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Void Mafia - Game Over


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Ok so you could still try to check somebody that claimed to have no item n0 and return with an alliance check.

I'm mostly suspecting your n0, not your n1.

Did scorri tell you she didn't have an item? If so, do you have a log?

I myself know she claimed item to me early in the game, so I wonder where you're coming from by scanning her n0.

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I did not receive any claim from scorri, or any claims that someone does not have an item. Late into night 0, I still wasn’t sure if I would be able to get a PM through or would have to either forceidle or hope Paperblade came onto IRC. I picked someone who seemed to be in the dark about alchemy.

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<scorri> i'm honestly kinda inclined to belive bal's claim

<scorri> because we've had no other cop claim that i know about

<scorri> it makes sense we'd have *some* sort of alignment check

<thirteenth> ...

<thirteenth> True.

<scorri> like

<scorri> i really don't buy

<scorri> that in a game with cult

<scorri> we'd have no shot at catching alignments

This happened just now. Thoughts?

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<thirteenth> But why would he claim something as shitty as Item/Alignment when items can be moved around at will and you could very easily be screwed over by scanning the people who end up with the same item?

<scorri> why would he fake claim that?

<thirteenth> True.

<scorri> it's like you said

<scorri> it's a crappy claim

<thirteenth> Its a shitty fake.

<scorri> and it sounds scummy as everything

<scorri> so why in the world would he claim that

<thirteenth> Which means it is a very probable real role

<scorri> instead of vanilla

<scorri> yup

<thirteenth> ...

Continuation of logs happening now.

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##Unvote: Baldrick

[spoiler=More logs]22:04 <thirteenth>: But why would he claim something as shitty as Item/Alignment when items can be moved around at will and you could very easily be screwed over by scanning the people who end up with the same item?

22:05 <scorri>: why would he fake claim that?

22:05 <thirteenth>: True.

22:05 <scorri>: it's like you said

22:05 <scorri>: it's a crappy claim

22:05 <thirteenth>: Its a shitty fake.

22:05 <scorri>: and it sounds scummy as everything

22:05 <scorri>: so why in the world would he claim that

22:05 <thirteenth>: Which means it is a very probable real role

22:05 <scorri>: instead of vanilla

22:05 <scorri>: yup

22:05 <thirteenth>: ...

22:05 <thirteenth>: brb unvoting Baldrick

22:05 <scorri>: heh

22:05 <scorri>: mind posting these logs?

So that means I now have a very low opinion on Sho. Elie put it quite well.

A plan to hide the materials with a suspected safe player is fine and dandy, but the one who coordinated it all was Sho, and it seems too coincidential that the one who coordinated everything also ended up having one of his more or less unknown "partners" killed.


##Lynch His Ass: Sho

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A) of course there is no cop claim. It would be retaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarted to claim cop with no relevant results. Even to counterclaim bal it would be retaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarted when he is lynched anyway.

B) In cult including game with 19 fucking players bal being the only cop and crippled one in that is way too cruel.

C) I still found multitasking role more useful for scums

D) Even if he was our only cop, he is by now number one cult and kill target. Yeah, if we need him around, we are fucked anyway

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a) More retaaaaaarded than passively accepting one's lynch without claiming?

b) I agree; I sincerely hope there's another cop around who's smarter than me.

c) Who knows what Paperblade is planning. Anyway there have been town JOAT roles before.

d) Whose fault is that?

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Ok, you two have explained something satisfactory for now.


I want to test baldrick, he's given enough information.

If he's lying, we can very well lynch him tomorrow, despite what mafia can do to us today. We're better off that way than risking to lose cop immediattely, imo.

Because if we can have somebody that somehow saves Sho for n1, we can have baldrick safe n2 too.

On another note:


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A) as you said yourself, one being lynched could say the most retaaaaaaaaaaarted of things

C) JOAT trades is so different from stuffing 2 diffrent roles, the shittier being prioritized, in a game with 19 fucking players. And on a townie no less. This game has spare to have vanillas. Youd think it has spare to have a decent cop.

