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Void Mafia - Game Over


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Well, I also feel Baldrick's role is more useful for scum than town. I'll admit my reasons for voting Baldrick are comprised largely of rolespec but OC is more rolespec than NOC anyways, so meh.

Also, the fact that mafia would have a 100% chance of getting the stone if any of the three ingredient holders was mafia kind of points to Sho and Rapier NOT being scum, don't you think? Not exactly sure what the stone does, but considering that according to the rules, death is not the end, and nobody has claimed a reviving role, it probably has something to do with that. Mafia having a 100% chance of being able to get that means they can revive a scumbuddy and have town waste their lynch on them. That's almost like forcing a no lynch.

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You know what this is going to look really bad if it succeeds and Cam flips town but I don't really care, so:

##Unvote, ##Vote: Cam

There are some good reasons to vote Baldrick but there also a lot of holes in the case and I feel like this is way safer.

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inb4 Cam becomes Kay lynch 2.0. -_-;;

But honestly, BBM, if you feel safer about cam lynch, would you expand on why?

From what I know of sho, there's a bit of a behaviour contradiction in him being scum and rein being nightkilled. But that's just from what I know now. There's still the possibility that he was culted by Rein N0, truly.

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Ok back form Saturday night fun.

There is a lot I need

Feel free to point what I missed to cover:

- My attitude toward Shinori and Scorri:

I intentionally took the asshole approach towards them. This is because I a) Don't trust either of them, b) would hate to spill them any info. I took the asshole road over more polite I don't want to share info with you road because the former has more likehood to make them spill info.

- The so called jumps in logic from my part:

Now I know my logic might seem weird to you lot, but there it is, from my point of view entirely legit. I have lot of brainwork behind my reasoning and its not as jumpy as it sounds at first. I shall now explain the entire process behind Baldy and scorri being scumbuddies thing.

A) I look at the facts:

Rein was killed. There is 3 possible reasons for this:

1) Because scums knew he has the stone components

2) Because scums knew his role.

3) Random kill.

B) I consider the likehood of these options

3) It is so god damn unlikely they would make such money shot on pure luck that if it was the case, fuck this game.

2) There is 2 ways they could know:

- Rein told this info on some decree to them. Considering the alchemy thing went perfectly for him, I do not believe he would ruin such perfect start of a game by spewing HE IS THE FUCKING CULT to anyone.

- They rolecopped him. I could go for the unlikely thing but I have something even better. Lets say the scums have rolecop AND that cop targeted Rein. So they know his whole role. They know he would not be able to cult a wolf. I ask you. Would they seriously kill him? The sole enemy to the town(outside themselves and the only force that can make the win easier for them. Would they seriously go and kill him this early? I say not. Rein is far too useful for them to warrant such actions this early. If they really did it they helped the town quite a bit. The gains simply do not warrant such actions from scums. Thus I deemed the second reason 2) as unlikely as 3)

1) They knew he had the stone. As it is the only possible motive I can think of, I started to look it as a fact.

C) So the motive of the kill was the stone. For scums to kill him for the stone, they must know he had the stone. What are the ways they could know this.

1) Legit guess. Rein did ask about of alchemy. Assuming they did any digging around the info that was around, they would likely figure Rapier had a component because he talked a bit of it before I made him shut of it. Why was it not stolen when I asked around for safeguard? I get to that once I have explained rest of this stone mess. Lets just say I have reason big enough for it to become its own entire segment. As for Rein he is one of those that did look around for alchemy. Would they just kill him for being one of those that spoke a bit? I do not think so. They have town to kill and shooting in the dark for a bloody stone would not be reason enough to nightkill.

2) One of those that knew that Rein is stone holder knew. I am 100% sure that the only way for this to happen outside random SK, is one of me and Rapier being Scum. Well I know it is not me. I know it does not prove a damn thing to you, but when I, AND I ALONE AM TRYING TO FIGURE THE REASON, it is plenty. I make segment about my possible scummyness eventually. Next was the case of Rapier. Well, take a look at this log of when I first talked with him of the components... and in general about this game.

[13.1.2013 0:14:05] Lorddomu: SHO

[13.1.2013 0:14:08] Lorddomu: YOU'RE BACK!

[13.1.2013 0:14:18] Saku Suonpää: ?

[13.1.2013 0:14:34] Lorddomu: to Mafia

[13.1.2013 0:14:35] Lorddomu: I mean

[13.1.2013 0:14:45] Saku Suonpää: No i havent

[13.1.2013 0:14:50] Saku Suonpää: I was bribed

[13.1.2013 0:15:44] Lorddomu: oh

[13.1.2013 0:15:48] Lorddomu: well, anyway

[13.1.2013 0:15:58] Lorddomu: I know you have an item

[13.1.2013 0:16:06] Lorddomu: do you know anyone else who's got an item?

[13.1.2013 0:16:20] Saku Suonpää: plenty

[13.1.2013 0:16:29] Lorddomu: also, just what is your item?

[13.1.2013 0:16:29] Saku Suonpää: is it a crossbow?

[13.1.2013 0:16:36] Lorddomu: uh, nope

[13.1.2013 0:16:51] Saku Suonpää: WHat do you know of alchemy?

[13.1.2013 0:18:08] Lorddomu: I know it involves potions

[13.1.2013 0:18:13] Lorddomu: is your item related to alchemy?

[13.1.2013 0:18:27] Saku Suonpää: Is your item releated to alchemy?

[13.1.2013 0:18:38] Lorddomu: it seems our items are related to alchemy

[13.1.2013 0:18:52] Lorddomu: though I'm not sure how many ingredients are out there.

[13.1.2013 0:19:07] Saku Suonpää: can I see your item description?

[13.1.2013 0:20:09] Lorddomu: it's agaisnt the rules to quote an item

[13.1.2013 0:20:14] Saku Suonpää: is not

[13.1.2013 0:20:26] Saku Suonpää: roles you cannot quote

[13.1.2013 0:20:32] Saku Suonpää: items are free game

[13.1.2013 0:20:34] Lorddomu: 3.1 The only exceptions to this rule are item descriptions and win conditions.

[13.1.2013 0:20:34] Lorddomu: oh wait

[13.1.2013 0:20:35] Lorddomu: right.

[13.1.2013 0:21:03] Lorddomu: You are holding the Sulphur, an alchemical component. It grants flammability and combustion.

[13.1.2013 0:21:06] Lorddomu: and yours are?

[13.1.2013 0:21:19] Saku Suonpää: You are holding the Salt. An alchemical component. It causes solidity. At night, the holder of Salt may respond to their CUT

[13.1.2013 0:21:29] Lorddomu: ... CUT?

[13.1.2013 0:21:32] Lorddomu: oh

[13.1.2013 0:21:33] Lorddomu: LOL

[13.1.2013 0:21:36] Lorddomu: *facepalm*

[13.1.2013 0:21:52] Lorddomu: I figure every holder has something different to make with all the ingredients.

[13.1.2013 0:22:02] Saku Suonpää: what do you make with them?

[13.1.2013 0:22:17] Lorddomu: philosopher's stone

[13.1.2013 0:22:20] Lorddomu: and you?

[13.1.2013 0:22:25] Saku Suonpää: You are holding the Salt. An alchemical component. It causes solidity. At night, the holder of Salt may respond to their role PM with "Night X - The Great Work!" If you have all the other components, you will create a philsopher's stone, although you're not sure what that does...

