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Avatar the Last Airbender Mafia: D4ends 5/2 at 9:30 PM EST


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In addition, due to the fact that you are viewed as a trusted member of King Kuei’s court, no one will be able to believe that you are truly allied with the Fire Nation. Therefore, if you are ever inspected, you will show up as a member of Team Avatar.

I call hax.

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Oh yeah, reasons for the Boron townread: She just reads tonally town to me and Shinori's fake clear on her makes me inclined to believe that she's town, since Shinori was sacrificing himself at that point to try to draw out the Cop CC. I don't think he'd tie himself to her that way, but eh.

>_> Did Scorri make a mistake or is Baldrick just trying to mess with us? Either way, not sure that quoting parts of your role PM is allowed...

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OK so for the second time in two games the moderator fucked up my role PM. Joy. BBM, I'm hurt that you think I'd try to mess with your head.

Your first mistake was not lynching me immediately as soon as I subbed in, given that a scum died N1. That always happens when I'm scum.

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Dear kdanger, you are Long Feng, mafia Roleblocker.


You are the leader of the Dai Li. You were the main advisor to the king of the Earth Kingdom, and were able to use him as a figurehead while secretly ruling the city yourself. Using brainwashing techniques, you were able to hide the existence of the war going on outside of the city. When Aang arrived in your city, you kidnapped Appa to try and use him as leverage to prevent Aang from disrupting the power you had established over the city. However, this failed and you were imprisoned. Eventually, you decided to try and partner with the Fire nation to take over Ba Sing Se and had the Dai Li who were still loyal to you contanct Azula. You had planned on being the ruler of the city, however you were quickly made to understand that you would be serving Azula and her friends instead.

Every night, you may reply to this role PM with Night X: <player>, the Earth King has invited you to Lake Laogai. <player> will immediately fall into a trance and forget whatever they were going to do that night. You may also talk with the rest of the Fire Nation in this quicktopic.

You are allied with the Fire Nation and win when all threats are eliminated. Your element is Earth.

Phase is ending now, Baldrick is modkilled, it's now N3, which will end on 4/29 at 9 PM EST.

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:(: Bad luck, dude. Scorri also told me right now that there was a mistake made with notes or something, but she said my results were fine. Guessing Baldrick got told he was the GF when he isn't actually?

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Blah, you all suck. I wasn't aware survivor now had to kept himself hidden completely. Oh well. Also, I finally had internet but i guess its for the best since I'm not going to be on during tuesday at all.

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In the morning, you rush out to the center of the town, hoping against hope that everyone will be alive. Instead, you find the town center frozen over with giant pillars of ice randomly strewn about. In the middle, you find BBM, dead, with the following role PM:

Dear BBM, you are Pakku, town Alliance Cop.


You are the waterbending master of the Northern Water Tribe. You instruct the young men of the village in the art of waterbending. However, you refuse to teach women as tradition stated it was their place to learn healing, not the combative style of waterbending that you teach. Thus, when Aang and his friends arrived, you agreed to be Aang’s waterbending master, but refused to also teach Katara. She eventually challenged you to a duel where, although you beat her, you saw the great skill that she had. However, it was not until you discovered that she was the granddaughter of your former fiancee that you realized your stubbornness that had cost you your future wife in the past was about to cause you to lose a valuable student. In the end, you consented to teach both Aang and Katara the skill of water bending.

Every night, you may reply to this role PM with Night X: Trap <player> in ice. You will surround <player> with spikes of ice and be able to interrogate them. You will thus be able to find out their alliance.

You are aligned with Team Avatar and you win when all threats are eliminated. Your element is Water.

It is now D4. D4 will end 5/2 at 9:30 PM EST.

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I can't say I didn't expect that, ugh. Since Psych flipped bodyguard and Blitz flipped martyr and BBM is dead, I'm assuming that we don't have an actual doctor.

