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Everyone is Mafia Mafia - Game Over


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Night Actions


1. Boron - Mafia Watcher / Voyeur (2)

- BPV active

- Kill: Shoot BBM

- Action: Watch JB


Successfully targeted Boron with a kill.

Darros, Rein, j00 and Necktie targeted JB last night.

Your BPV has been broken!

You are now dead! (graveyard here)

2. Darros - Mafia Jailkeeper (8)

- BPV active

- Kill: BBM (-> Darros)

- Jail: JB


Successfully jailed JB.

Successfully targeted Darros with a kill.

Your BPV has been broken!

You are now dead! (graveyard here)

3. BBM - Mafia Paranoid Gun Owner (16)

- BPV active

- Targeted by: j00

- Trade?: N/A


Your BPV has been broken!

You are now dead! (graveyard here)

4. JB - Mafia Strongman (6)

- BPV active

- Kill: NNR

- Strongman?: No


Failed to target NNR with a kill.

5. Levity - Mafia Vigilante (5)

- BPV active

- Kill: BBM

- Vig: scorri


Successfully targeted Levity with a kill.

Successfully targeted scorri with a kill.

Your BPV has been broken!

You have received a 1-shot bulletproof vest!

You have received a 1-shot nightvig gun!

Your BPV has been broken!

6. scorri - Mafia Mason Recruiter (3)

- BPV active

- Kill: Othin

- Recruit: BBM


Successfully targeted Othin with a kill.

Successfully recruited scorri into the mason quicktopic.

You have received a 1-shot nightvig gun!

Your BPV has been broken!

7. Othin - Mafia Eagle Eye (21)

- BPV active

- Kill: Ice Sage


Successfully targeted Ice Sage with a kill.

scorri targeted you with a kill last night!

Your BPV has been broken!

8. Loocy - Mafia Gravedigger (20)

- BPV active

- Kill: Baldrick

- Dig:

- Current role:


Successfully targeted Baldrick with a kill.

Your BPV has been broken!

9. MancerNecro - Mafia Insomniac / Announcer / Courier / Mayor (26)

- BPV active

- Kill: Necktie

- Message 1:

- Message 2:

- Announce: "i like waffles and hate captain america"


Successfully targeted Necktie with a kill.

Successfully messaged Bluedoom and Xinnidy.

Successfully announced.

10. Xinnidy - Mafia Interceptor (27)

- BPV active

- Kill: Manix (-> BBM)

- Intercept: Elieson


Successfully targeted BBM with a kill.

Successfully targeted Elieson with an intercept.

Received the following message:

hey Xinnidy, I'm a courier here

I can send anonymous messages every night to one person im sending this message to you to see if u want to work with me.

if u do, pls kill the player with the largest number frm 1 to 30 that is alive on N2 if not u may ignore this msg

im killing that particular target so if he dies ill take it that u want to work w/ me and ill send u new targets each night

looking forward to working tgt

11. Seregil - Mafia Jack of All Trades (11)

- BPV active

- Kill: Baldrick

- Action: Nightvig Fera


Successfully targeted Baldrick with a kill.

Successfully targeted Fera with a kill.

12. Proto - Cult Leader (30)

- BPV1 active

- BPV2 active

- Recruit: BBM


Successfully recruited Proto into the cult.

13. Ice Sage - Mafia Commuter (12)

- BPV Active

- Kill: Fera

- Commute?: No


Successfully targeted Fera with a kill.

Your BPV has been broken!

14. Shinori - Mafia Inventor (29)

- BPV active

- Kill: BBM (-> Shinori)

- Give Vest: Levity

- Give Visor: Manix (-> BBM)

- Give Vig: Levity


Successfully targeted Shinori with a kill.

Successfully gave Levity a vest.

Successfully gave Levity a gun.

Successfully gave BBM a visor.

Your BPV has been broken!

