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Most Underrated Character


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Tormod is a really good unit for P1, specially for 1-8 where you need units on almost every part of the map to clear it somewhat fast. And when he joins on 4-4, he can easily be BEXP'd, crowned and perform somehow good with Paragon/Adept/Resolve or whatever resources you wanna give him. He can also break doors (reveal enemies) and thus, clear the chapter faster.

As much as I'd like to counter this, the fact that you're a drafter leaves me feeling like this...


because draft play is completely different, and thus if I tried, I'd quickly find myself in an awkward position.

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Considering that he is unavailable for somewhere around 80% of the game, it seems to me that the amount of BEXP to catch him up at end game would be nothing short of pretty much all of it.

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Please read my statement again. "Is he really worth it" is not a concern to me. I like Tormod a lot. In fact, he's my favorite character in the entire FE series. I don't care how underleveled he is I'm using him.

I could make a case for FE9 Tormod because hes got enough time to do shit. But FE10 Tormod...omg thats a pain in the arse. Getting him to a good level with good stats (read: no BEXP dumps) is really a challenge. Its probably a little easier if he has transfers though. (and knowing you, he probably does hahah!)

But i dig, because there are characters i will use no matter what.

I think Vaida is incredibly cool and more FE ladies should have short hair.

Yesh. Shes hella underrated.

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Tormod gets favoritism always in FE10 from me. I give him Paragon in DB chapters then pump him full of BEXP when I get him back. Like I said, I am aware he has massive availability problems and, as a result of that, underleveledness, but I like him too much to care.

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So regarding the debates about Vaida and Tormod: are we talking about underrated characters in terms of usefulness or "characters I like that others don't"?

Because geez I love using Nino but I'm not gonna argue about usefulness on that one.

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I find Astrid surprisingly useful. She might be a little under leveled when you first get here but she has a pretty decent class and default paragon makes her alot easier than most characters with her availability to train. It also let's you give her blossom without it taking up all her capacity and still have normal exp growth.

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So regarding the debates about Vaida and Tormod: are we talking about underrated characters in terms of usefulness or "characters I like that others don't"?

Because geez I love using Nino but I'm not gonna argue about usefulness on that one.

Tormod may be in the Nino camp but Vaida is pretty useful. The only thing that she has against her besides her speed is her Aid. Her Aid is ass and that sucks because having an extra flier around that can rescue-drop is awesome. Vaida cant rescue-drop that many people. :(: But shes got good enough defense that shes a pretty good combat unit. For FE10 Tormod, hes useful in part 1, definitely. But not so much when he returns, unless you are like Boron and really love him in general. Or really dont like Calill for some reason but want a Rexflame user. I dunno.

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Tristan (which I guess is Oifaye by proxy considering his merits...). While it's true that you could probably toss a Hero Weapon on anyone in FE4 and expect them to do well, Tristan's stats are also surprisingly good when leveled, and Critical isn't a bad skill to have.

Edited by Refa
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I personally find Bartre (fe6) a bit underrated. He comes in with a whopping 22 str and respectable defenses. While not particularly great in Sacae (and even then he can snipe down wyverns if needed), he's pretty good in Ilia, respectable in Etruria, and although he probably won't grow too much, he can still be used as decent filler in Bern as a hard hitting bow user. The majority just massively prefers Echidna. I personally really like dat 22 base str.

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echidna is kind of overrated too

i think the main reason why people dislike bartre is because his route is harder to get to and takes more turns than echidna's route

EDIT: also what -Cynthia- said below

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echidna is kind of overrated too

i think the main reason why people dislike bartre is because his route is harder to get to and takes more turns than echidna's route

Also Klein/Tate/Gonzales have lower levels and you get Killer Axes later I think, which makes it unappealing overall.

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Marcus. Now hear me out. Everyone here pretty much recognizes how awesome he is, but outside our little community, there's still a lot of hate for him, and for Jeigans in general. Hell, there's a facebook group dedicated to hating Marcus. It's kind of hilarious.

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Fe7 marcus has merit throughout the game but imo fe6 marcus has use for the first ten chapters or so andafter then he falls behind pretty quickly. I dont hate him but he has so much less use in fe6

Plus bottlegnomes, most people otside this community dont play the game the way we do

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Doga. Mostly FE1/3 Doga, since Draug can be reclassed into a glass cannon in FE11, and he's actually pretty good (reclassed) in FE12.

Doubling Pirates in Chapter One with an Iron Sword, because FE1 is just like that. FE3 Doga still makes a good tank from what I've seen in Book 1; I've been able to throw him at the first half of the game and do fine.

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Also Klein/Tate/Gonzales have lower levels and you get Killer Axes later I think, which makes it unappealing overall.

It's a shame that route B (and in turn, Bartre) is hurt by the fact that you can't buy killer axes for some reason unlike A, because I'd feel if you could, route b could seriously be considered a good alternative to A. I think the buyable killer axes is what hurts route b (and Bartre) the most, since Gonzale's level discrepancy (why does it even exist?) can be ignored if not using him long term and Tate/Klein's level/stat differences are extremely minor. Instant killer axe Bartre would have been amazing.

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It's a shame that route B (and in turn, Bartre) is hurt by the fact that you can't buy killer axes for some reason unlike A, because I'd feel if you could, route b could seriously be considered a good alternative to A. I think the buyable killer axes is what hurts route b (and Bartre) the most, since Gonzale's level discrepancy (why does it even exist?) can be ignored if not using him long term and Tate/Klein's level/stat differences are extremely minor. Instant killer axe Bartre would have been amazing.

Killer Axes really aren't that great, and I can't say that having them buyable in Chapter 11 is a significant consideration for efficient playthroughs.

You know what would be more amazing than Killer Axe Bartre? Killer Bow Bartre. With 3 move in desert.

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