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Tales of Symphonia Mafia Ver. 1.0


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The problem with Baldrick is that even though his Drive should have pseudo cleared me (town didn't know there was a Strongman), he still tunneled me. Even when his own role's information cleared me, he still tunneled.

My tunneling on Marth is sort of more justified since I was trying to push a mislynch and town bought it, so...

Even if you're scum trying to push a mislynch on town, if you don't realize where your mistakes are you won't learn from them so you'll make them again and again regardless of alignment. You tend to do "tunneling with not-so-good logic" as town too. You realize when other people are tunneling, right? Now you have to realize when you're tunneling and learn to not do it.

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Even if you're scum trying to push a mislynch on town, if you don't realize where your mistakes are you won't learn from them so you'll make them again and again regardless of alignment. You tend to do "tunneling with not-so-good logic" as town too. You realize when other people are tunneling, right? Now you have to realize when you're tunneling and learn to not do it.

I did notice one thing: I tunnel exceptionally heavily as scum (which I need to cut, since I don't want to start that as my scum meta).

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protips for playing as scum in regards to pushing mislynches: don't tie yourself too much to the flip. if you say you're 100% certain someone is scum and they flip town, it looks really bad and you don't want that attention from it

push the mislynch, sure, but try to not draw attention to yourself in the process. don't be completely sure. throw in a little bit of reasonable doubt. but the best thing to do is explain exactly why they are scummy using quotes and stuff. that's how i get out of major scrutiny if i push a mislynch pretty hard (and that's normally as town). i always prepare myself for the inevitable "defend against why you pushed that lynch" anyway in those cases

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saying "baldrick should have thought i was clear" when you were scum is ridiculous

boron's scum meta is that she writes excuses for not posting

Yeah, I probably should not have done that.

Is there any other way to go "Your results should prove I'm town", though?

I noticed that for Boron as well, but I think she does it sometimes as town too.

Another problem for me is that I find it hard to pick up anything truly scummy. Like, I don't know what constitutes a scummy post or action. I read guides on what might be scummy, but I can't sense or feel the scumminess in posts. That is a huge problem for me. And I have no idea what's not scummy as well so I don't know what to post.

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Good on Obviam for painting Baldrick's quip as a scumslip I guess.

I was anxious about that post because I couldn't believe Baldrick would make it so easy.

I can't believe no one had the time call out Elie and Obviam on how retarded it is to call someone out on mentioning quicktopics

you know since they're not actually retarded


Quicktopics are utter shit and I'd take a group PM over a QT any day. I considered that QTs may have been some recent trend I missed out on, but knew that if that was the case I could simply claim ignorance (not to mention be telling the truth) and push an SB lynch instead. Other than that I pretty much coasted this game and all my night actions were agreed upon before I even suggested them.


No. I don't intend to share.

Elieson I didn't think you were town. Ever since you trashed my Mancer vote by saying I thought he was a better lynch than Prims, I was suspicious, and when you backed up Aleph I decided you must be scum.

j00 I did call out Aleph. But no townies fucking listened to me. What do I have to do to get respect from you people?

Everyone called me out. People always seem to call me out when I'm mafia. The problem is no one ever follows through with it because I dance away and snipe them with roles like strongman to keep them quiet. Need to listen to your gut more.

Mancer you really did play bad, I was calling you out for your shit to gain town cred all game. Speaking of phrases like "town cred" I really was irritated with them when I made my post and was actually speaking without bias regarding how it was negatively affecting town play, but I did enjoy how convenient it was to spout that crap as mafia.

but because I don't have a rep, I couldn't make anyone listen to me.

No rep? Even if that's true I immediately identified you as "as dangerous as helios" and wanted you gone asap. That said I would have sooner silenced j00.

elie and obviam were bros but mancer and jb basically ended up being nonfactors

Not impressed with jb or mancer, but I didn't do so great myself. Bros or not I did my best to dissociate from Eli and Prims and while I may have done an okay job, playing PSO the whole game (really, that wasn't made up either) caused me to miss things like what Prims used in identifying the driver. He was basically the mvp. I was glad he died instead though since we needed that strongman kill. >_>

About the doc, Scorri had said some things that made me believe she was probably the doctor, and sure enough Mancer proved it with his cop role (without me saying anything; again, I didn't do a whole lot this game). I'd suggested using a strongman to make sure she didn't interfere, but we ultimately decided to go with the original plan of hiding that the doc was dead. Seems like it worked

one last thing: doc claiming as scum

imo, it's not worth it, because you're expected to be on PR's which means you can't kill them unless you want to try with strongman/roleblock wifom (although in this case, roleblocker was out of the question because of prims' flip)

and besides an outed doc don't doesn't die is super suspect

I told them in the QT to not rush to claim doc and was against the idea to begin with. My original suggestion was to strongman the doc and jan the cop, then claim that instead to demolish lylo the way Loocy did - only on purpose, instead of by luck.