D) Its nobody's fault. Saying keeping you alive is needed or even all that helpful is implying we are in SUCH A DEEP SHIT

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22:30 <thirteenth>: Sho's logic is making NO sense

22:30 <scorri>: yeah

22:31 <thirteenth>: "Youd think it has spare to have a decent cop." Doesn't this prove what you and I said 25 minutes ago?

22:31 <scorri>: yup

22:31 <thirteenth>: If it has spare to have decent cop, and he is faking, wouldn't he fake DECENT FUCKING COP?

22:31 <scorri>: yeah

22:32 <thirteenth>: Although Sho made one point on that. About how you wouldn't fake it if you didn't have a reasonable guess on the alignment and such and could prove it?

22:32 <thirteenth>: WHICH ALSO PROVES OUR POINT

22:32 <scorri>: yeah

22:32 <scorri>: i just don't even know anymore

22:32 <scorri>: ugh

22:32 <thirteenth>: I told you

22:32 <thirteenth>: This game

22:32 <thirteenth>: Confusing as all fuck

22:32 <scorri>: yeah

22:33 <thirteenth>: Posting this log to the thread so we can keep piling logic on Sho's logic

22:33 <scorri>: ok

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So it seems I am very convincing. Too bad I can't convince people of the most important things.

c) All I'm saying is town roles aren't exclusive one ability only.

d) FMPOV, you're lynching the only known cop. It's not really an argument I can use, I'm just making sure people don't forget who got me lynched.

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C) and I am saying, even if you were town and honest, you are so not the only town cop.

D) Whatever

Scorri/13th circlejerk:

I make no sense?

He claims Item cop because thats what he is

He claims also being alligment later because he has lots of votes on his head and is being desperate.

He claimed honestly earlier to look more clear than umpteenth vanilla claim + Power roles get more info that thise that are vanilla.

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Strider has died. He was:

Dear Strider,

You were Arianne. You were the only apprentice to the Magus Ezekiel and were the daughter of his best friend, Gabriel. You showed a lot of talent with magic, which is the main reason Ezekiel took you on. Unfortunately, things went horribly wrong in an experiment, which formed the rift that caused the Void to appear. When this happened, your latent power caused you to act as a lightning rod, which saved Ezekiel from the Void, but caused you to become totally consumed by it. Whatever you are now, you sure as hell aren't Arianne, even though you could certainly fool most people. But you certainly aren't going to let anyone else know that. You now have one purpose, to spread the gift of the Void.

At night, you may respond to your role PM with "Night X - Void consume USER." USER will be filled with the Void. USER, being a shell of their former self, will lose all role abilities when he becomes a part of you. However, Werewolves seem to be resistant to the power of the Void and cannot be consumed. Additionally, the Magus is prepared for you and knows you for what you are, so he will escape all attempts to consume him.

The first three people you consume will be empowered, gaining one of the three following abilities (in order).

  • Memory. If Arianne is killed, you will gain access to all of your abilities except for empowerment and the Void will stay alive.
  • Cunning. At night, you may respond to his role PM with "Night X - Gather information on USER." He will then learn USER's alliance. This ability is guaranteed to get 100% accurate information.
  • Intimidation. At night, you may respond to his role PM with "Night X - Terrify USER." You will take your true form and terrify a local, preventing them from performing any actions that night.

You know that the Magus is quite afraid of you, and as a result will flee your presence if he is not prepared for you. Thus, any night action performed by a member of the Void targeting him will fail, but will hinder him in other ways.

Finally, as you are the hivemind of the Void, if you are killed, the Void will dissipate, killing all other members of the Void.

You are allied with the Void. You win if the Citizens of Antioch, the Werewolves, and the Magus are eliminated.

All results are out.

Day 2 ends at 10:30PM PST on Saturday, January 19th.

Hey guys. Anyone see this?

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If Rein N1 recruited Bal, then Bal claims D2 to be Alliance Checker to save himself...maybe he actually is an alliance checker hohoho

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