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Avatar the Last Airbender Mafia: D4ends 5/2 at 9:30 PM EST


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Yeah, I apologize for arguing back with Mancer and making things worse. I took his accusations on me really personally because he was portraying me as a terrible person who can't do anything but make personal attacks. And that's the thing that hurt. It was because his statements made it sound as if I was a terrible PERSON, not PLAYER, and what am I supposed to think when he says that I'm being hostile in EVERY POST I make and that EVERY POST is making jabs at him when I'm not? The fact that he was too stubborn to even consider how he was affecting me irritated me more. And the reason I took this so personally is because we've been so close outside of mafia it really hurt he was calling me a terrible person.

As for the Cam thing, I apologize for that too. But in all fairness, he approached me first about the game and after I said, "you're a sub I can't tell you" said that he didn't want to sub in.

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Yeah, I realized like 5 seconds after my first post that I'd made it super obvious I was the Cop, which was why I tried covering my tracks and giving more reasons for it retroactively. IIRC my first reaction upon seeing the cop claim was to message Paperblade on IRC saying "gg I'm dying night 1 again". The reason I didn't want to claim was more because I was afraid of getting hooked/kidnapped for the rest of the game than actually dying (since I would have been Doc target at that point).

Also, giving mafia a town Hooker fake when they have a scum Hooker isn't that great. It forces them to either discard the fake or not target outed PRs. Additionally, personally, if I'd been the Nexus, I would have been super suspicious of a PGO claim because Nexus + PGO together borders on bastard (not really but it's a terribly lame combination).

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Early D2 I was thinking the Boron/Mancer thing was a double bus, due to a variation on Poe's law.

Dude, I know that Mancer and I were scum team in Pokemon Adventures, but come on ;/

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I had fun with this! One thing I didn't do that I should've was taken notes (there were a couple points in time where I had to look back on my previous posts to remember what I thought of people before...) but other than that I had a good time. I did like the role a lot.

Also my COOL BREADCRUMB was the first letter of my first 12 posts spelling out "I am the Avatar" since I wanted to do it so much since my silliness in Void. This made me start a few posts in ways I definitely wouldn't normally but I suppose I don't have a super distinctive posting style so it didn't mean anything, I guess.

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BBM: Even in postgame you're stealing what I want to say ;). The fact the block was used with scum intent made my fake nearly untenable. Using my role in such a way I could conceivably fakeclaim directly led to me getting scanned by the cop.


1. Your responses to Mancer seemed a bit wooden to me, which I guess was you trying to stay calm. No offense intended to you.

2. You know when you see somebody spouting crazy extreme opinions and you think to yourself "I hope he's just joking because somebody who sincerely thinks that makes me sad" ? That's what I thought of Mancer. Especially since I know you two are good friends.

Edited by Baldrick
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Also my COOL BREADCRUMB was the first letter of my first 12 posts spelling out "I am the Avatar" since I wanted to do it so much since my silliness in Void. This made me start a few posts in ways I definitely wouldn't normally but I suppose I don't have a super distinctive posting style so it didn't mean anything, I guess.

I looked back in your ISO and just realized this haha.

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In addition, if you've already basically thrown the town hook claim out the window (there's not really a good way to claim town hook after you've blocked the vig targeting claimed third party... even blaming that on kdanger wouldn't have worked I don't think), and you think you know who the cop is, block the cop.

I talked about why I didn't block him in my earlier post.

Yes, I messed up who was godfather, and I am truely sorry for that. But, it was a mistake. Those happen. That didn't completely screw your team over, and you shouldn't have given up like that.

1. At first I thought that the mistake was you telling me I was godfather, and that Marth was always meant to be godfather, which is bad enough, but... whoa. What is it with you and letting town!BBM in on the mafia's secrets?

2. We were already in a bad way with Shinori's death, but being cleared by the obvtown cop would have put me in a very strong position. When you take into account positive feedback sapping the mafia's morale and power, which I learnt about the hard way in Awakening... yeah, I would say it did screw us over.

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Oh lol BBM remember Marth's CC to me in [fuck what was it called] mafia? You pretty much said the exact thing Marth said when he CC'd me claiming Doc

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Oh, it's over!

Looking at the sheet, I think the mafia is slightly underpowered. I would've changed the janitor to one-time jan/one-time hitman, given the amount of protection the town has, and giving the ninja something more than just ninja (otherwise you're guaranteeing that someone idles every night).

I used my ability on Slayer N1 because I wasn't sure what kind of redirection Psych was subject to. The absolute worst-case scenario would've been mafia driver; had I used my safeguard on Elieson, the mafia could off him safely without worrying about a doc on him, and they could then drive Slayer with another townie and pick up a second kill. Once I figured out that Blitz was a martyr, I decided that hitting Elieson would be my best bet. Having a martyr outprioritize a safeguard doesn't really make sense in my mind, but that's a minor detail. Overall, that was interesting. Thanks~!

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Again I'm really sorry for forfeiting but I basically didn't care after D2 (or sometime in D2) and I really was sick before that and I got swarmed with study work, my bad. (I even asked scorri to make me mafia just cuz I never had been mafia for a long time)

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scorri: yes but the point is he was a useful role, and lying about being vamiller. I saw people trashing my target choice as "mancer grudge" (seriously I haven't done that for like 4 games I'll never live it down) in the mafia Skype.

Sorry about this, but the fact we literally never got to talk before you died kind of meant I had no idea what you were doing/thinking, and Mancer had claimed to have no night action.

Sorry to scorri/FTP/anyone else who's mad as well.

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Baldrick: I had two sets of notes. One of them had intended Marth to be the godfather and that's the one I was working off of for night actions.

And no. I didn't screw you over. If, say, Shinori hadn't gotten lynched N1 or you guys hadn't blocked the vig who was shooting the ITP and as such had a better fake, or blocked the person that your whole team thought was the cop or killed the person your entire team thought was the cop, or x number of other things, you might not have lost. I did one unfortunate thing that would have made it slightly harder for you guys. So don't even think about saying that I screwed you guys over because I didn't. You went against the team decision with your action. Maybe you shouldn't have. But you know what, how about this? You go host some games and if you manage to do it perfectly without making any mistakes, come talk to me then. But until then? Screw you, leave me alone.

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I don't think scorri screwed us over too badly, we were doing a pretty good job of it ourselves (also I didn't realize BBM was cop because I was an idiot but gut told me to block him anyway.) Vig blocking was to keep another non-town alive and to prevent Eli from proving his role. Really we needed better communication since there were whole days where practically nobody talked to each other and I just ended up deciding on night actions alone.

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