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Avatar the Last Airbender Mafia: D4ends 5/2 at 9:30 PM EST


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Blitz brings up some good points about Slayer's claim, though I'm not sure it was stated anywhere that everyone has to be a bender.

Slayer's attempt at scumhunting was kinda lackluster. Though I don't disagree with what he said about Shinori, it's also a pretty easy vote.

It is also officially not the weekend in Kay time, so hopefully she can come and post soon.

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A few points before I go to sleep:

Mancer, you also pointed out the same potential slip with Rein that I did, so how can you then go and say my list is useless? I came in 180 posts in, of course there's some repeat thoughts. (And yes it's my fault for being so late, or my real life's fault, whatever. I'm here now.) And at the end of my post I gave my current scumreads from strongest to weakest; if I vote for anyone other than "next on the list" I'll be sure to tell you why that's changed.

BBM/kdanger: yeah, I know it's little to go on, but I disagree with Psych on 3 reads (he thought BBM and Eclipse were scummy, I thought Elieson was scummy), which feels like a lot. I'm not calling Psych scum, I'm just saying I'm suspicious because of that, and I'm choosing to share that.

Sangyul: No, nothing to go on other than saying "fire nation" instead of "fire", really. The other point (about claiming without character name) wasn't even really a scummy thing, I just didn't understand it. Yes, the FN/"fire" thing might be small, maybe too small to count, but it's a slip that mafia might make.

Eclipse (and everyone in general): maybe it's because I'm new here, but I don't understand why you're discounting flavor. Everyone seems to have a low opinion of hunting based on flavor; it seems to me that flavor is both part of the game and a way in which mafia slips up. So if anyone can explain to me why hunting based on flavor is bad, that'd be great. And yeah, I call people on wording shenanigans. Maybe that's because most of the mafia I've played has been vanilla, in-person games where you have to think on your feet and wording is spur-of-the-moment and prone to mistakes.

Elieson: I voted for you because you were acting scummy for more than half the thread, and then other people's arguments to that effect agreed with what I was already thinking. You can call that "lazy" and "unoriginal", or claim that I'm lying, but you're scrambling. Everyone else had already pointed out in great detail why you were acting scummy, so why should I? Sure, it's jumping on the bandwagon, but if it's either the wagon or getting it wrong, I'll take the wagon.

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Psych you can still make a post you know.

And I was 100% serious on my claim, in case anyone missed it.

Why did you feel the need to restate your seriousness on your claim? ;/

Mancer, element claiming is a bad idea, I think this is what we've decided on. Why are you still pushing it? Those coloured charts are a nice way to fake contributions without really doing anything, your Boron vote is weak and you've been calling out for claims too much.


##Vote: Mancer

Also element cop+alignment cop seems kind of redundant, don't you think?

Felt like this vote was kind of sheepish to all of the stuff that was happening. Also all of the stuff that is happening around mancer again is setting me off. This happens most games and because of it I never know how to read Mancer. At the moment I'm gonna say he's more likely town.

If your character is indeed Roku, claiming it this early could draw too much attention from scum, which is why I think it's unlikely for such an important character to be claimed so carelessly.

Imagine if you were Katara Doctor or Aang Vig, where your character is definitely important, you wouldn't carelessly claim it, would you?

Roku is quite an important character which makes me think that one wouldn't carelessly claim it on D1. Especially when your only intention was to element claim alone.

Bolded part seems really weird to me though. Why would it draw attention from scum? It doesn't mean that he has a power role or anything.

I said that it's a possibility that anti-town have an element-related role. That's it. That possibility, combined with the fact that element != alignment, is what I was trying to use to show why element claiming might not be a good idea. Also, if I were scum and we did indeed have an element-related role, why would I be discouraging element claiming? I would be encouraging it, because it'd help scum out.

Also, considering half of that post complains how nobody is doing anything other than flavourhunting, why does your vote against me relate to that?

Additionally, I don't like what you said wrt Mancer. You don't think he's scummy, but you'd be up to lynching him just to clear the thread of confusion? That's the sort of shitty logic that led to town lynching him in Folgore Rangers after he claimed Doctor. There's ED1 logic, and then there's bad logic.

Why is there so much role spec in this game so far? It is really skewing any sort of reads I have because mostly all of the stuff I have read has involved role spec. However I like his points against Elie(I think he was making the points against elie anyway.)

Meanwhile Shinori is now pinging my radar. He's actively posting surgical discharge (nothing) when the game hasn't even been on for 12 hours.

I really dislike this largely because he seems to be trying to make me look worse than I actually was. Two posts can hardly be called active.

