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Shining Force 2 Mafia: Game Over


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Is this the part of the show where we all claim now? Well even if it isn't, I probably should to maybe get some votes off of me (although I kinda doubt it).

Dear Doofina' date=' you are May.[/size']


You are a strong centaur, and often used due to your early skill with a bow and overall strength and decent defense. You support with your bow, but also have great movement (unless there's terrain in the way, which there often is). You are a completely optional character, but you are often recruited due to the ease of your conditions. In the game, Bowie must simply talk to you one time, at any time. You are adventurous, and hate sitting around.

During the night, you may respond to your RolePM with "Night X: Don't worry [uSER]! My arrow will keep you safe!" You will aim an arrow at [uSER], hitting and warding off anyone in front of [uSER] that might attempt to kill him/her. However, even if no one is in front of [uSER], you will fire your arrow with the best of intentions anyway, and it will hit them, killing [uSER] on contact. In short, you are the CPR-Doctor.

You are allied with the Shining Force. You win when all threats to you and your fellow Shining Force members have been eliminated.

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hi confirmed scum; this post is bad and scummy (holding out on voting; wth?). etc etc cop scan lynch this please

also I had stuff why I wanted this lynched anyway, and minus cop scan but add reaction to being fakeguiltied and lack of decisive opinion which just nails the coffin

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Due to the fact that a reaction test is pointless when your target won't even post and that the amount of people using the guilty as an excuse to not read other players it's probably worth noting that I'm not actually a Jack of All Trades and haven't even targeted Lucina.

I'm pretty sure he's scum though since the way he handled his Marth read was scummy and his idea of responding to a cop guilty is lurking the thread without saying anything to rebuke me, even though he should know my result isn't accurate.


##Vote: Rocker

I had no reason to vote on lucina based on how fickle and lurkish I know her meta to be (yes metaspec blahblah blame me if you want), if the role cop was a lie then I have no real reason to vote her, as my really early vote was RVS.

Someone remind me how to ISO because if there's 21 people posting and I have to sift through this giant thread to read one person's posts then fuck that.

Elieson put most of them in the OP.

I'll post something more after I have dinner.

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cpr doctor

this is like a vig that saves kill targets

Lucina do you have any reads/opinions on players at all? What do you think of Sho/Marth and what do you think of Prims's fake result on you

(give me like another hour to really get fired up I need coffee)

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and we have doctor variant claiming for nothing.

Learn to refresh Lucina

You happy Prism?

tbf we were probably going to lynch lucina anyway

sho could you please fucking do something

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CPR Doctor is in effect a vig variant, not a doc variant. It's provable, BUT

Lucina: Why did you wait until I withdrew my claim to post that role PM if you were going to claim, instead of doing so instantly?

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Before I leave, even though I don't 100% buy Lucina's claim I feel a lot comfortable going back to who I think is most likely scum


##Vote: Rocker

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Due to the fact that a reaction test is pointless when your target won't even post and that the amount of people using the guilty as an excuse to not read other players it's probably worth noting that I'm not actually a Jack of All Trades and haven't even targeted Lucina.

I'm pretty sure he's scum though since the way he handled his Marth read was scummy and his idea of responding to a cop guilty is lurking the thread without saying anything to rebuke me, even though he should know my result isn't accurate.

[spoiler=My response.]


prims wutr u doin

prims no

prims STAHP


@Manix: OK, so I guess there's a single digit minute difference, so it might just be Elieson sent that result just before declaring phase end. I'm probably being paranoid.

I am going to be back in a bit, so as to compose my thoughts. I don't mind the current wagon even though the cop wasn't legit but I am not sure that it takes precedence over BBM anymore.

Pedit: As it turns out, it apparently doesn't. I am screwing my courage to the sticking point, for now.



response to doofina:

[spoiler=My response.]


doofina wutr u doin

doofina no

doofina STAHP


In short, BBL.

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ninja'ed by claim oops

cpr doc okay, i'm reasonably happy to keep that around as long as lucina outs targets (yes, we can use it as a vig on scummy players and I think we should)


##Vote: SB

His reaction to the fakecop report on lucina hit me the most and I'd like this lynched

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Due to the fact that a reaction test is pointless when your target won't even post and that the amount of people using the guilty as an excuse to not read other players it's probably worth noting that I'm not actually a Jack of All Trades and haven't even targeted Lucina.

I'm pretty sure he's scum though since the way he handled his Marth read was scummy and his idea of responding to a cop guilty is lurking the thread without saying anything to rebuke me, even though he should know my result isn't accurate.

Annnnnd there's the Prims Fakeclaim. If only catching scum were as easy as a N0 copscan.

Leder your reactions to my post is kind of the "over" variety. I'm not exactly having an easy time reading this thread so you don't have to blow up on me every time I take something out of context. You were participating in the rolespec with your complaints about a possible role deleter, although Snike is far more guilty of it.

I still disagree with you that your Rocker vote initially feels like a votepark since you only provided reasoning after putting the vote down.

Lucina putting out a claim late seems pretty scummy and I'm with Prims that he's still votable. Will probably have to withhold my vote however because of the claim's proviness.

