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Schoolteacher Mafia


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"Due to the volatile nature of your role, all inspection roles will fail on you."

lol (I'm assuming tracker doesn't count?)

also yeah gj scumri for pushing that lynch


(you'll get a full explanation in postgame)

(from my thoughts PM, emphasis added with bold

re: Kay's non-inspection powers)

[spoiler=other thoughts]

ughhhhhhhhhhh the activity is awful

if I was scum I'd be dictating pretty much everything by now because I'm like the only one even remotely trying

okay Kay's claim makes things interesting with scorri's claim and depending on what scorri and Kay clarify we might have a 1v1 snowdown

also some logic reads (assuming 6/3):

clear/pseudoclear town:



Bal (Safeguard and targets don't make sense for scum safeguard)

Me ofc

The hazy line (2 town 1 scum)




scummy mcscum:



if Kay and scorri both claim into 1-shot BP, that clears Kaoz by PoE which makes this a solved game (we have a mislynch which we use between Kay/scorri)

okay normal 1-shot bp and conditional 1-shot bp is interesting. Kay's role is too complicated for a fake tbh

I'm willing to bet that one of them is scum (and more likely scorri over Kay)

so it's looking like:







Kaoz (PoE)





I swear if I'm pushing another mislynch I'm gonna cry

I'm trying to be confident in my cases but ugh

okay that makes life easier and doesn't look great on Helios

anyway let's consider:

from outsider perspective (once Elie clears me):





lynch one:


lynch one:


honestly I should have rolled with my original thoughts and yeah (also added bold emphasis)

(also that's not all of it but whatever)

gg me for not listening to myself later on

Edited by Manix
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I had been meaning to comment on the D1 lynch and never actually did, so I'm going to do it now. While it wasn't a "good" lynch from a scumhunting perspective, I still fully approve of it happening. People should be lynched for self voting and they should also be lynched for that kind of crap.

That aside, good job guys.

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there are situations where self-voting is useful, but those are few and far between

case study: unclaimed vengeful at lylo (hammer game, assuming town doesn't policy lynch it at lylo because of stigma of self-voting)

other than that self-voting is honestly not great play, trust me (i've done it before, with varied effects, with being possibly lynched as town because of it)

Edited by Manix
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also now this is over, Mancer: Recall what you did in Strip. You brushed off someone's case without addressing it properly. You did the same here (before Strip!), and that's what really tipped me off to keep pushing that lynch

The situation was different in Strip and in here. In this game, I wanted to stop the discussion there because I could feel both of us getting irritated and agitated and I did not want the argument and emotions to escalate too much.

I did not brush off any arguments though, because I still responded a little to the points raised in the argument, but I stopped the initial argument to keep our discussion civil.

I was really pissed at town for the lynch because of role speculation and claim, but I realise that was no reason to be making that comment at town. I'm sorry town for my comments at the end of D1 and start of D2.

I have something I wanted to post when the game ended, I'll find it and post it here (it's in my PM).

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there are situations where self-voting is useful, but those are few and far between

case study: unclaimed vengeful at lylo (hammer game, assuming town doesn't policy lynch it at lylo because of stigma of self-voting)

other than that self-voting is honestly not great play, trust me (i've done it before, with varied effects, with being possibly lynched as town because of it)

Okay, I'm sorry I self voted. I was pissed but that does not pardon bad play.

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The situation was different in Strip and in here. In this game, I wanted to stop the discussion there because I could feel both of us getting irritated and agitated and I did not want the argument and emotions to escalate too much.

in part, yes. but iirc you did say that my case on you was unfounded (or something to that effect, can't be bothered checking now because sleep)

i could be wrong though

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Okay, I'm sorry I self voted. I was pissed but that does not pardon bad play.

hey it's cool

I did it when I was new to mafia and my emotions got the better of me

it comes with time

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Umm, here's what I originally wanted to post. It's the same post as what Boron helped me to post earlier with some parts that were editted out inside it. Some of what it says might not be what I want to say now, but I feel its contents have to be shared:

[spoiler=Draft]I hope you guys are satisfied with our flip right now. Yeah, Boron and I were scum, all right. Scum sort of outnumbers the town in this game as well, gg town.

