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Mystery Mafia - Game Over


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Elieson your post is bad because you made some dumb comment like "I don't if Shinori is actually Role Cop or not" when Shinori has claimed Tracker, which struck me as off.

So are you completely disregarding Marth's claim of scanning Shinori being a Rolecop? I didn't realize you believed Shinori 100%

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Prims, BBM and Mancer are all more or less neutral - They've all been very active and posted a lot, so not all of their posts will be great, but the scummy things about them so far is Prims being very eager to secure lynches in all phases, BBM being rather defensive and Mancer is wording himself badly and being defensive.

Shinori has got all that role/target mess on him and everything from his claims, other people's claims and his actions have been inconsistent.

Elieson, why do you think nighttalk is as good as day talk? We're not able to put actual pressure on anyone during that phase

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Noting down someone's reaction is a good way to test for any overreactions from them and I am glad that you have overreacted. It gives me a lot to work with town for the next Day. If you were not scum being pressurized, I doubt you'd overreact in such a way as you have in that post.

Please tell me you didn't type this:

I thought Mancer was scum yesterday' date=' his gameplay and role spec changed my mind (because either he's really confused town or he's scum and hasn't even checked his RolePM to see what side he's on).[/quote']

You forgot the jab you made at me in that brackets and the fact that if I flipped scum, I think you would have brought that out.

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Elieson your post is bad because you made some dumb comment like "I don't if Shinori is actually Role Cop or not" when Shinori has claimed Tracker, which struck me as off.

Although, a thought:

Marth, why didn't you doc scorri?

Paperblade, do you think that that might be a scum slip, that Elieson is revealing that he knows that Shinori is scum RoleCop with that slip?

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You forgot the jab you made at me in that brackets and the fact that if I flipped scum, I think you would have brought that out.

It looked more like humour to me. Mancer, your defensive to a point where it's getting ridiculous. A lot people think you're town but you're not able to scumhunt if you spend most of your time responding to supposedly weak attacks on you.

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Mancer, my reads on you changed due to the content of your posts. I can understand your general thought processes, so I don't have the mondo scumread on you that I used to.

I trust Marth based on his gameplay and claim post, and I'm not willing to discredit his scan of Shinori!RoleCop, but I don't k ow what Shinori actually is, so him claiming one role and being called another suddenly make things Gray.

If I'm wrong on you, I'll feel pretty awful about my abilities to read, so I'm trying to figure it out.

J00, while night talk isn't the same as day talk, you act like it is worth nothing. I disagree with that because while you can't vote, you can still apply pressure by building evidence against someone, and pursue it on the day phase.

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Marth's claimed night action doesn't make sense - if you thought a real doc would protect scorri, you'd assume they'd go for a kill on her. Why commute yourself if you'd doubt they go for you?

aaand then out everything today

Anyway, if Shinori's lynched today, flips town and you're still alive tomorrow then you're scum

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Elieson: Nighttalk is nice, but should be used in a different manner than daytalk.

What has happened up to now, is that half the player's formed an opinion during night, the other half being practically silent due to cautioness or whatever, and then as day happens a wagon starts and the phase is almost over without a proper discussion on non-wagoned players. I use nighttalk myself, but I find day phases a lot more effective on discussions.

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If that was indeed a joke made at me because of meta, I'll have to say that personally, I take it as very insultive...

I have been scumhunting, and I have not been defending myself so much. My posts against Elie were attacking him and scumhunting aren't they?

I don't get why people have been saying that I have been defensive when I have not need defensive at all.

Paperblade, I take it that you think Elie scum slipped with that post?

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Mancer, for a start, you should stop ending your posts with stuff like THIS IS NOT DISTANCING and I'M NOT BUDDYING since that's as convincing as saying I'M NOT SCUM.

Prove your intentions through your content.

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So what's the case on me? That I haven't been online for the past few days and that someone got a role cop inspection on me?

I tracked paper and he confirmed that my results weren't wrong. So the role cop scenario should be completely dead by now. Which means the only thing people have against me is that I have been legitimately busy.

... This means nothing. If you're scum, one of your scumbuddies could have tracked Paper or whatever, as I don't know which roles they have. At worst, Paper is your scumbuddy and helped you with this result.

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io not playing

does this mean rapier and prims are both modkilled or does manix let these things slip

also end-of-day votals:

Shinori (7): BBM, Paperblade, (Mancer), Prims, Psych, Marth, Elieson, Shinori

BBM (1): (Shinori), SB

Paperblade (0): (Shinori)

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itt: rapier takes 16 minutes to write a two sentence post and then doesn't f5 to make sure he wasn't cut

yeah that's what happens when you go back to playing FE12 and forget the world exists and time passes.

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shut up

manix won't be back for another three and a half hours unfortunately

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jesus christ people when I say stop talking after hammer I MEAN IT

Let me think as to whether I should modkill people before I resolve flavor

edit: which would have the obvious consequence of universal loss.

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again. another note: I won't be here to update for like 6 hours or so, so remember if there is a hammer while I'm gone, no talking!

when I specifically say shut up in advance and you don't listen I'm not going to be happy


Okay this is my judgment: Prims, Rapier and Paperblade are now warned. Any further warnings in regards to any part of the game and you're dead.

If this happens again from anyone I'm not holding back the modkills next time.

I've put far too much effort into this game to let it end like this. Consider this a warning to all of you.

Resolving flavor now.

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okay guess what guys

Game on again.

Warnings are still in place, but no modkills.

Let me finally resolve flavor for the Shinori lynch.

ALSO I need a sub for Elieson due to leaked information.

IF there is anyone else who got leaked information let me know asap

I will allow a twilight phase while I resolve flavor. Post away people~

(ie I'm going to be lazy for like an hour and not get it done)

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