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Characters That Grew On You

Loki Laufeyson

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FE 7 : 1. Florina. First time I see her artwork (before I download and played the game), she's a cutie one. When I played Blazing Sword, I found her personality is mooooore cute. In her support convo with Lyn, she feel embarassed because in the past when she first time met Lyn, she fell from her pegasi and in Ilia, fell from pegasi was dishonorable. So she want Lyn to keep her secret. With Farina, I found that she like to sing a song (is Pegasus Knight song? Whatever... I forgot) and the way she sing just make me imagined it and I found myself laugh hard. With Nino, Nino say she like her sister and when she ask Nino about Lloyd and Linus, it ended up with both of them crying.

As a unit, I always using her, even sometimes her growing stats turn out to be bad. I try to not using, bu I can't. Gah.....If I'm male, it's just like I'm falling in love to her in a first sight.

2. Louise. This woman is funny. She's beautiful, gorgeous, awww Pent.....you are lucky man. She doesn't care about can't dance or sing because she can protect Pent with bow (yeah, I like it.). Her support convo with Sain is hilarious one.

FE 8 : 1. Seth. I just remembered when first time played this game, my team's ended with Eirika, Seth, Forde, and Kyle (everyone is dead because I played blindly and don't know anything about FE stuff). Seth is amazing unit. He can kill the fighter by himself even his HP is cut down because of Valter.

2. Innes and Joshua. I just Loooooooooveeeee this guys.

FE 11 & 12 : 1. WOLF. I LOVE WOLF! WOLF IS MINE ! For me, he is the most handsome and cool unit I find in FE. In SD playthrough, I never use Wolf and Sedgar because they're pre-promo and need some dedication to train them before I found that Wolf and Sedgar is broken growth unit. Unfortunately, I can't digging his personality in this game until FE 12 came out. In FE 12, I really really loveeeeee him because he has love interest with Fem MU and permanently using him if I played as Fem MU (even in Lunatic mode which is I try hard to recruit him and keep him safe from the wyvern). Sigh, I must wait the english patch because I want to know his support convo with Fem MU.

Overall, Wolf WolfFE12.PNGwub.gif

2. Katarina. She betrayed MU because she's an assassin under Eremiya's command and that means indirectly she serves Gharnef. The conversation between MU in the third talk is showed that she thinks MU hate her but the fact is not. MU still trust her as a friend. I imagined Katarina is crying and Male MU hugging her. Awwwww.....that's so touching. I think in her final support convo with Male MU, she's falling in love with him.

Edited by whitewings ilia
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I think I like too many characters for my own good. =P

So, I'm only quoting a few.

FE4: Basically every character. Their backstories sure grew on me, specially:

- Sigurd. At first, he started as an ordinary FE lord, until I was able to play more chapters and see what he was going through. It is a bit cliche'd how he became so famous and all, but watching his downfall from here sure is amazing... and very sad. I cheered for him until the end.

- Eltshan: I like his attitude and how he stood for Shagaal on Chapter 2, trying to preserve the lineage of the Agustrian royal family. He failed miserably because of his obfuscating stupidity, but still he's awesome and had a great future ahead of him, if only it weren't for his stupidity that led him to his tragic downfall.

- Alvis: Magnificent bastard who I really hated because of what he did. His motives are explained later on, and his end is also tragic enough to make me show him some sympathy. I really like the fact that, if it weren't for Loputous, Alvis would have succeeded on his plans and done great things for his country.


- Leaf: His FE4 version is pretty much a "Hi Celice I'm your failure of a cousin, I can't do shit, I'm retarded and not as cool as you, I need your help to fight agaisnt pretty much anything and I want to be as cool as you someday, let's join forces".

But his FE5 version is pretty badass. He was forced to flee from his hometown and go through many hardships, such as being hunted and not being able to live anywhere for too long. Then, when opportunity striked, he decided to change that and stand agaisnt the usurpers of his father's throne. He doesn't have any real talent on fighting or commanding, so he really struggles to fight agaisnt opponents much stronger than him.


