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Avatar the Last Airbender Mafia: D4ends 5/2 at 9:30 PM EST


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"I'll take your word on the first part."

"Boron: Got it."

You saying that the mafia wasted a kill on Prims.

I'm sorry I can't actually quote this stuff; as hypocritical as it is I can't do much with my phone.

Okay, one at a time!

First quote: Take a look at Kay's post (which I quoted). The "first part" is her first sentence. I can't conclusively argue that what she posted is true or not; thus, I'm forced to take her word on it (for now).

Second quote: For this to make sense, you'll have to go further back. The first post is here, with Boron's response here. That's what I meant.

In regards to Prims being a waste of a nightkill: That's twofold. First, they didn't kill the person who I think is the alignment cop. Second is this post here, where Prims decides to announce that he's useless. At that point, he didn't seem to have a motive to lie about his role, and it wasn't part of a reaction test; thus, I'm slightly more inclined to believe that he was what he said he was.

Blitz: I still haven't figured out the nature of the redirect, but since there's a hooker, and a theoretical watcher hasn't come forward, I'll think about it.

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First of all, I am working on homework that was due over a half hour ago so I'm not going to respond to anything until that is done.

Second of all, Kay, that really hurt. I've been trying to keep my cool this entire game, even when I felt like blowing up and ragequtting, because nobody likes it when I'm overly emotional and freaking out. But it's like you guys WANT me to blow up and be that awful person. I am sick of being accused of "bad behavior" when I've been nothing but levelheaded this entire game. And Mancer really hurt my feelings by insinuating that I am a terrible person who needs to take a jab at him in almost all of the posts I made.

Blitz, why am I scum? Out of everyone still in alive in the game why am I the worst? (Fuck meta but your behavior reminds me a bit of your play in Xenoblade mafia.)

Kay, that votehop looked opportunistic. I look suspicious now that you think about it? Not until after a noticeable wagon builds up on me? Timing strikes me as suspicious, and I still find you scummy for the whole Shinori thing.

Psych, do something. Get some solid opinions. You're not helping anyone by refusing to push your scum reads and giving up before even trying. I don't like this behavior and it's bothering me and it seems scummy.

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you are the worst because unlike everyone else, you are posting stuff of no actual use

I know that people like Marth, Kdanger and SB needs to post more, but at the least they are more not posting at all which could lead to subbing rather

you are just complaining about stuff and making excuses to not post and scum hunt, which is more like active lurking than anything else

also, Marth, make a post and make it a good one {since I se you here}

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First of all, I am working on homework that was due over a half hour ago so I'm not going to respond to anything until that is done.

Second of all, Kay, that really hurt. I've been trying to keep my cool this entire game, even when I felt like blowing up and ragequtting, because nobody likes it when I'm overly emotional and freaking out. But it's like you guys WANT me to blow up and be that awful person. I am sick of being accused of "bad behavior" when I've been nothing but levelheaded this entire game. And Mancer really hurt my feelings by insinuating that I am a terrible person who needs to take a jab at him in almost all of the posts I made.

Blitz, why am I scum? Out of everyone still in alive in the game why am I the worst? (Fuck meta but your behavior reminds me a bit of your play in Xenoblade mafia.)

Kay, that votehop looked opportunistic. I look suspicious now that you think about it? Not until after a noticeable wagon builds up on me? Timing strikes me as suspicious, and I still find you scummy for the whole Shinori thing.

Psych, do something. Get some solid opinions. You're not helping anyone by refusing to push your scum reads and giving up before even trying. I don't like this behavior and it's bothering me and it seems scum

I'm sorry.

