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You're suddenly thrown into the Fire Emblem world

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Maybe we can roll this subject a little further, being your classes, what would be your first actions to being in the universe? would you find somewhere to settle down? would you hire yourself as a sell sword? hide somewhere? Join an army? Lie down in a field and wait for Chrom? find out how to get back home?

Find the inevitable war, because this is fire emblem, and sell my sword(technically axe) to the highest bidder.

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Maybe we can roll this subject a little further, being your classes, what would be your first actions to being in the universe? would you find somewhere to settle down? would you hire yourself as a sell sword? hide somewhere? Join an army? Lie down in a field and wait for Chrom? find out how to get back home?

If we're not forced to be with the playable cast, I'd just settle down in some town or city, find a job to sustain myself, and just remain in obscurity.

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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I'd get myself some blue paint and splash it on me and pray the tactician isn't an idiot.

And I'd join at the start, right in front of a mass of soldiers.

I'd be an axeman with average str/spd, crazy luck/HP, good defense/res, and C rank in axes.

Along with joining early on.

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asuming I'd have to fight I'd take my mage charecter and grind of bandits and theives for a good while when stronger I'd either do my own thing or if a war happens side with the group containg primarily pretty youthful idealist that all have actual names and side with them as we all know who is going to win there...

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In my case, I'd wear some sort of clothing that allows me to switch from blue to red to green, or just buy spares and switch them quickly. Then I'd joke around as if I was playing Ikaruga. Of course, I'd still train a bit in case something goes terribly wrong.

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Archery's always interested me (and I hit a bulls eye last shot i fired...at camp...8 years ago). But my chest to back muscle ratio's the wrong way, so scratch that.

Probably soldier, because I typically have to drill hours on end to learn physical skill. and hockey

Unless dark magic functions on the same principles as engineering. Then I'm sure I could figure that out.

I wouldn't fight in wars because Game of Thrones. Then I would set about working for the benefit of humanity and get killed cause the only fighting I'd do would be against bandits and my class is horribly suited to that.

Edited by deranger
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Crivens. To be honest, it depends on what I want to emphasize.

Myrmidon-I already have good training with the Killing Edge's inspiration.

Shaman-Because you need a cool head to use this stuff. I don't have a cool head. Logic.

Merchant-Every army needs their supply lines.


Monk-Because I have more experience with pure hand to hand combat. Except they don't exist in FE.

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If we're going to be completely honest about what we'd do in that situation? I'd probably find somewhere to make a living, until I found out there was magic. Once I found out there was magic, I'd probably become obsessed with it to the point that one backstory later, I'm surrounded by wyvern knights and dark mages, myself being the problem.


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I'd be a mercenary and fight for whatever side pays me more or a mage cause I prefer to attack from afar. I'd probably use the Levin Sword as a mercenary and get good magic growths.

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I'd be a soldier or whatever the equivalent of Ephraim's class is(FE8), because the lance is my favorite weapon type. (Have no idea how to use one, but even Hector was self taught). My class set would be Wyvern Rider, Dark Mage, and Archer. Realistically LUK would be my stat with the highest growth rate even though I'd rather DEF and my lowest would probably be RES.

After panicking like a madman, I'd try to find the nearest village from there I'd try to make sense of where I am. Probably join a mercenary group for money too.

Edited by Avarice_Shadow
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I would wonder what my class is... I would also try to make the most of my digital transition by marrying a rich princess, and faking nobility à la Casanova, if I'm not a Lord. Woo!

Would I be anime?

Edited by Lord Chrom
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Guys, a bow designed to kill people will have a draw force of more than 36 pounds (depending on its construction, probably a lot more). There's an old saying about traditional archery: "to make a great longbowman, start with his grandfather". I hope you all appreciate that if you really ended up in the world of FE your chances of survival are pretty slim, even if you were equipped with a bow, because you wouldn't be able to hit anyone with it before they removed your spleen.

If Noire can use a bow, we can.