You are now dead! (graveyard here)

15. NekoRex - Mafia Follower / Tracker (2)

- BPV active

- Kill: Levity

- Action: Track BBM


Successfully targeted Levity with a kill.

NekoRex targeted Levity and NekoRex last night.

16. Rocker64 - Mafia Mirror (13)

- BPV active

- Kill: Mancer

- Mirror: BBM (-> Manix)


Successfully targeted Mancer with a kill.

Successfully mirrored Manix.

17. Elieson - Lover (4)

- BPV active

- Kill: Fera

- Love: N/A


Successfully targeted Fera with a kill.

Your BPV has been broken!

18. Manix - Mafia Trump Card (19)

- BPV Active

- Kill: BBM (-> Manix)


Successfully targeted Manix with a kill.

Your BPV has been broken!

19. Cam - Mafia Dazzler (22)

- BPV active

- Kill: Boron

- Dazzle: N/A


Successfully targeted Boron with a kill.

20. Kay - Mafia Hunter (9)

- BPV active

- Kill: Manix (-> BBM)

- Hunt: BBM (-> Kay)


Successfully targeted BBM with a kill.

Successfully aimed your crosshairs at Kay.

21. Baldrick - Mafia Gunsmith (7)

- BPV active

- Kill: Lucina

- Gun: scorri


Successfully targeted Lucina with a kill.

Successfully gave a gun to scorri.

Your BPV has been broken!

You are now dead! (graveyard here)

22. Snike - Mafia Safeguard (24)

- BPV active

- Kill: Darros

- Safeguard: Darros


Successfully safeguarded Darros.

Successfully targeted Darros with a kill.

23. SB - Mafia Thief (19)

- BPV active

- Kill: Blitz

- Rob: BBM (-> SB)


Successfully targeted Blitz with a kill.

Successfully robbed SB, who did not have any items.

24. Bluedoom - Mafia Janitor / Reflexive Doctor (23)

- BPV active

- Kill: Elieson (intercepted)


Successfully targeted Elieson with a kill.

Your BPV has been broken!

Received the following message:

hey marth, im a courier here

I can send anonymous messages every night to one person im sending this message to you to see if u want to work with me.

if u do, pls kill the player with the largest number frm 1 to 30 that is alive on N2 if not u may ignore this msg

im killing that particular target so if he dies ill take it that u want to work w/ me and ill send u new targets each night

looking forward to working tgt

25. Blitz - Angel (25)

- Kill: Seregil


Successfully targeted Seregil with a kill.

26. Necktie - Mafia Blacksmith (10)

- BPV active

- Kill: JB

- Vest: BBM (-> Necktie)


Successfully targeted JB with a kill.

Successfully vested Necktie.

You have received a 1-shot bulletproof vest!

Your BPV has been broken!

27. Rein - Mafia Witch (28)

- BPV active

- Kill: JB

- Curse: Blitz


Successfully targeted JB with a kill.

Successfully placed a curse on Blitz.

28. Fera - Mafia Fabricator (17)



Your BPV has been broken!

You are now dead! (graveyard here)

29. Jedi - Mafia Vanillizer (18)

- BPV active

- Kill: Shinori

- Vanillize:


Successfully targeted Shinori with a kill.

30. j00 - Mafia Bus Driver (15)

- BPV active

- Kill: JB

- Drive: BBM and Manix


Successfully targeted JB with a kill.

Successfully drove BBM and Manix.


4. JB - Mafia Strongman (6)

- BPV active

- Kill: necktie

- Strongman?: Yes


Successfully targeted necktie with a strongman kill.

Your BPV has been broken!

5. Levity - Mafia Vigilante (5)

- Kill: Mancer

- Vig:

- Gun from Shinori: Othin


Successfully targeted Othin with a kill.

Successfully targeted Mancer with a kill.

You are now dead! (graveyard here)

6. scorri - Mafia Mason Recruiter (3)

- Kill: Rein (-> Othin)

- Recruit: Levity (-> Othin)

- Gun from Baldrick:


Successfully targeted Othin with a kill.