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you are the worst because unlike everyone else, you are posting stuff of no actual use

I know that people like Marth, Kdanger and SB needs to post more, but at the least they are more not posting at all which could lead to subbing rather

you are just complaining about stuff and making excuses to not post and scum hunt, which is more like active lurking than anything else

also, Marth, make a post and make it a good one {since I se you here}

Of no actual use? I'm not going to deny that I haven't said MUCH, but are you seriously going to say that I did absolutely nothing at all D1 and D2? Yes, I am complaining about stuff. I am complaining about Mancer falsely accusing me of attacking him personally and then painting me as a petty person. I'm "making excuses" because my schoolwork comes before mafia no matter what. I am doing my best to scum hunt with what I am given. So sorry that it doesn't meet your standards. But I dare you to tell me with a straight face that I've been doing absolutely nothing.

I wish I could sub out of this fucking game. Go ahead and lynch me if it makes you all feel better, on the grounds that I get to be an asshole when my flip turns up and I'm proven town.

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my point wasn't that you are making excuses about school work, I would never say that, I meant you are not posting content under the excuse that you are fighting with Mancer about flavors

fine, what you have done isn't nothing, just that I would expect more from you {considering Shinori's Hack alone says so, even when you were fighting me, you still made content posts}

but I think there is another slacker who needs my attention for not making a post yet again


##Vote: Marth

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my point wasn't that you are making excuses about school work, I would never say that, I meant you are not posting content under the excuse that you are fighting with Mancer about flavors

Fair enough, but do realize that almost all of my arguments with Mancer were over flavor-spec and then my perceived behavior. Trying to shove in a content post while arguing with him over matters that shouldn't have anything to do with scum hunting would've been distracting, halfhearted, and may have been overlooked by other players who don't want to watch us fight.

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Well I'm back, after 3 days of err *ahem* fever, vomiting and other shit. Now.

As far is D2 is concerned, ##Vote: Kay The argument in favour of keeping Shinori alive was faulty- especially the part where:

If Shinori's faking, what is he going to do now? He can bus a scumbuddy, which is good for us, "clear" a scumbuddy which would get him caught if they flipped, "clear" a townie which doesn't cause any trouble, or fake a guilty on a townie in which case he's next. We may as well keep him around for a while. Let him give us some info, keep an eye on him, lynch him later and then we have more info.

I'm sorry but but 'clearing' a scumbuddy would be more dangerous than you think, because other than our one-shot vig (who was probably going to shoot the claimed vivor anyway) nothing would expose that scum unless you decide to lynch the 'inno' or there's actually a dangerous ITP in this game. There's also no reason for Shinori to have claimed blocked? He can fake inno's can't he?

I like Blitz's vote on Boron better than the other two votes on her- 'being unmemorable' isn't exactly good enough to vote when we're in D2 and there's more reason to vote. Also Strege what do yu mean by 'I'd have difficulty believing it was some kind of gambit'? Kinda confused on this one.

I still think Boron looks better than Mancer, who happens to be using flavour against her and was pushing on FtP last phase(I still don't understand why).

I'm not really liking psych now because I think his reasons for thinking Rein is scum are BullShit. First, let's look at his ISO:


Look at the post he made when he had 10 min. His reasoning for scum! Rein?

He thinks Rein could be from another scum faction. Oh this is cool and all. Actually no. That's kind of pushing it. But let's look a little further, D2. You say Rein was 'buddying and trying to save Shinori but then jumped ship?"

Well how could he buddy someone who should, by your theory, not be his own faction? Shinori was Fire nation, Rein is supposed to be 3rd party harmful faction by your assumption, he can't be buddying Shinori, nosirree. Furthermore, nowhere does Rein ever try to defend or save Shinori, he was merely voting me because he thought I was scummier, that isn't buddying at all.

##Unvote ##Vote: Psych

Sorry, I was reading and typing this simultaneously. Think Psych/Kay are real scummy though.

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. . .I think the only thing I agree with in regards to Marth's post is that Psych needs to explain himself better. I don't think he's worth a lynch right now.

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First of all, I am working on homework that was due over a half hour ago so I'm not going to respond to anything until that is done.