[13.1.2013 0:22:39] Lorddomu: At night, the holder of Sulphur may respond to their role PM with "Night X - The Great Work!" If you have all the other components, you will create a philsopher's stone, although you're not sure what that does...

[13.1.2013 0:22:49] Saku Suonpää: so

[13.1.2013 0:22:56] Saku Suonpää: wanna join forces?

[13.1.2013 0:23:27] Lorddomu: it would be nice

[13.1.2013 0:23:30] Lorddomu: though I don't trust you

[13.1.2013 0:23:38] Lorddomu: I have no guarantee that you're not from the scumteam

[13.1.2013 0:23:43] Lorddomu: or Cult

[13.1.2013 0:23:48] Saku Suonpää: You are a vanilla arent you

[13.1.2013 0:23:58] Lorddomu: I am

[13.1.2013 0:24:03] Saku Suonpää: and so am I

[13.1.2013 0:24:16] Lorddomu: well then

[13.1.2013 0:24:29] Saku Suonpää: I would assume there is third vanilla with third component

[13.1.2013 0:24:33] Lorddomu: no objections here, in that case.

[13.1.2013 0:24:39] Saku Suonpää: ok

[13.1.2013 0:24:46] Lorddomu: I heard Rohan (he is BBM, isn't he?) is a vanilla

[13.1.2013 0:24:50] Lorddomu: but his item isn't an ingredient

[13.1.2013 0:24:54] Saku Suonpää: how many you have told of your item?

[13.1.2013 0:25:06] Lorddomu: only a few people

[13.1.2013 0:25:07] Saku Suonpää: and BBM has Crossbow Bolt

[13.1.2013 0:25:16] Lorddomu: SB, Xinny and BBM

[13.1.2013 0:25:24] Saku Suonpää: have you told you have alchemic component?

[13.1.2013 0:25:34] Lorddomu: no one has asked me for it

[13.1.2013 0:25:35] Lorddomu: so no

[13.1.2013 0:25:40] Saku Suonpää: good

[13.1.2013 0:25:42] Saku Suonpää: do not

Lets think this log from scum!rapier's point of view. The whole vanilla thing. Would he be so eager to claim Vanilla when asked if he was one. I could very easily be trying to bullshiting him to lie. For all he knew it was all a ruse. A scum would be more careful than that. This is why I first thinked night one he is Vanilla. Rein was able to bullshit me and rapier because I found 2 vanillas holding components and one scum holding the third rather... random. I was bit too eager when talking with Rein once I was able to confirm he indeed was holdin component. That allowed him to figure the vanilla thing out and trick me. Log for reference. Its from after I asked for components in this thread.

[00:53] <timaeusTestified> so what's with the alchemic component thing

[00:53] <ShoMtheTits> you have one?

[00:54] <timaeusTestified> yeah I was just being cautious early, but this sounds worth confirming it

[00:54] <timaeusTestified> how does this work?

[00:54] <ShoMtheTits> well

[00:55] <ShoMtheTits> I have seen the text of 2 components

[00:55] <ShoMtheTits> and they are practically the same

[00:55] <ShoMtheTits> should we post the descriptions to each other

[00:55] <ShoMtheTits> that would confirm both of us have one

[00:56] <timaeusTestified> sure

[00:56] <ShoMtheTits> and the confirming townie part comes from both of me and the other holder being vanillas

[00:56] <timaeusTestified> same here.

[00:56] <ShoMtheTits> so

[00:56] <timaeusTestified> which you guessed earlier but I didn't want to admit

[00:56] <ShoMtheTits> does my reasoning suffice

[00:56] <timaeusTestified> sure

[00:56] <timaeusTestified> I think someone mentioned it to me

[00:57] <ShoMtheTits> i have

[00:57] <timaeusTestified> yours is Salt?

[00:57] <ShoMtheTits> the description under my cntr v

[00:57] <ShoMtheTits> yes

[00:57] <ShoMtheTits> i do

[00:57] <ShoMtheTits> do we go trough with this?

[00:58] <timaeusTestified> sure gimme a second

[00:58] <ShoMtheTits> tell me when ready

[00:58] <timaeusTestified> ok

[00:58] <ShoMtheTits> we count to 3 and cpopy paste

[00:58] <ShoMtheTits> 3

[00:58] <ShoMtheTits> 2

[00:58] <ShoMtheTits> 1

[00:58] <ShoMtheTits> You are holding the Salt. An alchemical component. It causes solidity. At night, the holder ofSalt may respond to their role PM with "Night X - The Great Work!" If you have all the other components, you will create a philsopher's stone, although you're not sure what that does...

[00:58] <timaeusTestified> You are holding the Mercury. An alchemical component. It gives volatility and stability. Atnight, the holder of Mercury may respond to their role PM with "Night X - The Great Work!" If you have all the other components, you will create a philsopher's stone, although you're not sure what that does...

[00:58] <timaeusTestified> whoops the color is all weird

[00:58] <ShoMtheTits> rajarion red?

[00:58] <timaeusTestified> yeah

[00:59] <ShoMtheTits> lol

[00:59] <ShoMtheTits> well

[00:59] <ShoMtheTits> welcome to the vanilla ring

[00:59] <timaeusTestified> alright

[00:59] <ShoMtheTits> rapier also holds a piece

[00:59] <timaeusTestified> ok

[00:59] <ShoMtheTits> he has sulfur

[01:00] <timaeusTestified> makes sense

It is entirely my fault Rein fooled me with reasons I handed to him on a silver platter(that is a think you carry stuff, not an organ right?) and I deserve every bit of blame for it. Had I been more careful, I might have been able to catch him from scumming.

Now after Rein flipped I naturally blamed Rapier. However, for most random event happened...

[20:14] <ShoStar> 13th

[20:15] <thirteenth> Yeah?

[20:15] <ShoStar> target BBM

[20:15] <ShoStar> I might be onto something big

[20:15] <ShoStar> and this is vital for it

[20:16] <thirteenth> Phase ended

[20:16] <thirteenth> I got results on Rapier

[20:16] <ShoStar> are you fucking kidding me

[20:16] <thirteenth> Since he was the last I sent in

[20:16] <ShoStar> raeg of insane furity

[20:18] <thirteenth> I actually was going to change it since you said something but by the time I opened my messenger A MINUTE AFTER YOU ASKED I had results

[20:18] <ShoStar> aint that nice

[20:18] <ShoStar> I also had a lead on cult

[20:19] <thirteenth> FYI Rapier did nothing, but other than that

[20:19] <ShoStar> and certain other action was most relevant to it

[20:19] <ShoStar> but the fucker wont pay attention to me

[20:19] <ShoStar> ...