Successfully recruited Othin into the masons.

You are now dead! (graveyard here)

7. Othin - Mafia Eagle Eye (21)

- Kill: scorri


Successfully targeted scorri with a kill.

scorri killed you and attempted to recruit you into the masons last night.

You are now dead! (graveyard here)

8. Loocy - Mafia Gravedigger (20)

- Kill: Levity (-> Cam)

- Dig: BBM

- Current role: PGO


Successfully targeted Cam with a kill.

Successfully obtained the following role:

You are the Mafia Paranoid Gun Owner! You may not kill other players. However, you still have a BPV, and will reflexively shoot any player that targets you unless you are set to die in the same night. Additionally, once in the game, you may permanently ##Trade in this ability to become a generic Mafia Goon (you'll still flip PGO Gravedigger, though).

9. MancerNecro - Mafia Insomniac / Announcer / Courier / Mayor (26)

- BPV active

- Kill: j00

- Message 1:

- Message 2:

- Announce: "Horace is a chump"


Successfully targeted j00 with a kill.

Successfully messaged Snike and scorri.

Successfully announced.

You have received a 1-shot bulletproof vest!

Your BPV has been broken!

You are now dead! (graveyard here)

10. Xinnidy - Mafia Interceptor (27)

- BPV active

- Kill: Manix

- Intercept: j00


Successfully targeted Manix with a kill.

Successfully targeted j00 with an intercept.

11. Seregil - Mafia Jack of All Trades (11)

- Kill: Blitz

- Action: Commute

- Already Used: Nightvig


Successfully targeted Blitz with a kill.

Successfully commuted.

12. Proto - Cult Leader (30)

- BPV1 active

- BPV2 active

- BPV3 active

- BPV4 active

- Recruit: Kay


Successfully recruited Kay into the cult.

You have received a 1-shot bulletproof vest!

You have received a 1-shot bulletproof vest!

13. Ice Sage - Mafia Commuter (12)

- Kill: j00

- Commute?:


Successfully targeted j00 with a kill.

15. NekoRex - Mafia Follower / Tracker (2)

- BPV active

- Kill: Levity (-> Cam)

- Action: Follow Mancer


Successfully targeted Cam with a kill.

Failed to follow Mancer.

16. Rocker64 - Mafia Mirror (13)

- BPV active

- Kill: scorri

- Mirror: NNR


Successfully targeted scorri with a kill.

Successfully mirrored NNR.

You've been vanillized! You may no longer use your role beyond its generic kill.

17. Elieson - Lover (4)

- Kill: Cam (-> Levity)

- Love: Mancer


Successfully targeted Levity with a kill.

Failed to love Mancer.

You have received a 1-shot bulletproof vest!

Your BPV has been broken!

18. Manix - Mafia Trump Card (19)

- Kill: Mancer


Successfully targeted Mancer with a kill.

You are now dead! (graveyard here)

19. Cam - Mafia Dazzler (22)

- BPV active

- Kill: Mancer

- Dazzle: scorri to Othin


Successfully targeted Mancer with a kill.

Successfully dazzled scorri.

Your BPV has been broken!

You are now dead! (graveyard here)

20. Kay - Mafia Hunter (9)

- BPV active

- Kill: j00

- Hunt: Levity (-> Cam)

- Hunted: Kay


Successfully targeted j00 with a kill.

Successfully aimed your crosshairs at Cam.

You have been recruited into the cult! You may no longer use your generic kill and now win when the cult comprises 75% (rounded up) of all living players.

22. Snike - Mafia Safeguard (24)

- BPV active

- Kill: Mancer

- Safeguard: Mancer


Successfully targeted Mancer with a kill.

Successfully safeguarded Mancer.

23. SB - Mafia Thief (19)

- BPV active

- Kill: scorri

- Rob: Manix


Successfully targeted scorri with a kill.

Successfully robbed Manix, who did not have any items.