Second of all, Kay, that really hurt. I've been trying to keep my cool this entire game, even when I felt like blowing up and ragequtting, because nobody likes it when I'm overly emotional and freaking out. But it's like you guys WANT me to blow up and be that awful person. I am sick of being accused of "bad behavior" when I've been nothing but levelheaded this entire game. And Mancer really hurt my feelings by insinuating that I am a terrible person who needs to take a jab at him in almost all of the posts I made.

Just saying, it kinda hurt that I was honestly trying to be considerate and just not bother you right then, and then you call it an accusation and wanting you to be an awful person.

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Just saying, it kinda hurt that I was honestly trying to be considerate and just not bother you right then, and then you call it an accusation and wanting you to be an awful person.

I'm sorry if I hurt you and if it came off that way. It wasn't my intention at all. It's just that I've been trying so hard this entire game to avoid "ragequitting" and getting overly emotional. No one enjoys it when I act like that, and I hate myself for doing it every game. I was already hurt from the accusations that apparently every post I make is full of "passive aggressiveness" and that I'm an awful person who has to make personal attacks. (Personal attacks that aren't even there.) I can understand that you were just being considerate, but it struck a chord in me all the same because I don't want to be this ragequitty person and I hadn't done anything up to that point that showed I was going to become that person again.

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Kay, that votehop looked opportunistic. I look suspicious now that you think about it? Not until after a noticeable wagon builds up on me? Timing strikes me as suspicious, and I still find you scummy for the whole Shinori thing.

No, the "after I think about it" was about figuring that voting for you wouldn't make tensions higher at that point. And yeah, Boron, I know you hadn't done anything to indicate that you'd ragequit. I just knew stuff bothers you a lot of times and I didn't want to make it harder for you to play.

And, frankly, at this point I'll probably just let you be angry at me for doing that, or think it was suspicious of me to not vote for you earlier, or both, or whatever, because if I have to argue about it I think I might be the one to ragequit.

As far is D2 is concerned, ##Vote: Kay The argument in favour of keeping Shinori alive was faulty- especially the part where:

I'm sorry but but 'clearing' a scumbuddy would be more dangerous than you think, because other than our one-shot vig (who was probably going to shoot the claimed vivor anyway) nothing would expose that scum unless you decide to lynch the 'inno' or there's actually a dangerous ITP in this game. There's also no reason for Shinori to have claimed blocked? He can fake inno's can't he?

I think I was pretty clear that I still wanted Shinori to be lynched at some point, and I also don't think I said anything indicating that we should have actually trusted him. And yeah, he could claim blocked, but claiming nothing but blocked for long would look pretty bad.

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Boron, it's not good sportsmanship if you're going to make snips and jabs at me in every post. I said to relegate it to postgame. Notice how you've went from passive-aggressive to actively victimising yourself while poking at me for attacking you over flavour?

You're also insinuating that I didn't feel hurt at all from the tone you've used throughour your whole play? I feel you've been a little too aggressive than you should be in your defenses and it's irking me off a lot.

If this doesn't stop, I'm going to request that one of us be forcefully subbed out and I don't care who it is that is subbed out.

I'm going to go back to doing work now and you probably won't hear from me again until I've calmed down.

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Jb stop it I don't want to see any more posts from the peanut gallery unless iou are subbed in or Postgame kicks in.

Blitz's tunnel vision needs to stop. Now.

Why was I hooked when it was pretty obvious that the vivor was my expected target? I'm a little suspicious of that. Almost makes me think that scum wanted to keep someone specific alive (either Slayer or Mancer) since they are Vig Targets number 1 and 2.

Psych, what happened to leading the town throigh your action being successful or whatever? You're doing something rather different, and that's posting mediocre thoughts on barely any players.

Slayer, do somethin dammit. Actually you said you would but I'm just very suspicious of you and a promise post doesn't reassure me.

Eclipse, why do you think the cop was dumb enough to target Slayer of all players?

