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(Serenes Forest Mafia) General Discussion


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Maybe you could have one of the scum roles (well, the only scum role w/e) be THE FALSE PROPHET and if he actually lives till day 3 he blows everyone up who doesn't have a BPV.

...Never ask me to balance things ever.

Edited by Refa
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I'm thinking of a thing for anarchy mode but by the way this discussion's going, I'll probs call that variant Demarchy and see what the proposed anarchy mode can do lol.(If its popular with you guys anyway)

More modes for voting, more confusion lol

Edited by Bluedoom
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general whatever stuff: you'd have people lining up who they are going to shoot before voting in anarchy or w/e, so yeah good luck seeing people die that you don't expect to (hint: mafia immediately lose control of their daykills, basically giving town more kill control)

the reason being is that if people do not shoot who they are meant to, you go shoot/lynch them, and hey look it's a mafia flip.

it's basically hard as shit to balance. please don't use it.

Edited by Curly Brace
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We should totally have a joke game like that, though. Could give mafia a concealed dayshot or two as well if you want to pretend that you're making an effort to balance things.

Or make everyone's shots concealed, and be resolved with a random delay, and post who shot who some time later (like actual TPP).

It'd be fun :):

Edited by Euklyd
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The last time I played a game where everyone (minus the doctor) had a dayvig, nobody wanted to shoot each other until the mod threatened to randomly kill a player for not shooting. :facepalm:

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alternately just have a game where posts are constructed word-by-word in #sforestmafia

it can be like those pictures where /v/ writes an email to gabe newell or whoever

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We should totally have a joke game like that, though. Could give mafia a concealed dayshot or two as well if you want to pretend that you're making an effort to balance things.

Or make everyone's shots concealed, and be resolved with a random delay, and post who shot who some time later (like actual TPP).

It'd be fun :):

Problem is if you throw in mafia co-ordination, you're guaranteed to see more than 1 death lol

'course there's that "Everyone is Mafia" series of games where things like this happened so lol

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Problem is if you throw in mafia co-ordination, you're guaranteed to see more than 1 death lol

'course there's that "Everyone is Mafia" series of games where things like this happened so lol

Where's the problem here? :P:

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lol eh if you took a standard large game there'd be at least 4 scum.So that's two kills from scum. Then you need to take into account the no. of town-sided misvigs. lol

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If it wasn't clear I wasn't being serious. I thought I was making this clear but maybe I'm just tired....

lol eh if you took a standard large game there'd be at least 4 scum.So that's two kills from scum. Then you need to take into account the no. of town-sided misvigs. lol

We should totally have a joke game like that, though. Could give mafia a concealed dayshot or two as well 1) if you want to pretend that you're making an effort to balance things.

Or make everyone's shots concealed, and be resolved with a random delay, and post who shot who some time later (like actual TPP).

2) It'd be fun :):

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That's why I'd put in no talking and private kills on Anarchy phases- it prevents town from taking control of the mafia's kills and also gives the town a reason to pick democracy. Without democracy they can't get reads on anybody and the mafia will almost certainly win because the town will be shooting blindly and the mafia won't. So really you'd want to pick democracy at the beginning and then anarchy after a few phases to hurry things up.

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...I'm also compiling my notepad files on Loli Maids vs. Deadly Monsters so that's probably going into the queue soon (after what, 3 years of waiting.)

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alternately just have a game where posts are constructed word-by-word in #sforestmafia

it can be like those pictures where /v/ writes an email to gabe newell or whoever

doesn't he actually respond to those
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i considered hosting another eimm but decided not to cuz the queue slowed down so there probably wouldnt be much interest

i think eimm shouldn't really take up a queue slot since there's a relatively small time commitment involved

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i think eimm shouldn't really take up a queue slot since there's a relatively small time commitment involved

you haven't tried hosting one or two of these

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  • 4 weeks later...

so for my next invitational, I'm contemplating using a gimmick where players receive a "basic" role, 10 points, then on Night 0, instead of using their role, they apply any number of 6 upgrades to customize it within the restraints of the set-up. each upgrade costs a variable amount of points. this would make the set-up dynamic and decrease the odds of somebody getting stuck with a role they find totally unfun to play. it'd also give the scumteam something to strategize about pre-game

thoughts on this gimmick?

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