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(Serenes Forest Mafia) General Discussion


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oh also I like to be SK because the pressure of being on a team isn't there + kill everyone

The thing about being mafia vs. being town is my confidence is just so bad that being on a small team where everything counts stresses me out a ton. and then if I'm town I always worry about if I'm being helpful enough. but when I'm SK I just have to worry about my own ass and Kill Everyone (・ω・)

Edited by The Best SK
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I found that playing as SK is easier than playing as mafia in the beginning. Then, when people start realizing for sure there's an SK and the mafia dwindles down, it gets just as hard.

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obviously i'm a stereotypical loner anime character

ALSO okay so one time I rolled probably the worst SK ever (even-night killer, no buffs, in a 22-player game) and only being able to kill on even nights + hitting the same target as mafia twice confused people. I was in the Final Five but then mafia killed me

& it was a no-coroner game

Edited by The Best SK
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I prefer SK to being scum. I hate being scum, worst thing ever.

Question Asker best town role, tailor best scum role. Amnesiac is pretty cool too. Alien is the most interesting third party role IMO but we never have those ._.

Miller Governor for worst town role. Generally, I dislike anything that doesn't have a night action because then I spend 24 hours just waiting for the next day to start.

Edited by kirsche
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That reminds me of that time I rolled Arsonist with no buffs in a game with two fulltime hookers and a mass-hook and didn't kill anyone the entire game.

Yes, we all remember that game

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Alien is the most interesting third party role IMO but we never have those ._.

alien is really hard to win with in forum setting I think but someone should totally do this imo Edited by The Best SK
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Favourite roles: roleblocker, voyeur, single-target investigation roles other than cop or rolecop

Least favourite roles: recruiters, question askers, sensors (from what little I've seen of any of these)

As much as I like investigation roles, putting the pieces together on your own with limited information and well-chosen targets is super rewarding. Killing roles seem interesting too, though I've never rolled one.

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alien is really hard to win with in forum setting I think but someone should totally do this imo

Noone really knows because it's never used. Someone make it happen.

@Rein not really because cult can talk to each other and stuff and alien doesn't change the alignment of those targetted.

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It's like Arsonist, except it's not harmful and wins when it finishes "probing" everyone. Actually makes it even worse than Arsonist because at least Arsonist can keep up the plot if the mafia dies prematurely; Alien isn't harmful and therefore doesn't keep the game going.

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you win even if you're dead

I was something like an Alien in a Smogon game (I had to tag all living players on the faction that won)

it was easy as heck and I basically decided who won


Edited by Paperblade
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we should have more interesting thirds. weve had a lot of SKs, a few survivors, a few flavor guesser dudes and then some random SK variants here and there

has anybody ever hosted a "everybody is third party (not mafia) mafia" game here? not talking about multifaction aside from maybe cult and lovers

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