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Trainwreck Mafia - Game Over


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Cam needs to actually contribute instead of jumping in and making quips

social life and illness and drowning in hw ;/

for now i'm too tired to really think so i'll just sheep and ##vote shinori

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Thanks to Shin, Shinori only has 5 votes and it takes 9 to hammer. So as long as no one votes anymore, I think it'll be fine Marth.

Oh and explain why Shinori should change his mind from shooting you when he gets "lynched"

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I wanna see blood. However, We cannot control Shinori's target. We can control lynch target.

I like being in ctrl, not the alt.

And that's the bottom line, cause Stone Cold said so.

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Know what I'll claim because I don't wanna be misvigged and I realize my restriction won't allow me to hide my role.

I'm Town Insomniac, so I can post during night phase. Well I'm forced to, otherwise I get modkilled. I need to make at least three posts per night phase so obviously I can prove my role but not alignment. I guess I'll try to post good content with how much I can but night phases are boring if yo talk to yourself.

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Don't worry, I've only claimed three parts of my role so far

I should also mention that I am also a friendly townie, so someone will be learning exactly what I am at the start of D2 no prizes for guessing who

and I would like that person to not out the remaining two parts to my role, if possible

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Manix: Man. Your role sounds complicated. And fun. Have fun trying to not get modkilled.

You have no idea

also I might eventually just out the remaining parts of my role if required (but definitely not until like D2 or so)

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Hence, why I took my vote of Shin and put it on Shinori.

Oh wait.

##Unvote Spongebob Shinpants


I like this, upon further consideration. If Shino is unlynchable, then he can easily pick off scum, as we never actually run the risk of lynching a Townie.

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Manix: More storytime? :D :D :D

Anywho, I'm fine with lynching Shinori or Marth honestly. Possibly also Boron, but I'd need to reread. Which probably isn't happening tonight. So, for now.


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Manix: More storytime? :D :D :D

Now this is the story all about how

My life got flipped, turned upside down

And I'd like to take a minute just sit right there

I'll tell you how I became the prince of a town called SF

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So far, after rereading everything, I've only gotten Scumreads on Bluedoom and Scorri. Scorri is because of her very aggressive attitude earlier in the game. It may have been bad mood, but I just don't buy "bad mood" as an excuse. Bluedoom, I only felt so after reading Shinori's (I think) long post that linked the various things that Bluedoom had said. That being the case, I suspect Scorri more of being Scum as I have a stronger negative vibe towards her responses.


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(8 - 2) Shinori - Admiral Shin, Bluedoom, Snike, Manix, Levity, Helios, Cam, Elieson

(4) Bluedoom - Kay, Shinori, BigBangMeteor, scorri

(2) Elieson - Psych, Boron

(1) Scorri - MancerNecro

(1) Snike - Aere

Not Voting (1): Rapier

With 17 alive, it takes 9 to hammer. You have about 43 hours left in the day.

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Boron: As eclipse will often say, emotion is a null tell. For a little bit of reference, here's what my day was like yesterday.

Woke up, exhausted cause I never sleep well. Ran to class without eating, was in class for 3 hours straight, still no food. Went straight from that to a meeting. Came home ready to start an assignment that was rumored to take ~18 hours due the next day to find out I had been unjustly (FMPOV) modkilled in a game that I had actually been enjoying a fair amount. Got very pissed and frustrated. Finally managed to start doing work. Had to leave to go to a group meeting at 11 PM at night with ~half the assignment left. Got back from that at 12:30 to start working on the homework assignment that I had little to no clue how to do. At this point in the game, I had at various points gotten at least 3 votes on me for no reason, which is never a nice feeling. At 3:30, still working on hw and getting very upset and frustrated with it, I decided to take a break to try and relax. Mafia didn't help. I overreacted to yet another vote for no reason except vibes. At 3:45, I continue to be frustrated, give up on homework, give up on mafia, and just sit and try and deal with my brain for a while which is never an easy task. Did I overreact? Yes. Should it indicate scum one way or the other? No. I was not in the right state to be playing mafia and tried anyways. It was a mistake I will hopefully not be repeating again.

Emotion is a null tell.

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