Thanks Xinnidy for the ISO tip

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Meh, I stopped believing the copscan after Prims posted "Don't expect a CC, town might have multiple JoaTs." Anyways, CPR Doctor doesn't seem like a role that would be given as a fake, nor does it feel like something Lucy might fake on her own accord, so I'm inclined to believe it for now.

And Eclipse, I'm sorry, but no. You don't get to say things like "Let me play how I want and comment on what I want to" in a game of mafia. I'm perfectly within my rights to question you for doing something I didn't like. And if I had done something similar by not commenting on the Bizz case (I did, but whatever) you'd be perfectly within your rights to question me for not doing that.

In fact, ##Unvote, ##Vote: Eclipse

I don't really care if this is seen as an OMGUS. A step through her ISO, looking at the posts with content in them:

Post 1: Votes Bizz for being annoyed about a role deleter even though any town would find the existence of one bad, even a person with a scummy role or a Vanilla, because other people in the town DO have good roles.

Post 2: Handwaves my entire case against Snike with just a "I can see his point", with no explanation given as to why. What exactly made Snike's logic better than mine?

Post 3: Starts finding me suspicious just because I misremembered something, okay. Also finds me suspicious for asking questions (lol that meta) and for the earlier points I was making, though again, she doesn't mention why my points were bad or scummy.

Post 4/Post 5: She chooses to question Prims for the way he claimed JoaT over pushing Bizz, which doesn't make any sense to me. Then calls me out for getting fired up in my responses to her and for jumping too hard on people attacking me. Of course I'm going to get fired up when you dismiss everything I say with "It's not as important". I get that you have priorities and things you find more important than others. But town's job isn't to hide everything they think. Some things, sure, but if you start doing things weirdly, you can't brush me off by saying "let me play how I want". You mention that Prims revealing the amount of abilities he had doesn't make sense since it has nothing to do with his case. So were you suspecting Prims of lying as well? And no, I clearly don't think I'm making a big deal out of something trivial.

Post 6/Post 7

: Some stuff questioning questioning Proto, okay. The first of these posts also implies that you did in fact believe Prims's claim, since you said that you implied that Lucina was a higher lynch priority than me. If that was the case, why were you nitpicking the claim so much?

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Meh, I stopped believing the copscan after Prims posted "There might be a CC, town could have multiple JoaTs." Anyways, CPR Doctor doesn't seem like a role that would be given as a fake, nor does it feel like something Lucy might fake on her own accord, so I'm inclined to believe it for now.

Fixed, sorry.

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Not sure who I want lynched. It's been enough of a challenge just getting those above observations out and some of them (like Snike's) conflict with claimed roles and such.

Kind of want Lucina out now tbh.

Sho is being perpetually useless and I wouldn't mind him being removed from the "alive" list either I guess.

Gut on BBM too but I don't have much of a case beyond that. Same with Leder

Ugh my vote is going to waste and I don't have much to do about it.

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Oh my gosh, there is so much crap going on here. ._. I believe we were at nine pages when I logged off last night. D1, you are a cruel mistress.

I need to go out for awhile, but I've just spent at least an hour trying to catch up, so I want to leave some quick impressions. This will be almost entirely reaction; please excuse the lack of scumhunting. I don't know what to make of Prims vs. Lucina. I thought Prims' initial claim and his subsequent posts sounded 100% legit. Lucy's claim threw me for a loop, because any variant of vig is easily provable. But that being said, her entire post felt sketchy. It was essentially just her roleclaim, with no further clarification on why she would've read scum. (I don't believe she's a miller?) So either Prims is faking, or she's mafia.

Why would Prims make that up if he was scum? If Lucy flipped town, it would reflect horribly on him, and he'd probably be an instant D2 lynch.

On an unrelated note, this BBM vs. Eclipse thing has been a constant distraction from the thread's main dialogue. I understand that both of you think the other is shady, but can we put that on the back burner until D2? There are several revelations that need to be attended to first (i.e. Prims vs. Lucina). Neither of you are on the line for the lynch atm.

I realize this post has been essentially all reaction. I'm going to hang out with my mom and her BF tonight for a few hours (we're playing Scrabble Deluxe, woo). I'll try to be back by 9 PST. I had to skim from page 18, so I'm going to reread from there and contribute more scumhunting.

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I believe that 2 people are voting me and at least 3 people have said that they find me suspicious to various degrees, so if not Eclipse, I could still be lynched today. Paulina, most of the day phase is still to go. We're not even 24 hours in yet. The lynch is by no means decided. And even if it was, and we'd reached a consensus on whom to lynch, it still doesn't mean that we decide to cease scumhunting.

Also, I believe you missed some stuff. Prims admitted that he was lying about his claim- it was a reaction test to see what Lucina would say and do afterwards.

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Way to prove my point, BBM. You're tunneling on one of the people that thinks you overreacted, which isn't helping you in the least. My vote stays, and I give exactly no shits if you continue to push this wagon.

Not happy with the recent turn of events regarding Lucina. Kind of wish she'd stepped in sooner, and I'm kind of glad there is no dayvig (or this would be a mess indeed).

Sho, get your ass in gear. Who's a good lynch target, and why?

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