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Void Mafia - Game Over


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Bluedoom died.

Dear Bluedoom,

You are Katrina. You're an orphan girl that lives on the streets, struggling to make it day by day. You make your living by beggaring and petty theft. It's a sad and difficult life, but it's yours. However, sometimes, you manage to take things that are worth some value.

But you aren't a thief in this game, since you aren't quite that nimble. In fact, you don't have any special abilities.

You are a Citizen of Antioch. You win if the Werewolves and the Void are eliminated.

Cam is missing.

Unless Helios or Lucina would like to suicide themselves, there will be no lynch today.

Day 8 ends at 10:30PM GMT-8 on Friday, February 8th.

Edited by Paperblade
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"What the hell are you doing? Don't you recognize me? Let me go!"

"Nonsense, Sullivan has served the family for nearly two decades! How could he be behind this?"

Desmond's answer was a stabbing pain in his back.

Dear Loocy,

You are Desmond. You are a member of the city guard. You aren't a knight or royalty or anything like that. In fact, you're just a regular guy that they gave armor and weapons. You aren't the best at combat and often rely on the strength of the numbers of the watch to put down crime. The sorry state of the guard is mostly a result of you being in the capital, where many of the country's greatest knights and heroes gather. Because of this, there isn't a real need for you and your coworkers, but you're around anyway.

At night, you may respond to your role PM with "Night X - Arrest USER." You and some of the other members of the city guard will go to USER's house and arrest him without a warrant, since this is a feudal society and you can do that. Plus, you have nothing better to do anyway. You will then lock him in prison and allow no one to visit him but yourself. As a result, USER will not be present for the lynch the following day and will not be able to talk to anyone, vote or use any actions, but will also not be able to be lynched or targeted by any actions. However, since you know where he is, you will be able to go to his cell to talk to him anonymously via a quicktopic which will be provided (as a new one will be made each day), and he will be able to respond.

You are a Citizen of Antioch. You win if the Werewolves and the Void are eliminated.

Dear CT075,

You are Todd. You are a knight serving under the royal house. You were only recently knighted--just a few weeks before all this madness started. You are a bit nervous but... you can't let this frighten you into inaction. For the honor of your family, you must be brave. You will face the darkness, and go where angels fear to tread!

But what good is bravery in the face of supernatural threats? In fact, you don't have any special abilities.

You are a Citizen of Antioch. You win if the Werewolves and the Void are eliminated.

With Todd locked in a jail cell, Sullivan was free to rebuild the country under his rule.

Dear Helios,

You are Sullivan. By day, you are the hangman for the city. You execute people, and you do it well. But, more importantly, you are a werewolf. The alpha wolf, in fact, of the only pack in Antioch, terrorizing the city in the hopes of eventually overthrowing the royal family and crowning yourself king! Or at least, you used to be. Recently, your brethren were all killed by that damn Void, and you are pretty pissed. To get your revenge, you have gotten into contact with a magus that dealt with magical artifacts who was able to supply you and your pack. He doesn't seem to care too much about you, so he can live... for now. One way or another, you will rebuild.

At night, you may respond to your role PM with "Night X - Rip USER to shreds." You will transform into a wolf to hunt down USER, killing him that very night. Since you will have transformed into a wolf, no one will recognize you, causing you to appear as "unknown" on tracker and watcher reports.

Additionally, thanks to your job, you can easily gather information on just about anyone in the city. At night, you may respond to your role PM with "Night X - Pull USER's file." You will go down to your workplace and do some background research on USER, allowing you to gather his full role PM as it was when the game began.

Being a werewolf, you have superhuman abilities and your blood seems to have special properties. As a result, you cannot be consumed by the Void's power.

Since you are the hangman of the town, you will get all items from lynched players. Additionally, by day, you are just Sullivan, the local hangsman. As a result, if you are inspected, people will get parts of the following role PM:

Dear Helios,

You are Sullivan. You are the executioner for Antioch. You are rather grim and serious, probably because you kill people for a living. This has only worsened lately, since most of your family and friends were consumed by the Void when it appeared, leaving you alone and with all the other refugees. As a result, you've taken to drinking, and will probably become an alcoholic by the end of this.

As the hangman of Antioch, you are able to subtly take any items from those that are being lynched. As a result, you will get all items that lynchees are holding.

You are a Citizen of Antioch. You win if the Werewolves and the Void are eliminated.

Finally, you have a transmission stone set up with the Magus in your basement, which you can use to contact him anonymously at any time via this quicktopic. You know that the Magus is indifferent to your quarrel with the people of Antioch, but that he only gives you things because you are able to pay his research. However, you do know that a potentially world ending threat such as the Void likely has his attention.

You are the Werewolf. You win if the Citizens of Antioch and Void are eliminated while you are still alive.

In other words, Helios the Werewolf and Elieson the Magus win.

Edited by Paperblade
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[12:38] <Manix> so considering 13/1, all vanilla, town had a 66% chance of winning (NL D1 for better chances)

yeah uh guys. you squandered it.

gg helios you deserve this win so much

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also also

You are holding the Philosopher's Stone... the power to transform lead into gold is in your grasp! Control over life and death! At night, the holder of the Philosopher's Stone may respond to their role PM with "Night X - Granting USER eternal life." USER must be dead. USER will be revived publicly with whatever role and alliance they had when they died. Any limited use abilities they had will not be reset. Since the stone was not made by a proper alchemist, it will break after one successful use.

Note: this doesn't work on Void after they lost

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I just really want to know how people (me included) let Helios get away with random BS and delay his lynch when he's scum. Next time, if I feel like lynching Helios I'm going to lynch Helios no questions asked.

Also, Lucina, next time - if you survive to LYLO - if you have an ability that prevents someone from voting or participating in discussion DO NOT USE IT UNLESS YOU ARE 100% SURE THAT YOUR TARGET IS SCUM. Abilities that affect a person's ability to vote get progressively more dangerous the less people there are, because it is then that every vote counts.

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Well, after Helios opportunistically hammered Sho in the last day phase and was almost lynched in D6 I think there was a 50/50 chance either Helios or Cam would've been lynched. Either way, denying Cam his vote was a pretty bad move.

Speaking of D6, though ... guys, if you suspected a 2-man scum team, you shouldn't be getting anyone to L-1, much less voting them at all. Suppose there was an additional scum besides Helios. One townie votes for another townie, both scum can pile onto that vote and game over.

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Helioscum is ridiculous at causing town to stall his lynch against all reason. It's basically comparable to the meta I have on another site (where unlike here my scum games haven't all been kinda obvious).

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