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Gerik as ranger - the most underestimated promotion

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Last time I looked for some guide or faq for FE8 and everybody think the best promotion for Gerik is hero. I'm disagreed with it. Why?

  • You will get better promotion bonus as ranger(HP:+3, STR:+2, SKL and SPD:+1, DEF and RES:+3, MOV:+2) than as hero(HP:+3. STR:+1, SKL and SPD: +2, DEF and RES:+2, CON:+2, MOV:+1). Even if you are worried about no CON bonus keep calm, using bows&swords you will don't need it.
  • You will get 2 less max SKL point, but 4 more max SPD point!
  • Gerik using Garm has the same avoid as Gerik using a Nidhogg, but if you will use no-sacred weapons he ranger will get more avoid!
  • Even if you miss Hand Axe and you do not think Swords+Bows>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Hand Axe, you can still use magic swords.
  • Longbows + 7 MOV is deadly combination.
  • Bows are better against Draco Zombie than axes.

So, tell me, what is the reason to wasting such brilliant ranger making him hero?

// If you see an error in my post, I'm sorry but I don't use English all days.

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Yes, and if you want a quick one by one reply heres basically my thoughts process

  • You will get better promotion bonus as ranger(HP:+3, STR:+2, SKL and SPD:+1, DEF and RES:+3, MOV:+2) than as hero(HP:+3. STR:+1, SKL and SPD: +2, DEF and RES:+2, CON:+2, MOV:+1). Even if you are worried about no CON bonus keep calm, using bows&swords you will don't need it.

> This one's pretty cool

  • You will get 2 less max SKL point, but 4 more max SPD point!

> Who give a damn

  • Gerik using Garm has the same avoid as Gerik using a Nidhogg, but if you will use no-sacred weapons he ranger will get more avoid!

> Gerik. Use Nidhogg. What

  • Even if you miss Hand Axe and you do not think Swords+Bows>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Hand Axe, you can still use magic swords.

> They are not buyable most of the time

  • Longbows + 7 MOV is deadly combination.

> Lolbows

  • Bows are better against Draco Zombie than axes.

> Can't I simply use a Sacred Twins? Like I have Seth and Duessel around

Edited by JSND
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Innes is a good bow user because he has the weapon ranks to use all the good bows besides Nidhogg, where he can get easily if you use Short Bow with its doubled wexp gain a few times. It doesn't matter much if he fails to get there too; you just stop using him and field more mounted units so that they kill eggs in that one chapter.

Gerik's not reaching his caps in an efficient run and appreciates both the extra point of speed and, as mentioned, Hand Axes for optimal enemy phase performance.

Whether playing Eirika or Ephraim route, Gerik joins at a time where rout chapters are coming at you one after another. Being able to counter at 1 and 2 range is a pretty big deal.

tl;dr FE8 is very enemy-phased oriented and it's hard to get away with being a bow user.

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I prefer to make Niemi my Ranger. I like to have at least one of everything in terms of classes, for the most part everything. And Gerik is the only one who can become a Hero, if I remember right, and I like Heroes, so he's the only choice I got. I already have a good Sniper in Innes, so Niemi would be my only choice for a Ranger.

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Gerik usually ends up as a Ranger on my runs because dat move. Either way you look at it, Gerik is an amazing dude to have on your team. I just like horsies.

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I dunno, I found Ranger!Gerik pretty lame in my last efficiency run, and at least dondon used Hero!Gerik in his 0% growths run.

pretty sure the latest SDA speedrun uses ranger gerik

dunno about TAS though

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dondon ur ghey

Also I like Hammers and Halberds for various bosses that, in certain runs, Gerik can dispose of. Most flying units Gerik comes across in either route are easy that you don't need bows, and for the most part Rescuedropping him makes up for having one less move. In this case, it's stellar offense vs very average to mediocre offense that offsets the move advantage.

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While the +mov, bows and sword combo is pretty neat, the sheer versatility a Hand axe provides cannot be outdone by neither sword or bow. It's not like you can switch between weapons mid-enemy phase. Give Hero Gerik some boots and he's golden. Promotion gains be damned.

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I've used Ranger!Gerik and he isn't bad. Statwise he's similar to Hero, and the extra move is nice. However, no hand axes does hurt... and I could only get him to B bows by final.

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I did not think about you all tell me that Gerik is better hero because he can use hand axes -_-". I agreed, hand axe is nice weapon, but better than bows+1MOV? Anyway, what if Gerik with hand axe has less attack that is need to kill his opponent, but with steel axe/iron blade/ steel bow enough to do this? Ewen if you still miss hand axe you can easy get runesword.

  1. Go to the ToV.
  2. Exit tower.
  3. Save.
  4. Reenter ToV.
  5. Kill one bonewalker by paladin/wyvern and enjoy your new runesword with weapon range 1~2.

So, again tell me what is the reason to wasting such brilliant, hi-movement, versatile and speed ranger making him hero?

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Because getting the Runesword involves what many individuals won't do - ToV grind?

I mean if we're going that far, we might as well grind the boots and make Mov irrelevant to the argument altogether.

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@Colonel M

Getting Swiftsole is heavy inference to the game balance, what mean it its the same thing as cheating, but using runesword do not broke the game( in mu opinion, of course). Many people(like me) probably unconsciously using this trick.

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