24. Bluedoom - Mafia Janitor / Reflexive Doctor (23)

- Kill: Elieson


Successfully targeted Elieson with a kill.

25. Blitz - Angel (25)

- Kill: Seregil

- Save: Proto


Failed to target Seregil with a kill.

Successfully saved Proto.

You are now dead! (graveyard here) You will win the game if Proto survives 3 more phases.

26. Necktie - Mafia Blacksmith (10)

- BPV active

- Kill: JB

- Vest: Elie


Successfully targeted JB with a kill.

Successfully gave Elieson a vest.

Your BPV has been broken!

You are now dead! (graveyard here)

27. Rein - Mafia Witch (28)

- BPV active

- Kill:

- Curse:


Your BPV has been broken!

29. Jedi - Mafia Vanillizer (18)

- BPV active

- Kill: necktie

- Vanillize: Rocker64


Successfully targeted necktie with a kill.

Successfully vanillized Rocker.

30. j00 - Mafia Bus Driver (15)

- BPV active

- Kill: Rein

- Drive: Levity and Cam


Successfully targeted Rein with a kill.

Successfully drove Levity and Cam.

Your BPV has been broken!

You are now dead! (graveyard here)

Night 3

4. JB - Mafia Strongman (6)

- Kill: Rein

- Strongman?: Recharging


Successfully targeted Rein with a kill.

You are now dead! (graveyard here)

8. Loocy - Mafia Gravedigger (20)

- Kill: Snike

- Dig:

- Current role: PGO


Successfully targeted Snike with a kill.

10. Xinnidy - Mafia Interceptor (27)

- BPV active

- Kill: Elieson

- Intercept: JB


Successfully targeted Elieson with a kill.

Successfully intercepted JB.

You are now lovers with Elieson and win accordingly!

You have received a 1-shot BPV!

You have been recruited into the cult!

Your BPV has been broken!

You are now dead! (graveyard here)

11. Seregil - Mafia Jack of All Trades (11)

- Kill: Marth

- Action: Hijack Snike to Elie

- Already Used: Nightvig, Commute


Successfully targeted Bluedoom with a kill.

Successfully hijacked Snike to Elieson.

12. Proto - Cult Leader (30)

- BPV1 active

- BPV2 active

- BPV3 active

- BPV4 active

- Recruit:


Successfully recruited Elieson and Xinnidy into the cult.

13. Ice Sage - Mafia Commuter (12)

- Kill:

- Commute?: Yeah


Successfully commuted.

15. NekoRex - Mafia Follower / Tracker (2)

- BPV active

- Kill: Bluedoom

- Action: Follow Snike


Successfully targeted Bluedoom with a kill.

Snike attempted to kill and safeguard last night.

16. Rocker64 - Mafia Mirror (13)

- BPV active

- Kill: Bluedoom


Successfully targeted Bluedoom with a kill.

17. Elieson - Lover (4)

- Kill: Rocker

- Love: Xinnidy


Successfully targeted Rocker64 with a kill.

You are now lovers with Xinnidy and win accordingly!

You have received a 1-shot BPV!

You have been recruited into the cult!

Your BPV has been broken!

You are now dead! (graveyard here)

20. Kay - Mafia Hunter (9)


- BPV active

- Kill:

- Hunt: Snike

- Hunted: Cam (N/A)


Successfully aimed at Snike.

22. Snike - Mafia Safeguard (24)

- BPV active

- Kill: Kay

- Safeguard: Kay


Successfully targeted Elieson with a kill.

Successfully safeguarded Elieson.

Your BPV has been broken!

You are now dead! (graveyard here)

23. SB - Mafia Thief (19)

- BPV active

- Kill: Rein

- Rob: Kay


Successfully targeted Rein with a kill.

Successfully robbed Kay; she was holding nothing.

24. Bluedoom - Mafia Janitor / Reflexive Doctor (23)

- Kill: Snike


Successfully targeted Snike with a kill. He was a Mafia Safeguard.

