirby games


A bunch of others...

Mostly RPGs... XD

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The Suikoden series, no contest. Largely forgotten/unknown, but with a vast, expansive lore that puts most other RPG series to shame. While most RPG series take place in separate worlds (Tales, Final Fantasy), or they have blocks where a couple of games are in the same world and some aren't (Atelier, Fire Emblem), the main Suikoden series from 1 through 5 are all in the same world, though focusing on different regions (the Elder Scrolls series follows a similar format). It's got a ton of unique gameplay elements, such as collecting 108 characters, building up a home base, and several styles of combat (traditional party-based, one-on-one duels, army battles). Story-wise, it's sort of like Fire Emblem, although the plot is usually more mature and complex than standard FE fare. Highly recommended for anyone who wants to sample an excellent RPG, but good luck finding any of the games legitimately (the best of them, Suikoden 2, is not on the PSN, and goes for around $70-$100 for a copy. Luckily, it is a PS1 game, and you know what that means...)

And oh, Tierkreis doesn't count.

I LIKE Tierkreis! whinewhine Okay, so it was way harder to miss people, and it was easier overall, but I still liked it!

There's a lot of things I like, but if we're going by avatars/other stuff I post, it's IIDX, followed by Tales, TWEWY, and some of the FF games. I also fangirl over Dept. Heaven, and that Star Ocean game that didn't-seem-too-popular-but-stuff-it-Arumat-is-hot. Ahem. . .I also like the Pokemon series, and will one day be more serious about Valkyrie Profile (Seraphic Gate is pure win). Oh, and the Izuna series. :P:

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Top favorite series in gaming is Zelda. Eeeeyup.

A Link To The Past is my favorite game out of that series.

Other games are:

Chrono Trigger (probably my favorite game in the whole universe.)

Castlevania: Symphony Of the Night. Ohhh yeah! (the rest of the series is pretty great too.)

Valkyrie Profile (Lenneth)


Tales of Symphonia


Paper Mario Series

Breath of Fire IV

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The Megaman series (including the X, Zero and ZX), I play them over and over more than I do with FE (most of the time). Visual Novels like 999 (Nine Hours, Nine Persons, Nine Doors) and Ace Attorney also hook me up (and Dangan Ronpa would too, if it existed outside Japan).

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