[20:19] <ShoStar> WHAT

[20:19] <ShoStar> WHAT

[20:19] <ShoStar> THE

[20:19] <ShoStar> ACTUAL

[20:19] <ShoStar> FUCK

[20:19] <ShoStar> dude are you absolutely sure that is your report

[20:19] <thirteenth> That is what Kaoz sent me

[20:20] <thirteenth> In paraphrased terms of course

[20:20] <ShoStar> remeber that part where you said YOU WERE GOING TO TARGET MARTH

[20:20] <thirteenth> Yeah and my gut said that Rapier was more scummy

[20:20] <ShoStar> ARGGH

[20:20] <thirteenth> Lynch if you wish, but SOMETHING in my gut said target Rapier


[20:21] <ShoStar> YOU ASS


[20:21] <thirteenth> I guess not, Sho

[20:21] <thirteenth> I DIDN'T KNOWN THAT

[20:21] <thirteenth> FUCKING HELL

[20:21] <thirteenth> I HAVE NO TIME FOR OC



[20:22] <ShoStar> FUCK


[20:22] <ShoStar> YOU

[20:22] <thirteenth> Lynch 13th for stupid targeting[

[20:22] <ShoStar> Had you at least targetted marth you would have done something semi productive

[20:22] <ShoStar> now you just wasted another night

[20:22] <ShoStar> 13th thats it

[20:23] <ShoStar> next time you do something like this

[20:23] <ShoStar> i get a fucking vig on your ass

[20:23] <thirteenth> I PLANNED on targeting Marth, and then in my obviously drunk state I changed it

[20:23] <ShoStar> and believe me i can reason him to do it

[20:23] <ShoStar> oh god


[20:23] <thirteenth> Just get him to shoot me if I'm not dead

[20:23] <thirteenth> I DIDN'T. I PLAY WHEN I'M TIRED

[20:23] <ShoStar> GOD DAMMIT

[20:23] <ShoStar> whatever

[20:24] <thirteenth> TIRED=DRUNK WITH ME

[20:24] <ShoStar> jsut

[20:24] <ShoStar> fuck you

If you want to you can try to compare this to the log Shinori posted. Maybe you can spot the difference of me being asshole and me being genuinely enraged.

I soon after this saw the rein Flip and forgot 13th for a good while. Has a lot to do with me being completely stunned about not only Rein being cult and wolves having the stone. Was about mental version of being Sucker Punched. By a rocket...

Once I pulled my shit together, I recalled this and realized this mean that either scums are vanilla scums (unlikely), Rapier iddled (even more unlikely) and now that I think of it, Rapier and 13th being scumbuddies(this fucker gets its own little segment some time next year). With this the option of info slip was impossible(I still do not assume I am scum when deducting the cause of this mess).

3. I was a little lost now. No slip and random luck being unlikely, I went for any possible reason i could find....

D) The mother fucking Baldy/Scorri theory

So I was talking with Rapier

[19.1.2013 1:49:38] Lorddomu: So

[19.1.2013 1:49:40] Lorddomu: Sho

[19.1.2013 1:49:46] Lorddomu: what do you figure about this situation of ours?

[19.1.2013 1:50:03] Lorddomu: Rein being nightkilled is not a coincidence

[19.1.2013 1:50:08] Saku Suonpää: indeed

[19.1.2013 1:50:16] Saku Suonpää: there is 2 ways about this

[19.1.2013 1:50:32] Saku Suonpää: A) somebody in mafia figured it was rein

[19.1.2013 1:50:46] Saku Suonpää: because he asked around of alchemy a bit day one

[19.1.2013 1:50:56] Saku Suonpää: *night 0

[19.1.2013 1:50:59] Saku Suonpää: B)

[19.1.2013 1:51:06] Saku Suonpää: one of us is werewolf

[19.1.2013 1:51:13] Saku Suonpää: actually there is C

[19.1.2013 1:51:20] Lorddomu: C) The item-checker suspected him

[19.1.2013 1:51:28] Saku Suonpää: that being rein tried to contact the wolves and this happened

[19.1.2013 1:51:29] Lorddomu: and he's one of the werewolves

[19.1.2013 1:51:38] Lorddomu: ... or this, but it doesn't make sense

[19.1.2013 1:52:08] Saku Suonpää: i dont think there is much ground to say it was random kill

[19.1.2013 1:52:17] Lorddomu: No, I doubt it was a random kill

[19.1.2013 1:52:19] Saku Suonpää: honestly if it was random

[19.1.2013 1:52:22] Saku Suonpää: fuck this game

[19.1.2013 1:52:27] Lorddomu: yeah

[19.1.2013 1:52:34] Lorddomu: we'd have to be unlucky for this to be true

[19.1.2013 1:52:45] Lorddomu: I believe someone suspected Rein by some reason

[19.1.2013 1:52:53] Lorddomu: and confirmed he had the Philosopher's Stone

[19.1.2013 1:53:00] Lorddomu: Marth's the Item Checker, isn't he?

[19.1.2013 1:53:18] Lorddomu: did you ever ask him if he talked with Rein beforehand?

[19.1.2013 1:53:38] Lorddomu: this is an absurd theory, but... What else do we have?

[19.1.2013 1:53:42] Lorddomu: I'm pretty sure I'm not scum

[19.1.2013 1:53:46] Lorddomu: and I don't think you are.

[19.1.2013 1:53:48] Saku Suonpää: marth is not item checker to my knowledge

[19.1.2013 1:53:56] Lorddomu: isn't there an item checker?

[19.1.2013 1:54:15] Saku Suonpää: i know of one

[19.1.2013 1:54:27] Saku Suonpää: but at the moment i dont trust you enough to tell

[19.1.2013 1:54:34] Saku Suonpää: no offence :/

[19.1.2013 1:54:38] Lorddomu: nah, it's okay

[19.1.2013 1:54:42] Lorddomu: we were betrayed by Rein

[19.1.2013 1:54:43] Lorddomu: we were stupid

[19.1.2013 1:54:48] Saku Suonpää: indeed

[19.1.2013 1:54:51] Lorddomu: I am stupid for still giving you benefit of doubt

[19.1.2013 1:54:54] Lorddomu: and believing you... kinda.

[19.1.2013 1:55:01] Lorddomu: and for saying this kind of shit too

[19.1.2013 1:55:13] Lorddomu: either way

[19.1.2013 1:55:30] Lorddomu: are you absolutely sure he/she couldn't have targetted Rein and warned the werewolves?

[19.1.2013 1:55:36] Lorddomu: do you believe he/she is town?

[19.1.2013 1:56:06] Saku Suonpää: i check the log

[19.1.2013 1:58:38] Saku Suonpää: apparently i never asked him

[19.1.2013 1:58:40] Saku Suonpää: weird

[19.1.2013 1:58:50] Saku Suonpää: and he is offline too :/

[19.1.2013 1:58:54] Brad: ggggggggggg

[19.1.2013 1:59:06] Lorddomu: PAPER KNOWS SOMETHING

[19.1.2013 1:59:09] Lorddomu: AND HE'S LAUGHING AT OUR STUPIDITY

[19.1.2013 1:59:15] Saku Suonpää: I know too

[19.1.2013 1:59:27] Saku Suonpää: but its something so silly

[19.1.2013 1:59:35] Saku Suonpää: i rather not say it (editor's note, I assumed it was rapier being able to tell who the item cop was by simply scrolling this log up to the last hours of night 1)

[19.1.2013 1:59:52] Lorddomu: oh well

[19.1.2013 2:54:42] Saku Suonpää: ok

[19.1.2013 2:54:50] Saku Suonpää: I am inclied to trust you

[19.1.2013 2:55:02] Saku Suonpää: because certain asdf wasted his nighttracking you

[19.1.2013 2:55:13] Saku Suonpää: I doupt there is vanilla scums

[19.1.2013 4:01:39] Lorddomu: why did he find me scummy?


