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What should Sakurai do next?  

52 members have voted

  1. 1. Now he's finished with the current game, what will he do next?

    • Spend time figuring out how to fit Ridley inside the next Smash disc
    • Reboot Donkey Kong Jr. Math
    • Team up with Hideo Kojima for "Mario and Solid Snake at the Olympic Games"
    • Find another way to nerf Zelda even more
    • Bask in the glory of all the salt he's created from DLC

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I wish Destiny (Ablaze) got in, seeing as how it's my favorite Awakening track.

That one was amazing. I'd been hoping Id (Hope) would've gotten in. So many Fire Emblem tracks, so hard to choose!

Anyways... here's all Final Smashes on the Wii U! Obviously, they're still all the same, just HD! Zelda's Light Arrow, that thing is a beauty. I'll miss and still be happy as long as I was able to see it in action.


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...I liked the sound effects of Ragnell better in Brawl. I thought they made the sword sound more powerful. These noises sound more like Ike's just blowing a really fast gust of air. Even his feet sound like that, wtf. But I'm still loving the blue flames! 50% damage is quite nice as well!

Edited by Anacybele
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look at the video on the previous page. wait until it gets to the part of the list where it starts listing sonic music

Edit: Here


That's just the default list though apparently. There's probably a lot more to unlock.

Edited by Raven
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I like how Ike gets mentioned in both his own discussion and Robin's. lol I wish the other characters (well, the ones who can talk) could join in these conversations too though. It'd make for more laughs. XD

"In some ways, he might be even stronger than his brother." HA I KNEW IT! Luigi DOES have more power than Mario in Smash! Sometimes, at least. :P And Pit called him a winner, yay! Finally, Luigi's getting appreciated rather than kicked around. :P

But Pit (or was it Viridi?) also said Ike didn't age well. lolwut.

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Apparently there is Baiten Kaitos music on the Gaur Plains stage.


FUCK YES! I don't even care that they went with Valedictory Elegy over the True Mirror (Orchestral), Poacher, or Supreme Ruler of the Nine Heavens. Just some acknowledgement of the Baten Kaitos series is all I needed (I hope Monolith makes a new BK game, but they're working on two Xenoblade games right now with both the 3DS remake of the original and Xenoblade Chronicles X for the Wii U, and Xenoblade is one of the few things worth delaying a Baten Kaitos revival for, so I understand).

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And then all the native english speakers still start to mock Germans for not being able to properly speak their language.

what was done here, i see it.

That one was amazing. I'd been hoping Id (Hope) would've gotten in. So many Fire Emblem tracks, so hard to choose!

Anyways... here's all Final Smashes on the Wii U! Obviously, they're still all the same, just HD! Zelda's Light Arrow, that thing is a beauty. I'll miss and still be happy as long as I was able to see it in action.


Ya know, i still cant help be a bit :/ at Lucina's Final Smash. Like, would it have hurt to give her one that makes more sense to her character? If they wanted to keep Marth's crit thing, they could have at least put Lucina's cut-in like Chrom does in Robin's FS.

I still mourn the loss of DeDeDe's Big Gay Dance of DOOM and Type L Negative (Luigi's). Shulk's FS remains to be one of the coolest. Bias? What bias? Shhhhh

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It actually does launch people differently. That I'm glad, because I don't find the horizontal blast to be all that helpful (Sheik's Light Arrow).

Zelda's is more diagonal, up and left/right depending on the direction you're facing.

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But Luigi's Poltergust makes more sense for him, as it's actually something he uses in other games. :P And more Luigi's Mansion love is always great! ^^

I'd rather Polterguist was his Down Special instead of his final smash. It's a perfect equivalent for Mario's FLUDD. One of them has an item that pushes things away while the other has something that sucks things closer.

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I'd rather Polterguist was his Down Special instead of his final smash. It's a perfect equivalent for Mario's FLUDD. One of them has an item that pushes things away while the other has something that sucks things closer.

I don't think Luigi should be made into a clone of Mario. He's fine the way he is.

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But Luigi's Poltergust makes more sense for him, as it's actually something he uses in other games. :P And more Luigi's Mansion love is always great! ^^

Sure, it makes sense, but Negative Zone (Type L Negative as i nicknamed it) was just gr9. Kinda made sense given Super Paper Mario. /dancey shrug

I just wish Rosalina's wasnt so lame. Like, she should have caused a black hole, had the opponent get sucked into it, and get "rebirthed". That would have been awesome.

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I don't think Luigi should be made into a clone of Mario. He's fine the way he is.

But it wouldn't make them clones. It would be something that worked opposite and thus completely different with entirely separate set of useful circumstances. Conceptually they'd both be doing something similar, using an iconic tool that belongs to them, but functionally it would serve to highlight their similarities and contrast their differences as characters.

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