- Ike, because of his character development. He started pretty much as a buttmonkey, had to lead the company by himself with little experience about leading and stand agaisnt an entire mighty country that just curbstomped Crimea, while he's only an inexperienced mercenary on his early years. He was forced to mature too quickly for his sake and for the others'.

- Soren. His snarky attitude and his backstory please me. I like how he can be stoic, methodical and smart without being a jerk, like Shinon was.

- Tauroneo, because of the way he stands for his honor to the point of fighting Ashnard later on, even though he was his king. It's one shameful thing to do as a knight, but still, he stood for his country's honor, not his own.


- Elincia. On the first game, the only thing she did was hide and say "Lord Ike" this and "Lord Ike" that. Seeing how she developped and how she can stand agaisnt any enemy without the help of the Greil Mercenaries sure is amazing... I think she's even got a line saying that, on Part 2.

- Pelleas. Starts as an inexperienced king who, in the end, has to pay for his foolishness. He does it pretty well, though. Even if his popularity isn't that great and everybody used to pick on him for his lack of experience, his self sacrifice pays up for it.

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You know what you meant, I know what you meant but someone else might not know it. Point is this kind of things have fabulous flamewar potential :P:

This "FE fandom goes ballistic over fucking everything" mentality is getting old

Also, Dolph took a while, so did Jill and Rolf (but Rolf is a terrible unit so bleh). Disliked Shinon for a while before I found out he was a generally multilayered character, wanting to join begnion before Daein in FE9 and giving the company money, teaching Rolf the bow etc. Much of FE8s cast grew on me over the years, partially cause of design the other part personality.

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Man, sometimes I can't see the forest from all the trees...

Mist and Rolf are definitely better examples for me then Lehran.

I didn't think too much of them initially until the "Best/Worst Round 129" thread:


On the account of that weeks topic, I spend quite a few thoughts on those "innocent" characters.

This made me notice how the two of them were differed from how the children in other games were portrayed.

The post I made back then would be here:


But I will try to keep it short:

Mist and Rolf are portrayed as actual children getting involved into the war.

They are eventually entering battle because Greil's death pushed them so far that they are more afraid of loosing their remaining family then they are of dying.

Just remember that scene in chapter 8 when the mercs are loosing and Mist refuses to go into the castle again:

Mist: As long as I'm with you, I'm not afraid to die. We'll see Mother and Father. We'll all be together again. So, please...Stop telling me to leave you. I can't. I can't leave any of you again. All right?

Being the youngest, Rolf gets it even worse. He is so afraid of loosing his brothers that he keeps training even when his hands bleed he and can't feel them anymore.

That's nothing to be taken for granted, as I noticed with Fa.

She is an always cheerful despite the countless people she kills on the battlefield.

And despite all those deaths, she is so innocent that she doesn't even know about death itself.

Igrene even tries to talk around that subject. I don't want to be her, when she realizes what she did.

Of course, that obvious implication is never brought up. She is just there to be cute and adorable.

So yeah, that topic gained me a new respect for those two kids.

Edited by BrightBow
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Since it's so few, I'm not gonna bother separating it by series.

Rennac - Thought he was useless, then I put a Killing Edge in his hands, and he became useful. He's not going to mow down hoards of Cyclops with it, but he functions just fine.

Calill - At first, I thought she was irritating for the sake of being irritating (like Serra, who I don't like despite seeing the rest of her character). After reading her supports, she's a lot more grounded in reality than what she initially portrays.

Sedgar - "Oh great another prepromote" went through my head. Dug a bit deeper, and found that he's a perfectly likable guy that is usually ignored in favor of Wolf. I have no objections~!