[19.1.2013 4:01:46] Lorddomu: well, so do I.

[19.1.2013 4:02:19] Saku Suonpää: because 13th is 13th

[19.1.2013 4:02:21] Saku Suonpää: op

[19.1.2013 4:02:22] Saku Suonpää: op

[19.1.2013 4:02:27] Saku Suonpää: oppan kamen rider style

[19.1.2013 4:02:33] Saku Suonpää: need i say more?

[19.1.2013 4:04:00] Lorddomu: why hasn't he become better by this point

[19.1.2013 4:04:07] Lorddomu: didn't he*

[19.1.2013 4:04:17] Lorddomu: not that I am good at mafia

[19.1.2013 4:04:18] Lorddomu: but meh

[19.1.2013 4:04:21] Brad: he doesn't play and doesn't care

[19.1.2013 4:04:23] Saku Suonpää: he hasnt played since then :P

[19.1.2013 4:04:31] Lorddomu: oh lol

[19.1.2013 4:04:36] Saku Suonpää: or did he play once after it

[19.1.2013 4:04:49] Saku Suonpää: i stopped caring for some reason

[19.1.2013 4:17:10] Lorddomu: will you tell me who's the Item Checker then?

[19.1.2013 4:17:27] Lorddomu: of course, I won't share it with anyone

[19.1.2013 4:17:35] Lorddomu: or use it as evidence in whatever argument I may use

[19.1.2013 4:17:53] Saku Suonpää: i really trust you but

[19.1.2013 4:17:57] Saku Suonpää: after rein

[19.1.2013 4:18:03] Saku Suonpää: cant be too sure

[19.1.2013 4:18:24] Lorddomu: damn it Sho

[19.1.2013 4:18:27] Lorddomu: make your mind already >_>

[19.1.2013 4:18:40] Saku Suonpää: I do

[19.1.2013 4:18:49] Saku Suonpää: I trust you but have safety measures

[19.1.2013 4:18:53] Lorddomu: I wouldn't be stupid enough to narrow the suspect lists to me and you

[19.1.2013 4:18:55] Saku Suonpää: besides

[19.1.2013 4:18:56] Saku Suonpää: cult

[19.1.2013 4:18:59] Lorddomu: I'd control you two behind the scenes

[19.1.2013 4:19:16] Saku Suonpää: control us two?

[19.1.2013 4:19:24] Lorddomu: or rather

[19.1.2013 4:19:26] Saku Suonpää: what the hell are you talking off?

[19.1.2013 4:19:27] Lorddomu: fake my alignment

[19.1.2013 4:19:31] Lorddomu: well, whatever

[19.1.2013 4:19:34] Lorddomu: yeah, I may be Cult

[19.1.2013 4:19:50] Lorddomu: and I can't do anything to defend myself from this argument

[19.1.2013 4:20:06] Saku Suonpää: Look

[19.1.2013 4:20:12] Saku Suonpää: how to say this nicely

[19.1.2013 4:20:22] Saku Suonpää: you are at best twon vanilla

[19.1.2013 4:20:30] Saku Suonpää: with vaguely same info as i do

[19.1.2013 4:20:41] Saku Suonpää: what could you possibly do with the info i cant

[19.1.2013 4:20:59] Lorddomu: I told you about my item checker theory

[19.1.2013 4:21:13] Saku Suonpää: i trust you but too much to loose in comparison to whatthere is to gain

[19.1.2013 4:21:20] Lorddomu: the only fucking way someone would kill Rein, while both of us are town, is if someone FOUND OUT he has the stone

[19.1.2013 4:21:27] Lorddomu: and even Rein wouldn't be stupid enough to out that to someone

[19.1.2013 4:21:36] Saku Suonpää: ah

[19.1.2013 4:21:43] Saku Suonpää: taht one

[19.1.2013 4:21:46] Saku Suonpää: well

[19.1.2013 4:21:57] Lorddomu: item-checker could have targetted him N0

[19.1.2013 4:21:57] Saku Suonpää: I can confirm he targetted

[19.1.2013 4:22:01] Saku Suonpää: scorri night 0

[19.1.2013 4:22:05] Saku Suonpää: and bbm night 2

[19.1.2013 4:22:05] Lorddomu: ...

[19.1.2013 4:22:07] Lorddomu: well then, fine.

[19.1.2013 4:22:11] Saku Suonpää: well

[19.1.2013 4:22:22] Saku Suonpää: i should check by scorri

[19.1.2013 4:22:27] Saku Suonpää: now that i think of it

[19.1.2013 4:22:32] Saku Suonpää: teh item name

[19.1.2013 4:22:33] Saku Suonpää: that is

[19.1.2013 4:22:35] Lorddomu: I just don't have any other idea

[19.1.2013 4:23:02] Lorddomu: I don't remember if we ever told Elie about Rein

[19.1.2013 4:23:07] Lorddomu: and he sold us out to the Mafia

[19.1.2013 4:23:13] Lorddomu: probably not

[19.1.2013 4:23:15] Lorddomu: ghh

[19.1.2013 4:23:29] Saku Suonpää: unless you did

[19.1.2013 4:23:30] Saku Suonpää: i didnt

[19.1.2013 4:23:44] Saku Suonpää: i made it pretty clear to not spew this around

[19.1.2013 4:25:01] Lorddomu: I never mentioned Rein

[19.1.2013 4:25:01] Lorddomu: ever

[19.1.2013 4:25:39] Lorddomu: also

[19.1.2013 4:25:42] Lorddomu: if you imply I'm cult

[19.1.2013 4:25:48] Lorddomu: then that means I'm not the one who sold him

[19.1.2013 4:26:01] Saku Suonpää: i imply you might become a cult

[19.1.2013 4:26:06] Saku Suonpää: ANYWAY

[19.1.2013 4:26:13] Lorddomu: like everyone else

[19.1.2013 4:26:13] Saku Suonpää: according to scorri

[19.1.2013 4:26:20] Saku Suonpää: the item's name is correct

[19.1.2013 4:27:05] Saku Suonpää: i suppose they just did target rein for being second most interested in alchemy after me

[19.1.2013 4:27:08] Saku Suonpää: in OC

[19.1.2013 4:27:35] Lorddomu: yeah

[19.1.2013 4:27:42] Lorddomu: maybe they just guessed it

[19.1.2013 4:28:43] Saku Suonpää: so there is somebody preety damn good in this

[19.1.2013 4:28:49] Saku Suonpää: and active in OC

[19.1.2013 4:29:46] Lorddomu: Prims is hidden scum godfather, of course

[19.1.2013 4:30:18] Lorddomu: also

[19.1.2013 4:30:19] Lorddomu: wait

[19.1.2013 4:30:34] Lorddomu: did we tell Elie that I was part of our little hidden faction?