I stopped reading at about half way through page 7. So I'm gonna continue reading stuff at the moment since I'm not busy(Aka not in a game or playing any other games at the moment)

That being said ##Unvote:

My vote on BBM is not anything serious cause lolrvs. Anyway. I'm gonna wait till I can read the last few pages before I drop another but at this point in time it looks like I'm gonna vote Elie.

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Here's my problem with flavor: It doesn't say much about alignment, and scorri has offered to write fake role PMs. This means that we're barking up a tree, trying to find something that's even harder to prove than night actions. This is D1, and the only role PM I have to go off of is my own; thus, attempting to scumhunt with no other flipped PMs is even more nonsensical. I'd be wary of it even further into the game, as it focuses less on in-thread/night actions and more on something that the host wrote to make reading role PMs interesting.

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You can't really do anything to call bullshit on it since I'd have no reason to lie at this point.

Also, I'm not allowed to claim my exact numbers, but there are more than 3 mafia in this game and less than 5.

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You can't really do anything to call bullshit on it since I'd have no reason to lie at this point.

Sure you do, you could be trying to have town waste their lynch on a third party simply because one of your scum buddies is being threatened and you are trying to save them from a demise because you want to use their ability atleast once. This is only one theory out of many if you are actually mafia.

Also, why did you not try tom lynch me before. Acording to your role there is no third parties, why would you not try and ush for my lynch without outing yoursefl?

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Was assuming you'd just get dayvigged. Also, CCing you would basically put all discussion into deadlock.

How does this plan benefit scum!me when it would just lead to my lynch the next day when you flip survivor? There would be a lot more subtle ways to push for your lynch.

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Sure you do, you could be trying to have town waste their lynch on a third party simply because one of your scum buddies is being threatened and you are trying to save them from a demise because you want to use their ability atleast once. This is only one theory out of many if you are actually mafia.

If you do get lynched and you flip third party, that means that Prims lied and he's going next. I can't think of any logical reason why he would claim numbers as scum to get a third party survivor lynched.

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Why wouldn't prims do it before? He said it himself, even if i he was expecting a day vig, why would he out himself rather than pushing for my lynch in a more subtle way like he suggest can be done?

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yeah whatever not actually numbers


##Vote: Elieson

basically think scum!slayer would have ragequit just now going by sfmm2. between this and his attitude generally seeming more like a survivor going "whatever just let me coast i'll do anything" and the fact that scum should've asked for safeclaims and known the name of the town prior to today i buy him being neutral. i don't wanna waste a lynch on him yet, vig is still viable though if we don't trust him and he's definitely dying if there are kills after we seem to have eradicated all scum

BUT i guess i could be biased so i only did this to confirm / deny my own suspicions so think whatever!!
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Btw. Slayer has made exactly 2 slips now.

You said you were a Cabbage Vendor and was not a Bender? Basically, that would mean you should not have an Element (Earth that you claimed).

But you do and should have an Element and hence should be a Bender and not a non-Bender. The rules stated that everyone has an Element too.


##Vote: SlayerX Do you have a good explanation for everything?

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Mancer, what the hell. No, seriously. I'm pretty sure that my character isn't a Bender, (the wiki's kinda confusing), and I've got an element.

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I think I jumped on that a little too hard.

I'm assuming that your element is more of which country/nation you're from then? I need to look at the Cabbage Seller's Wiki data now.


##Vote: Elieson reverting to this.

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Can we stop suspecting people based solely on flavorspec? Unless someone screws up REALLY hard on their flavor to the point where it can only be explained as a scumslip, I don't think this line of reasoning is productive at all.

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lol, I love seeing Mancer jump around

anyways, guys, BAD NEWS

there will be two strikes in a row and hoping my math is correct, I won't be around for the rest of the day entirely and following night phases

ah, right Mancer, thing is, that was just something I pulled out to get Slayer to get shaken up, I myself am NOT a bender and have an element and I must say, this trick won't have any further use cause even if he is fake claiming, which I think he most likely is, he has also most likely had a long enough convo with the mod to know it is possible for non benders,

and this post of Prims compiles my thoughts nicely

was trying to fool literally zero people who weren't slayer

also, lol Prims, I was expecting you to day vig instead

also, Slayer, I hope you will be scum hunting with us to prove your usefulness to town


##Vote: Boron

what are your thoughts?

on another note, Psych is.............Psych (only that is what can describe him)

he is what he is, so don't take him too seriously unless he is actually playing seriously, he mostly plays just to troll

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