On a more serious note, I would like to point out that I do not think I played to lose, had bad sportsmanship or bitched and whined much in this Mafia game at all.

NekoRex, you said that I had bad sport and instead of whining, I should build up cases on people I want lynched, right?

Read this quote:

Manix, our lynch is pretty much 100% guaranteed, so trying to justify it further screams pure scum. You're trying to justify it so you can distance yourself from it later.

You guys have to pay attention to Prims and Helios.

Prims because his 100% guarantee that we are on opposing teams is something to look at. Nothing is absolute in the world, or even mafia, so he must have some kind of information that pushed him to be so 100% sure that we are scum when we are town.

Helios jumped a little too much in his reads of us. It feels scummy that he is trying to call us out for being townie and for not liking our claim. Feels like scum trying to lynch a townie and then distance himself from the lynch.

This is probably my last townie/scumhunting post so I'll say good luck town. I'm rooting for you to win, scum or ITP, since town here has proven themselves not smart/intelligent at all.

I had built up a case on Prims and Helios. I had placed some of my final reads into the thread.

It's just that you guys were only willing to continue justifying your cases on me (when a hammer had already been reached and there was absolutely no need to already). All of you players had your eyes open for only one thing: Pushing and assigning all of your blame onto the one scapegoat that you could push everything onto. Well, you guys have succeeded. I hope all of you enjoy the game.

I apologise for my comment about town proving themselves not intelligent, but I am not going to retract that statement. That statement is still 100% the truth and it has already been proven so.

I can wholly say that I have played and done my best for this game, so I have no regrets being mislynched.

Good luck town.

All the best scum, I want you to win.


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honestly manix i thought this was a huge step up from some of your past play even if you fumbled here and there. you did a good job :> shinori too

EDIT: except for when he claimed as a tertiary wagon with like 0 votes fuck you shinori if you do this again i will find you and destroy you, irl


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in part, yes. but iirc you did say that my case on you was unfounded (or something to that effect, can't be bothered checking now because sleep)

i could be wrong though

I checked. The situation was different but I cut the argument by saying that your case was weak.

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See bal vote for Scorri. Go to sleep. Wake up, see this.

First time making it to final LYLO, and :)

Good game everyone, and Eclipsey, thanks for hosting a really fun game!

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This ended while I was asleep.

Okay, my part. I had two reasons for being so pissed off with that D1 lynch.

1) Prims, could you stop pushing for lynches on D1 AS TOWN so hard with no solid evidence? I see this as bad play. Partly because, well, you're PRIMS and you're a damn good mafia player. Sometimes, people have a tendency to just trust your reads for being Prims, and I was pretty damn sure we were going to be lynched partly because of you pushing us so hard. Also, I still have no idea why the fuck you and Shinori had even switched over to us and Manix's case ... well, it was mostly based on earlygame still that I had disputed, there was really NOTHING MORE I could say to this.

2) Mancer and I were a hydra slot, and I had five posts per day. If Mancer is doing things that don't make sense and you're about to lynch him, what should you do? "HEY BORON, YOU'RE MANCER'S HYDRA. WHAT'S HE DOING. EXPLAIN OR WE'RE LYNCHING YOU BOTH." That's right. You guys should have asked me for input when you thought Mancer wasn't being clear enough. But nope, you pretty much forgot that I existed for the most part, and I think this is what pissed me off the most. If we really were scum, my explanation would not have been satisfactory. Or if we got lynched after you guys gave me a chance to speak, I would not been as annoyed. Instead, you guys only acknowledged me when I posted and didn't even direct questions towards me. By the time I figured out I could get Mancer to copy-paste my words in the role PM directly on the thread, it was too late and I was pissed enough.

