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Why did you join SF?


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I forget what year I joined (probably '08), but it was because I had already been lurking for a few months prior to that, I was new to the Internet, and thought "Fuck it." I made a total ass of meself, but all in all it's been a great experience here. Nowadays I'm rather 'quiet' and only post in General/Serious Discussion.

Esau: I almost feel the same way. I remember some of my posts from my early days here, and oh man do I laugh at myself from time to time. I imagine it's the same for almost everyone, though.

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Superbus gave a link to SF as FESS was going down, so most of us jumped ship here.

I still wish I could go through all the old FESS forums and read my first posts.

I can't handle reading my first posts here...

I had been using the mainsite for information all the time and jumped at the opportunity when forums opened up because I'd never really been able to talk to any other fans of the series on account of pretty much being the only person I knew (well, my brother also plays) who even knew what Fire Emblem was.

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Oh I came here from Fire Emblem World

I don't really like reading back from my old self either but I think in my case that's always going to happen because I think I've been living in a closet my whole life so I really don't know anything, but I'm super slow anyway so that just makes me worse.

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I can't handle reading my first posts here...

I had been using the mainsite for information all the time and jumped at the opportunity when forums opened up because I'd never really been able to talk to any other fans of the series on account of pretty much being the only person I knew (well, my brother also plays) who even knew what Fire Emblem was.

That's how it's gonna be for as long you're here. I cannot read my old posts without laughing.

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Well, just the common reason for me.

I usually used SF and FE Planet (Now solely SF now) to help smooth things along with FE7-10. Then I finally realized that there were forum sections of the sites and decided to join. FEP was dying, so I migrated to SF forums...which was the best move I had ever made (I don't know why it took FEP's low activity to get me to join SF but whatever).

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Oh dear I remember back when I used to go to FEP along with here

I was like "Wow FEP is soooooooooo crowded compared to SF I wonder if SF will ever get this big" (actually I was also hoping it wouldn't)

Now getting as many members here as there was in FEP back then seems like no problem anymore (which did upset me a little bit when this place got so huge because I prefer smaller forums where everybody knows everybody and whatnot~ I just long for the familiar way too much x3 But I'm not all that sad about it as I used to be) Meanwhile FEP hardly has any activity at all now.

I wonder if SF will ever reach that fate as well

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I first started out lurking here for any news on Awakening. Then, I felt a little lonely and decided to join. Best decision I ever made.


Esau: I almost feel the same way. I remember some of my posts from my early days here, and oh man do I laugh at myself from time to time. I imagine it's the same for almost everyone, though.

I am sure I would as well, but I can't remember which forum it is and I can never find my user name on any of the earlier bits I look through.

I have more fun looking through another forum I frequent, which I've been a part of for a good six and a half years. Started off as a right-wing Christian and turned into an atheist social democrat. It's neat to see earlier topics when I asked for refutations to the existence of God, and also some of the earlier debates when I was generally a real dick for no reason.

Not much has changed in the latter area. ;___;

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Oh dear I remember back when I used to go to FEP along with here

I was like "Wow FEP is soooooooooo crowded compared to SF I wonder if SF will ever get this big" (actually I was also hoping it wouldn't)

Now getting as many members here as there was in FEP back then seems like no problem anymore (which did upset me a little bit when this place got so huge because I prefer smaller forums where everybody knows everybody and whatnot~ I just long for the familiar way too much x3 But I'm not all that sad about it as I used to be) Meanwhile FEP hardly has any activity at all now.

I wonder if SF will ever reach that fate as well

I surely hope not. SF shall be eternal! =)

I feel the same. I mean, right now I only know a handful of members here and I usually prefer smaller communities so I can keep track of everyone. I guess SF is an exception because it's so cool, heh. But I don't think I logged onto FEP since...2011? XD

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I was using it as a resource to play through either FE8 or 9 and the guy who introduced me to FE got bored of it, so I saw the forums and thought it'd be neat to join.

now I barely even play FE

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After I noticed that FESS was slowly dying after the whole Jet Enduro thing, I set out to find a forum similiar to it in tone and spirit.

It took me many years through both FE related and unrelated forums until Dio pointed out to me that SF has a forum now.

Needless to say, I got what I was looking for when I joined here.

Aside from the cool new people I was even more happy about when the FESS merger happened with most of the best people staying here even until today, and Dio himself eventually joined too.

Also I'd like to read my original FESS posts just to see how much my English has improved.

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I didn't join this because of Fire Emblem, I like FE but it isn't my favorite tactics style game, I like Tactics Ogre/Disgaea. owo;; Got in contact with Klokinator via Newgrounds and got interested in ROM Hacking and FE-style spriting from hanging around on his forum. I sucked ass at spriting so I joined SF to participate in splice comps :3

And now I know some of you lovely people! At least the ones that hang out in Creative. I never hang out in General WHY AM I HERE NICE TO MEET ALL OF YOU <3

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I joined because honestly, I had lurked a little, and I liked the sound of drafts.

Now I sometimes do drafts, and just hip-hop around to the topics that appear in the new topic listy-thingy. There's not much else. At least I'm more active here than when I was at GameFAQs, which I only go to when I need to check something up that's non-FE related.

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I like FE, the other site I went to was dying and I was losing interest in it, and I was going out of my mind during my first semester of grad school because I didn't hang out with anyone.

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There's actually a bit of a story behind my reason for joining that goes all the way back to the beginning of the first Serenes Forest. I was a mod on FESS at the time, and one day Jyosua IM'd me on AIM, asking me to remind Vincent to check him email. I never had contact with Josh before, but I was well aware of who he was due to his, uh, "infamy" on FESS shall we say. I relayed Josh's message to Vincent, and it turned out Vincent had actually finished responding to Josh's email by the time he got my message. Not long after, Josh informed me that Serenes had opened, and I joined. Unfortunately, it didn't take long for the first incarnation of Serenes to close down.

Quite some time later, Josh sent me another message telling me that Serenes had reopened, so I joined. I was active for a couple days, but my obligations to FESS kept me away. I had completely forgotten Serenes even existed until a few months later when I got a bunch of emails telling me that people had left comments on my profile. I became much more active on my return since FESS was pretty much dead by that time. FESS closed down permanently not long after, and I've been here ever since.

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