Tomas - He looked absolutely dopey, and had the least amount of development in FE11 (I was able to get a little bit out of most people's death quotes). Apparently, he takes to riding well enough, and then FE12 came out. He's more of a goofball than I thought!

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Pre-promotes I used to hate their low experience gain but then I gave started using them and many of them became my favorites.

Laguz, I didn't know how to use them at first but after using them in a draft I really liked them.

I feel bad for low tier characters because of all the bashing they get so i'm inclined to use them and many of them grow on me and become my favorites like Fiona and Ewan o3o.

Edited by Maiden_of_Emblem
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Pre-promotes I used to hate their low experience gain but then I gave started using them and many of them became my favorites.

Similar situation for me. After being exposed to SOME prepromos (*cough*FE11Boah*cough*) and some crutch characters, I subscribed to the mentality that they weren't really that good. Then I took a look at characters like Pent, and was all "Hey, these guys are actually OKAY!"

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I used to think Lachesis was annoying but now I like her. Clarine still does it better though.

I also have learned to like more Akaneia characters, despite their general lack of personality. Like Palla and Catria, Etzel, etc. I predict I'll like even more Akaneia people once the FE12 translation is completed.

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Pre-promotes I used to hate their low experience gain but then I gave started using them and many of them became my favorites.

Arr. Pent is one that is now my total homeboy.

Vaida. Omg, just Vaida. I never used her, never cared. I decided to use her once and i was like "hey shes kinda awesome!" Plus her supports with Heath are cool.

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Similar situation for me. After being exposed to SOME prepromos (*cough*FE11Boah*cough*) and some crutch characters, I subscribed to the mentality that they weren't really that good. Then I took a look at characters like Pent, and was all "Hey, these guys are actually OKAY!"

I was like that, though in conjunction with the don't "waste" good weapons mentality which sort of skewed it even more. I realised that back when I started first playing Fire Emblem I thought of FE7 Marcus as nothing special mostly because I ignored his weapon ranks and thought he apparently shouldn't use the Silver Lance he comes with or any other weapons like that.

but I also now like the weaker pre-promotes. Even in cases like FE11 Boah I now see the advantages(No master seal needed, Staves and Tomes,Tome Rank for Auto-Excalibur, Staff Rank for Warp and Physic) and actually end up using them.

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Gilliam and Draug DOGA, and by proxy Knights as a whole: I didn't really like them much due to being slow, meaning no doubling, meaning less damage. Then I started using them in a draft, and just because, respectively. Gilliam is very much a bro in the draft, got him to lvl 18 in chp 8 and promoted him to Great Knight, he tanks like an Ex-stage boss. Once I give his horse him the boots, he'll be DA BES UNEET EVAR. Doga, he is not invincible because of armor, but because he is Doga, and he more or less saved my first FE11 playthough.

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After playing in a lot of drafts, I have to say I like Serra a lot more now. She puts the Afa's drops to extremely good use, especially since she usually promotes early in time for PFoD, and she turns out very well thanks to them. If only she had better bases.

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  • 4 weeks later...

FE4: Oifaye. I mean, I always thought he was useful, but he was so useful that I pretty much forgot he was cool. Noiche.

FE5: Kempf.

FE7: A lot of prepromos and late game units. I used a lot of them in my first playthrough, because so many of my nonpromotes died, but I didn't get too many of their supports. So then I was getting a fair number of supports for earlier units on later playthroughs, but not so many for later units. Eventually I saw their supports and got a greater appreciation for them as characters as well as assets.

Pent and Louise are some of the best examples of this. They made huge contributions to my playthrough before I saw much dialogue from them past Bern. But just about any unit past them is also pretty cool as a character, but only once I saw more from them.

Bartre is also a character I thought was just shitty at first, but has cool supports.

FE9: Almost no one. I thought Jill was horrible at first, but she became cool quickly.

FE10: Geoffrey. Became a more interesting character. Almost every other recurring character didn't feel too much cooler or less cool.

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