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Traveler's Ire (Fe7)


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Are you freaking kidding me, this bullshit again?

What is it with people and not knowing how community hacks work? You post nothing of importance to anyone and expect to be taken seriously. No one knows who you are in the hacking area, yet you post something that stupid, I'm just... Augh

Edited by Kitty of Time
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How good are you at event hacking? Can you give us an example? Like, record a short video and upload it on youtube.

And the story-writing stuff... Do you mean You absolutely have no plans what to do? Just wondering.

P.S.: I'm interested, fyi.

Edited by Xiltas Shepard
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I can event hack... i need spriters and story makers.

Good! Just show some examples, but really, good eventing is pretty much one of the most important things you need.

How experienced are you? More people will be interested if you show your skills first :)

I'm interested, I guess?

Edited by L95
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you can event, good start i cant sprite but i might be able to help you map and sort of hack im learning but i cant do much beyond nightmare inserting maps and use fe editor plus im fairly lazy so yeeaah im not the best person for a team effort but i when i have a full day of no distractions(a bit rare this is a bad time to start a forum hack what with school) and then get to work i can be really efficient and get a lot done so i guess count me as interested

Edited by Cyron
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if you're competent and want to work on a hack but have no ideas of your own (as i can guess from your need of writers) go suck up to some current hack creator and ask to do their shit for them

how else do you think i get paid

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how else do you think i get paid

I knew you were not working for free/ You must be getting paid for the awesomeness you do

You'll be ok if you are capable of handling some things yourself I think.

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Despite being a mediocre event hacker and worse at most everything else, I can actually write worth a damn, something I've found to be sorely lacking among most mod-makers of all games, though I've found some of the more complete ones here to be pretty good.

Regardless, I'll write stuff if you're willing to show me work, though obviously I'd expect you'd want to see storyboarding and a portfolio first.

I mean, assuming you wanted a quality project, right?


Community hack.


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Despite being a mediocre event hacker and worse at most everything else, I can actually write worth a damn, something I've found to be sorely lacking among most mod-makers of all games, though I've found some of the more complete ones here to be pretty good.

how rude

Edited by Agro
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Good hackers are a commodity, and several existing hacks could use them.

Alternately, you actually give people a reason to help you (i.e. what you plan on doing with this so-called hack, at least)

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Forget it, i'll eventually make it myself. Way to be complete asses.

You show up on a forum, say "help me make a hack I can event", don't show any of what you can do, and expect people to be all over your idea.

Doesn't work that way.

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Forget it, i'll eventually make it myself. Way to be complete asses.

Oh dear. It seems as though your feelings have been hurt by words not aimed at your heart.

How very troublesome that is.

Yeah, they weren't being asses.

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No wait! I have a huge pile of sprites and story, and no one to event hack it!

But damn, looks like this random guy who wants to hack for free just....left...

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Forget it, i'll eventually make it myself. Way to be complete asses.

Whaa... no one here was?


Darn. There goes a free eventer...

But... seriously... this thread was going pretty well for how these kinds of topics generally end up

But acting like that will just isolate people who would want to help :/

Edited by L95
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Is it that hard to whip up a quick example of what you know? It doesn't have to be polished and perfect, it just has to be acceptable.

Seriously, take FE7, take an existing map, take existing characters, existing everything, make a trial map of sorts.

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