[19.1.2013 4:30:40] Saku Suonpää: unless scorri is also a scum

[19.1.2013 4:30:53] Brad: Prims isn't playing idiot

[19.1.2013 4:30:55] Saku Suonpää: you were dull enough to tell him i vaguely recall

[19.1.2013 4:31:09] Lorddomu: he may have told scum that we're not likely to have the stone

[19.1.2013 4:31:24] Saku Suonpää: rapier

[19.1.2013 4:31:36] Saku Suonpää: your item holding was relatively well known

[19.1.2013 4:31:50] Saku Suonpää: thats why I suggested rein in the first place

[19.1.2013 4:32:16] Saku Suonpää: also brad

[19.1.2013 4:32:20] Saku Suonpää: stop reading

[19.1.2013 4:32:27] Saku Suonpää: you little brat

[19.1.2013 4:32:39] Lorddomu: yet, didn't we tell him we were going to give the ingredients to someone?

[19.1.2013 4:32:46] Saku Suonpää: no

[19.1.2013 4:32:52] Saku Suonpää: for the last time

[19.1.2013 4:32:56] Saku Suonpää: rein was top...

[19.1.2013 4:33:08] Saku Suonpää: SOMEBODY ASKED ME OPINION ON REIN

[19.1.2013 4:33:13] Saku Suonpää: MUST



[19.1.2013 4:35:38] Lorddomu: shit

[19.1.2013 4:35:39] Lorddomu: ...

[19.1.2013 4:35:50] Lorddomu: Elie told the werewolves about it.

[19.1.2013 4:36:14] Saku Suonpää: ...

[19.1.2013 4:36:15] Lorddomu: [17. tammikuuta 2013 20:58] Eli:

<<< Rapier

Rein was leader and had the stone

[19.1.2013 4:36:26] Saku Suonpää: you told him

[19.1.2013 4:36:33] Saku Suonpää: WHY TEH FUCK YOU TOLD HIM

[19.1.2013 4:36:36] Saku Suonpää: wait

[19.1.2013 4:36:38] Lorddomu: he just figured it out

[19.1.2013 4:36:40] Lorddomu: >_>

[19.1.2013 4:36:40] Saku Suonpää: was

[19.1.2013 4:36:43] Saku Suonpää: had

[19.1.2013 4:36:46] Saku Suonpää: are you sure

[19.1.2013 4:36:51] Lorddomu: man

[19.1.2013 4:36:53] Saku Suonpää: thats not post his death

[19.1.2013 4:36:53] Lorddomu: SEE MY FUCKING QUOTE

[19.1.2013 4:37:14] Lorddomu: wait

[19.1.2013 4:37:14] Lorddomu: ?

[19.1.2013 4:37:15] Lorddomu: ...

[19.1.2013 4:37:27] Lorddomu: when did D2 start?

--Confusing mess of paper and rapier trying to figure if the quote was time stamped before or after phase end of Night 1 (about 30 minutes into Day 2 was the answer) while I went to look for who asked of rein.

[19.1.2013 4:49:03] Saku Suonpää: [14. tammikuuta 2013 0:25] Lorddomu:

<<< [12/01/2013 21:10:07] Eli: But didnt say how

[12/01/2013 21:11:00] Lorddomu: I think he'd have to be too bold to be scum/void and announce something like that

[12/01/2013 21:11:08] Lorddomu: then again, if he didn't, he wouldn't get any results

[12/01/2013 21:11:45] Eli: Well he is Sho. I have heard crazy things about how be breaks games

[12/01/2013 21:12:10] Eli: I dunno if he wants alchemic items to mix, doesn't really bother me at this time since I don't give actual materials

[12/01/2013 21:13:47] Lorddomu: even so, doesn't it bother you if he gets all the materials?

[12/01/2013 21:22:44] Eli: Wel I mean it does but

[12/01/2013 21:22:59] Eli: I can't stop it f I have nothing to give him, ya know?

[12/01/2013 21:23:09] Eli: Also rein approached Scorri for the same thing

[12/01/2013 21:25:50] Lorddomu: well, you're right

[12/01/2013 21:41:19] Eli: Lemme ask

[12/01/2013 21:41:26] Eli: Does alchemic stuff matter to you?

[12/01/2013 21:43:05] Lorddomu: nope

[12/01/2013 21:43:18] Lorddomu: though I'm curious about what Sho might be schemingthis old bit from you

[19.1.2013 4:49:10] Saku Suonpää: either its eli

[19.1.2013 4:49:14] Saku Suonpää: or its scorri

[19.1.2013 4:49:52] Saku Suonpää: ...

[19.1.2013 4:49:58] Saku Suonpää: Scorri...

[19.1.2013 4:50:12] Saku Suonpää: the only person that can proof the item cop

[19.1.2013 4:50:23] Saku Suonpää: might have known rein had component

[19.1.2013 4:50:28] Saku Suonpää: coinsidence?

[19.1.2013 4:51:16] Lorddomu: maybe not

[19.1.2013 4:51:27] Lorddomu: since Rein was the most silent one from the alchemists

[19.1.2013 4:51:33] Lorddomu: of the alchemists*

[19.1.2013 4:52:10] Lorddomu: how much does Scorri know about alchemy?

[19.1.2013 4:52:18] Lorddomu: I mean

[19.1.2013 4:52:20] Lorddomu: nevermind

[19.1.2013 4:52:23] Lorddomu: this is pointless by now

[19.1.2013 4:52:29] Lorddomu: ghh, so sleepy, can't think

I swapped to talking with BBM...

[19.1.2013 4:51:08] Saku Suonpää: I think ifound a lead

[19.1.2013 4:51:14] Saku Suonpää: and want your opinion

[19.1.2013 4:51:25] Saku Suonpää: [14. tammikuuta 2013 0:25] Lorddomu:

<<< [12/01/2013 21:10:07] Eli: But didnt say how

[12/01/2013 21:11:00] Lorddomu: I think he'd have to be too bold to be scum/void and announce something like that

[12/01/2013 21:11:08] Lorddomu: then again, if he didn't, he wouldn't get any results

[12/01/2013 21:11:45] Eli: Well he is Sho. I have heard crazy things about how be breaks games

[12/01/2013 21:12:10] Eli: I dunno if he wants alchemic items to mix, doesn't really bother me at this time since I don't give actual materials

[12/01/2013 21:13:47] Lorddomu: even so, doesn't it bother you if he gets all the materials?

[12/01/2013 21:22:44] Eli: Wel I mean it does but

[12/01/2013 21:22:59] Eli: I can't stop it f I have nothing to give him, ya know?

[12/01/2013 21:23:09] Eli: Also rein approached Scorri for the same thing

[12/01/2013 21:25:50] Lorddomu: well, you're right

[12/01/2013 21:41:19] Eli: Lemme ask

[12/01/2013 21:41:26] Eli: Does alchemic stuff matter to you?

