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Yeah, that time consumingness is pretty much the reason I didn't bother recording detailed stats after every chapter, what every Anna shop had or what every event tile or barracks event gave when I wrote my Lunatic+ challenge (all the conditions set forth by Walhart's topic, plus no Nostanking) log. I was enthused enough to do in chapter descriptions and key events before and after each map, but I really didn't want to be constantly manually copying data over from my 3DS.

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The most time consuming part of a play log is the log itself. My Tier1 run has me clocking more time in Notepad than anything else.

Yeah, I kind of want to do a Lunatic playlog but I'm not sure I'd be able to stay motivated to continue the log itself, especially since I like to be detailed and specific. I might still do it if I can think of something special to make it interesting and unique. Any ideas?

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Pretend you're god and trying to screw over your team, and anything good they gain is trough fortune of mythological beings like Neptune blessing them when you aren't looking

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You'll get a lot of Master Seals over the next few chapters, so just hold off a bit. Using a Second Seal will just set you back in terms of promoting them.

You really want MU to pass down Rally Spectrum, if you can manage it in any reasonable amount of time. Holding off on getting any kids for a couple of chapters is well worth it.

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You'll get a lot of Master Seals over the next few chapters, so just hold off a bit. Using a Second Seal will just set you back in terms of promoting them.

You really want MU to pass down Rally Spectrum, if you can manage it in any reasonable amount of time. Holding off on getting any kids for a couple of chapters is well worth it.

Should I wait until I can get master seals through merchants before I try the next few chapters so I don't waste exp?

Avatar is level 20/11(yay challenges), so I'm going to get rally spectrum in a chapter or two. When I get the kids should I reclass them to tacticians for veteran so they can level up really fast?

Also, should Sully promote to paladin or great knight?

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*Yes that's a joke. However, for reference, it's Lunatic Classic, No Grinding (No DLC/Challenges/StaffDanceBossAbuse/etcetc), No Wireless menu (No Spotpass/Renown), No Barracks, No Event tile items, No Anna shops, No Children paralogues, No Self-Healing Skills, No Avatar, No Nowi, No Panne.

This made me laugh. I should make one of those acronym thingies for my playthrough.

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Im ashamed to say this but.....

The first time i beat Lunatic

I grind spotpass which is oh so conveniently made to be grinded

The second time i used Dagda

Hopefully the time will come when i did not use some cheap tricks

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Count me in, I just completed lunatic a few minutes ago

Deployed only Paladin!Chrom, Hero!Donny, DK!Morgan and MK!Nah. The first two paired up with Helswath tossing and copious Sol. Defender was I guess helpful. Tonics for everyone!

The latter two paired up and I went 11 turns until I was able to finish him off (with what was a counter 2x Valflame Aether with Dragonstone+ 2x times, to finish him off after he was at like 78. Moar tonics for everyone!

Stupid war monks made it take forever.

But yay!

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Im ashamed to say this but.....

The first time i beat Lunatic

I grind spotpass which is oh so conveniently made to be grinded

The second time i used Dagda

Hopefully the time will come when i did not use some cheap tricks

There's no shame in grinding to beat Lunatic. It takes a certain amount of prowess just to get to a place where you can even do that in the first place. You'll have something to aspire to for a future run.

Count me in, I just completed lunatic a few minutes ago

Nice work.

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Should I wait until I can get master seals through merchants before I try the next few chapters so I don't waste exp?

Avatar is level 20/11(yay challenges), so I'm going to get rally spectrum in a chapter or two. When I get the kids should I reclass them to tacticians for veteran so they can level up really fast?

Also, should Sully promote to paladin or great knight?

If not grinding, I actually like reclassing first since the enemy stats don't ramp up that much until Chapter 17, so it's nice to use the unpromoted exp gain while the enemies are relatively tame to gain a bunch of stats. I found it can be otherwise difficult for units that promote first to keep up later on.

Depends on the children and their weapon ranks, other skills, etc. Veteran is that good, however.

I prefer Paladin just for the balanced Str/Skl/Spd/Def Pair Up bonuses. I think it's the only class that gives the big 3 physical stats of Str, Spd, Def. Either can work depending on you plan for her. It depends on if you want her as a long-term fighter or pair up bot (and who she is pairing with).

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Okay, around what speed should my Chrom be at chapter 5 to use Sumia and just use the fort to mainly Chrom solo it? I kind of want to beat this game in a way that isn't just, MU, Lissa, Lon'qu, Libra, and Frederick basically ruining lives. Which leads me to another important question, is Lancebreaker enough to compensate for (a Swordmaster) Inigo's lack of Rightful King? This is basically the difference between me giving up and grinding through chapter 5 with Sumia and Frederick or not.

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If not grinding, I actually like reclassing first since the enemy stats don't ramp up that much until Chapter 17, so it's nice to use the unpromoted exp gain while the enemies are relatively tame to gain a bunch of stats. I found it can be otherwise difficult for units that promote first to keep up later on.

Depends on the children and their weapon ranks, other skills, etc. Veteran is that good, however.

