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Rate the DLC Unit Day #11: Celica


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A good rescue user if you don't have one. Relatively useful. Just like every other bonus character, the overall usefulness is pretty low because of shot for availability but of them all I personally find her to be the least useful of them all. 1/10

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Emmeryn pretty much emulates the standard sage; good speed and skill, incredibly frail, and a very nice magic growth.. Seriously, if you want an decent spellcaster or a great healer, Emmeryn is definetely a good choice. The reason why I say "decent" spellcaster is because she starts with a C in tomes; not sure why, but oh well. She will need some catching up, most likely, like the other bonus units but after that she becomes surprisingly competent. I'd say she's the most "average" of the bonus units because she doesn't have any sort of under/overwhelming speciality or abnormal classes/stats in certain areas. She also has the same class set as Lissa, so she has access to Galeforce, which is nice icing on the cake.

Usual problems, though; only one support, aside from DLC conversations, the C rank in tomes mentioned earlier, general frailty when your other units are buffed up.

5/10. 6/10 if it's with bias because she is the nicest person ever :U

Edited by The Fush
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Best Diver 9/10

10/10 for being funny, but this isn't gonna count

A good rescue user if you don't have one. Relatively useful. Just like every other bonus character, the overall usefulness is pretty low because of shot for availability but of them all I personally find her to be the least useful of them all. 1/10

using this

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Emm is an exp thief

She falls off and not worth the usage


Can be 1 Turn or 2 Turn recruited. A Rescue Bot, if you need more for finale other than like Anna and Libra to drop off the turncounts


Minus 1 bias for falling off early game, and falling of late game

Edited by I have a Dragon Boner
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Emm is an exp thief

She falls off and not worth the usage


Can be 1 Turn or 2 Turn recruited. A Rescue Bot, if you need more for finale other than like Anna and Libra


Minus 1 bias for falling off early game, and falling of late game

all the falling puns

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Story: Late etc underleveled = 0.5

Post: Good reclass, two bonus skills, good magic; low weapon ranks, squishy = 6 - 0.5 for one support

Rating = 3 + bias for 4/10

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Best Diver 9/10

Funny, but no.


Comes late with awesome staff rank and decent...ish bases. Her rescue range as a Falcoknight is cool for rescue skipping Gangrel's chapter (which would probably be done by now) but yeah, she's pretty bad otherwise in all the maps that are left. T'is a shame because I like her.

0.5/10 +1 bias 1.5/10

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Funny, but no.


Comes late with awesome staff rank and decent...ish bases. Her rescue range as a Falcoknight is cool for rescue skipping Gangrel's chapter (which would probably be done by now) but yeah, she's pretty bad otherwise in all the maps that are left. T'is a shame because I like her.

4 +1 bias = 5/10

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Her only contribution above Gangrel at this point is Fortify and other staff-related things. Her durability is really bad, she's outsped by base Walhart, and her offense is in Arcs. She has explosive Magic growth, but didn't have the decency to come with Tomefaire (so I could insta-reclass her to flying tome user and have her deal magic damage from above). Falcoknight gives her flight and access to her strongest selling point (staves), but her Strength is about on par with Olivia. I can't really support her, or put her on the front lines, and Gangrel can fill in for staffbot.

1.5/10 (+1 bias included for being a cool cucumber)

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Funny, but no.


Comes late with awesome staff rank and decent...ish bases. Her rescue range as a Falcoknight is cool for rescue skipping Gangrel's chapter (which would probably be done by now) but yeah, she's pretty bad otherwise in all the maps that are left. T'is a shame because I like her.

0.5/10 +1 bias 1.5/10

This. Including the score and bias.

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Maingame: Emm is basically relegated to staffbot due to her mediocre bases in anything that isn't magic with no supports. She has a nice A rank so she can spam fortify for other paralogues if they are done but she doesn't contribute much at all .5/10

Postgame: Has decent caps and can be one of the best possible staff users. She could get Galeforce, Tomefaire and Lifetaker for some shenanigans, but she doesn't have any activated skills and she still has the problem of a relatively low amount of supports 4/10

Average: 2.75/10

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Funny, but no.


Comes late with awesome staff rank and decent...ish bases. Her rescue range as a Falcoknight is cool for rescue skipping Gangrel's chapter (which would probably be done by now) but yeah, she's pretty bad otherwise in all the maps that are left. T'is a shame because I like her.

0.5/10 +1 bias 1.5/10

This, but I feel it's worth more like a 3.5/10 since I include postgame. 4.5/10 bias because she's (post ch9) a nominee for one of the best written characters of fucking ever.

Edited by Constable Reggie
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haha oh my god

he joins with good speed (and gives good speed) but literally nothing else

he has no potential whatsoever with his shitty class set, and basically no utility beyond a speed pairup but no supports to augment it with

0.2/10 because 0/10 is for Donnel

Edited by Cluie
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Mediocre. I feel like I'm repeating myself. Good filer units not so good overall. Archer class is useless. A giant chicken. 2/10

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Maingame: Has low defenses but basically doubles everything from this point on except possibly Priam's swordmasters (I'm not exactly sure how high their speed is on Hard). He can spam Amatsu if no one else is using it so he's a rare swordlocked footie with 1-2 range in this case. Having no supports and almost no availability still hurts him as much as any of the other bonus characters 1/10

Postgame: Pretty good caps and he can get several breaker skills but not much else that is notable. Blah blah no supports 3/10

Average: 2/10

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Story: Paralogue is probably at least endgame-difficult so it will likely wait until postgame. Off chance you do it before he doesn't contribute much besides Amatsu and his good speed = 0.5

Post: Meh reclass but he does get Lancebreaker to help his swordieness; decent stats I suppose... 4.5 - 0.5 bc no supports

2.25/10 - bias for 1.25/10

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