[12/01/2013 21:43:05] Lorddomu: nope

[12/01/2013 21:43:18] Lorddomu: though I'm curious about what Sho might be schemingthis log

[19.1.2013 4:51:54] Saku Suonpää: it tells me scorri just might have known rein was the item holder 3

[19.1.2013 4:52:05] Saku Suonpää: its exspecially alarming because

[19.1.2013 4:52:15] Saku Suonpää: the item cop's alibi for night 0 is

[19.1.2013 4:52:22] Saku Suonpää: targetting scorri

[19.1.2013 4:52:42] Saku Suonpää: and being able to tell what scorri's item does and what its name is is my proof

[19.1.2013 4:52:46] Saku Suonpää: *his

[19.1.2013 4:52:53] Rohan Kulkarni: okay

[19.1.2013 4:53:12] Saku Suonpää: well added together with this little piece of log with said guy

[19.1.2013 4:53:26] Saku Suonpää: taht i now go quote from my vaults

[19.1.2013 4:53:36] Rohan Kulkarni: well, the thing is

[19.1.2013 4:53:47] Rohan Kulkarni: i also knew that rein had an ingredient

[19.1.2013 4:53:49] Rohan Kulkarni: if not the item

[19.1.2013 4:54:13] Rohan Kulkarni: and i was never told the lie that he was just fishing

[19.1.2013 4:54:27] Saku Suonpää: ic

[19.1.2013 4:54:34] Saku Suonpää: well

[19.1.2013 4:54:36 | Muokattu 4:54:55] Rohan Kulkarni: so i dont think her possibly knowing could be a lynch reason

[19.1.2013 4:54:43] Saku Suonpää: the thing is

[19.1.2013 4:54:50] Saku Suonpää: she is the alibi of item cop

[19.1.2013 4:55:15] Rohan Kulkarni: is her item particularly useful for mafia?

[19.1.2013 4:55:31] Saku Suonpää: lets the target do their action twise once

[19.1.2013 4:55:43] Saku Suonpää: double hook comes to mind

[19.1.2013 4:56:03] Rohan Kulkarni: hmm

[19.1.2013 4:56:29] Rohan Kulkarni: how trustworthy do you find the item cop

[19.1.2013 4:56:37] Saku Suonpää: not in the slightest

[19.1.2013 4:56:49] Rohan Kulkarni: i dont either, if it's who i think it is

[19.1.2013 4:57:01] Saku Suonpää:

[03:50] <Baldrick> There's 16 hours 40 minutes left in the night

[03:50] <Baldrick> If I decide to claim to you, by what time should I do it?

[03:51] <Shoistheman> instantly

[03:51] <Shoistheman> the earlier

[03:51] <Shoistheman> the more advantage we can take of my knowledge

[03:52] <Baldrick> well, why not?

[03:52] <Baldrick> I'm an itemcop

[03:52] <Shoistheman> ic

[03:52] <Baldrick> I can target someone and find out the description of what items they have

[03:53] <Shoistheman> hmmm

[03:53] <Baldrick> what I want to do

[03:53] <Baldrick> is not target one of the alchemy holders

[03:53] <Shoistheman> i could make you target somebody i know having an item

[03:53] <Baldrick> since they'll be gone tonight anyway

[03:53] <Shoistheman> to check if you are honest

[03:53] <Shoistheman> or i could

[03:53] <Shoistheman> make you check BBM

[03:53] <Shoistheman> to see if he really did lost his bolt

[03:54] <Shoistheman> or you could check mancer to see if he actually took it

[03:54] <Shoistheman> expect he would lost it tonight regardless

[03:54] <Shoistheman> lemme think a minute about this

[03:55] <Shoistheman> check scorri

[03:55] <Baldrick> why?

[03:55] <Shoistheman> just to see if he is honest with his item claim

[03:56] <Baldrick> ok

[03:56] <Baldrick> she's one of the alchemy holders?

[03:57] <Shoistheman> if she was

[03:57] <Shoistheman> she either a) would have no item anymore

[03:57] <Shoistheman> or B) would be the stone holder

[03:57] <Shoistheman> and that you have to find out for yourself

[03:58] <Baldrick> fine

[04:01] <Baldrick> well, that's that

[19.1.2013 4:57:15] Rohan Kulkarni: that's who i thougt

[19.1.2013 4:57:23] Saku Suonpää:

[02:05] <Shoisawesome> who did you target night 0

[02:05] <Balbrick> ...

[02:05] <Balbrick> scorri

[02:05] <Shoisawesome> ic

[02:06] <Balbrick> her item is the clockmaker's trinket

[02:06] <Shoisawesome> what does it do?

[02:07] <Balbrick> did she claim that as well?

[02:07] <Shoisawesome> what does it do :P

[02:07] <Balbrick> hypnotises people

[02:08] <Shoisawesome> oh?

[02:08] <Shoisawesome> what happens when they are hypnod?

[02:09] <Balbrick> allows them to act twice

[02:09] <Balbrick> but it's one shot only

[02:10] <Shoisawesome> ic

[02:10] <Shoisawesome> now

[02:10] <Shoisawesome> who did you target

[02:10] <Shoisawesome> night 0

[02:10] <Balbrick> scorri

[02:10] <Shoisawesome> oh?

[02:11] <Shoisawesome> [03:54] <Shoistheman> lemme think a minute about this

[02:11] <Shoisawesome> [03:55] <Shoistheman> check scorri

[02:11] <Shoisawesome> [03:55] <Baldrick> why?

[02:11] <Shoisawesome> [03:55] <Shoistheman> just to see if he is honest with his item claim

[02:11] <Shoisawesome> [03:56] <Baldrick> ok

[02:11] <Shoisawesome> [03:56] <Baldrick> she's one of the alchemy holders?

[02:11] <Shoisawesome> [03:57] <Shoistheman> if she was

[02:11] <Shoisawesome> [03:57] <Shoistheman> she either a) would have no item anymore

[02:11] <Shoisawesome> [03:57] <Shoistheman> or B) would be the stone holder

[02:11] <Shoisawesome> [03:57] <Shoistheman> and that you have to find out for yourself

[02:11] <Shoisawesome> [03:58] <Baldrick> fine

[02:11] <Shoisawesome> [04:01] <Baldrick> well, that's that

[19.1.2013 4:57:52] Saku Suonpää:

[02:11] <Shoisawesome> [04:01] <Shoistheman> pretty much

[02:11] <Shoisawesome> [04:02] <Baldrick> see you tomorrow

[02:11] <Shoisawesome> [04:03] <Shoistheman> k

[02:11] <Shoisawesome> about 15 hourse before N1 ended

[02:11] <Balbrick> I checked her night 0

[02:11] <Shoisawesome> so you targetted scorri twise?

[02:11] <Balbrick> didn't see the need to check her again

[02:11] <Shoisawesome> is that it=

[02:11] <Shoisawesome> then what did you check tonight

[02:12] <Balbrick> bb,

[02:12] <Balbrick> *bbm

[02:12] <Shoisawesome> blank?

[02:12] <Balbrick> no

[02:12] <Shoisawesome> then what did he have?

[02:12] <Balbrick> crossbow bolt

[02:12] <Shoisawesome> so

[02:12] <Balbrick> you know who it's for, right?

[02:13] <Shoisawesome> WHAT

[02:13] <Shoisawesome> so

[19.1.2013 4:58:07] Saku Suonpää: I call cover up when i see it

[19.1.2013 4:59:08] Rohan Kulkarni: that's slightly confusing

[19.1.2013 4:59:17] Rohan Kulkarni: did he claim to you n0 or n1?

[19.1.2013 4:59:21] Saku Suonpää: n1

[19.1.2013 4:59:36] Rohan Kulkarni: then why did he originally say "okay" when you told him to check scorri

[19.1.2013 4:59:41] Rohan Kulkarni: if he'd already checked her

[19.1.2013 4:59:47] Saku Suonpää: i was wondering

[19.1.2013 4:59:55] Rohan Kulkarni: possible scumbuddies?

