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Mancer: aleph acted like this once as scum so he is scummy.

Seriously, is that a case?

Fine, you all once again think Prims is the mighty god of SF mafia, just because he responds, ok I'll humour you all by voting for someone I feel is less obviscum.


##vote Mancer

Yes, why not? It is most probably the only thing that we can work off right now, given that he has not posted a lot. It is also why he is my smallest/lesser scum read, you see?

Refer to the part that I emphasized. Why are you voting for someone less scum? "Humouring" town?

Let me throw the same question that you threw at me back at you: Is that your only case on me? So I'm scum for suspecting someone of being scum because of meta? Oh wait, you also said I'm less scum/obvscum in that same post. This feels like waffling + grasping + scum action to me.

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ew prims being evasive and switching subjects

ew prims tunneling on someone

ew prims using experience as an argument

ew prims letting two people off the hook for the same thing he's saying kiryn is doing and I was doing and ew prims ew

If Prims is tunneling Kiryn, I feel that you are tunneling Prims as well to the same extent. Null read as of now, but this is something I will have to take note of for later.

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If Prims is tunneling Kiryn, I feel that you are tunneling Prims as well to the same extent. Null read as of now, but this is something I will have to take note of for later.

I was explaining my reads on Prims because Manix had asked me. Second of all, that was only my second post about Prims and I am not trying to rouse up a bunch of votes on him either.

Right now, the game seems like one huge meta search, combined with poke the newbies and "Why do you have that read because having that read seems scummy and having reads seems scummy and why can't I have a read?"

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Second of all, that was only my second post about Prims and I am not trying to rouse up a bunch of votes on him either.

Why are you voting him then? If you think he's scummy don't you want to get him lynched? Saying things like "Oh I'm voting <user> but not trying to start a wagon on them or anything" is wishy-washy and seems like you're trying to lessen the blame on you in case <user> does get lynched turns up town.

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Why are you voting him then? If you think he's scummy don't you want to get him lynched? Saying things like "Oh I'm voting <user> but not trying to start a wagon on them or anything" is wishy-washy and seems like you're trying to lessen the blame on you in case <user> does get lynched turns up town.

No, I'm not trying to shove my case for a Prims Lynch down everyone else's throat, which Prims was doing with Kiryn. He was basically focusing only on her and ignoring other people.

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Psych, do you think anyone other then Prims is scummy?

Unfortunately not at the moment. Rein seems to be lurking, Elieson is giving me a blah tone like Kiryn, but Shinori is giving me a weird vibe and I plan to reread him and Othin.

Psych why am I getting more of a serious/annoyed tone from your posts? Seems different than normal to me. I think. ALSO GOOD MORNING.

p sure i'm always pissed at people

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God damn you people are confusing. Maybe I should draw a chart or something of who's accusing/defending whom so I can keep track of all this craziness.

Edited by Othin
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I am pretty confident about Kiryn being scum (well, confident for Day 1) and am frustrated because I have no idea why people are giving him passes for the blatant self-conscious behavior. Being self-conscious is scummy, scum don't want to get lynched more than town don't want to get lynched. Town want to find scum and Kiryn has scumhunted in what, one post?

But nobody wants to lynch him with me. In fact the part where no obvscum have tried to jump on this "easy lynch" should be pretty damn telling.

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Kiryn is kdanger, right? I wouldn't be too opposed to lynching him. I wish a few other people would come in and talk a bit more. A few people that seemed active early on seemed to have vanished for the most part as time has passed.

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If Rapier and Obviam are going to do this "lurk and post quote walls" thing after posting nothing serious when we have less than 24 hours left in the day then fuck that. I am not happy about being at three votes over (a) an earlygame vote, (b) Obviam being gay for me, © some dude who doesn't know the definition of tunneling.

No, I'm not trying to shove my case for a Prims Lynch down everyone else's throat, which Prims was doing with Kiryn. He was basically focusing only on her and ignoring other people.

This is not scummy. Like I said, town wants their scum reads lynched. If anything it's not a town effort on your part that you're not trying to convince people to lynch the guy you think is scum.

Reads on other people? Well.

Elie he did his "waaaah nobody wants to lynch Prims" song and dance when there were four votes on my wagon. See responses here. I find him scummy; he's not making much sense in general. More likely to be a mislynch than kdanger though.

If I had to have a third scumread it'd be Rapier, actually. ED1 vote on me was bad, has only lurked since then. This is actually interchangeable with Obviam who might as well be posting refuge in audacity bullshit, buuut he at least has a busy schedule. Shinori's Rein vote is agreeable but I feel there are bigger fish to fry.

Mancer and BBM are pretty town, please NK them tonight and not me. Mancer basically ignoring the kdanger case makes me :| though.

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And Othin learns his lesson: attempting to list everything potentially meaningful anyone says about anyone else in a mafia game is just stupid, even on Day 1.

Regardless: what I'm getting is, there's one person who's at the center of a whole lot of weirdness. What's especially standing out to me now is that Prims is insisting on Kiryn for dubious reasons. Recalling the beginning, he commented favorably on a Kiryn lynch before any of the reasons he's citing even came up. Meanwhile, as he says, Kiryn is an easy target.

And more than just an easy target, Kiryn is an uninformative target. So little for a lynch to say about other players, regardless of the outcome. We'll know a lot more when we see some flips from people who have had things to say about a lot of people. More reason why lynching Kiryn is a bad idea, and more reason why the mafia would want it. On the other hand, as I said, Prims is at the center of a whole lot of weirdness: he's been behaving strangely towards a whole lot of people. Learning his role will tell us exactly what that all means. He's a good vote because he's suspicious; he's a good vote because we'll learn a lot from it.

##unvote Kiryn

##vote Prims

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wait wait let me test something ©

Rapier was in here earlier but didn't post anything ):

I'm in full support of a kdanger lynch but would also settle for an Elie lynch.

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Othin have you actually been reading the thread??????????


it's kiryn's first game?

like i'll admit she's doing nothing to defend herself at all and is lurking a bit but that's what a lot of newbies do soooo

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More specifically, I'm Biscuits, Town Mason Commuter. Shinori is the other mason and should be able to confirm me as town.

Early claim, whatever, don't fucking care because maybe now that I'm obvtown you guys can actually lynch the scum I've been voting all day with me.

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except it isn't her first game????? and no letting people off for being new is dumb why do people do that

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More specifically, I'm Biscuits, Town Mason Commuter. Shinori is the other mason and should be able to confirm me as town.

Early claim, whatever, don't fucking care because maybe now that I'm obvtown you guys can actually lynch the scum I've been voting all day with me.


##Unvote, Vote Kiryn

probably worst scum ploy ever

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except it isn't her first game????? and no letting people off for being new is dumb why do people do that

Doesn't earn her a free pass, but I'd expect it to make her actions less predictable.

That said, this changes things.


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