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Stupid things you've heard people say


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That's hardly standard fair for high school, at least as far as I can tell. Only basic organic chemistry really gets taught in high school. I mean, for the AP you don't even have to know what an Ethyne molecule is.

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Well, it looks like our token 15-y/o Stoly knows what's happening, and I also knew what cis- and trans- isomers were as a mediocre chemistry student at age 15. But OK, I will grant that gen chem knowledge isn't always that essential or practical.

Edited by Redwall
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"there's no such thing as a white tiger"

Dude, I get what you're saying but that's actually true as far as I can spin it (maybe).

According to "A White Horse is Not a Horse," (or at least fragments of those famed series of arguments passed on to me today) that which excludes is not that which does not exclude. Syberian tigers are white but also black or grey - you can't accurately describe them as white alone. In conclusion, do not tweak the tiger's whiskers because that's like taking medicine you don't need.

(Inb4 albino tigers which pretty much lack stripes)

Why am I even typing this

As for chemistry I basically know...

-the pH scale.

-vaguely what protons neutrons and electrons are

-A bit about reading chemical formulae

-how to read bonds and stuff

-the metric and american system (if those two aren't the same)

-And I KNOW that there's no such thing as a hundreth of a penny.

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Well, it looks like our token 15-y/o Stoly knows what's happening, and I also knew what cis- and trans- isomers were as a mediocre chemistry student at age 15. But OK, I will grant that gen chem knowledge isn't always that essential or practical.

this is 'MURICA, we don't care about no EDUCATION :smug:

....my AP chem class was the best science class, stupid physics teacher put everyone to sleep though lol

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"Canada is American"

Don't know the context of this one, but it's technically true. Canada is part of the North American continent, thus could justifiably be considered "American." Many South American countries also consider themselves "American." That's part of the reason I got in the habit of referring to America as the US or "The States". Technically, "America" refers to the combined North and South American continents.

Don't know if it's been posted yet, but who can forget about this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lj3iNxZ8Dww

She's never going to live that down.

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  • 2 weeks later...

"He's an American, therefore he's a millionairre."

I've heard this one alot here.

Well other parts of the world definitely dont know what it's like in America but we are still living the good life here

"Thor is a Greek God right?"

im guilty of this

stupid quotes are people in here bein all :smug: about stupid stuff they've heard

only really stupid things i've heard this year were actual like "where the hell did that come from" statements from my professor

"i have a pig calendar in my office to piss off all muslims and jews that come in"

"would a cross work on a muslim or jewish vampire"

professor asks student when a homework was due on the day it was due, and the professor once emailed me at 5am sunday morning (he's an atheist so he doesn't have to wake up for church or anything) asking me what notes he was supposed to send out that weekend smh

i also told my cousin once that i spoke "Pakistani", and i was like at least 16 when i said that so i wasn't some 4 year old

Edited by Lord Raven
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I hate it when people say "could care less." It means pretty much the opposite of what they're trying to say.

That's kinda like complaining about people who say something is "cool" when it isn't actually cool temperature-wise.

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I don't see how you could compare the two like that.

A person says "could care less" when they actually usually mean to say "couldn't care less." It's a mistake.

People say "cool" because for as long as I've lived, it can mean the temperature is low, and many other things too.

So no, they aren't even kind of like each other.

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I don't see how you could compare the two like that.

A person says "could care less" when they actually usually mean to say "couldn't care less." It's a mistake.

People say "cool" because for as long as I've lived, it can mean the temperature is low, and many other things too.

So no, they aren't even kind of like each other.

That's the thing about language though. It evolves over time based on how people use it. Right now, "cool" means both temperature and also it means something's cool. If we were to go back 100 years, would "cool" still mean both? Probably not. It developed an alternate meaning over time because that's how people started using it. It's the same thing with "could care less." If we want to be strictly literal, yeah, it's incorrect. As many people who use it that way, and as many people who recognize what they're saying when they do use it like that, I'd say it has become a correct way of expressing indifference. Another great example from "Back to the Future III"

"Wow, Frisbee! Far out!"

"What was the meaning of that?"

"I know, it was right in front of him."

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I'd agree that language does indeed change over time, but "could care less" is directly the opposite of the sentiment that they're trying to express, it just seems like a grammatical error.

I personally prefer "giving a fuck" as a figurative parallel (parallel figurative? whatever). "You don't give a fuck? Well, you can be as chaste as you please, but I don't see what that has to do with anything 8o"

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That's the thing about language though. It evolves over time based on how people use it. Right now, "cool" means both temperature and also it means something's cool. If we were to go back 100 years, would "cool" still mean both? Probably not. It developed an alternate meaning over time because that's how people started using it. It's the same thing with "could care less." If we want to be strictly literal, yeah, it's incorrect. As many people who use it that way, and as many people who recognize what they're saying when they do use it like that, I'd say it has become a correct way of expressing indifference. Another great example from "Back to the Future III"

"Wow, Frisbee! Far out!"

"What was the meaning of that?"

"I know, it was right in front of him."

Yes, I'm not disagreeing with you there. But what I do disagree with is that different uses of "cool" are like using "could/n't care less" in the right or wrong way.

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That's kinda like complaining about people who say something is "cool" when it isn't actually cool temperature-wise.

I'm starting to feel like a lot of people say "that's cool" when they don't really feel a personal interest in something, but want to indicate that they more or less accept that it is the kind of thing people might be interested in.

I personally prefer "giving a fuck" as a figurative parallel (parallel figurative? whatever). "You don't give a fuck? Well, you can be as chaste as you please, but I don't see what that has to do with anything 8o"

Exactly, I wish someday I could tell someone "alright go ahead" in response to "fuck you" someday but I don't think I'll get to.

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I'd agree that language does indeed change over time, but "could care less" is directly the opposite of the sentiment that they're trying to express, it just seems like a grammatical error.

Yeah, but it's an idiom. It's not supposed to make logical sense. You could almost say people could care less if it did trololololo

I personally prefer "giving a fuck" as a figurative parallel (parallel figurative? whatever). "You don't give a fuck? Well, you can be as chaste as you please, but I don't see what that has to do with anything 8o"

Here here. Can we make this an official grammatical rule in major English dialects? Or at least make it where autocorrect/autospell changes both "could" and "couldn't care less" in to "don't give a fuck?" Edited by Sheik
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I don't see how you could compare the two like that.

A person says "could care less" when they actually usually mean to say "couldn't care less." It's a mistake.

People say "cool" because for as long as I've lived, it can mean the temperature is low, and many other things too.

So no, they aren't even kind of like each other.

They are, but not in the same way that Sheik is saying. The phrase "I could care less" evolved because of the extra difficulty and time it takes to add the "n't" at the end of "could". The meaning of the term is generally still understood despite the lack of its use. It's grammatically wrong when analyzed piece by piece but when said together people will still understand what is being said.

I suppose it's somewhat like nuclear being said as "noo-kyoo-luhr" instead of "noo-klee-uhr". The former is absolutely incorrect, but is stated often, particularly in southern speech, and its meaning is understood despite that.

Edited by Esau of Isaac
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