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How many people really care about birthdays?

Gold Vanguard


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  1. 1. Do you care for birthdays?

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I care about my birtday, you should see how hard I care. I even count down to my birthday when November starts, even though I don't get much anymore.

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Its pretty much a normal day for me. I'm not one for parties so the whole day is pretty much like a normal day except the word happy birthday is heard more than usual

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and honestly it came across as the fuddy-duddiest thing I ever heard, or like that writer had a personal problem. The context was more about whether somebody was acting overly entitled on their birthday, but the columnist responding sounded like NO KILL ALL BIRTHDAYS, which more or less sounded to me like NO FUN ALLOWED

I think they're a nice excuse for me to celebrate the existence of somebody I care about, with regards to other people's birthdays, and that they can be good excuses to organize getting together with personal friends, in the case of mine (and I'm kinda overly fortunate materially in general, so I don't particularly require getting gifts to have a good time), but when everybody I'd do all that stuff with is (or seems to be) out of reach, the occasions can admittedly seem kind of depressing. Particularly when I miss somebody else's.

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It really depends on how I'm feeling coming into it. I don't like if someone wants me to do something for my birthday, when I'd rather just chew the fat. Also, sometimes other people's birthdays mean doing something boring that someone else likes. Yet, fuck, that doesn't just happen on birthdays. They're often a little worse, but sometimes a lot better, than unbirthdays.

Award ceremonies and cycle-of-life rituals are a lot worse, and those are completely tolerable.

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The only time i ever dreaded a birthday was when i turned 30. That just...i dunno, i got depressed for some reason. I snapped out of it but still...i remember going "HOLY SHIT IM TURNING 30!" *hides in the fetal position*

I do care about birthdays but mostly other people's birthdays. I take the time out to send them a message or something wishing them happy birthday. My own birthday isnt really a big deal anymore like it was when i was a kid. But i do really love it when i can go party on my birthday somewhere.

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I just celebrated my birthday on Nov 17th, and I just invited a couple of friends over for dinner, beer, and video/board games and had fun, but I stopped expected things like presents and whatnot. There's not really a point. My family treats me to dinner as a place of my choosing, and that's really all I want. It's been this way ever since I was 14 or 15, just throwing a small get-together with two or three of my closest friends. I guess it's a little special (and I'm also glad my birthday was a Saturday this year), but I haven't made it a big deal since I was like... 11?

http://xyrafhoan.tumblr.com/image/35955281812 I did get a nice cake this year though.

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Birthday= Normal day except a lot of people wish you, make you feel special and usually you're in a good mood for the rest of the day

Yes I agree with this

And yesterday was a good day dammit, I turned 20. How blown am I to see that this was posted on my birthday!!!

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I don't really see the point in celebrating birthdays. I appreciate the day that I was born, but I don't need an annual celebration for it. I stopped celebrating it by high school, and nowadays I actually try to conceal my birthday so that nobody has to feel obliged to wish me a happy birthday. People tend to figure it out anyways, but usually it isn't enough attention to annoy me (yes, receiving attention tends to annoy me).

I'd rather celebrate accomplishments than occurrences, such as graduating high school and going to college.

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My birthdays used to be pretty neat since my great-grandfather and I were both born on the 8th March, albeit 70 years apart.

He didn't get to see my 18th. Since then my birthdays have been "meh" for me.

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