And I have absolutely 0 clear reads from this Boron V Mancer thing that's a thing. If anyone else does, I'll happily take a suggestion (from someone other than blitz, eclipse I'm looking at you), but it'd be nice to have a clear cut thought.

Out of all that, Psych's defeatist attitude and poor justification (see: Eclipse ping, Azula/Ozai comment, BBM (clearing up from not being scummy, huh?) doesn't feel right, and it's the closest thing I have to a case that isn't subjective (based on me being hooked, because no other town would know I was hooked unless a theoretical watcher was on me)

##Vote Psych

Secondary scum reads: SlayerX, Blitz,

Mixed feelings on: Kay, Boron (blame Shinori for confusing me)

and my apologies for not posting last night like I promised. I sorta have a new thing starting up in regards to my mental state and I'm sure most of you can assume what's pushing me over the edge.

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Ok. This is it. Mancer, Boron, both of you drop the thing about personal attacks. If you want to scum hunt, scum hunt. Mancer: Stop accusing Boron of attacking you. Before you started pushing her over the edge, there was nothing there, so drop it. I don't want to see a singly thing more from either of you about this subject.

If you're not in the game, don't post in here unless I explicitly asked you to *or* you're Manix or Paperblade trying to defuse a situation I'm not around for.

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##unvote Eclipse I find your vagueness frustrating occasionally, but not really scummy I guess, especially as you're so willing to explain.

##vote Psych please push a read, put some effort in. I'd like to hear any thoughts that you have. Have your early reads changed?

In other news, Kiryn has only one post with any content through the whole game; can we get anything please?

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That point on being role grasped was FTP and IIRC someone else trying to imply that I had some other part to my role. FTP in particular asked me about a missing part of my role at least twice.

That is a lie.

Mancer, I made one post saying I didn't believe your claim originally, I didn't push you for details after I was informed of the difference between forums. I never "pushed" you to give more details. I'm also tired of being falsely accused of "pushing element claiming". I made the initial post about element claiming, said that if a majority of others thought it was a good idea, we should do it, and later agreed that if we do it, not now. If you count listing the pros and cons about it, then quite frankly, that's stupid. That's not pushing for an element claim, that's discussing pros and cons.

Rein also thought it was a good idea to claim elements. Mancer, you said it could help trip up scum and agreed to claim if a majority thought it was a good idea. SB accused you of pushing element claiming before Slayer accused me. I don't think you really know what you're talking about, parroting over and over that I pushed element claiming. Show me the proof. It was about two hours that I discussed element claiming, not the entire day.

Now, as for thoughts on the day.

1. I believe Elie with the claim of hooked, I'm just worried about the fact that someone wants Slayer to live.

2. What's the big deal with Eclipse claiming she knows who the alignment cop is and doesn't want to out him?

3. I'm not sure what to think of Kay. She thought we should switch from the Shinori vote, but so did I, as well as a few others. Her posts aren't really screaming scum to me, but I'm not getting a strong town feeling coming from her, either. In other words, it's a null read, not a scum read.

4. Mancer needs to stop telling people what to do and pushing his reads without supporting them. I wish I didn't believe he's town playing horribly. But his "Boron, why so mean" thing just... he's almost playing the victim (which, ironically, is what he accused Boron of doing)

5. Eclipse is reading town to me. Some of her posts are slightly odd, but for the most part, I'm just seeing a good scumhunter.

6. Psych is just... weird. I'm thinking possible third party, maybe scum? Either way, there need to be more posts soon.

##vote: Psych

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SB, you haven't posted yet this phase. Thoughts on Marth (has your opinion of him changed?) and what reads you got from the Shinori lynch.

Kay, why do you think that Elie might still be scum after the vig claim? When you stopped voting him, you didn't really say anything about it, which is kinda weird. If it was because the vig claim was so obvtown that you didn't want to lynch it, why are you still slightly suspicious of him? Otherwise if you were still kinda iffy on Elie even after the claim but didn't want to lynch him right then, then why not say something about it there?

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