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Dismounting. Yay or Nay


Thoughts on Dismount  

78 members have voted

  1. 1. Dismounting?

    • I enjoyed it
    • I'm indifferent to it
    • Did not enjoy
    • Other (Make clear the view in your post)
  2. 2. Would you like for it to return in a future FE?

    • Yes
    • No
    • Undecided

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Over the course of playing the series, [i have actually played all 13 FE's at this point]. I noticed something very odd. How come dismount hasn't been in a game since fe5? I felt it was a pretty neat mechanic in both FE3 and FE5. [FE4 technically has it but I don't really count it].

The mounts being forced to be on foot and weaker then they normally were, did the games a bit more of a sense of balance. While I myself am a bit uncaring towards tiers in general I did feel like. "Yeah, you'd need some strong foot units to go fast in these indoor sections if you wanted to" sure there were exceptions like Deen. I will admit it wasn't perfect but I think it still did some good

So my question to you all, and the general discussion of this topic will be, do you think dismounting should return at some point? Or do you think that it was a flawed concept? Perhaps maybe somewhere in between on indecision?

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Dismounting is an interesting, if flawed in practice, mechanic, that could do with some refinement, which I would not object to seeing in a newer FE game.

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How come dismount hasn't been in a game since fe5?

FE6 just felt like being simple while also having the plot of both books of FE3 with (slighty) different characters in a new world.

I welcome dismounting since it makes foot units more viable for indoors/mountain maps and to keep the animal crap out of the beautiful carpets.

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FE6 just felt like being simple while also having the plot of both books of FE3 with (slighty) different characters in a new world.

I welcome dismounting since it makes foot units more viable for indoors/mountain maps and to keep the animal crap out of the beautiful carpets.

That is true. FE6 was pretty much a return to basics.

The carpets are clearly the most important thing about dismount :P

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Dismounting was a good idea, although I don't like the way it came out. It does make a bigger difference in outdoor/indoor maps, but it seemed to make the mounted units not that worth it. If they implemented it better, I wouldn't mind seeing it again.

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While I havent played the older FEs except for a very brief section of FE3, I dislike the concept because I think mounts and foot units can be balanced in other ways than simply telling the player their mount is now a footie too. So I voted no and no. Btw, make the poll public ;/.

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I'd love to have dismounting in FE13, but generally, it reduces the unit differentiation that makes mounted units special in the first place.

no it doesn't. dismounted units are generally worse than infantry in many ways. that's still differentiation.

Dismounting was a good idea, although I don't like the way it came out. It does make a bigger difference in outdoor/indoor maps, but it seemed to make the mounted units not that worth it. If they implemented it better, I wouldn't mind seeing it again.

as opposed to the status quo, where infantry units are almost never worth it

While I havent played the older FEs except for a very brief section of FE3, I dislike the concept because I think mounts and foot units can be balanced in other ways than simply telling the player their mount is now a footie too. So I voted no and no. Btw, make the poll public ;/.

i don't agree with this. basically, as long as stat growths exist, mounted units will always be better than foot units.

FE10 had indoor movement penalties to mounted units, but the penalty wasn't severe enough and the units still retained canto, which still made them better than infantry.

FE5's implementation of the mechanic was actually pretty good. if you guys think it's flawed, please explain how it's flawed. the number one complaint is that dismounted units were predominantly sword-locked and stuck with low weapon ranks, but that's kind of the point if the goal is to emphasize regular infantry.

i would support giving dismounted units their mounted weapon selection, but also making the mounted and dismounted weapon ranks separate. i would further consider giving units stat bonuses upon dismounting instead of penalties so that their stats can be lower as mounted units.

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I would like to see dismount return, but it would have to be balanced completely differently than it was before. FE3 dismounting was pretty terrible, in my opinion, with all classes becoming the same class upon dismount. FE5 handled it better, but even then characters like Fergus kind of nullified that point by retaining their ranks, and all the caps being the same. If it was to come back caps as well as stats would need to be lower for dismounted units, enough to make infantry units actually better. Maybe cap weapon rank for dismounted classes as well?

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Btw, make the poll public ;/.

Unfortunately It seems I can't edit that after I made the poll. I apologize for the inconvenience

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I think dismounting has purposes like i don't know desert maps which are horrendous on mounted units

Yet deserts are still a flying units battlefield along with the units who are suppose to get the main advantage of it [mages]

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I would implement anti-mount mechanics (like desert terrain, more horse-effective weaponry) to make dismounting a tactical option rather than foot inside, horse outside. I don't think any stats apart from move should be affected by dismounting, it's too easy to either make mounted units useless on foot, or mounted units better infantry than the actual infantry.

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Dis-mounting is somthing I could see as working but it would be difficult however there has clearly been balenceing problems with mounted units ranging from movment penalties to lower caps however they have provent to be effective and I think they will continue to be. The sad truth in medival warfare the horse was the cheif weapon of war they were the vehicles of the battle field so it is inevitable they will be superior....

If dismounting can give them a draw back fine however it shoudn't criple them... Having not played the japenese games I can't say for sure but if you want their superiority to be diminished the only other "balenceing idea I can think of is maybe increasing the use of unit killer weapons while making one avalible for every weapon type could have an impact to.. though I don't know if it could succed...

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The sad truth in medival warfare the horse was the cheif weapon of war they were the vehicles of the battle field so it is inevitable they will be superior....

Indeed, only surpassed by the pegasus riders and dracoknights.

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The sad truth in medival warfare the horse was the cheif weapon of war they were the vehicles of the battle field so it is inevitable they will be superior....

Archers and Spearmen were used to repel horsemen among other things, positioning and all that. Fire Emblem hasn't quite grasped those concepts yet however.

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Archers and Spearmen were used to repel horsemen among other things, positioning and all that. Fire Emblem hasn't quite grasped those concepts yet however.

I suspect giving all enemy soldiers Horseslayers would make more than a few people rage.

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I suspect giving all enemy soldiers Horseslayers would make more than a few people rage.

Haha quite. That would be a bad extreme to try.

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as an aesthetic element i'm quite fond of it for rather silly reasons

in terms of gameplay, i'm open to dismounting in theory, but its practiced forms in FE3 and FE5 (i'm not even counting FE4 as doing it) leave a lot to be desired in their consistent rendering of dismounting as the crippling inferior option. i'd love to see it in future implemented in a more balanced manner that would actually be even vaguely appealing from a tactical standpoint, but its present form? nope

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I suspect giving all enemy soldiers Horseslayers would make more than a few people rage.

we could just call it "lunatic + lol

I think the general point is mounts aren't going to be easy to balence...(at least they havent succeded yet...)

On the other hand...If archers did bonus damage to all mounts maybe people wouldn't hate on them so much lol...(note do not asume I am endorsising such a thing...)

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Is there any real reason why Finn is unable to use lances when not he is not mounted? No there isn't.

Maybe he's not used to using a lance on foot. Fighting on horseback is a different kettle of fish.

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