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Rate the unit day 20: Nowi


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-Access to troubadour and Pegasus Knight

-Very good Support options

-Perfect avaibility


-dies quickly

-Staff locked

Score: 8.0 and 8.5 with bias

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-Has galeforce

-useful earlygame healing

-good availability

-Most importantly, has galeforce


-who gives a shit, she has galeforce

-well, shitty speed and durability is lame

7/10, but because she has galeforce, bias score is 8/10

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Demise did you seriously just make that joke that joke? Besides we all know that Endgame's real waifu is Emmeryn.

I'll give her a 6/10 for having a unique utility for around 6 Chapters and still having some use beyond that even if she is outclassed by Maribelle...

Yeah 6/10 seems right.

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Early healer who can promote to sage for occasional combat help. LV5 sage lets her support our Tome users with rally MAG. Eventually can reclass to Dark flyer or Falcon knight depending on what you want/need.


Edited by Hawk King
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I haven't used Lissa for long, but I think I can rate her.

Lissa is basically your early game healer and those are always great to have. Her bases suck and she can't attack, but no one can hold that against her since staff utility is always nice to have. Rescue use is great too even though Lissa doesn't have the magic to make the most use of it early game.

The problem with Lissa is that this game has decided to trow two extremely good prepromotes with staff utility at you very early in the game. Libra (and Anna though in my opinion to a lesser extend.) join when Lissa probably hasn't promoted yet and those two will beat her combat forever and can heal just as well as her.


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Stat Rating: 6/10 Her stats aren't awful, but they're not exactly great, either. It's nice that she levels faster than most healers from other games, but she'll never be the best.

Class Rating: 5/10 Healers are what you'd expect, but Clerics are far from the best of that type (as nice as Healtouch is). She wants to go War Cleric for Renewal, but that strength is sad, and Bolt Axes aren't exactly the most available things in the game.

Weapon (utility) Rating: 8/10 Having a unit restore their HP without taking a turn to do so is great, but Rescue is forbidden more than I'd like. The number of Physic/Catharsis/Hammerne/Fortify staves you can get is great, though. Promoting helps her fend for herself, but there's no reason for her to become a main combat unit.

Class Set Rating: 7/10 Galeforce is great and all, but it's not like she'll be making the most use of it.

Availability Rating: 10/10 She's around from the start, at least.

Support Rating: 7.5/10 She has an average support list. It's nice that she's one of the few units Chrom supports, though, so +.5 on that front.

Hm, I'm not sure how I'm going to balance Class and Weapon rating for utility on everyone... Eh, I'll work something out by the end.

Anyway, that leaves her with 7.25. Biasing this down to 7.2 because FROGS. Though this really seems kinda high for her when Maribelle and Libra are arguably better units, I know we're not supposed to be doing relative scores. So there you go.

Edited by 47948201
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+ Only healer for the first few chapters

+ High magic stat

+ Pretty good reclass options and skills

- Slow to level up, but staves give more EXP than we're used to

- No combat until at least ten levels

- Defense is not so good

6.5/10 because she makes for a very good Sage in the end but it takes a lot of training to get there

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+ Only healer for the first few chapters

+ High magic stat

+ Pretty good reclass options and skills

- Slow to level up, but staves give more EXP than we're used to

- No combat until at least ten levels

- Defense is not so good

This pretty much nails the pros and cons imo.


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+ Heals during the beginning, when the characters are the weakest. Pretty much essential for the first few maps if you choose not to use Fred.

+ None of her reclass options are really bad

- Bases suck

- No combat for 10 levels

- A pain to level when playing at higher speeds

I'll give her a 4/10 with 1 point of bias because I like her character.


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Everybody need a healing, very useful in early chapters

Pretty good growth (at least she's RNG-blessed in my files), especially that MAG


Owain's Mom


No combat until promoted

Hard to level up (must rely on Rescue staves)

Weak and need protection, even after a lot of reclassing

Pretty much about 7/10

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Only good healer until you get Libra.

Can be a very good Sage.

With a bolt axe she can be a good Battle Cleric.


Poor durability.

No combat for awhile.

Final score: 6.5/10

Edited by Zelos
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Lissa's a healer in a game that doesn't really need healing. I tend to use her more as a +mag bot rather than as a unit anyway. She's not bad to have around but on Hard she isn't really needed that much.


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As mentioned, Awakening is a bit tough on healers. Concoctions aren't as OP as in FE10, but they're still good for midgame. Healers don't really get along with Pair Up, since it seems like a huge waste to pair up someone with your healer but not doing so means their durability is even worse and they can't be exposed to much of anything. Also, since you're able to switch out someone who's wounded, healing isn't as urgent, and is even borderline unnecessary for short chapters.

Still, being your only healer earlygame and your best one until Libra joins isn't too bad. She's also a solid Sage once she promotes, although the era where she's unpromoted but Libra and Anna are is pretty rough for her.