I prefer Paladin just for the balanced Str/Skl/Spd/Def Pair Up bonuses. I think it's the only class that gives the big 3 physical stats of Str, Spd, Def. Either can work depending on you plan for her. It depends on if you want her as a long-term fighter or pair up bot (and who she is pairing with).

So should I reclass Sully and Chrom back into Cavailer and lord? Or should I make them something else?

I'm doing AvatarxSully so Kjelle will start with a C lance rank and Morgan will start with C lances and C swords, right? I'm planning to give Kjelle Rally Spectrum from Avatar and Discipline from Sully so they she can reclass into tactician to get Veteran. Morgan will start as a Cavalier with Discipline and Outdoor Fighter already so if I make Sully a Cavalier again Morgan won't get anything from her. I guess I'll give Morgan Rally Spectrum from Avatar and then reclass into tactician, but do I really need 3 Rally Spectrum users?

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Nah, you need two Rally Spectrum users at most: one primary and one backup (recall that skills don't stack with themselves).

If you've got Second Seals to spare, Chrom likes Cavalier, while Sully likes Wyvern Rider. Though if you've already got a flier or two, you might want to just have Sully promote to Paladin.

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Do I need 3 Rally Spectrum-ers though?

If I make Sully a Wyvern Rider, won't she lose her lance rank? It's like A or B :( I guess I need a flier though because I only have Sumia who is married to Chrom and just stays in the back of their pair-up because she's level 10 unpromoted.

Also, if I don't promote the parents, will the kids have horrible base stats?

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I don't see how three Rally Spectrum users would be helpful at all.

She'll not make use of her Lance rank as a Wyvern Rider, but promotion to Wyvern Lord allows her to resume using Lances. Because Sully has Discipline, however, she won't really have to deal with the awkward Ladle/Bronze Axe phase for long. Alternatively, you can just promote her to Paladin to continue making use of her current ranks. Her class-changing choice alone will not make or break the game.

I don't even think promotion bonuses influence the kids' base stats. My understanding is that for every three stat points a parent gains from his her or bases, the child character will gain one. Even if promotion bonuses counted, a +4 boost to Atk for, say, Sully would amount to a +1.33 boost to her daughter.

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I finished Lunatic some time ago, though haven't yet started my Lunatic+ run. I wish all of these convenient ways to grind were around when I finished Lunatic (EXPonential growth, Golden Gaffe...I'm looking at you). I had to do it the hard way, and it was a nightmare.

I had to resort to using my 4-6 top characters exclusively to make better use of my funds and not have to worry about protecting so many people, and basically playing a defensive "bait and punish" type of game. What really sucks is when all of the enemies decide to bum-rush you. In those cases I had to use the terrain to funnel the enemies in like it was the battle of Thermopylae, and even then had to abuse skills (like [weapon] breaker).

It was a frustratingly difficult, but immensely satisfying challenge.

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I somehow managed to get past Chapter 2 of Lunatic+. It only took about a billion resets, after stuffing Avatar full of two chapters worth of kills. It's pretty fun how the early chapters can randomly be impossible, except by fun I mean tedious.

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I somehow managed to get past Chapter 2 of Lunatic+. It only took about a billion resets, after stuffing Avatar full of two chapters worth of kills. It's pretty fun how the early chapters can randomly be impossible, except by fun I mean tedious.

In chapter 3, have fun with those enemies with Counters. Especially the armored enemies with Aegis+/Pavise+. Also, watch out for the enemy with the hammer. If he has hawkeye, you're screwed. Also, watch out for Archers with Pavise+/Aegis+, Counter, and Luna+.

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Lunatic+... Does Nosferatu tanking still trivialize the difficulty completely.

And is there ever a break in the gameplay at all? For a brief moment after chapter 6 in lunatic stuff was easy until chapter 12 started up. But after chapter 13, I think you could Nosferatu tank the rest of the game and trivialize the game.

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In chapter 3, have fun with those enemies with Counters. Especially the armored enemies with Aegis+/Pavise+. Also, watch out for the enemy with the hammer. If he has hawkeye, you're screwed. Also, watch out for Archers with Pavise+/Aegis+, Counter, and Luna+.

Hawkeye with Hammer isn't that bad in this chapter, since there's been time to build up other characters. I'm pretty sure at least one of my successful runs had me facing a line-up where the Hammer guy had Hawkeye and FeMU tanked him just fine. I do agree that Aegis+ is really annoying on the Knights, though (Pavise+ is "meh" because they hardly take any damage from those weapons at that point, anyway).


^ From what I've been told, yes, it does. I've never Nostanked, myself, so I can't say for sure, though. I can guess that it does, though, since Sol makes the run significantly easier.

Stats are all the same as Lunatic. The difference is in the Lunatic+ random skills pool. Honestly, once the run gets going, especially with Veteran, it still gets easier, despite the Counter spam. In a run that allows grinding, chapter 3 is the hardest of the run. In a run that doesn't allow grinding, chapter 5 is the hardest.

Edited by Kuroi Tsubasa Tenshi
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