##Vote: Marth

He hasn't been really contributing to the game, nor has he been memorable. And I haven't seen anything in his content that makes me believe he's more likely to be town over mafia.

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(And because I couldn't do it last phase)


Ok I got PC access, real post clming in a minute

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:facepalm: ok I'm behind. And I probably should've put this in my first post there. But I'm chilling here.

Does the OP say BBM is dead yet?

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According to the title, we're two days in the past, but eh.

Also, I derped yesterday due to some action chains - Blitz either pulled the kill off of Elie or was shot outright.

Now, just to make sure the disorganized mess of D2 does not repeat:

##Vote: Marth

Didn't care for his D1, and his last significant post came early D2. Would like to hear a LOT more from him.

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God damn I'm getting blah reads on most EVERYONE. I sorta almost hav a case on Grass but I don't really think it makes sense in context (in ISO it kinda makes sense).

TBH I feel sheepish but Marth I don't have much of a positive opinion on.

Also I'm beginning to question our PGO/Miller. Call me paranoid but I'm fearing one of them is faking.

Also also eclipse I did target Slayer the other night obviously.

Also also also :facepalm: because this means something now, and [dead] BBM, I got a message (only I think I know who it's from, and considering I got it, it's not Prims duh).

Courier exists, and it seems like a player who could swing either way (since that role isn't indicative of alignment dur)

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Elie, I agree with you about PGO/Miller, I think. Haven't heard much from SB, although his D2 action was voting for FtP and consistently calling Kiryn/Baldrick scummy.

I'm more suspicious of Mancer: if he somehow knew he was targeted N0, he'd make the miller claim immediately, and his play has been so erratic and aggressive.

I'm still incredibly "eh" on the Marth lynch since it's based on inactivity.

Elie (again): wanna give me anything to respond to there? If there's a case against me I'd like to hear it, I guess, so I can respond/explain.

##Vote Mancer my belief in your miller claim has been gradually eroding the whole game.

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SB's posts are pretty good when he makes them, IMO. Mancer's hard to read because he always acts scummy, but I think he's a little bit more likely to be town this time.

##Vote: Fear the Pika despite originally thinking he wasn't that bad because him and Marth look most suspicious to me, and with Marth getting so many votes for general lameness compared to the other people who are somewhat inactive, I figure the mafia might have been attempting to push a mislynch on him.

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Well... day 3 sure happened. I'd say there's still a chance for there to be a doc despite the BBM kill - I can see scum having a strongman kill with all of the protection they have to get through. On the PGO/Miller point, there's already been Bodyguard+Martyr redundancy. It's not impossible for that to apply here too.

@Grass, I didn't vote Kiryn/Baldrick because they barely existed, and to give Baldrick a chance to get orientated.

Also I don't really get your Mancer point about the Miller claim eroding the game. It's... possible he knew he was scanned night 0 although it's highly unlikely - scum would need a Voyeur for that, and that's not too common a role.

Well, my old reasoning for this thing still stands, get back in here. I think Marth's only living scumread is Mancer (from glancing back over his ISO, I really don't remember him at all.)

##Vote: Marth

Would be happy lynching FTP otherwise for reasons given on Day 2.

Not comfortable with a Mancer lynch based on Baldrick's interactions with him.

Kay's last post gives me kind of weird vibes with Marth getting "so many votes", when so far he's had 2. Also the only non confirmed vote on Marth at the time was Boron, and she reads pretty town to me right now.

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Kay's last post gives me kind of weird vibes with Marth getting "so many votes", when so far he's had 2. Also the only non confirmed vote on Marth at the time was Boron, and she reads pretty town to me right now.

No, I didn't mean this phase. I mean over the course of the entire game.

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I claim godfather ninja(scorri fucked up on the godfather part) and Sb's mafia janitor sorry if this sounds defeatist but I can't see any reason to play on I guess? : (

Yeah, game over, Town wins (YES SLAYER JOIN USSSSSSSS)

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