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I FEEL STUPID FOR WRITING THIS so I'm just putting it in this thread but remember that when referring to me in games I really like 'they' pronouns (such as they are, their, they have been, they will, them, etc.) and I realize that might sound grammatically incorrect to people or strange or an unnecessary inconvenience, but I noticed some of you still refer to me by female pronouns in games so I was wondering if maybe you knew about this

I won't hate you or anything if you don't, I understand, but this makes me the most comfortable I think. I'm jut hoping some of the people still referring to me as 'she' aren't doing it because of transphobia or something. If you just forgot or something like that it's completely fine. Do what you want/need to. I'm still making this a habit myself

gosh I'm sorry if this is inconvenient or stupid

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honestly I've been thinking for a while and I think I'm done with mafia

it's just gotten to more of a hassle and I never feel like I'm doing well regardless of what faction I'm on

I really only focus on people not being able to read me and I just feel like I'm not good at mafia

so I think I'll reserve myself to hosting or something

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eh, mafia is about having fun, not being super good at the game

i dunno psych i like having you in mafia games because you're entertaining even if you're not a Professional Mafia Player. but if you can only have fun if you feel like you're playing well that's okay

also continuing to play is the best way to improve anyway

Edited by Professional Mafia Player
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Eh, I'm kind of in the same boat as Psych. I'll probably keep jumping into games, but don't expect too much from me.

I FEEL STUPID FOR WRITING THIS so I'm just putting it in this thread but remember that when referring to me in games I really like 'they' pronouns (such as they are, their, they have been, they will, them, etc.) and I realize that might sound grammatically incorrect to people or strange or an unnecessary inconvenience, but I noticed some of you still refer to me by female pronouns in games so I was wondering if maybe you knew about this

I won't hate you or anything if you don't, I understand, but this makes me the most comfortable I think. I'm jut hoping some of the people still referring to me as 'she' aren't doing it because of transphobia or something. If you just forgot or something like that it's completely fine. Do what you want/need to. I'm still making this a habit myself

gosh I'm sorry if this is inconvenient or stupid

Nah, it's better to explain now in order to avoid any potential disagreements on the matter later on.

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when being good at mafia became the Only Thing that made me feel like I had worth it was awful but I'm learning to just have more fun with the game now and I think I play better when I'm less superserious about it honestly. I still worry about playing well but I'm trying not to let that overtake me again

but it's Psych's own decision really. and Poly's too

**if any of you have noticed me be less serious in games that's intentional. I'm experimenting

Edited by The Best SK
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I FEEL STUPID FOR WRITING THIS so I'm just putting it in this thread but remember that when referring to me in games I really like 'they' pronouns (such as they are, their, they have been, they will, them, etc.) and I realize that might sound grammatically incorrect to people or strange or an unnecessary inconvenience, but I noticed some of you still refer to me by female pronouns in games so I was wondering if maybe you knew about this

I won't hate you or anything if you don't, I understand, but this makes me the most comfortable I think. I'm jut hoping some of the people still referring to me as 'she' aren't doing it because of transphobia or something. If you just forgot or something like that it's completely fine. Do what you want/need to. I'm still making this a habit myself

gosh I'm sorry if this is inconvenient or stupid

I try to remember! If I do refer to you by the wrong pronoun, it's accidental!

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