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What Really Grinds Your Gears?


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That is, when parents bring their unruly children into a restaurant.

ohhhhh my god

I could freaking rant all day about this crap


People leaving time on the microwave. Honestly, does it take that much effort to press the clear/reset button?

And odd numbers.

and This. i agree completely

Edited by Ice Sage
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Annoying Siblings who hog the internet for like... until bedtime!

Also, rabid fans of any fandom equally annoys and terrifies me. Getting bashed for not liking a pairing they like is just a big facepalm moment in my books.

Add to my list: Myself... bleck, I even find myself filthy and disgusting.

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The spelling of the word "lasagna" grinds my gears.

I work in a grocery store and one brand spells it "lasagnA" and the other spells it "lasagnE". WTF, is it an "a" or an "e"??

That grinds my gears.

Disclaimer! - regardless of spelling lasangna/e is delicious.

Assuming I didn't just have a mental collapse of six years of my life in education, which is legitimately plausible, lasagne is plural.

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/doesn't get it

/sadface's and leaves dejectedly

it was a joke I heard once while playing, well, left4dead2

several of our guys got left behind and one was pissed about it (very vocally) and the sole survivor belted into his mic "IT'S CALLED LEFT 4 DEAD NOT HELPED U LIVE" and closed the saferoom door, saving his own life

that's the second-best line I've ever heard - the first being a guy who got the Tank and (with alltalk on) proceeded to chase enemy team members ineffectually while taunting them for not fighting him

after they'd run enough of a tango, our tank started throwing the most ridiculously accurate rocks instead

every time yelling "ANGER ROCKS: BEHOLD!"

fuck i loved that guy

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The phone ringing when I'm in the middle of doing something and no one is picking it up.

Oh mah gawd! Yes. Fuuuuuuuuu.

Assuming I didn't just have a mental collapse of six years of my life in education, which is legitimately plausible, lasagne is plural.

Theres a plural for lasagna? Wow... themoreyouknow.jpg

Things That Really Rustle Florina's Jimmies:

Double standards when it comes to sexism. Ive seen people whinge about misogyny who are clearly misandrist. No. Just...no.

Misandrists and female chauvinists claiming to be feminists. emot-frogout.gif

People who dont believe sexism exists against males. (yeah such people exist) emot-argh.gif

Those who believe that gender is the center of everything. emot-wrongful.gif

Things That Steam Florina's Broccoli:

The whole YOLO movement.

A lot of anime. (sorry guys)

Biased fanboyism. Meaning like people who fangasm at Nintendo but will hate on everything not Nintendo.

People making a thing out of Justin Bieber either way. (just ignore his ass!)

People irrationally hating on stuff.

Things That Chap Florina's Hide:

Fans of a book series who are extreme purists when it comes to adaptions. emot-psyduck.gif

Anime art on deviantArt that is clearly not really anime, but looks like YuGi-Oh gone horrible wrong. emot-stare.gif

People not marking spoilers.

Drivers with no idea how to merge into traffic. emot-bang.gif

Hummer owners. emot-dogout.gif

Spriters/Artists that refuse to take critique. For special Flo-Flo rage, add in their argument that people on other sites adored their work as is.

Things That Mildly Annoy Florina:

Usernames with numbers in them. Example: FEGuy123. (but seph gets a free pass :P:)

The "Like if you agree" stuff on Facebook.


Most fast food.

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pretty sure all those SA smilies count as awful hotlinking and shouldn't happen

could be wrong

Ive done that loads of times before and never got yelled at for it so....i dunno.


it's because you're supposed to say it like twelve twelve oohhh i'm creative!

sephtwelvetwelve should be your next username.

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Having to do the same long and tedious thing all over again due to a 'wrong button', 'didn't hit save', or 'blackout' scenario. If this happens more than once, I tend to get ... audible.

Remembering random useless trivia; forgetting and having to write down anything and everything that's important.

Straw man arguments, "Oh my goooood SuppressedRage.gif"

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it was a joke I heard once while playing, well, left4dead2

several of our guys got left behind and one was pissed about it (very vocally) and the sole survivor belted into his mic "IT'S CALLED LEFT 4 DEAD NOT HELPED U LIVE" and closed the saferoom door, saving his own life

that's the second-best line I've ever heard - the first being a guy who got the Tank and (with alltalk on) proceeded to chase enemy team members ineffectually while taunting them for not fighting him

after they'd run enough of a tango, our tank started throwing the most ridiculously accurate rocks instead

every time yelling "ANGER ROCKS: BEHOLD!"

fuck i loved that guy



If I had this game that would be so aiubvoasiuerbvosiuerbgsoiugr and fun x3

(I've watched videos of people playing this game before though so even though I haven't played this I know what a Tank is =3)

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Grinds my Gears: Work Edition

Some nights I have to work carts. You know, the guy that goes out and gathers all the spare ones and brings them inside or puts them around the store for the customers. I can't stand people who leave their carts in awkward places instead of just putting them in the corrals. Okay, if it were daytime and there were a bunch of cars that blocked vision to where they are, then that'd be fine. But at midnight they're all clearly visible. They're spaced out conveniently all around. It takes like ten seconds, just waddle your asses over there and push them in.

Also, stop leaving trash in your goddamn carts. We've got trash cans for that, somebody's got to clean these stupid things when you decide to leave your flimsy McDonald's cup in there and the drink corrodes through the bottom. Or heaven forbid you get some kind of chili fries from god knows where and decide mid-chewing "Hey, I don't really want these" and spit them out all over the inside of it or something. Because the magic cart fairies will just take care of all this.

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several of our guys got left behind and one was pissed about it (very vocally) and the sole survivor belted into his mic "IT'S CALLED LEFT 4 DEAD NOT HELPED U LIVE" and closed the saferoom door, saving his own life

mo' like gayhab aaaa

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Would/could/should of. And other grammatical errors that I can't think of right now.

Your vs. You're? Lay vs. Lie? Use to vs. Used to? Agreement? Dangling and misplaced modifiers? The list goes on... Stuff like that bugs me. I'm waiting for someone to reply to this with a post that is incomprehensible in a grammatical sense.

Things that grind my gears?

-People who do no work in groups. Then I have to cover for them and lie about them doing their job.

-People talking to you when you clearly don't want to speak.

-Those who refuse to listen to opinions other than their own. I understand taking said opinions and rejecting them, but not hearing them in the first place is parochial and does not help progress.

-People who hate themselves.

-On a related note to that... people who commit suicide.

-People who give up when there's still a chance to come through.

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-when people don't take depression seriously

-when people believe someone should die for committing a crime. Sending death threats to anyone

-mafia games

-when people get mad or annoyed at other people for being depressed or suicidal


-when people use 'hung' and 'hanged' incorrectly

-being censored (huge one)


Edited by Sentamos
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-when people get mad or annoyed at other people for being depressed or suicidal

Well now I feel like I should clarify: if someone feels that way, that's different. Suicide is like giving up; it's okay to be tempted by giving up, so long as you resist it. If they /actually/ do it, /then/ I don't like it.

-being censored (huge one)



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Omg I hate censoring especially when it comes to words like 'gay' that are actually meant in the literal sense of the word like what the fuck Stop

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And then there's the historical context. Like, censoring profanities from stuff back in history... That's like pretending it never happened.

And as soon as censoring begins, the question then becomes "where do we draw the line?" JUST DON'T CENSOR ARGH

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