[19.1.2013 4:59:57] Saku Suonpää: and then he revealed your schemes

[19.1.2013 5:00:03] Saku Suonpää: so i kinda over priorized

[19.1.2013 5:00:08] Rohan Kulkarni: well, he probably is item cop

[19.1.2013 5:00:12] Saku Suonpää: indeed

[19.1.2013 5:00:20] Rohan Kulkarni: but that's not necessarily a town role

[19.1.2013 5:00:26] Saku Suonpää: i was about to squeez about the scorri thing

[19.1.2013 5:00:33] Saku Suonpää: but then you took priority

[19.1.2013 5:00:36] Rohan Kulkarni: in fact i would go so far as to say that one of him or mancer is probably scum

[19.1.2013 5:00:45] Saku Suonpää: yep

[19.1.2013 5:00:53] Saku Suonpää: I would vouch for him

[19.1.2013 5:01:09] Saku Suonpää: the whole oh i targetted scorri thing is too convinient

[19.1.2013 5:01:38] Saku Suonpää: he most liekly is scum and went for rein

[19.1.2013 5:01:41] Saku Suonpää: n0

[19.1.2013 5:01:50] Rohan Kulkarni: hmm i didnt think of that

[19.1.2013 5:01:53] Saku Suonpää: after the rein flip he needed excuse and fast

[19.1.2013 5:01:56] Rohan Kulkarni: but wait

[19.1.2013 5:02:05] Rohan Kulkarni: he would have only seen rein's ingredient

[19.1.2013 5:02:14] Rohan Kulkarni: because item passing has lowest priority

[19.1.2013 5:02:18] Saku Suonpää: so?

[19.1.2013 5:02:22] Rohan Kulkarni: did rapier ever say that he didnt have the stone?

[19.1.2013 5:02:25] Saku Suonpää: he was component holder

[19.1.2013 5:02:35] Rohan Kulkarni: yeah they could have taken a shot at it

[19.1.2013 5:02:36] Saku Suonpää: he was not me

[19.1.2013 5:02:44] Saku Suonpää: looks good enough for me to shoot

[19.1.2013 5:02:55] Saku Suonpää: rapier let like

[19.1.2013 5:03:02] Saku Suonpää: eli and SB know

[19.1.2013 5:03:09] Saku Suonpää: before i told him to shut it

[19.1.2013 5:03:32] Rohan Kulkarni: well if SB knew who knows who else knew

[19.1.2013 5:03:58] Saku Suonpää: well

[19.1.2013 5:04:02] Saku Suonpää: if i was mafia

[19.1.2013 5:04:02] Rohan Kulkarni: SB doesnt keep much to himself

[19.1.2013 5:04:20] Saku Suonpää: i would wifom that the less known component holder was chosen

[19.1.2013 5:04:34] Rohan Kulkarni: probably

[19.1.2013 5:04:44] Saku Suonpää: should we go for a lynch

[19.1.2013 5:05:42] Rohan Kulkarni: hmm

[19.1.2013 5:05:48] Rohan Kulkarni: yeah

[19.1.2013 5:06:02] Saku Suonpää: I would lynch bald

[19.1.2013 5:06:10] Saku Suonpää: just for the scorri inconsistency

[19.1.2013 5:06:12] Rohan Kulkarni: okay let's go for it

[19.1.2013 5:06:15] Saku Suonpää: sure

[19.1.2013 5:07:55] Rohan Kulkarni: i didnt like that wagon hopping ed1 anyways

[19.1.2013 5:08:04] Saku Suonpää: me either

So there we have it. Either baldy and scorri are scums or mafia did amazing blind shooting.

Well that was long post and I can finally post it OH WAIT ITS NOT OVER YET OH GOD

- Me not being scum

Look at the log with rapier. How likely is it I took shot in the dark about Rapier's role as scum and get it right? I figured holders are town vanillas because I am. Not so easy to figure if I am not town vanilla is it?

- Thief fudgepile.

Yeah BBM's item was not stolen. He has explained me why he lied. I find his reasoning legit. That is all. When reading the post where he voted Baldy I figured...

[19.1.2013 5:08:04] Saku Suonpää: me either

[19.1.2013 5:17:20] Saku Suonpää: omg

[19.1.2013 5:17:24] Saku Suonpää: i just realized

[19.1.2013 5:17:36] Saku Suonpää: why did i ever trust your item was stolen

[19.1.2013 5:17:50] Saku Suonpää: why

[19.1.2013 5:17:52] Saku Suonpää: the fuck

[19.1.2013 5:18:00] Saku Suonpää: would scums have thief role

[19.1.2013 5:18:27] Saku Suonpää: when nightkill has inbuild thief

[19.1.2013 5:18:34] Saku Suonpää: argh

[19.1.2013 5:18:37] Saku Suonpää: me so dumn

[19.1.2013 5:19:05] Rohan Kulkarni: ._. that's a good point

[19.1.2013 6:46:50] Saku Suonpää: god dammit

[19.1.2013 6:47:05] Saku Suonpää: I hate taht i cannot point this thingy i said here to anyone

[19.1.2013 6:47:15] Saku Suonpää: because it puts you at risk

[19.1.2013 6:47:41] Rohan Kulkarni: yeah

[19.1.2013 6:48:12] Saku Suonpää: so much

[19.1.2013 6:48:16] Saku Suonpää: bullshit

[19.1.2013 6:48:21] Saku Suonpää: i want to denie

The risk is referring to why he lied of his item. Not telling it atm

-Rapier and 13th maybe being scum buddies instead of Baldry and Scorri.

Because I have the second reason to believe Rapier, I find the other possible leak more likely.

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Scorri, Elieson: I’m not 100% sure if you’re referring to before or after my result was revealed, in any case it’s probably prudent to cover both.

Early on, I didn’t know the best way to use it, and with the information about the Philosopher’s stone coming to light, I thought we had a good chance of finding scum that way, and I could use what I had in the case that nothing came of it. I didn’t really consider the implications of BBM pushing hard for Mancer’s lynch based on a lie, and I didn’t want to reveal too much about myself to the public unless it was necessary.

In my last post, I talked about sho and mostly ignored BBM for a few reasons; it’s partly a gut reaction to being played for a fool by sho, partly because I still think the business with Rein and the stone should be the hot topic and sho is the mastermind behind that, and partly pragmatism as to who is more likely to get a wagon that would beat mine. I believe sho and BBM are scumbuddies, so I should target one of them. I don’t have anything on BBM apart from the stolen item claim, and I thought he’d deny it like before and it’d end up my word vs. his (the votes at that stage were 6 for me and none for him, so I concluded that wouldn’t work).

Everyone else, you’re seeing contradictions where there are none. Please try and find where I said I had not targeted scorri N0 and was going to target her N1, you won’t find anything. All sho told me was to bring him the information, which I could. Since he had given me the idea to test BBM, I didn’t feel the need to correct him and cause him to give me another assignment that I wouldn’t be as interested in.

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I would like to give this time to sink in, and see the reaction to what I just said, but there’s not enough time, I didn’t realise phase was ending this afternoon my time. It will probably get me nightkilled if I survive, but it’s better than being lynched so:

I haven’t revealed my entire role. If my target has no items, I can do a thing where I find out whether or not he’s my enemy.