3) Can we NOT lynch people over rolespec, please? I still hope that everyone who said that "PR cop was a crappy fakeclaim" felt stupid after our flip.

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Okay, I'm sorry I self voted. I was pissed but that does not pardon bad play.

I'll be honest, I'm NOT sorry that we self-voted. And do you know why? You guys were NOT losing time from us self-hammering ourselves. eclipse had already said that the day phase would not end early under any circumstances. You guys had all the discussion time you wanted after that self-hammer (not that most of you used it anyway). Instead, more unnecessary comments. For crying out loud. The reason I wanted to modkill myself in the first place was so all of you would just SHUT UP. Town can get fed up and self-hammer too. See Tears/Stolypin in .hack mafia. It's not good play to antagonize people who are going to be lynched. I admit my play was far from optimal as well, but I wasn't unprovoked.

In all honesty, I almost quit mafia entirely after D1.

And now I'm pretty much done venting.

Edited by Taewoo
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One does not need a class full of children to teach something.

You just need to watch more anime clipsey :P.

I think Manix did really well in this game. Shinori too. Elie also managed to do well last phase to convince Bal to lynch scorri. My only problem with town this game other than activity issues is "naivety" (I think that's the best way to put it). Anyone can get off scummy as hell, claim something that's easy to fake, make up some actions, and then call it good (I thought I had proved this when I claimed that I myself got redirected). When someone says something happened to them at night, that doesn't mean it's the truth! I think what really got on my nerves in this game was that scum had just done it in PoT *cough cough Paperblade cough* and I thought people would have learned from it. Also rolespec is dumb and I really hope that people don't rely on this in the future (I mean you were right I was scum but still this isn't going to work very often).

Also fun facts:

  1. BBM wasn't our planned kill. I knew D2 that Bal was some protective role (either a doc or safeguard) from his breadcrumb and PoE, so I wanted to jankill him and then claim whatever Bal's role was. Unfortunately some things happened and we were forced to kill BBM instead and ruin my plan.
  2. I thought up Baldrick and I CCing each other for towncred the phase before, but at the time it looked like I was going to be lynched off so I wanted to make Baldrick look better. He was supposed to CC me, and since at the time Baldrick had no attention towards him, I thought it'd be an easy pseudoclear for him to help us win the game. Unfortunately people started attacking Baldrick and he didn't really do things as I had hoped, so things didn't work the way I intended them to. Oh well.
  3. When I said my action failed, that part was true. The redirect...not so much lol.

I think I'm aware of my two biggest flaws this game: defending Mancer/Boron (which I don't regret because I really felt bad for them at the time, which I stated in the PM even) and having a 5:1 defense/scumhunt ratio post D1 lol. I think I did a pretty decent job starting wagons to push out claims (like Neko) and getting some otherwise difficult mislynches (like SB) so I don't think I did horrible this game. If there's any other tips you guys can give me I'd be interested to hear them.

Scorri and I make magic happen when we're on the same team <3. All in all it was a lot of fun. GG everyone!

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Helios: rolespec based on what has been placed on the table by players who have flipped town is different (compared to like, earlygame rolespec). like, for example, it was apparent that there was a redirector here, and we knew who it couldn't be based on the tracker reports. PoE there is what got you, and it's perfectly logical to proceed through that.

see: townies shouldn't lie theory

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Manix, FYI when I scanned you I got Heihachi Mishima, "Smart" Bomb, and Town. (Word for word, •"Smart" Bomb")

I didn't know wtf smart bomb was. I could've claimed your role all along but obv I didn't beause a) Bomb, and b) I didn't even know how to ask what "smart" meant.

Did you catch my 2 crumbs I dropped though about your role?

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I called you "clearhachi" in one of my charts, and I think I said " I wanted to feel smart like Manix" on d4 when I could talk again.

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Oh I see

actually you know what you could have done: claim that I was normal bomb

that would have ended really well 8) (like: that would have easily made you the N6 kill probably which yeah)

also lol at N4; scorri tried to scan me, and Bal safeguarded me :3

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