[stuff about policy!mancer]

If what I said in the game is anything to go by, I obviously condone this. I had been citing that Mancer is full of shit since OC Basics

But seriously, the thing about Mancer is that he is very hard to read because most of his actions doesn't make sense regardless of alignment.

I think I said that verbatim in OCB

boron's scum meta is that she writes excuses for not posting

Or so I said, even though I knew that was bullshit :D

Speaking of meta, here's mine in case you haven't figured it out yet: I don't read my role PM until after I've read the thread AND posted. Yes, this game included. Suspecting me for pushing Bizz was folly.

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boron's scum meta is that she writes excuses for not posting

I do this as town too, actually. Also, my reasons for not posting are always legitimate.

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Aleph, what are you talking about? I've been full of shot and stupid and played badly since I started mafia-ing and I'm trying to improve. It's not just after Basics, FYI.

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Ninja'd you

My reasons for not posting have always been legitimate too, because no one's ever caught me in a situation where I've been reluctant to post. Part of this is because while everyone on SF seems to be like "omg my fakeclaim's not ready here I'll make one asap", I typically make fakeclaims as mafia as often as I do when I'm town (yes, I make fakeclaims as town sometimes)...which is to say "almost never". The logic being that if I'm town, I'm not telling you shit because it would help the mafia. See also: my argument against mass claiming in the thread, which was also for town cred but still very valid.

Between the buzzword business, eagerness to have town leaders and/or mass claim and desire to have a crappy fake claim early instead of avoiding needing one or at least waiting until you can make a better one, SF seems to have a lot of bad habits regarding mafia and could probably stand to introspect a bit.

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Aleph, what are you talking about? I've been full of shot and stupid and played badly since I started mafia-ing and I'm trying to improve. It's not just after Basics, FYI.

Duh, I figured. I just never met you before basics.

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Even if QTs are not your thing it should have rung some bells when you and Elie pinned the claimed driver as scum just because he mentioned scum quicktopics

Prims even used that word when he was trolling

It's towns own fault for actually going with you guys though

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I need some worthwhile tips for picking up tells. My brain can't pick up actual tells. I understand what others pick up, but I can't run the process for picking up tells myself. I know this will take some time to get used to, but I'm hoping for a shortcut to learning it.

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IOs are getting annoying. Play the game or free up SF PM slots by avoiding it altogether.

Prims even used that word when he was trolling

Missed that because after a while Prims's crap was getting too thick for me to even try to process, keeping in mind that I'd have had to analyze it from a town perspective which takes a lot more effort than a derp!mafia perspective analysis.

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Speaking of meta, here's mine in case you haven't figured it out yet: I don't read my role PM until after I've read the thread AND posted. Yes, this game included. Suspecting me for pushing Bizz was folly.

well one day you're gonna get a posting restriction

people use quicktopics instead of scum pm because you can show them to everyone for a better postgame

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Everyone called me out. People always seem to call me out when I'm mafia. The problem is no one ever follows through with it because I dance away and snipe them with roles like strongman to keep them quiet. Need to listen to your gut more.


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Yeah you. Actually we were planning on killing you soon anyway, and then we found out you were the cop. You had a lot of things going against you

well one day you're gonna get a posting restriction

Games with PRs usually say so prior, so I glance through quickly to find out what it is and take advantage of my shitty short term memory after that.

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setup-wise: 10/5 is badddddd (2 mislynches/1 mislynch + 1 misvig is not okay for 15p imo)

and it was scumsided as heck anyway because you had counters to almost everything (strongman for the bp martyr/driver, godfather for the cop, ninja for the tracker, etc)

I kind of like 10/5, as long as it's fifteen competent players (for comparison, check the original PoT mafia, where town had one mislynch before they lost majority). Unfortunately, there's been a trend of horrible D1 lynches (I would've used my governor ability to No Lynch, because the point of that role was to stop a mislynch). Probably would've changed it so that Sheena could use ONE of janitor/strongman, and using either one would make the other unusable.

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what this set-up needed was not a nerf to the scumteam. despite 10:5 it was actually townsided

PoT is a bad example because NOC / even limited OC with two 2-man scumteams is different than 5 scum all voting in a block together if necessary (and if town has significant numbers to counteract it, probably balanced)

Edited by Prims
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you could always just write your post, check your role PM for posting restrictions, fix any mistakes, and then post it without changing any content

that's basically what I do, it depends how lazy I am at the moment

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You know if Town Member 1 and Town Memver 2 didn't die on N0, it'd have been more balanced, even if they were vanilla.

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