I haven’t triggered any results like that, so I don’t know what exactly it tells me. I think it's most likely to be an alignment cop, that possibly can’t tell the difference between cult and mafia, and would give a different result altogether for Elieson.

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[5:28:53] Saku Suonpää: Baldrick is a funny guy

[5:29:04] Saku Suonpää: Claiming BBM and I are scum buddies

[5:29:49] Saku Suonpää: like I would flat out tell him that his report on my scumbuddy would reveal something that most likely means he is scum

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Addendum: Sho is openly working with BBM now, it seems. Considering he's basically admitted he was lying about his item (for a reaction test? Fair enough, but you didn't seem in a hurry to back off when it was seemingly very close to getting Mancer lynched, and probably would have lynched him if Lucina hadn't clarified), that's a pretty big backflip.

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Sho: Telling me it's not important would probably have been a red flag and not made me content to let you make the first move.

Can you name these two other scums and say how it would implicate them? If not in the thread, then at least to somebody. If you are town and BBM is scum, you're basically daring them to kill you.

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13 what the fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu-


For now I say, Xinny, why would Rein cult me night 0 when he had me believing every word he said. looks like waste of night to me.

The thing is that there's also the fact that you and rapier are pretty much confirmed vanilla town to him, and culting either you would be a way of getting an easy cult follower because you wouldn't hold any suspicion. Culting makes people lose their night actions, so if the person that rein culted was a played with a night action that outed their role to anybody, it'd be a bit more risky to explain their way around that.

AFTERTHOUGHT: Before I post this I realized Rein apparently also heard that Marth was a vanilla and this could maybe mean something.

Marth if you're there please show up and give thoughts on this.

On the other hand, I'm really not feeling that Sho is cult/scum right now.

I'm not convinced that baldrick is scum either, however. Both his item checks have been accurate and according to his claims, what is it exactly that incriminates him on basis of contradiction? Could he have told the mafia that Rein had the philosopher's stone? Not if he had checked scorri and BBM.

On the other hand while I'm doing this post people talk in thread:

I haven't revealed my entire role. If my target has no items, I can do a thing where I find out whether or not he's my enemy.

Did anyone else know about this.

If anyone did please answer.

Because right now you look like you're trying to make yourself more relevant to flinch the lynchers.

I'll postpone my vote either way, because I want to hear more before I decide anything.

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Xinnidy, I'll tell you now I didn't tell anyone about the second part

a) It's generally not smart to go around advertising you're a cop until you have a guilty result, or at the very least a couple of inno results.

b) I'm aware of how bad it is, but if/when I get lynched people will probably think I wasn't playing to win if I didn't try to use it before I got lynched. And they'd be right.

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Well now that it's out there, could you confirm or deny this to me:

Are those two different actions? By that I mean you can either choose to check someone that you know have no items or cop somebody that has no items.

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[5:49:54] Saku Suonpää: ic

[5:50:01] Saku Suonpää: also for the

[5:50:18] Saku Suonpää: inconsisteny on baldy

[5:50:37] Saku Suonpää: it has to do with saying he targets scorri night 1

[5:50:55] Xinny: but didn't he target bbm

[5:51:04] Saku Suonpää: I call bullshit on him just "not feeling like telling it"

[5:51:15] Saku Suonpää: xinny

[5:51:19] Saku Suonpää: god daamit

[5:51:31] Saku Suonpää: He says he targets scorri night 0

[5:51:44] Saku Suonpää: then he asks me who to target night 1

[5:51:50] Saku Suonpää: I answer scorri

[5:51:57] Saku Suonpää: he says he targets scorri night 1

[5:52:21] Saku Suonpää: and "does not feel like telling me he did it night0"

[5:52:32] Saku Suonpää: and goes for BBM

[5:52:38] Saku Suonpää: he went bbm

[5:52:42] Saku Suonpää: that is a fact

[5:52:56] Saku Suonpää: but the night 0 scorri targetting

[5:53:02] Saku Suonpää: is where i call bullshit

[5:53:26] Saku Suonpää: and no he could not tell Rein had all the components because trade priority

[5:53:40] Saku Suonpää: but he could tell rein DID HAVE one

[5:53:59] Saku Suonpää: Its not that hard to guess who has them all

[5:54:03] Xinny: ok

[5:54:04] Saku Suonpää: me rain or rapier

[5:54:13] Saku Suonpää: when rein is by far the least known of holder

[5:54:17] Xinny: ah

[5:54:25] Xinny: I see where you're getting at right now

Yes I am too lazy to not just copy paste everything I can at this point.

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[5:56:57] Xinny: ok

[5:58:21] Xinny: if Baldrick had the option to cop people that claimed to have no items and instead decided to item check

[5:58:23] Xinny: then fuck him

[5:58:25] Xinny: really

[5:58:40] Xinny: why would you not cop n0

[5:58:42] Saku Suonpää: he says he does not choose

[5:58:55] Saku Suonpää: he cops alligment if target has no ite

[5:58:57] Saku Suonpää: m

[5:59:16] Saku Suonpää: honestly I find such multitasking more likely to be scum

[5:59:34] Saku Suonpää: this game has mother flipping vanillas.

[5:59:39] Xinny: why didn't he just

[5:59:47] Saku Suonpää: You'd think town had spare for cop and item cop

[5:59:48] Xinny: look for a target that has no items anyways

[5:59:51] Xinny: unless he's

[5:59:53] Xinny: you know

[5:59:54] Xinny: scum

[6:00:04] Saku Suonpää: or 13th

[6:00:04] Xinny: and doesn't need to worry about alliance that much

[6:00:09] Xinny: lol 13th

[6:00:11] Saku Suonpää: 13th is legit option too

[6:00:56] Saku Suonpää: he might very well be 13th's alternative account

[6:00:59] Saku Suonpää: also

[6:01:03] Saku Suonpää: posting this log

[6:01:08] Saku Suonpää: fuck retyping

[6:01:13] Xinny: looooool

[6:01:24] Xinny: but seriously

[6:01:36] Xinny: why did he not look for someone that'd claim to have no items

[6:01:38] Xinny: and cop them

[6:01:41] Saku Suonpää: i am calling scum hard on him anyway

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[02:06:42] Saku Suonpää: stopped yping like a boss

[02:06:45] Saku Suonpää: *typing

[02:06:48] Xinny: lol

[02:06:56] Xinny: baldrick why did you stop replying

[02:07:11] Saku Suonpää: because asking scumbuddy to help

[02:09:09] Saku Suonpää: aaaand he is offline


But seriously baldy either you played pretty bad during night 0 or you scum'd.

##Lynch pls: Baldrick

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Sho, surely you realise the value of keeping information secret? Like how I wanted to know who the component holders are, claimed in order to get it, and you didn't tell me. Your whole case is hypocritical bullshit.

Xinnidy, use your brain a little. You seriously think I'd value an item scan over an alignment scan? I can't go into the specifics because otherwise modkill, but the cop scan happens if and only if the item scan turns up nothing. I either get a positive item scan result or a cop scan, I CANNOT CHOOSE. I'm fucking trying to pick people who are unlikely to have an item. Didn't I scan the guy who fucking claimed he didn't have an item N1?

My internet is really shitty at the moment, and I'm doing my best to keep replying. Unlike every other person apart from xinnidy and sho, who don't seem to be following the thread at all despite the fact there's 2 hours left.

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