Unbiased - 7/10

Biased - 8/10 because she's my waifu

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She's pretty bad.

Lissa joins in Prologue and has perfect availability much like Avatar and Chrom. Sadly, she isn't doing too hot.

Her bases stats are freaking AWFUL and her growths are all shaky if the site is to be believed. She can heal your allies with a staff, but since you get so many OP units in this game since the beginning, the amount of healing needed will be minimal. And something to note against healers in this game is, that enemy phase action is very valuable in this game, so a vulnerary in player phase is not as big a cost as it would be in some other Fire Emblems. She's got early rescue utility and that's about it. Her uses are very limited and she's not really a good longterm unit. It doesn't help that she's outclassed in the future by Anna and Libra.


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Time for my .02s


+High magic modifiers

+High luck growths

+Makes for a very good Dark Flier (not because of Galeforce)


+ Dual Support bonuses thanks to Valkyrie skill


-Redundant class options (Cleric and Trobadour)

-Hard to level up, don't really need healers when you have self healing skills and pair-up

-Lack of offensive skills

-Outclassed by Libra and Anna until master seals become available

Overall (7/10)

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In my opinion, early game makes Lissa a necessary unit in any difficulty over hard mode-- and with the amount of damage units take, you'll end up having no problem leveling her... even without rescue staves. She not only has a high magic cap but she also gives a good sized magic boost when paired up. Pairing up the cleric is sub-optimal as stated previously, but a necessary evil since her defense and speed make her an easy target for every enemy including their mothers. She doesn't have combat capacity until promotion which is the major flaw of her character. She, when starting out, isn't the best unit for what she does... she's the ONLY unit for what she does which forces the player to bear with it until Libra and Anna become options. She does, however, become much more powerful when you actually do get around to capping her.


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her bases are horrible and staves are pretty useless as a whole in fe13. Her reclass options are pretty bad too, war cleric and pegasus knight are pretty horrible for her. could be worse i guess.


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If this was Lunatic she could get a higher score, but alas.

Healing just isn't very useful in Hard. Rescue is the only really worthwhile staff, but she's in just about the worst position for that out of the base Staff users. She doesn't have much combat potential, either. Still, perfect availability, and healing is worth having around at times.


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Lissa serves a purpose, but not much of one. She's your basic healer and she is frail when you get her. She is only truly useful until you get maribelle. Useful meaning your only source of healing except vulnerary/elixirs

6/10 no bias included

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And here's where it gets more difficult.

Lissa. Oh, Lissa.

She's an essential healer in the prologue, at least. Then, at least on Hard mode, it is possible to do without her. And of Lunatic, it is very hard to use her without someone else getting killed during Chapter 2.

Her growth rates are... so-so. She has a major speed problem that always shows its ugly face when I use her, and she is usually quite confused about what it is she's supposed to be getting, as I've often had her have a higher Str than Mag. Her stats are frankly all over the place. In my experience, she is a hard unit to use effectively. My recruitment of Owain has always suffered because of it.

Miracle access, Galeforce access is a big plus. But she is really not very fast and hard to use a combat unit unless ground into dust. Her Troubador access is frankly redundant.

I know this isn't to be included in the ratings, but Maribelle, in my experience, is always a consistently better healer in just about every area but Str/Defense. So, every area that matters in being a healer and a magical tank.

And, while I won't include this in my rating, I do not like her personality. I have tried, very very hard to like Lissa, but it is all in vain. The more I support her to find out more about her, the more I dislike.

Overall: 4/10

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+Earlygame healer

+Magic Pair-up bot

+Rescue use


-Healing is not very valuable

-Rescue range is really small

-Terrible combat stats, making reclassing rather worthless.

-No swimsuit in Summer Scramble DLC ;-;

Her rating would go up much higher if this was LM, but it's HM, so characters can take much more of a beating and can kill enemies more quickly. Lissa is a good healer, but it takes way too long to get her to do anything beyond that, and she loses her niche once you get more healers in the party. Reclassing her does essentially nothing due to her insanely poor combat stats, and she'll be outclassed by other combat units if you promote her early. Having her a magic pair-up bot for Avatar or Miriel is nice but again this is HM so it's not as valuable.

I do value her early access with Rescue, as it makes saving Maribelle/Ricken a non-issue, and being the only healer for the earlygame chapters does have value as well.


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Awakening maps go by so fast that she doesn't get much EXP, despite the boosted EXP they get in this game. Her durability never really improves, and her avoid isn't that good because of forged weapons. She's very fickle to pair up reasonably too, since her bonuses don't benefit many men and strips her from healing. The early maps are fine for her, but honestly there are better units to use later on.

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Yeah, not much to add to what others have already said.

Unless you're purposely trying to level her by feeding her staff uses whenever possible, she isn't gaining much levels at all. By the time she does promote, she is horribly underpowered compared to everyone else. Sage would probably be the safest promote path for her.

No redeeming features.


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