And I'd be a Thief - Assassin with high luck because I love sneaking away, and spying, and OHKO.

My crit chance would be of a Swordmaster, and I'll use Silencer GBA style.

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Well my build is medium height and lean, so I guess I'd fit the myrmidon class. But i'd also prefer to stay behind others and support them with spells, so I'd rather be a mage. Besides, I like strategizing, so maybe I'd fit the tactician class.

That or I find a humongous cart that carries a piano, buy a few hiorses, make them carry it around while I play it to refresh people. Lol.

I'd probably sell myself as a mercenary. I'll also be keepin an eye out for blue haired young men- they're promising lords, I tell you.

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Well my build is medium height and lean, so I guess I'd fit the myrmidon class. But i'd also prefer to stay behind others and support them with spells, so I'd rather be a mage. Besides, I like strategizing, so maybe I'd fit the tactician class.

That or I find a humongous cart that carries a piano, buy a few hiorses, make them carry it around while I play it to refresh people. Lol.

I'd probably sell myself as a mercenary. I'll also be keepin an eye out for blue haired young men- they're promising lords, I tell you.

Have fun selling your services to Rickard~!

Ahem. . .

I think the first thing I'd do is find the nearest populated center and see what kinds of jobs are available. Perhaps I could hire myself out as a farm hand or something.

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Have fun selling your services to Rickard~!

Ahem. . .

I think the first thing I'd do is find the nearest populated center and see what kinds of jobs are available. Perhaps I could hire myself out as a farm hand or something.

My first thing definitely. Hopefully I can find some sort of library or magic academy and stay as far away from the plot as possible. :) That way when I DO get dragged into the plot, depending how early it is I can shoot for D-rank in tomes, and maybe even C.

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If I had to make a living I would probably be a bandit and raid villages. I'd only raid the villages in the territory of the bad guys cus they never seem to bother killing the bandits. In fact they can't kill me even if they wanted to because we're technically in the same team.

Stay far, far away from the good guys tho.

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I guess I'd be a troubadour because my poetry is to die for. Or it just kills people because it's so bad. Either way, I'd be a pretty good one in the context of FE! Plus I totally want that FREE FEATHER that you get for being a troubadour, I'd rock that so hard.

Or a dancer, I guess.

[4:45:35 PM] Refa: my class would totally be dancer because everyone likes to see me strut my stuff aw yeah
[4:45:42 PM] Refa: even though i don't know how to dance
[4:46:27 PM] Dallas: refa twerks
[4:46:44 PM] Refa: wow that is a thing
[4:46:49 PM] SomeOtherPerson (no, it's really that jerk Refa again): i thought u just made up a word!

I guess the first thing I would do is just wander about until I promote and then join da team whenever someone recruits me or something...I'm not quite sure.

Seeing as how I'm good with a bow irl (how ironic) I'd be an archer. I'm known by a lot of people for playing campy and "gay" in most fighting game ;/ also, so it fits me.

They're probably referring to the frivolous manner in which you say "Fuck you"!

Why not be a wyvern rider instead? :\

But everyone knows those are merely promoted pegasus knights! Even in games where Pegasus Knights promote to Falcoknights instead!

There's an old saying about traditional archery: "to make a great longbowman, start with his grandfather".

No wonder Neimi was so good!

There is no such a thing as a safe place in the FE world.

Not even FE!Canada?!

Find the team wearing blue and hire self to them. And hope their tactician will press left-right-start if I die.

Remember to not put on the lead based paint! I think they stopped using that, though...probably...

The answer is to panic.

After that ... I dunno what. :P



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If I had to make a living I would probably be a bandit and raid villages. I'd only raid the villages in the territory of the bad guys cus they never seem to bother killing the bandits. In fact they can't kill me even if they wanted to because we're technically in the same team.

Stay far, far away from the good guys tho.

Yeah, you'll want to run the moment you see someone who doesn't have brown, dirty hair.
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