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Awakening Localized Name Discovery Thread

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I'm quite peeved they changed Nowi's dialogue. It removes part of her character.

It removes part of her 'six-year olds are in sexual relationships and then have children'.

You're saying that's a bad thing.

Please never talk again.

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Agreed. I'm hoping FE4 gets properly translated, so we can stop using corrupted etymologies. Like in Chapter 6 where Celice defends Tír na nÓg alongside Scáthach and Luchtaine, backed up by his allies Aífe and Diarmuid.

Edited by Baldrick
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No, the former is blue and the latter is green. So they are correctly renamed.

Ahem! Cough! There are discrepancies between FE3 and FE12.



So uh.... It's proper according to FE12. Although it makes more sense from FE3's perspective; why would a star orb/sphere be green?

Edited by Sock
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[spoiler=Ugh, not really a spoiler... future DLC-related info]In the ultimate DLC, that is what Anna is.

Um, goddess status confirmed?

...In other news, Awakening's status as Fire Emblem: Conspiracy edition is cemented.

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Oh man, did they really rename Refresh to Relief and Renewal to Refresh? I'm going to have to be reeeeeally careful when updating those names >___<

It's odd, but that's how I found them. Well, I found Relief myself, I found Refresh from a post of shadowofchaos's in the FE4 thread.

One really minor mistake, though. For Blighted Claw, it's actually Claws.No clue why they added an -s

EDIT: Just found Fetid Claw's name now, which is Blighted Talons.

Edited by Shadow Stalker X
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Oh man, did they really rename Refresh to Relief and Renewal to Refresh? I'm going to have to be reeeeeally careful when updating those names >___<

Well, we had worse localization changes before. Normal is Easy, Hard is Normal, Maniac is Hard. Arrrrrgh.

Absolute Hit is now Hawkeye


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Ahem! Cough! There are discrepancies between FE3 and FE12.



So uh.... It's proper according to FE12. Although it makes more sense from FE3's perspective; why would a star orb/sphere be green?

The runes from this picture of the Pedestal of Flames, when "decoded," clear up this discrepancy:

Top: white frame orb holy light (Lightsphere)

Upper Left: black frame orb dark night (Darksphere)

Upper Right: blue fram orb starry heavens (Starsphere)

Lower Left: red frame orb lifeblood (Lifesphere)

Lower Right: green frame orb mother earth (Geosphere)

All "misspellings" are present in the actual picture (i.e., it says "frame" instead of "flame," and it's missing the 'e' in the Starsphere's description).


Edited by Aethin
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Well, it took a while, but I've finally got all of the localized names of the bosses in this game (with the only exception being a SpotPass chapter boss). For Vincent, all of them I've left there in my initial post, as well as the localized names of the initial Double Duel teams, transcribed from shadowofchaos's Double Duel video.

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Oh man, did they really rename Refresh to Relief and Renewal to Refresh? I'm going to have to be reeeeeally careful when updating those names >___<


That's a negative.

Edited by shadowofchaos
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Does anyone else feel bitter about the overhaul to FE4's translations?

Does anyone else expect fan outrage?

1) Not really, as the FE4 traslations were done by fans, and they weren't of the highest quality.

2) A bit, but it'd just blow over. Expecting some names to stay the same from a fan-translated game is a bit ridiculous.

Honestly, I'm glad they got official names to begin with. No sense in crying over it, just because one doesn't like them.

Plus, some of the names are pretty good, like Forseti, or Helswath.

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Does anyone else feel bitter about the overhaul to FE4's translations?

Does anyone else expect fan outrage?


Very glad it happened

The old one misspelled a lot of Norse myth references that were most likely meant by the Japanese team anyway

Now it's fixed

I like Norse mythology

so \o/

Hell the ones that aren't some kind of mythology reference sounds pretty cool too so

Edited by Thor Odinson
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When did it become more important for mythological names to be exact instead of affectionate romanizations?

Yeah, they were fan translations. Fan translations that this community accepted and Treasure stated to be almost perfectly correct! And seriously? Helswath? To me, it just sounds like some dumb generic God of War name. Nothing interesting IMO. And Holsety just sounded better IMO.

Edited by Trivialgent
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Because the treasure names are terrible

And people really bitch too much about names

And Norse Mythology > everything else because yes

That aside, bear in mind that NoA most likely would not have played a fan patch, or give a shit about some shitty fan-translation. You're making the assumption that NoA cares about fan translations and a very inaccurately romanised artbook. They most likely do not operate with the fan translations as their reference or even know about them and your assumption is most likely wrong.

Edited by Thor Odinson
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That aside, bear in mind that NoA most likely would not have played a fan patch, or give a shit about some shitty fan-translation. You're making the assumption that NoA cares about fan translations and a very inaccurately romanised artbook. They most likely do not operate with the fan translations as their reference or even know about them and your assumption is most likely wrong.

Lumi, if you didn't say that, I was about to.

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So what do you suggest I do, then? Suck it up and use them anyways, just like the rest of this forum?!

You all just taking the names as too literal directions, like any other way of saying them just proges you to be a nostalgiafag or something.

You know what I'd like? I'd like people to use their scanlated names IN SPITE of this.

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So what do you suggest I do, then? Suck it up and use them anyways, just like the rest of this forum?!

Yeah pretty much

You know what I'd like? I'd like people to use their scanlated names IN SPITE of this.

you can feel free to do so, but we can feel free to mock you for it

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