You are now dead! (graveyard here)

27. Rein - Mafia Witch (28)

- Kill: JB

- Curse: Xinnidy


Successfully targeted JB with a kill.

Successfully cursed Xinnidy.

You are now dead! (graveyard here)

29. Jedi - Mafia Vanillizer (18)

- BPV active

- Kill: Rocker64


Successfully targeted Rocker64 with a kill.

Night 4

8. Loocy - Mafia Gravedigger (20)

- Kill: Proto

- Dig:

- Current role: PGO


Successfully targeted Proto with a kill.

You have been recruited into the cult!

You are now dead! (graveyard here)

11. Seregil - Mafia Jack of All Trades (11)

- Kill: Kay

- Action: Rolecop NekoRex

- Already Used: Nightvig, Commute, Hijack


Successfully targeted Kay with a kill.

NekoRex is a Tracker / Follower.

12. Proto - Cult Leader (30)

- BPV1 active

- BPV2 active

- BPV3 active

- BPV4 active

- Recruit: Lucina


Successfully recruited Lucina.

Your BPV has been broken!

13. Ice Sage - Mafia Commuter (12)

- Kill: Kay

- Commute?:


Successfully targeted Kay with a kill.

15. NekoRex - Mafia Follower / Tracker (2)

- BPV active

- Kill: Rocker

- Action: Lucina


Successfully targeted Rocker with a kill.

Lucina attempted to kill last night.

Your BPV has been broken!

You are now dead! (graveyard here)

16. Rocker64 - Mafia Mirror (13)

- BPV active

- Kill: Loocy


Successfully targeted Loocy with a kill.

Your BPV has been broken!

You are now dead! (graveyard here)

20. Kay - Mafia Hunter (9)


- BPV active

- Hunt: NNR

- Hunted: Snike (N/A)


Successfully hunted NekoRex.

Your BPV has been broken!

Successfully strongmanned NekoRex.

You are now dead! (graveyard here)

23. SB - Mafia Thief (19)

- BPV active

- Kill: NekoRex

- Rob: NekoRex


Successfully targeted NekoRex with a kill.

Successfully stole nothing from NekoRex.

29. Jedi - Mafia Vanillizer (18)

- BPV active

- Kill: Rocker


Successfully targeted Rocker64 with a kill.

Night 5

11. Seregil - Mafia Jack of All Trades (11)

- Kill: Proto

- Action:

- Already Used: Nightvig, Commute, Hijack, Rolecop


Successfully targeted Proto with a kill.

12. Proto - Cult Leader (30)

- BPV1 active

- BPV2 active

- BPV3 active

- Recruit: Jedi


Your BPV has been broken!

Your BPV has been broken!

Successfully recruited Jedi into the cult.

13. Ice Sage - Mafia Commuter (12)

- Kill:

- Commute?:


Successfully commuted.

23. SB - Mafia Thief (19)

- BPV active

- Kill:

- Rob:


Successfully targeted Seregil with a kill.

Stole nothing from Jedi.

29. Jedi - Mafia Vanillizer (18)

- BPV active

- Kill: Proto


Successfully targeted Proto with a kill.

You have been recruited into the cult! You may no longer use your generic kill and now win when the cult comprises 75% (rounded up) of all living players.


No matter what happened, it was impossible for the night to end without there being less town than cult. It was /technically/ not 75% but I had planned the game thinking 2/3 would be a cult win anyway. Consider the wincon retroactively changed to 66% or something. Yeah kinda lame but whatever man the next time I host this it'll be ~better~

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So, Rocker targeted Manix with his mirror powers, and j00 drove Manix and BBM, which lead to everyone who targeted BBM shooting themselves. This is almost as funny as the time when scum team in Trainwreck accidentally drove Psych with a lightning rod. :P:

Also, curse you Camdar! You targeted me again? Can't trust a Folgore villain! If there's a round 3, I'm shooting you! XD

Edited by Sangyul
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